/* * This file is part of lanterna (http://code.google.com/p/lanterna/). * * lanterna is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Martin Berglund */ package com.googlecode.lanterna.graphics; import com.googlecode.lanterna.SGR; import com.googlecode.lanterna.TextColor; import com.googlecode.lanterna.gui2.*; import com.googlecode.lanterna.gui2.table.Table; import java.util.*; /** * Very basic implementation of {@link Theme} that allows you to quickly define a theme in code. It is a very simple * implementation that doesn't implement any intelligent fallback based on class hierarchy or package names. If a * particular class has not been defined with an explicit override, it will get the default theme style definition. * * @author Martin */ public class SimpleTheme implements Theme { /** * Helper method that will quickly setup a new theme with some sensible component overrides. * @param activeIsBold Should focused components also use bold SGR style? * @param baseForeground The base foreground color of the theme * @param baseBackground The base background color of the theme * @param editableForeground Foreground color for editable components, or editable areas of components * @param editableBackground Background color for editable components, or editable areas of components * @param selectedForeground Foreground color for the selection marker when a component has multiple selection states * @param selectedBackground Background color for the selection marker when a component has multiple selection states * @param guiBackground Background color of the GUI, if this theme is assigned to the {@link TextGUI} * @return Assembled {@link SimpleTheme} using the parameters from above */ public static SimpleTheme makeTheme( boolean activeIsBold, TextColor baseForeground, TextColor baseBackground, TextColor editableForeground, TextColor editableBackground, TextColor selectedForeground, TextColor selectedBackground, TextColor guiBackground) { SGR[] activeStyle = activeIsBold ? new SGR[]{SGR.BOLD} : new SGR[0]; SimpleTheme theme = new SimpleTheme(baseForeground, baseBackground); theme.getDefaultDefinition().setSelected(baseBackground, baseForeground, activeStyle); theme.getDefaultDefinition().setActive(selectedForeground, selectedBackground, activeStyle); theme.addOverride(AbstractBorder.class, baseForeground, baseBackground) .setSelected(baseForeground, baseBackground, activeStyle); theme.addOverride(AbstractListBox.class, baseForeground, baseBackground) .setSelected(selectedForeground, selectedBackground, activeStyle); theme.addOverride(Button.class, baseForeground, baseBackground) .setActive(selectedForeground, selectedBackground, activeStyle) .setSelected(selectedForeground, selectedBackground, activeStyle); theme.addOverride(CheckBox.class, baseForeground, baseBackground) .setActive(selectedForeground, selectedBackground, activeStyle) .setPreLight(selectedForeground, selectedBackground, activeStyle) .setSelected(selectedForeground, selectedBackground, activeStyle); theme.addOverride(CheckBoxList.class, baseForeground, baseBackground) .setActive(selectedForeground, selectedBackground, activeStyle); theme.addOverride(ComboBox.class, baseForeground, baseBackground) .setActive(editableForeground, editableBackground, activeStyle) .setPreLight(editableForeground, editableBackground); theme.addOverride(DefaultWindowDecorationRenderer.class, baseForeground, baseBackground) .setActive(baseForeground, baseBackground, activeStyle); theme.addOverride(GUIBackdrop.class, baseForeground, guiBackground); theme.addOverride(RadioBoxList.class, baseForeground, baseBackground) .setActive(selectedForeground, selectedBackground, activeStyle); theme.addOverride(Table.class, baseForeground, baseBackground) .setActive(editableForeground, editableBackground, activeStyle) .setSelected(baseForeground, baseBackground); theme.addOverride(TextBox.class, editableForeground, editableBackground) .setActive(editableForeground, editableBackground, activeStyle) .setSelected(editableForeground, editableBackground, activeStyle); theme.setWindowPostRenderer(new WindowShadowRenderer()); return theme; } private final Definition defaultDefinition; private final Map<Class<?>, Definition> overrideDefinitions; private WindowPostRenderer windowPostRenderer; private WindowDecorationRenderer windowDecorationRenderer; /** * Creates a new {@link SimpleTheme} object that uses the supplied constructor arguments as the default style * @param foreground Color to use as the foreground unless overridden * @param background Color to use as the background unless overridden * @param styles Extra SGR styles to apply unless overridden */ public SimpleTheme(TextColor foreground, TextColor background, SGR... styles) { this.defaultDefinition = new Definition(new Style(foreground, background, styles)); this.overrideDefinitions = new HashMap<Class<?