package com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt; import; /** * @author Stephen K Samuel 13 May 2011 11:14:24 * <br> * Utility methods. The static methods in this class map through to the * equivalent JQM method in $.mobile * */ public class Mobile { /** * See <a href="">Pagecontainer.change -> options.role</a> * <br> The data-role value to be used when displaying the page. * By default this is undefined which means rely on the value of the data-role attribute defined on the element. * <br> For example: pagecontainer.change() with dialog option is not deprecated, and as result of * such call page's data-role will be set to "dialog" and cause conflict with explicitly * defined data-dialog property. */ public static final String DATA_ROLE_DIALOG = "dialog"; public static String pleaseWaitMsg = "Please Wait..."; /** Standard loading indicator could be replaced by custom one, * see <a href="">Loader</a> **/ public static String busyCustomHtml; public static String busyTheme; public static boolean busyTextOnly; private Mobile() {} // static class, should not be instantiated public static native void back() /*-{ $wnd.$.mobile.back(); }-*/; public static native Element getPageContainer() /*-{ var pageContainer = $wnd.$.mobile.pageContainer; if (pageContainer) return pageContainer[0]; else return $doc.body; }-*/; public static native Element getActivePage() /*-{ var pageContainer = $wnd.$.mobile.pageContainer; var pg = pageContainer.pagecontainer("getActivePage"); if (pg) return pg[0]; else return null; }-*/; /** * Invokes the $.mobile.changePage method. * * @param _role - could be {@link Mobile#DATA_ROLE_DIALOG} */ private static native void changePage(String url, String _transition, boolean _reverse, boolean _changeHash, String _role) /*-{ var pageContainer = $wnd.$.mobile.pageContainer; if (_role !== null) { pageContainer.pagecontainer("change", url, { transition: _transition, reverse: _reverse, changeHash: _changeHash, role: _role }); } else { pageContainer.pagecontainer("change", url, { transition: _transition, reverse: _reverse, changeHash: _changeHash }); } }-*/; /** * Invokes the $.mobile.changePage method */ static void changePage(String url, TransitionIntf<?> t, boolean reverse, boolean changeHash, boolean dialog) { changePage(url, t.getJqmValue(), reverse, changeHash, dialog ? DATA_ROLE_DIALOG : null); } static void changePage(String url, TransitionIntf<?> t, boolean reverse, boolean changeHash) { changePage(url, t, reverse, changeHash, false/*dialog*/); } /** * Hide the page loading dialog. */ public static native void hideLoadingDialog() /*-{ $wnd.$.mobile.loading('hide'); }-*/; public static native void showLoadingDialog(String msg) /*-{ $wnd.$.mobile.loading('show', { text: msg, textVisible: true }); }-*/; public static native void showLoadingDialog(String msg, String customHtml, String theme, boolean textOnly) /*-{ var opt = { text: msg, textVisible: true }; if (customHtml) opt.html = customHtml; if (theme) opt.theme = theme; if (textOnly) opt.textonly = textOnly; $wnd.$.mobile.loading('show', opt); }-*/; /** * It's not enough for IE9, see <a href="">jQuery Mobile, disable all button when loading overlay is showed</a> * <p> So <div class="ui-loader-background"></div> must be added to html body. </p> */ public static native void disableUI() /*-{ $wnd.$('body').addClass('ui-state-disabled'); }-*/; public static native void enableUI() /*-{ $wnd.$('body').removeClass('ui-state-disabled'); }-*/; /** * @param value - If true then completely blocks application interaction with user * and shows loading dialog (needed in case of long processing). * <p> When false - unblocks application. */ public static void busy(boolean value) { if (value) { disableUI(); showLoadingDialog(pleaseWaitMsg, busyCustomHtml, busyTheme, busyTextOnly); } else { hideLoadingDialog(); enableUI(); } } /** * Ask JQuery Mobile to "render" the element with the given id. */ public static void render(String id) { JQMContext.render(id); } /** * Scroll to a particular Y position without triggering scroll event listeners. * * @param y - Pass any number to scroll to that Y location. */ public static native void silentScroll(int y) /*-{ $wnd.$.mobile.silentScroll(y); }-*/; /** * jQuery based check if this element is visible, much more correct than GWT default implementation. * <br> Expensive, but gives realistic visibility (CSS rules, parent chain considered, * width and height are explicitly set to 0, ...) */ public static native boolean isVisible(Element elt) /*-{ if ($wnd.$ === undefined || $wnd.$ === null) return false; // jQuery is not loaded return $wnd.$(elt).is(':visible'); }-*/; public static native boolean isHidden(Element elt) /*-{ if ($wnd.$ === undefined || $wnd.$ === null) return true; // jQuery is not loaded return $wnd.$(elt).is(':hidden'); }-*/; /** * For some widgets it could be beneficial to prevent jqm's active state removal on each click, * i.e. $.mobile.activeClickedLink.removeClass($.mobile.activeBtnClass) should not be executed. */ public static native void clearActiveClickedLink() /*-{ $wnd.$.mobile.activeClickedLink = null; }-*/; }