package com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.button; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.DataIcon; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.HasCorners; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.HasIcon; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.HasIconShadow; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.HasInline; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.HasMini; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.HasRel; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.HasText; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.HasTransition; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.IconPos; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMCommon; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMContainer; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMContext; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMWidget; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JsUtils; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.Mobile; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.Transition; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author Stephen K Samuel 5 May 2011 14:02:24 * <br> * An implementation of a Jquery mobile button. * <br>See <a href="">Buttons</a> * <br>See also <a href="">Button basics</a> */ public class JQMButton extends JQMWidget implements HasText<JQMButton>, HasRel<JQMButton>, HasTransition<JQMButton>, HasClickHandlers, HasInline<JQMButton>, HasIcon<JQMButton>, HasCorners<JQMButton>, HasIconShadow<JQMButton>, HasMini<JQMButton>, HasTapHandlers { private static final String[] HOVER_PROPS = { "background-color", "color", "border-color", "text-shadow" }; private static final String[] HOVER_REGEX = { "^border-\\S*color$", "^border-\\S*color-value$" }; /** FindRegex/Replacement pairs */ private static final String[] HOVER_REPLACE = { "color-value", "color" }; /** Heuristics based on definitions */ private static final Map<String, String> currentThemeSearch = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); private static final Map<String, JavaScriptObject> cachedCssRules = new HashMap<String, JavaScriptObject>(); private boolean alwaysActive; private boolean alwaysHover; private JavaScriptObject hoverStyle = null; private class StyleItem { public final String property; public final String oldValue; public final String newValue; public StyleItem(String property, String oldValue, String newValue) { = property; this.oldValue = oldValue; this.newValue = newValue; } } private List<StyleItem> hoverStyleApplied = null; static { currentThemeSearch.put("ui-group-theme-", null); currentThemeSearch.put("ui-body-", JQMCommon.STYLE_UI_BODY_INHERIT); currentThemeSearch.put("ui-bar-", JQMCommon.STYLE_UI_BAR_INHERIT); currentThemeSearch.put("ui-page-theme-", null); } private static String getCurrentTheme(Element elt) { if (elt == null) return null; for (Entry<String, String> i : currentThemeSearch.entrySet()) { String v = i.getValue(); String s = v == null ? JQMCommon.getStyleStartsWith(elt, i.getKey()) : JQMCommon.getStyleStartsWith(elt, i.getKey(), v); if (s != null && !s.isEmpty()) { return s.substring(i.getKey().length()); } } return null; } private String getCurrentTheme() { String s = getTheme(); if (s != null && !s.isEmpty()) return s; Element elt = getElement().getParentElement(); while (elt != null) { s = getCurrentTheme(elt); if (s != null) return s; elt = elt.getParentElement(); } return "a"; // just meaningful default value } /** * Create a {@link JQMButton} with the given text that does not link to * anything. This button would only react to events if a link is added or * a click handler is attached. * * @param text the text to display on the button */ public @UiConstructor JQMButton(String text) { this(new Anchor(text)); } /** * Convenience constructor that creates a button that shows the given * JQMPage when clicked. The link will use a Transition.POP type. * <br> * Note that the page param is an already instantiated page and thus will * be immediately