package com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.toolbar; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.IconPos; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMCommon; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMWidget; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.Mobile; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.button.JQMButton; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.list.JQMList; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.list.JQMListItem; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.toolbar.JQMTabsEvent.TabsState; /** * @author SlavaP * * <p> See <a href="">Tabs widget</a></p> * <p> See also <a href="">jQueryUI Tabs widget</a></p> * */ public class JQMTabs extends JQMWidget { /** * Predefined tab event, see {@link JQMTabs#setTabEvent(String)} */ public static final String ACTIVATE_TAB_ON_HOVER = "mouseover"; public static final String ACTIVATE_TAB_ON_CLICK = "click"; /** * Controls the height of the tabs widget and each panel. */ public static enum HeightStyle { /** All panels will be set to the height of the tallest panel. */ AUTO("auto"), /** Expand to the available height based on the tabs' parent height. */ FILL("fill"), /** Each panel will be only as tall as its content. */ CONTENT("content"); private final String jqmVal; private HeightStyle(String jqmVal) { this.jqmVal = jqmVal; } public String getJqmValue() { return jqmVal; } public static HeightStyle fromJqmValue(String jqmValue) { if (jqmValue == null || jqmValue.isEmpty()) return null; for (HeightStyle i : HeightStyle.values()) { if (i.getJqmValue().equals(jqmValue)) return i; } return null; } } public static enum ShowEffect { FADE_IN("fadeIn"), SLIDE_DOWN("slideDown"); private final String jqmVal; private ShowEffect(String jqmVal) { this.jqmVal = jqmVal; } public String getJqmValue() { return jqmVal; } public static ShowEffect fromJqmValue(String jqmValue) { if (jqmValue == null || jqmValue.isEmpty()) return null; for (ShowEffect i : ShowEffect.values()) { if (i.getJqmValue().equals(jqmValue)) return i; } return null; } } public static enum HideEffect { FADE_OUT("fadeOut"), SLIDE_UP("slideUp"); private final String jqmVal; private HideEffect(String jqmVal) { this.jqmVal = jqmVal; } public String getJqmValue() { return jqmVal; } public static HideEffect fromJqmValue(String jqmValue) { if (jqmValue == null || jqmValue.isEmpty()) return null; for (HideEffect i : HideEffect.values()) { if (i.getJqmValue().equals(jqmValue)) return i; } return null; } } private static final String ERROR_HEADER = "JQMButton OR JQMListItem can be used for tab headers, but not simultaneously!"; private static final String DATA_ACTIVE = "data-active"; private static final String ARIA_SELECTED = "aria-selected"; private FlowPanel flow; private JQMNavBar navbar; private JQMList list; private int buttonColumns; private FlowPanel leftHeaderStage; private FlowPanel rightHeaderStage; private List<Widget> leftHeaderWidgets; private List<Widget> rightHeaderWidgets; private String mainTheme; private String headerTheme; public JQMTabs() { flow = new FlowPanel(); initWidget(flow); JQMCommon.setDataRole(this, "tabs"); setStyleName("jqm4gwt-tabs"); } private void clearActiveClicked() { Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { Mobile.clearActiveClickedLink(); doActiveHighlight(); // fix iOS tabs double highlighting in case of } // doBeforeActivate() false result (tabs switch prohibited) }); } @UiChild(tagname = "leftHeaderWidget") public void addLeftHeaderWidget(Widget w) { if (w == null) return; if (leftHeaderWidgets == null) leftHeaderWidgets = new ArrayList<Widget>(); leftHeaderWidgets.add(w); if (leftHeaderStage != null) { leftHeaderStage.add(w); } else if (isInstance(getElement())) { checkLeftHeader(); } } public int getLeftHeaderWidgetCount() { return leftHeaderWidgets != null ? leftHeaderWidgets.size() : 0; } public Widget