package; import static de.danielbechler.diff.inclusion.Inclusion.DEFAULT; import static de.danielbechler.diff.inclusion.Inclusion.EXCLUDED; import static de.danielbechler.diff.inclusion.Inclusion.INCLUDED; import de.danielbechler.diff.inclusion.Inclusion; import de.danielbechler.diff.inclusion.InclusionResolver; import de.danielbechler.diff.inclusion.ValueNode; import de.danielbechler.diff.node.DiffNode; import de.danielbechler.diff.path.NodePath; /** * A slightly modified version of {@link NodePathInclusionResolver} that does * not assume that every child node of an included node is also included. * <p>See the "MODIFIED HERE" comment for what was modified exactly. */ public class NonInheritingNodePathInclusionResolver implements InclusionResolver { private final ValueNode<Inclusion> inclusions = new ValueNode<Inclusion>(); private boolean containsIncluded; private boolean containsExcluded; @Override public Inclusion getInclusion(final DiffNode node) { if (isInactive()) { return DEFAULT; } return resolveInclusion(inclusions.getNodeForPath(node.getPath())); } @Override public boolean enablesStrictIncludeMode() { return containsIncluded; } private boolean isInactive() { return !containsIncluded && !containsExcluded; } public NonInheritingNodePathInclusionResolver setInclusion(final NodePath nodePath, final Inclusion inclusion) { inclusions.getNodeForPath(nodePath).setValue(inclusion); containsIncluded = inclusions.containsValue(INCLUDED); containsExcluded = inclusions.containsValue(EXCLUDED); return this; } private Inclusion resolveInclusion(final ValueNode<Inclusion> inclusionNode) { // When the node has been explicitly excluded it's clear what to do if (inclusionNode.getValue() == EXCLUDED) { return EXCLUDED; } // Since excluding a parent node wins over an explicit inclusion // of the current node we need to check that first (in fact it shouldn't // even be possible to get to this point, if the parent is excluded) final Inclusion parentInclusion = resolveParentInclusion(inclusionNode); if (parentInclusion == EXCLUDED) { // MODIFIED HERE return EXCLUDED; } // Only after the parent has been checked we can honor the explicit // inclusion of this node by checking whether itself or any of its // children is included if (inclusionNode.containsValue(INCLUDED)) { return INCLUDED; } return DEFAULT; } private Inclusion resolveParentInclusion(final ValueNode<Inclusion> inclusionNode) { final ValueNode<Inclusion> parentWithInclusion = inclusionNode.getClosestParentWithValue(); if (parentWithInclusion != null) { return resolveInclusion(parentWithInclusion); } return DEFAULT; } }