inserted into the DOM. Do not use this constructor when * you want to lazily add the page. * * @param text the text to display on the button * @param c the {@link JQMContainer} to create a link to */ public JQMButton(String text, final JQMContainer c) { this(text, c, null); } /** * Convenience constructor that creates a button that shows the given JQMPage when clicked. * <br> * Note that the page param is an already instantiated page and thus will * be immediately inserted into the DOM. Do not use this constructor when * you want to lazily add the page. * * @param text the text to display on the button * @param c the {@link JQMContainer} to create a link to * @param t the transition type to use */ public JQMButton(String text, final JQMContainer c, final Transition t) { this(text, "#" + c.getId(), t); withRel(c.getRelType()); } /** * Convenience constructor that creates a button that shows the given url * when clicked. The link will use a Transition.POP type. * <br> * Note that the page param is an already instantiated page and thus will * be immediately inserted into the DOM. Do not use this constructor when * you want to lazily add the page. * * @param text the text to display on the button * @param url the HTTP url to create a link to */ public JQMButton(String text, String url) { this(text, url, null); } /** * Convenience constructor that creates a button that shows the given url * when clicked. * <br> * Note that the page param is an already instantiated page and thus will * be immediately inserted into the DOM. Do not use this constructor when * you want to lazily add the page. * * @param text the text to display on the button * @param url the HTTP url to create a link to * @param t the transition type to use */ public JQMButton(String text, String url, final Transition t) { this(text); if (url != null) setHref(url); if (t != null) withTransition(t); } public static void initEltAsButton(Element elt) { //JQMCommon.setDataRole("button"); - performance and buttonMarkup() is deprecated as of 1.4 and will be removed in 1.5 JQMCommon.setDataRole(elt, null); elt.addClassName("ui-btn"); String tag = elt.getTagName(); if (tag == null || !tag.equals("BUTTON")) JQMCommon.setRole(elt, "button"); // TODO - defaults should be set based on $.fn.buttonMarkup.defaults JQMCommon.setShadowEx(elt, true); JQMCommon.setCornersEx(elt, true, false/*explicitDataAttr*/); } protected JQMButton(Widget widget) { initWidget(widget); setStyleName("jqm4gwt-button"); initEltAsButton(getElement()); setId(); } @Override public HandlerRegistration addClickHandler(ClickHandler handler) { return addDomHandler(handler, ClickEvent.getType()); } @Override public HandlerRegistration addTapHandler(TapHandler handler) { // this is not a native browser event so we will have to manage it via JS return JQMHandlerRegistration.registerJQueryHandler(new WidgetHandlerCounter() { @Override public int getHandlerCountForWidget(Type<?> type) { return getHandlerCount(type); } }, this, handler, JQMComponentEvents.TAP_EVENT, TapEvent.getType()); } @Override public IconPos getIconPos() { return JQMCommon.getIconPosEx(this, JQMCommon.STYLE_UI_BTN_ICONPOS); } /** * Sets the position of the icon. If you desire an icon only button then * set the position to IconPos.NOTEXT */ @Override public void setIconPos(IconPos pos) { JQMCommon.setIconPosEx(this, pos, JQMCommon.STYLE_UI_BTN_ICONPOS); } /** * Sets the position of the icon. If you desire an icon only button then * set the position to IconPos.NOTEXT */ @Override public JQMButton withIconPos(IconPos pos) { setIconPos(pos); return this; } /** * Returns true if this button is set to load the linked page as a dialog page * * @return true if this link will show as a dialog */ public boolean isDialog() { return Mobile.DATA_ROLE_DIALOG.equals(getRel()); } /** * Sets this button to be a dialog button. This changes the look and feel * of the page that is loaded as a consequence of clicking on this button. */ public void setDialog(boolean dialog) { setRel(dialog ? Mobile.DATA_ROLE_DIALOG : null); } public JQMButton withDialog(boolean