getLeftHeaderWidget(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < getLeftHeaderWidgetCount()) return leftHeaderWidgets.get(index); else return null; } public void removeLeftHeaderWidget(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < getLeftHeaderWidgetCount()) { Widget w = leftHeaderWidgets.get(index); leftHeaderWidgets.remove(index); if (leftHeaderWidgets.size() == 0) leftHeaderWidgets = null; if (leftHeaderStage != null) leftHeaderStage.remove(w); } } private void checkLeftHeader() { if (leftHeaderWidgets == null || leftHeaderStage != null || !isInstance(getElement())) return; if (navbar == null && list == null) return; leftHeaderStage = new FlowPanel(); leftHeaderStage.getElement().getStyle().setFloat(Style.Float.LEFT); for (Widget w : leftHeaderWidgets) leftHeaderStage.add(w); flow.insert(leftHeaderStage, 0); checkHeaderStyle(); } @UiChild(tagname = "rightHeaderWidget") public void addRightHeaderWidget(Widget w) { if (w == null) return; if (rightHeaderWidgets == null) rightHeaderWidgets = new ArrayList<Widget>(); rightHeaderWidgets.add(w); if (rightHeaderStage != null) { rightHeaderStage.add(w); } else if (isInstance(getElement())) { checkRightHeader(); } } public int getRightHeaderWidgetCount() { return rightHeaderWidgets != null ? rightHeaderWidgets.size() : 0; } public Widget getRightHeaderWidget(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < getRightHeaderWidgetCount()) return rightHeaderWidgets.get(index); else return null; } public void removeRightHeaderWidget(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < getRightHeaderWidgetCount()) { Widget w = rightHeaderWidgets.get(index); rightHeaderWidgets.remove(index); if (rightHeaderWidgets.size() == 0) rightHeaderWidgets = null; if (rightHeaderStage != null) rightHeaderStage.remove(w); } } private void checkRightHeader() { if (rightHeaderWidgets == null || rightHeaderStage != null || !isInstance(getElement())) return; if (navbar == null && list == null) return; rightHeaderStage = new FlowPanel(); rightHeaderStage.getElement().getStyle().setFloat(Style.Float.RIGHT); for (Widget w : rightHeaderWidgets) rightHeaderStage.add(w); int i = leftHeaderStage != null ? 1 : 0; flow.insert(rightHeaderStage, i); checkHeaderStyle(); } private void checkLeftRightHeaders() { checkRightHeader(); checkLeftHeader(); } private void checkHeaderStyle() { if (leftHeaderStage == null && rightHeaderStage == null) return; Style st = null; if (navbar != null) { st = navbar.getElement().getStyle(); } else if (list != null) { st = list.getElement().getStyle(); } if (st != null) { // "remaining width", see st.setProperty("width", "auto"); st.setOverflow(Overflow.AUTO); } } private int getHeaderInsertPos() { int i = 0; if (leftHeaderStage != null) i++; if (rightHeaderStage != null) i++; return i; } @UiChild(tagname = "button") public void addHeader(final JQMButton button) { if (list != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(ERROR_HEADER); boolean navbarWasNull = navbar == null; if (navbar == null) { navbar = new JQMNavBar(); navbar.addStyleName("jqm4gwt-tabs-header-btn"); String theme = getHeaderTheme(); if (theme != null && !theme.isEmpty()) navbar.setTheme(theme); checkLeftRightHeaders(); flow.insert(navbar, getHeaderInsertPos()); navbar.addDomHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { clearActiveClicked(); } }, ClickEvent.getType()); } navbar.add(button); if (navbarWasNull && buttonColumns > 0) { navbar.setColumns(buttonColumns); } else if (buttonColumns <= 0) { if (navbar.getButtonCount() > 5) navbar.setColumns(5); // prevents default two column placing } initHrefs(); } public void setButtonColumns(int columns) { buttonColumns = columns; if (buttonColumns > 0 && navbar != null) navbar.setColumns(buttonColumns); } public int getButtonColumns() { return navbar != null ? navbar.getColumns() : buttonColumns; } public int getButtonCount() { return navbar != null ? navbar.getButtonCount() : 0; } public JQMButton getButton(int index) { if (navbar == null) return null; return navbar.getButton(index); } @UiChild(tagname = "listitem") public void addHeader(JQMListItem item) { if (navbar != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(ERROR_HEADER); if (list == null) { list = new JQMList(); list.setInset(true); Style st = list.getElement().getStyle(); st.setMarginTop(0d, Unit.PX); st.setMarginBottom(0d, Unit.PX); list.addStyleName("jqm4gwt-tabs-header-list"); String theme = getHeaderTheme(); if (theme != null && !theme.isEmpty()) list.setTheme(theme); checkLeftRightHeaders(); flow.insert(list, getHeaderInsertPos()); list.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { clearActiveClicked(); } }); } list.appendItem(item); initHrefs(); } public int getListItemCount() { return list != null ? list.getItems().size() : 0; } public JQMListItem getListItem(int index) { if (list == null) return null; return list.getItem(index); } @UiChild(tagname = "content") public void addContent(final Widget widget) { widget.addStyleName("jqm4gwt-tabs-content"); if (headerTheme != null && !headerTheme.isEmpty() && mainTheme != null && !mainTheme.isEmpty()) { JQMCommon.setThemeEx(widget, mainTheme, JQMCommon.STYLE_UI_BODY); } flow.add(widget); initHrefs(); } private boolean isFlowWidgetInternal(Widget w) { if (w == null) return false; return w == navbar || w == list || w == leftHeaderStage || w == rightHeaderStage; } private void initHrefs() { if (navbar == null && list == null) return; List<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < flow.getWidgetCount(); i++) { Widget w = flow.getWidget(i); if (isFlowWidgetInternal(w)) continue; String id = w.getElement().getId(); if (id == null || id.isEmpty()) { id = Document.get().createUniqueId(); w.getElement().setId(id); } ids.add(id); } if (navbar != null) { for (int i = 0; i < navbar.getButtonCount(); i++) { if (i >= ids.size()) break; JQMButton btn = navbar.getButton(i); btn.setAttribute("data-ajax", "false"); btn.setHref("#" + ids.get(i)); } } else if (list != null) { List<JQMListItem> items = list.getItems(); if (items != null) { int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { JQMListItem li = items.get(i); if (li == null) continue; if (j >= ids.size()) break; li.getElement().setAttribute("data-ajax", "false"); li.setHref("#" + ids.get(j)); j++; } } } } public IconPos getIconPos() { if (navbar == null) return null; return navbar.getIconPos(); } /** * Works only in case of JQMButton were used for tab headers. * <br> Sets the position of the icons on tab headers. * If you desire an icon only button then set the position to IconPos.NOTEXT. */ public void setIconPos(IconPos pos) { if (navbar != null) navbar.setIconPos(pos); } private static native void bindCreated(Element elt, JQMTabs tabs) /*-{ $wnd.$(elt).on( 'tabscreate', function( event, ui ) { tabs.@com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.toolbar.JQMTabs::created()(); }); }-*/; private static native void unbindCreated(Element elt) /*-{ $wnd.$(elt).off( 'tabscreate' ); }-*/; /** * Unfortunately it's not called in case of manual JQMContext.render(), * though widget is getting created and enhanced. */ private void created() { initialFix(); } private void initialFix() { // workaround for issue with listview active item resetting on initialization // (buttons are processed here as well just for symmetry). doActiveHighlight(); checkLeftRightHeaders(); } private static native boolean isInstance(Element elt) /*-{ var i = $wnd.