package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; import com.googlecode.lanterna.SGR; import com.googlecode.lanterna.TerminalPosition; import com.googlecode.lanterna.TerminalTextUtils; import com.googlecode.lanterna.TextCharacter; import com.googlecode.lanterna.TextColor; import com.googlecode.lanterna.screen.TabBehaviour; import com.googlecode.lanterna.screen.WrapBehaviour; public class TextGraphicsWriter implements StyleSet<TextGraphicsWriter> { private final TextGraphics backend; private TerminalPosition cursorPosition; private TextColor foregroundColor, backgroundColor; private EnumSet<SGR> style = EnumSet.noneOf(SGR.class); private WrapBehaviour wrapBehaviour = WrapBehaviour.WORD; private boolean styleable = true; public TextGraphicsWriter(TextGraphics backend) { this.backend = backend; setStyleFrom( backend ); cursorPosition = new TerminalPosition(0, 0); } public TextGraphicsWriter putString(String string) { StringBuilder wordpart = new StringBuilder(); StyleSet.Set originalStyle = new StyleSet.Set(backend); backend.setStyleFrom(this); int wordlen = 0; // the whole column-length of the word. for (int i = 0; i < string.length(); i++) { char ch = string.charAt(i); switch (ch) { case '\n': flush(wordpart,wordlen); wordlen = 0; linefeed(-1); // -1 means explicit. break; case '\t': flush(wordpart,wordlen); wordlen = 0; if (backend.getTabBehaviour() != TabBehaviour.IGNORE) { String repl = backend.getTabBehaviour() .getTabReplacement(cursorPosition.getColumn()); for(int j = 0; j < repl.length(); j++) { backend.setCharacter(cursorPosition.withRelativeColumn(j), repl.charAt(j)); } cursorPosition = cursorPosition.withRelativeColumn(repl.length()); } else { linefeed(2); putControlChar(ch); } break; case '\033': if (isStyleable()) { stash(wordpart,wordlen); String seq = TerminalTextUtils.getANSIControlSequenceAt(string, i); TerminalTextUtils.updateModifiersFromCSICode(seq, this, originalStyle); backend.setStyleFrom(this); i += seq.length() - 1; } else { flush(wordpart,wordlen); wordlen = 0; linefeed(2); putControlChar(ch); } break; default: if (Character.isISOControl(ch)) { flush(wordpart,wordlen); wordlen = 0; linefeed(1); putControlChar(ch); } else if (Character.isWhitespace(ch)) { flush(wordpart,wordlen); wordlen = 0; backend.setCharacter(cursorPosition, ch); cursorPosition = cursorPosition.withRelativeColumn(1); } else if (TerminalTextUtils.isCharCJK(ch)) { flush(wordpart, wordlen); wordlen = 0; linefeed(2); backend.setCharacter(cursorPosition, ch); cursorPosition = cursorPosition.withRelativeColumn(2); } else { if (wrapBehaviour.keepWords()) { // TODO: if at end of line despite starting at col 0, then split word. wordpart.append(ch); wordlen++; } else { linefeed(1); backend.setCharacter(cursorPosition, ch); cursorPosition = cursorPosition.withRelativeColumn(1); } } } linefeed(wordlen); } flush(wordpart,wordlen); backend.setStyleFrom(originalStyle); return this; } private void linefeed(int lenToFit) { int curCol = cursorPosition.getColumn(); int spaceLeft = backend.getSize().getColumns() - curCol; if (wrapBehaviour.allowLineFeed()) { boolean wantWrap = curCol > 0 && lenToFit > spaceLeft; if (lenToFit < 0 || ( wantWrap && wrapBehaviour.autoWrap() ) ) { // TODO: clear to end of current line? cursorPosition = cursorPosition.withColumn(0).withRelativeRow(1); } } else { if (lenToFit < 0) { // encode explicit line feed putControlChar('\n'); } } } public void putControlChar(char ch) { char subst; switch (ch) { case '\033': subst = '['; break; case '\034': subst = '\\'; break; case '\035': subst = ']'; break; case '\036': subst = '^'; break; case '\037': subst = '_'; break; case '\177': subst = '?'; break; default: if (ch <= 26) { subst = (char)(ch + '@'); } else { // normal character - or 0x80-0x9F // just write it out, anyway: backend.setCharacter(cursorPosition, ch); cursorPosition = cursorPosition.withRelativeColumn(1); return; } } EnumSet<SGR> style = getActiveModifiers(); if (style.contains(SGR.REVERSE)) { style.remove(SGR.REVERSE); } else { style.add(SGR.REVERSE); } TextCharacter tc = new TextCharacter('^', getForegroundColor(), getBackgroundColor(), style); backend.setCharacter(cursorPosition, tc); cursorPosition = cursorPosition.withRelativeColumn(1); tc = tc.withCharacter(subst); backend.setCharacter(cursorPosition, tc); cursorPosition = cursorPosition.withRelativeColumn(1); } // A word (a sequence of characters that is kept together when word-wrapping) // may consist of differently styled parts. This class describes one such // part. private static class WordPart extends StyleSet.Set { String word; int wordlen; WordPart(String word, int wordlen, StyleSet<?> style) { this.word = word; this.wordlen = wordlen; setStyleFrom(style); } } private List<WordPart> chunk_queue = new ArrayList<WordPart>(); private void stash(StringBuilder word, int wordlen) { if (word.length() > 0) { WordPart chunk = new WordPart(word.toString(),wordlen, this); chunk_queue.add(chunk); // for convenience the StringBuilder is reset: word.setLength(0); } } private void flush(StringBuilder word, int wordlen) { stash(word, wordlen); if (chunk_queue.isEmpty()) { return; } int row = cursorPosition.getRow(); int col = cursorPosition.getColumn(); int offset = 0; for (WordPart chunk : chunk_queue) { backend.setStyleFrom(chunk); backend.putString(col+offset,row, chunk.word); offset = chunk.wordlen; } chunk_queue.clear(); // they're done. // set cursor right behind the word: cursorPosition = cursorPosition.withColumn(col+offset); backend.setStyleFrom(this); } /** * @return the cursor position */ public TerminalPosition getCursorPosition() { return cursorPosition; } /** * @param cursorPosition the cursor position to set */ public void setCursorPosition(TerminalPosition cursorPosition) { this.cursorPosition = cursorPosition; } /** * @return the foreground color */ public TextColor getForegroundColor() { return foregroundColor; } /** * @param foreground the foreground color to set */ public TextGraphicsWriter setForegroundColor(TextColor foreground) { this.foregroundColor = foreground; return this; } /** * @return the background color */ public TextColor getBackgroundColor() { return backgroundColor; } /** * @param background the background color to set */ public TextGraphicsWriter setBackgroundColor(TextColor background) { this.backgroundColor = background; return this; } @Override public TextGraphicsWriter enableModifiers(SGR... modifiers) { style.addAll(Arrays.asList(modifiers)); return this; } @Override public TextGraphicsWriter disableModifiers(SGR... modifiers) { style.removeAll(Arrays.asList(modifiers)); return this; } @Override public TextGraphicsWriter setModifiers(EnumSet<SGR> modifiers) { style.clear(); style.addAll(modifiers); return this; } @Override public TextGraphicsWriter clearModifiers() { style.clear(); return this; } @Override public EnumSet<SGR> getActiveModifiers() { return EnumSet.copyOf(style); } @Override public TextGraphicsWriter setStyleFrom(StyleSet<?> source) { setBackgroundColor(source.getBackgroundColor()); setForegroundColor(source.getForegroundColor()); setModifiers(source.getActiveModifiers()); return this; } /** * @return the wrapBehaviour */ public WrapBehaviour getWrapBehaviour() { return wrapBehaviour; } /** * @param wrapBehaviour the wrapBehaviour to set */ public void setWrapBehaviour(WrapBehaviour wrapBehaviour) { this.wrapBehaviour = wrapBehaviour; } /** * @return whether styles in strings are handled. */ public boolean isStyleable() { return styleable; } /** * @param styleable whether styles in strings should be handled. */ public void setStyleable(boolean styleable) { this.styleable = styleable; } }