dialog) { setDialog(dialog); return this; } /** * Returns true if this button is set to load a popup */ public boolean isPopup() { return "popup".equals(getRel()); } /** * @param popup - true if this button is set to load a popup */ public void setPopup(boolean popup) { setRel(popup ? "popup" : null); } public JQMButton withPopup(boolean popup) { setPopup(popup); return this; } public String getPopupPos() { return JQMCommon.getPopupPos(this); } /** * @param pos - possible values: window, origin, jQuery selector to get positioning element. */ public void setPopupPos(String pos) { JQMCommon.setPopupPos(this, pos); } @Override public boolean isIconShadow() { return JQMCommon.isIconShadow(this); } /** Applies the drop shadow icon style to the select button if set to true. */ @Override public void setIconShadow(boolean shadow) { JQMCommon.setIconShadow(this, shadow); } /** Applies the drop shadow icon style to the select button if set to true. */ @Override public JQMButton withIconShadow(boolean shadow) { setIconShadow(shadow); return this; } public boolean isShadow() { return JQMCommon.isShadowEx(this); } /** Button will have shadow if true */ public void setShadow(boolean shadow) { JQMCommon.setShadowEx(this, shadow); } public String getHref() { return getAttribute("href"); } public void setHref(String url) { setAttribute("href", url); } public JQMButton withHref(String url) { setHref(url); return this; } /** * Sets this button to be a back button. This will override any URL set on * the button. */ public void setBack(boolean back) { setRel(back ? "back" : null); } public JQMButton withBack(boolean back) { setBack(back); return this; } @Override public boolean isCorners() { return JQMCommon.isCornersEx(this); } @Override public void setCorners(boolean corners) { JQMCommon.setCornersEx(this, corners); } @Override public JQMButton withCorners(boolean corners) { setCorners(corners); return this; } /** * Short cut for withRel("external"); */ public void setExternal(boolean external) { setRel(external ? "external" : null); } public JQMButton withExternal(boolean external) { setExternal(external); return this; } public DataIcon getBuiltInIcon() { return JQMCommon.getIconEx(this); } /** * Sets the icon used by this button. See {@link DataIcon}. */ @Override public void setBuiltInIcon(DataIcon icon) { JQMCommon.setIconEx(this, icon); JQMCommon.invalidateIconPosEx(getElement(), JQMCommon.STYLE_UI_BTN_ICONPOS); } @Override public JQMButton removeIcon() { JQMCommon.setIconEx(this, null); return this; } @Override public void setIconURL(String src) { Element elt = getElement(); JQMCommon.setIconEx(elt, src); JQMCommon.invalidateIconPosEx(elt, JQMCommon.STYLE_UI_BTN_ICONPOS); } public String getIconURL() { return JQMCommon.getIconExStr(getElement()); } public void setCustomIcon(String icon) { setIconURL(icon); } public String getCustomIcon() { return getIconURL(); } /** * Sets the icon used by this button. See {@link DataIcon}. */ @Override public JQMButton withBuiltInIcon(DataIcon icon) { setBuiltInIcon(icon); return this; } @Override public JQMButton withIconURL(String src) { setIconURL(src); return this; } /** * @return true if this button is set to inline */ @Override public boolean isInline() { return JQMCommon.isInlineEx(this, JQMCommon.STYLE_UI_BTN_INLINE); } /** * Sets this button to be inline. * <br> * NOTE: If this button is inside a {@link JQMButtonGroup} then you must * call withInline(boolean) on the button group itself and not each button * individually. * * @param inline true to change to line or false to switch to full width */ @Override public void setInline(boolean inline) { JQMCommon.setInlineEx(this, inline, JQMCommon.STYLE_UI_BTN_INLINE); } /** * Sets this button to be inline. * <br> * NOTE: If this button is inside a {@link JQMButtonGroup} then you must * call withInline(boolean) on the button group itself and not each button * individually. * * @param inline true to change to line or false to switch to full width */ @Override public JQMButton withInline(boolean inline) { setInline(inline); return this; } @Override