$(elt).tabs("instance"); if (i) return true; else return false; }-*/; @Override protected void onLoad() { super.onLoad(); Element elt = getElement(); bindEvents(this, elt); bindCreated(elt, this); if (isInstance(getElement())) initialFix(); } @Override protected void onUnload() { Element elt = getElement(); unbindEvents(elt); unbindCreated(elt); super.onUnload(); } private static LIElement getBtnLi(JQMButton btn) { Element elt = btn.getElement().getParentElement(); while (elt != null) { if ( { return elt.cast(); } elt = elt.getParentElement(); } return null; } private static boolean isSelected(Element elt) { if (elt == null) return false; String sel = JQMCommon.getAttribute(elt, ARIA_SELECTED); return sel != null && "true".equals(sel); } public void checkActiveHighlighted() { doActiveHighlight(); } private void doActiveHighlight() { if (navbar != null) { for (int i = 0; i < navbar.getButtonCount(); i++) { JQMButton btn = navbar.getButton(i); LIElement li = getBtnLi(btn); if (li == null) continue; if (isSelected(li)) { JQMCommon.setBtnActive(btn, true); for (int j = 0; j < navbar.getButtonCount(); j++) { if (i == j) continue; JQMButton b = navbar.getButton(j); if (JQMCommon.isBtnActive(b)) JQMCommon.setBtnActive(b, false); } break; } } } else if (list != null) { List<JQMListItem> items = list.getItems(); if (items != null) { for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { JQMListItem li = items.get(i); if (li == null) continue; if (isSelected(li.getElement())) { li.setActiveHighlight(true); for (int j = 0; j < items.size(); j++) { if (i == j) continue; JQMListItem liTmp = items.get(j); if (liTmp == null) continue; if (liTmp.isActiveHighlight()) liTmp.setActiveHighlight(false); } break; } } } } } private void clearHighlight() { if (navbar != null) { for (int j = 0; j < navbar.getButtonCount(); j++) { JQMButton b = navbar.getButton(j); if (JQMCommon.isBtnActive(b)) JQMCommon.setBtnActive(b, false); } } else if (list != null) { List<JQMListItem> items = list.getItems(); if (items != null) { for (int j = 0; j < items.size(); j++) { JQMListItem li = items.get(j); if (li == null) continue; if (li.isActiveHighlight()) li.setActiveHighlight(false); } } } } private static native void bindEvents(JQMTabs tabs, Element tabsElt) /*-{ if ($wnd.$ === undefined || $wnd.$ === null) return; // jQuery is not loaded $wnd.$(tabsElt).on("tabsactivate", function(event, ui) { tabs.@com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.toolbar.JQMTabs::doActivate(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;) (ui.newTab.attr('id'), ui.oldTab.attr('id'), ui.newPanel.attr('id'), ui.oldPanel.attr('id')); }); $wnd.$(tabsElt).on("tabsbeforeactivate", function(event, ui) { var v = tabs.@com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.toolbar.JQMTabs::doBeforeActivate(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;) (ui.newTab.attr('id'), ui.oldTab.attr('id'), ui.newPanel.attr('id'), ui.oldPanel.attr('id')); if (v === false) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } }); }-*/; private static native void unbindEvents(Element tabsElt) /*-{ if ($wnd.$ === undefined || $wnd.$ === null) return; // jQuery is not loaded $wnd.$(tabsElt).off("tabsactivate"); $wnd.$(tabsElt).off("tabsbeforeactivate"); }-*/; protected String hrefToId(String href) { if (href == null || href.isEmpty()) return href; String s = href.trim(); if (s.isEmpty()) return href; if (s.charAt(0) == '#') return s.substring(1); else return href; } protected List<Widget> findHeaders(boolean byHrefs, String... ids) { if (ids.length == 0) return null; Map<String, Widget> found = new HashMap<String, Widget>(); if (list != null) { List<JQMListItem> items = list.getItems(); for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { JQMListItem li = items.get(i); if (li == null) continue; for (String id : ids) { if (id == null || id.isEmpty()) continue; if (!byHrefs && id.equals(li.getElement().getId()) || byHrefs && id.equals(hrefToId(li.getHref()))) { found.put(id, li); break; } } } } else if (navbar != null) { for (int i = 0; i < navbar.getButtonCount(); i++) { JQMButton btn = navbar.getButton(i); LIElement li = getBtnLi(btn); if (li == null) continue; for (String id : ids) { if (id == null || id.isEmpty()) continue; if (!byHrefs && id.equals(li.getId()) || byHrefs && id.equals(hrefToId(btn.getHref()))) { found.put(id, btn); break; } } } } if (found.isEmpty()) return null; List<Widget> rslt = new ArrayList<Widget>(ids.length); for (String id : ids) { if (id == null || id.isEmpty()) rslt.add(null); else rslt.add(found.get(id)); } return rslt; } public int getContentCount() { int cnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < flow.getWidgetCount(); i++) { Widget w = flow.getWidget(i); if (isFlowWidgetInternal(w)) continue; cnt++; } return cnt; } public Widget getContent(int index) { int cnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < flow.getWidgetCount(); i++) { Widget w = flow.getWidget(i); if (isFlowWidgetInternal(w)) continue; if (cnt == index) return w; cnt++; } return null; } public List<Widget> getContents() { ArrayList<Widget> rslt = null; for (int i = 0; i < flow.getWidgetCount(); i++) { Widget w = flow.getWidget(i); if (isFlowWidgetInternal(w)) continue; if (rslt == null) rslt = new ArrayList<Widget>(flow.getWidgetCount()); rslt.add(w); } return rslt; } public List<Widget> findContents(String... ids) { if (ids.length == 0) return null; Map<String, Widget> found = new HashMap<String, Widget>(); for (int i = 0; i < flow.getWidgetCount(); i++) { Widget w = flow.getWidget(i); if (isFlowWidgetInternal(w)) continue; String contentId = w.getElement().getId(); for (String id : ids) { if (id == null || id.isEmpty()) continue; if (id.equals(contentId)) { found.put(id, w); break; } } } if (found.isEmpty()) return null; List<Widget> rslt = new ArrayList<Widget>(ids.length); for (String id : ids) { if (id == null || id.isEmpty()) rslt.add(null); else rslt.add(found.get(id)); } return rslt; } /** * If the tabs are currently collapsed, oldTabHeader and oldTabContent will be null. * <br> If the tabs are collapsing, newTabHeader and newTabContent will be null. * * @param newTabHeader - JQMButton or JQMListItem * @param oldTabHeader - JQMButton or JQMListItem * @param newTabContent - Widget * @param oldTabContent - Widget */ protected void onActivate(Widget newTabHeader, Widget oldTabHeader, Widget newTabContent, Widget oldTabContent) { } /** * If the tabs are currently collapsed, oldTabHeader and oldTabContent will be null. * <br> If the tabs are collapsing, newTabHeader and newTabContent will be null. * * @param newTabHeader - JQMButton or JQMListItem * @param oldTabHeader - JQMButton or JQMListItem * @param newTabContent - Widget * @param oldTabContent - Widget */ protected boolean onBeforeActivate(Widget newTabHeader, Widget oldTabHeader, Widget newTabContent, Widget oldTabContent) { return true; } protected void execOnActivate(String newTabId, String oldTabId, String newPanelId, String oldPanelId) { List<Widget> headers = findHeaders(false/*byHrefs*/, newTabId, oldTabId); if (headers == null) headers = findHeaders(true/*byHrefs*/, newPanelId, oldPanelId); List<Widget> contents = findContents(newPanelId, oldPanelId); if (headers == null || contents == null) return; onActivate(headers.get(0), headers.get(1), contents.get(0), contents.get(1));, TabsState.ACTIVATE, headers.get(0), headers.get(1), contents.get(0), contents.get(1)); } protected boolean execOnBeforeActivate(String newTabId, String oldTabId, String newPanelId, String oldPanelId) { List<Widget> headers = findHeaders(false/*byHrefs*/, newTabId, oldTabId); if (headers == null) headers = findHeaders(true/*byHrefs*/, newPanelId, oldPanelId); List<Widget> contents = findContents(newPanelId, oldPanelId); if (headers == null || contents == null) return true; try {, TabsState.BEFORE_ACTIVATE, headers.get(0), headers.get(1), contents.get(0), contents.get(1)); } catch (Exception e) { return false; // tabs should not be switched } return onBeforeActivate(headers.get(0), headers.get(1), contents.get(0), contents.get(1)); } protected void doActivate(String newTabId, String oldTabId, String newPanelId, String oldPanelId) { execOnActivate(newTabId, oldTabId, newPanelId, oldPanelId); final String