>, Definition>(); this.windowPostRenderer = null; this.windowDecorationRenderer = null; } @Override public synchronized Definition getDefaultDefinition() { return defaultDefinition; } @Override public synchronized Definition getDefinition(Class<?> clazz) { Definition definition = overrideDefinitions.get(clazz); if(definition == null) { return getDefaultDefinition(); } return definition; } /** * Adds an override for a particular class, or overwrites a previously defined override. * @param clazz Class to override the theme for * @param foreground Color to use as the foreground color for this override style * @param background Color to use as the background color for this override style * @param styles SGR styles to apply for this override * @return The newly created {@link Definition} that corresponds to this override. */ public synchronized Definition addOverride(Class<?> clazz, TextColor foreground, TextColor background, SGR... styles) { Definition definition = new Definition(new Style(foreground, background, styles)); overrideDefinitions.put(clazz, definition); return definition; } @Override public synchronized WindowPostRenderer getWindowPostRenderer() { return windowPostRenderer; } /** * Changes the {@link WindowPostRenderer} this theme will return. If called with {@code null}, the theme returns no * post renderer and the GUI system will use whatever is the default. * @param windowPostRenderer Post-renderer to use along with this theme, or {@code null} to remove * @return Itself */ public synchronized SimpleTheme setWindowPostRenderer(WindowPostRenderer windowPostRenderer) { this.windowPostRenderer = windowPostRenderer; return this; } @Override public synchronized WindowDecorationRenderer getWindowDecorationRenderer() { return windowDecorationRenderer; } /** * Changes the {@link WindowDecorationRenderer} this theme will return. If called with {@code null}, the theme * returns no decoration renderer and the GUI system will use whatever is the default. * @param windowDecorationRenderer Decoration renderer to use along with this theme, or {@code null} to remove * @return Itself */ public synchronized SimpleTheme setWindowDecorationRenderer(WindowDecorationRenderer windowDecorationRenderer) { this.windowDecorationRenderer = windowDecorationRenderer; return this; } public interface RendererProvider<T extends Component> { ComponentRenderer<T> getRenderer(Class<T> type); } /** * Internal class inside {@link SimpleTheme} used to allow basic editing of the default style and the optional * overrides. */ public static class Definition implements ThemeDefinition { private final ThemeStyle normal; private ThemeStyle preLight; private ThemeStyle selected; private ThemeStyle active; private ThemeStyle insensitive; private final Map<String, ThemeStyle> customStyles; private final Properties properties; private final Map<String, Character> characterMap; private final Map<Class<?>, RendererProvider<?>> componentRendererMap; private boolean cursorVisible; private Definition(ThemeStyle normal) { this.normal = normal; this.preLight = null; this.selected = null; this.active = null; this.insensitive = null; this.customStyles = new HashMap<String, ThemeStyle>(); this.properties = new Properties(); this.characterMap = new HashMap<String, Character>(); this.componentRendererMap = new HashMap<Class<?>, RendererProvider<?>>(); this.cursorVisible = true; } @Override public synchronized ThemeStyle getNormal() { return normal; } @Override public synchronized ThemeStyle getPreLight() { if(preLight == null) { return normal; } return preLight; } /** * Sets the theme definition style "prelight" * @param foreground Foreground color for this style * @param background Background color for this style * @param styles SGR styles to use * @return Itself */ public synchronized Definition setPreLight(TextColor foreground, TextColor background, SGR... styles) { this.preLight = new Style(foreground, background, styles); return this; } @Override public synchronized ThemeStyle getSelected() { if(selected == null) { return normal; } return selected; } /** * Sets the theme definition style "selected" * @param foreground Foreground color for this style * @param background Background color for this style * @param styles SGR styles to use * @return Itself */ public synchronized Definition setSelected(TextColor foreground, TextColor background, SGR... styles) { this.selected = new Style(foreground, background, styles); return this; } @Override public synchronized ThemeStyle getActive() { if(active == null) { return normal; } return active; } /** * Sets the theme definition style "active" * @param foreground Foreground color for this style * @param background Background color for this style * @param styles SGR styles to use * @return Itself */ public synchronized Definition setActive(TextColor foreground, TextColor background, SGR... styles) { this.active = new Style(foreground, background, styles); return this; } @Override public synchronized ThemeStyle getInsensitive() { if(insensitive == null) { return normal; } return insensitive; } /** * Sets the theme definition style "insensitive" * @param foreground Foreground color for this style * @param background Background color for this style * @param styles SGR styles to use * @return Itself */ public synchronized Definition setInsensitive(TextColor foreground, TextColor background, SGR... styles) { this.insensitive = new Style(foreground, background, styles); return this; } @Override public synchronized ThemeStyle getCustom(String name) { return customStyles.get(name); } @Override public synchronized ThemeStyle getCustom(String name, ThemeStyle defaultValue) { ThemeStyle themeStyle = customStyles.get(name); if(themeStyle == null) { return defaultValue; } return themeStyle; } /** * Adds a custom definition style to the theme using the supplied name. This will be returned using the matching * call to {@link Definition#getCustom(String)}. * @param name Name of the custom style * @param foreground Foreground color for this style * @param background Background color for this style * @param styles SGR styles to use * @return Itself */ public synchronized Definition setCustom(String name, TextColor foreground, TextColor background, SGR... styles) { customStyles.put(name, new Style(foreground, background, styles)); return this; } @Override public synchronized boolean getBooleanProperty(String name, boolean defaultValue) { return Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(name, Boolean.toString(defaultValue))); } /** * Attaches a boolean value property to this {@link SimpleTheme} that will be returned if calling * {@link Definition#getBooleanProperty(String, boolean)} with the same name. * @param name Name of the property * @param value Value to attach to the property name * @return Itself */ public synchronized Definition setBooleanProperty(String name, boolean value) { properties.setProperty(name, Boolean.toString(value)); return this; } @Override public synchronized boolean isCursorVisible() { return cursorVisible; } /** * Sets the value that suggests if the cursor should be visible or not (it's still up to the component renderer * if it's going to honour this or not). * @param cursorVisible If {@code true} then this theme definition would like the text cursor to be displayed, * {@code false} if not. * @return Itself */ public synchronized Definition setCursorVisible(boolean cursorVisible) { this.cursorVisible = cursorVisible; return this; } @Override public synchronized char getCharacter(String name, char fallback) { Character character = characterMap.get(name); if(character == null) { return fallback; } return character; } /** * Stores a character value in this definition under a specific name. This is used to customize the appearance * of certain components. It is returned with call to {@link Definition#getCharacter(String, char)} with the * same name. * @param name Symbolic name for the character * @param character Character to attach to the symbolic name * @return Itself */ public synchronized Definition setCharacter(String name, char character) { characterMap.put(name, character); return this; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public synchronized <T extends Component> ComponentRenderer<T> getRenderer(Class<T> type) { RendererProvider<T> rendererProvider = (RendererProvider<T>)componentRendererMap.get(type); if(rendererProvider == null) { return null; } return rendererProvider.getRenderer(type); } /** * Registered a callback to get a custom {@link ComponentRenderer} for a particular class. Use this to make a * certain component (built-in or external) to use a custom renderer. * @param type Class for which to invoke the callback and return the {@link ComponentRenderer} * @param rendererProvider Callback to invoke when getting a {@link ComponentRenderer} * @param <T> Type of class * @return Itself */ public synchronized <T extends Component> Definition setRenderer(Class<T> type, RendererProvider<T> rendererProvider) { if(rendererProvider == null) { componentRendererMap.remove(type); } else { componentRendererMap.put(type, rendererProvider); } return this; } } private static class Style implements ThemeStyle { private TextColor foreground; private TextColor background; private EnumSet<SGR> sgrs; private Style(TextColor foreground, TextColor background, SGR... sgrs) { if(foreground == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot set SimpleTheme's style foreground to null"); } if(background == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot set SimpleTheme's style background to null"); } this.foreground = foreground; this.background = background; this.sgrs = EnumSet.noneOf(SGR.class); this.sgrs.addAll(Arrays.asList(sgrs)); } @Override public synchronized TextColor getForeground() { return foreground; } @Override public synchronized TextColor getBackground() { return background; } @Override public synchronized EnumSet<SGR> getSGRs() { return EnumSet.copyOf(sgrs); } } }