public boolean isMini() { return JQMCommon.isMiniEx(this); } /** * If set to true then renders a smaller version of the standard-sized element. */ @Override public void setMini(boolean mini) { JQMCommon.setMiniEx(this, mini); } /** * If set to true then renders a smaller version of the standard-sized element. */ @Override public JQMButton withMini(boolean mini) { setMini(mini); return this; } @Override public String getRel() { return JQMCommon.getAttribute(getElement(), "data-rel"); } @Override public void setRel(String rel) { JQMCommon.setAttribute(getElement(), "data-rel", rel); } @Override public JQMButton withRel(String rel) { setRel(rel); return this; } @Override public void setText(String text) { // if the button has already been rendered then we need to go down // deep until we get the final span. // it's not a case in 1.4.x anymore, because buttons have clean/simple mark-up now, // but could be useful for complex buttons (see setHtml() method). Element e = getElement(); if (JQMCommon.childrenCount(e) == 0) { e.setInnerText(text); } else { Element child = JQMCommon.firstChildElt(e); while (child != null) { e = child; child = JQMCommon.firstChildElt(e); } e.setInnerText(text); } } @Override public String getText() { Element e = getElement(); if (JQMCommon.childrenCount(e) == 0) { return e.getInnerText(); } else { Element child = JQMCommon.firstChildElt(e); while (child != null) { e = child; child = JQMCommon.firstChildElt(e); } return e.getInnerText(); } } /** * Useful for complex buttons, for example buttons with vertically centered text. **/ public void setHtml(String html) { Element e = getElement(); e.setInnerHTML(html); } public String getHtml() { Element e = getElement(); return e.getInnerHTML(); } @Override public JQMButton withText(String text) { setText(text); return this; } @Override public Transition getTransition() { return JQMCommon.getTransition(getElement()); } /** * Sets the transition to be used by this button when loading the URL. */ @Override public void setTransition(Transition transition) { JQMCommon.setTransition(getElement(), transition); } /** * Sets the transition to be used by this button when loading the URL. */ @Override public JQMButton withTransition(Transition transition) { setTransition(transition); return this; } public void setTransitionReverse(boolean reverse) { if (reverse) setAttribute("data-direction", "reverse"); else removeAttribute("data-direction"); } public JQMButton withTransitionReverse(boolean reverse) { setTransitionReverse(reverse); return this; } public boolean isIconNoDisc() { return JQMCommon.isIconNoDisc(this); } public void setIconNoDisc(boolean value) { JQMCommon.setIconNoDisc(this, value); } public boolean isIconAlt() { return JQMCommon.isIconAlt(this); } /** * @param value - if true "white vs. black" icon style will be used */ public void setIconAlt(boolean value) { JQMCommon.setIconAlt(this, value); } public boolean isAlwaysActive() { return alwaysActive; } /** * @param value - if true button always be highlighted as active. */ public void setAlwaysActive(boolean value) { if (alwaysActive == value) return; alwaysActive = value; JQMCommon.setBtnActive(this, alwaysActive); if (alwaysActive) Scheduler.get().scheduleFinally(createAlwaysActiveCmd()); } private Scheduler.RepeatingCommand createAlwaysActiveCmd() { return new Scheduler.RepeatingCommand() { @Override public boolean execute() { if (alwaysActive) JQMCommon.setBtnActive(JQMButton.this, true); return alwaysActive; // stops when alwaysActive == false }}; } public boolean isAlwaysHover() { return alwaysHover; } /** * @param value - if true button always be highlighted as hover. */ public void setAlwaysHover(boolean value) { if (alwaysHover == value) return; alwaysHover = value; checkAlwaysHover(); } // buttoncreate event is only fired for INPUT element, but not for A or BUTTON // see // Currently we don't need this event, because checkAlwaysHover() is working safely for any of these three elements. /*private static native void bindCreated(Element elt, JQMButton btn) /*-{ $wnd.