activeTabId; final String activePanId; if ((newTabId == null || newTabId.isEmpty()) && (oldTabId == null || oldTabId.isEmpty())) { activeTabId = null; final String s; if (isCollapsible()) { s = newPanelId != null && !newPanelId.isEmpty() ? newPanelId : oldPanelId; } else { s = newPanelId; } activePanId = s != null && !s.isEmpty() ? s : null; } else { activePanId = null; final String s; if (isCollapsible()) { s = newTabId != null && !newTabId.isEmpty() ? newTabId : oldTabId; } else { s = newTabId; } activeTabId = s != null && !s.isEmpty() ? s : null; } if (activeTabId != null || activePanId != null) { if (list != null) { List<JQMListItem> items = list.getItems(); for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { JQMListItem li = items.get(i); if (li == null) continue; final boolean act; if (activeTabId != null) { act = activeTabId.equals(li.getElement().getId()); } else if (activePanId != null) { act = activePanId.equals(hrefToId(li.getHref())); } else { continue; } if (li.isActiveHighlight() != act) li.setActiveHighlight(act); } } else if (navbar != null) { for (int i = 0; i < navbar.getButtonCount(); i++) { JQMButton btn = navbar.getButton(i); LIElement li = getBtnLi(btn); if (li == null) continue; final boolean act; if (activeTabId != null) { act = activeTabId.equals(li.getId()); } else if (activePanId != null) { act = activePanId.equals(hrefToId(btn.getHref())); } else { continue; } if (JQMCommon.isBtnActive(btn) != act) JQMCommon.setBtnActive(btn, act); } } } } protected boolean doBeforeActivate(String newTabId, String oldTabId, String newPanelId, String oldPanelId) { boolean rslt = execOnBeforeActivate(newTabId, oldTabId, newPanelId, oldPanelId); if (!rslt) clearActiveClicked(); // fix iOS tabs double highlighting return rslt; } public boolean isCollapsible() { String s = JQMCommon.getAttribute(this, "data-collapsible"); return s != null && "true".equals(s); } /** * @param value - when true, the active panel can be closed. */ public void setCollapsible(boolean value) { JQMCommon.setAttribute(this, "data-collapsible", value ? "true" : null); } public int getActiveIndex() { Element elt = getElement(); if (isReady(elt)) { return getActive(elt); } else { String s = JQMCommon.getAttribute(this, DATA_ACTIVE); if (s == null || s.isEmpty()) return 0; try { return Integer.parseInt(s); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return 0; } } } /** * @return - true if there is active tab/index (collapsible tabs may have no active tab/index). */ public boolean isActiveIndex() { Element elt = getElement(); if (isReady(elt)) { return isActive(elt); } else { String s = JQMCommon.getAttribute(this, DATA_ACTIVE); if (s == null || s.isEmpty()) return false; try { Integer.parseInt(s); return true; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return false; } } } /** * @param tabIndex - the zero-based index of the tab/panel that is active (open). * A negative value selects tabs/panels going backward from the last one. */ public void setActiveIndex(int tabIndex) { JQMCommon.setAttribute(this, DATA_ACTIVE, String.valueOf(tabIndex)); Element elt = getElement(); if (isReady(elt)) { setActive(elt, tabIndex); } } private static native void setActive(Element elt, int index) /*-{ $wnd.$(elt).tabs("option", "active", index); }-*/; private static native void removeActive(Element elt) /*-{ $wnd.$(elt).tabs("option", "active", false); }-*/; private static native int getActive(Element elt) /*-{ var v = $wnd.$(elt).tabs("option", "active"); if (v) { if (v === false) return 0; else return v; } else { return 0; } }-*/; private static native boolean isActive(Element elt) /*-{ var v = $wnd.$(elt).tabs("option", "active"); if (v === false) return false; else return true; }-*/; public void removeActiveIndex() { JQMCommon.setAttribute(this, DATA_ACTIVE, null); Element elt = getElement(); if (isReady(elt)) { removeActive(elt); clearHighlight(); } } public boolean isCollapseAll() { String s = JQMCommon.getAttribute(this, DATA_ACTIVE); return s != null && "false".equals(s); } /** * @param value - true will collapse all panels. This requires the collapsible option to be true. */ public void setCollapseAll(boolean value) { if (value) JQMCommon.setAttribute(this, DATA_ACTIVE, "false"); else JQMCommon.setAttribute(this, DATA_ACTIVE, null); } public String getTabDisabled() { return JQMCommon.getAttribute(this, "data-disabled"); } /** * @param value - Multiple types supported: * <br> Boolean: Enable or disable all tabs. * <br> Array: An array containing the zero-based indexes of the tabs that should be disabled, * e.g., [ 0, 2 ] would disable the first and third tab. */ public void setTabDisabled(String value) { JQMCommon.setAttribute(this, "data-disabled", value); } public String getTabEvent() { return JQMCommon.getAttribute(this, "data-event"); } /** * @param value - The type of event that the tabs should react to in order to activate the tab. * To activate on hover, use "mouseover" {@link JQMTabs#ACTIVATE_TAB_ON_HOVER}. * <br> Default value is "click" {@link JQMTabs#ACTIVATE_TAB_ON_CLICK} . */ public void setTabEvent(String value) { JQMCommon.setAttribute(this, "data-event", value); } public HeightStyle getHeightStyle() { String s = JQMCommon.getAttribute(this, "data-height-style"); return HeightStyle.fromJqmValue(s); } public void setHeightStyle(HeightStyle value) { JQMCommon.setAttribute(this, "data-height-style", value != null ? value.getJqmValue() : null); } /** * Process any tabs that were added or removed directly in the DOM and recompute * the height of the tab panels. Results depend on the content and the heightStyle option. */ public void refresh() { refresh(getElement()); } private static native void refresh(Element elt) /*-{ var w = $wnd.$(elt); if ('ui-tabs') !== undefined) { w.tabs('refresh'); } }-*/; private static native boolean isReady(Element elt) /*-{ if ($wnd.$ === undefined || $wnd.$ === null) return false; // jQuery is not loaded var w = $wnd.$(elt); return'ui-tabs') !== undefined; }-*/; /** * Initialize/enhance dynamically created JQMTabs, refresh() is not working in dynamic case. */ public void renderTabs() { renderTabs(getElement()); doActiveHighlight(); } private static native void renderTabs(Element elt) /*-{ $wnd.$(elt).tabs().enhanceWithin(); }-*/; public HandlerRegistration addTabsHandler(JQMTabsEvent.Handler handler) { return addHandler(handler, JQMTabsEvent.getType()); } public ShowEffect getShowEffect() { return ShowEffect.fromJqmValue(JQMCommon.getAttribute(this, "data-show")); } public void setShowEffect(ShowEffect value) { JQMCommon.setAttribute(this, "data-show", value != null ? value.getJqmValue() : null); } public HideEffect getHideEffect() { return HideEffect.fromJqmValue(JQMCommon.getAttribute(this, "data-hide")); } public void setHideEffect(HideEffect value) { JQMCommon.setAttribute(this, "data-hide", value != null ? value.getJqmValue() : null); } @Override public String getTheme() { return mainTheme; } @Override public void setTheme(String themeName) { mainTheme = themeName; recalcTheme(); } public String getHeaderTheme() { return headerTheme; } /** Changes theme for header items only, can be different from "main" JQMTabs theme. */ public void setHeaderTheme(String themeName) { headerTheme = themeName; recalcTheme(); } private void recalcTheme() { final String rootTheme; final String contentTheme; if (headerTheme == null || headerTheme.isEmpty()) { rootTheme = mainTheme; contentTheme = null; } else { rootTheme = null; contentTheme = mainTheme; } JQMCommon.setThemeEx(this, rootTheme, JQMCommon.STYLE_UI_BODY); for (int i = 0; i < flow.getWidgetCount(); i++) { Widget w = flow.getWidget(i); if (isFlowWidgetInternal(w)) continue; JQMCommon.setThemeEx(w, contentTheme, JQMCommon.STYLE_UI_BODY); } if (navbar != null) { navbar.setTheme(headerTheme); } else if (list != null) { list.setTheme(headerTheme); } } }