$(elt).on( 'buttoncreate', function( event, ui ) { btn.@com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.button.JQMButton::created()(); }); }-*/ //private void created() { } @Override protected void onLoad() { super.onLoad(); if (alwaysHover) { checkAlwaysHover(); } } private void checkAlwaysHover() { if (isAttached()) { if (alwaysHover) { prepareHoverStyle(); applyHoverStyle(); } else { removeHoverStyle(); } } } private void applyHoverStyle() { if (hoverStyle == null) return; Style st = getElement().getStyle(); if (hoverStyleApplied == null) { hoverStyleApplied = new ArrayList<StyleItem>(); JsArrayString keys = JsUtils.getObjKeys(hoverStyle); if (keys == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < keys.length(); i++) { String key = keys.get(i); String val = JsUtils.getObjValue(hoverStyle, key); if (val == null) continue; String prop = keys.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < HOVER_REPLACE.length - 1; j = j + 2) { prop = prop.replaceAll(HOVER_REPLACE[j], HOVER_REPLACE[j + 1]); } prop = JQMCommon.hyphenToCamelCase(prop); String oldVal = null; try { oldVal = st.getProperty(prop); } catch (Exception e) { continue; // property could be non-convertible to String and throw exception } String newVal = val.toString(); if (newVal.equals(oldVal)) continue; hoverStyleApplied.add(new StyleItem(prop, oldVal, newVal)); } } for (StyleItem item : hoverStyleApplied) { st.setProperty(, item.newValue); } } private void removeHoverStyle() { if (hoverStyleApplied != null) { Style st = getElement().getStyle(); for (StyleItem item : hoverStyleApplied) { st.setProperty(, item.oldValue); } } hoverStyleApplied = null; hoverStyle = null; } private void prepareHoverStyle() { if (hoverStyle != null) return; String theme = getCurrentTheme(); String rule = ".ui-btn.ui-btn-" + theme + ":hover"; hoverStyle = cachedCssRules.get(rule); if (hoverStyle != null) return; String ruleIE = ".ui-btn-" + theme + ".ui-btn:hover"; // IE9 changes/rearranges css rules! hoverStyle = cachedCssRules.get(ruleIE); if (hoverStyle != null) return; JsArrayString jsStrs = JQMContext.getJsArrayString(HOVER_PROPS); JsArrayString jsRegex = JQMContext.getJsArrayString(HOVER_REGEX); hoverStyle = JQMContext.getCssForRule(rule, jsStrs, jsRegex); if (hoverStyle != null) { cachedCssRules.put(rule, hoverStyle); } else { hoverStyle = JQMContext.getCssForRule(ruleIE, jsStrs, jsRegex); if (hoverStyle != null) cachedCssRules.put(ruleIE, hoverStyle); } } @Override public String getTheme() { return getTheme(this.getElement()); } @Override public void setTheme(String themeName) { setTheme(this.getElement(), themeName); } public static String getTheme(Element elt) { return JQMCommon.getThemeEx(elt, JQMCommon.STYLE_UI_BTN, /*excludes:*/ JQMCommon.STYLE_UI_BTN_INLINE, JQMCommon.STYLE_UI_BTN_ICONPOS, JQMCommon.STYLE_UI_BTN_ACTIVE); } public static void setTheme(Element elt, String themeName) { JQMCommon.setThemeEx(elt, themeName, JQMCommon.STYLE_UI_BTN, /*excludes:*/ JQMCommon.STYLE_UI_BTN_INLINE, JQMCommon.STYLE_UI_BTN_ICONPOS, JQMCommon.STYLE_UI_BTN_ACTIVE); } private static final String STYLE_UI_BTN_RIGHT = "ui-btn-right"; private static final String STYLE_UI_BTN_LEFT = "ui-btn-left"; public static enum PosOnBand { RIGHT, LEFT } public PosOnBand getPosOnBand() { if (JQMCommon.hasStyle(this, STYLE_UI_BTN_RIGHT)) return PosOnBand.RIGHT; else if (JQMCommon.hasStyle(this, STYLE_UI_BTN_LEFT)) return PosOnBand.LEFT; else return null; } /** * Works in case of this button placed on Header, Popup, ... */ public void setPosOnBand(PosOnBand value) { if (value == null) { getElement().removeClassName(STYLE_UI_BTN_RIGHT); getElement().removeClassName(STYLE_UI_BTN_LEFT); } else { switch (value) { case LEFT: getElement().addClassName(STYLE_UI_BTN_LEFT); break; case RIGHT: getElement().addClassName(STYLE_UI_BTN_RIGHT); break; } } } public void refresh() { refresh(getElement()); } private static native void refresh(Element elt) /*-{ if ($wnd.$ === undefined || $wnd.$ === null) return; // jQuery is not loaded var w = $wnd.$(elt); if ('mobile-button') !== undefined) { w.button('refresh'); } }-*/; }