package com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt; import java.util.Date; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author Stephen K Samuel 9 Jul 2011 12:57:43 * * <br> The {@link JQMContext} provides methods that facilitate interaction * between GWT, JQM and the DOM. * */ public class JQMContext { public static interface WidgetDefaults { /** * Called after a widget becomes attached to the browser's document. */ void loaded(Widget w); } private static WidgetDefaults widgetDefaults; private static TransitionIntf<?> defaultTransition = Transition.FADE; private static TransitionIntf<?> defaultDialogTransition = Transition.POP; private static boolean defaultTransistionDirection = false; private static boolean defaultChangeHash = true; // FIXME: it can work only if called from mobileinit event handler (i.e. before jqm is loaded) /* <script type="text/javascript"> // See $(document).on("mobileinit", function () { $.mobile.hashListeningEnabled = false; $.mobile.pushStateEnabled = false; $.mobile.changePage.defaults.changeHash = false; }); </script> */ public static native void disableHashListening() /*-{ $wnd.$.mobile.hashListeningEnabled = false; }-*/; // FIXME: it can work only if called from mobileinit event handler (i.e. before jqm is loaded) public static native void disablePushStateEnabled() /*-{ $wnd.$.mobile.pushStateEnabled = false; }-*/; /** * Appends the given {@link JQMPage} to the DOM so that JQueryMobile is * able to manipulate it and render it. This should only be done once per * page, otherwise duplicate HTML would be added to the DOM and this would * result in elements with overlapping IDs. * */ public static void attachAndEnhance(JQMContainer container) { if (container == null) return; RootPanel p = getRootPanel(); if (p == null) return; p.add(container); enhance(container); container.setEnhanced(true); } public static RootPanel getRootPanel() { String id = Mobile.getPageContainer().getId(); if (id != null && id.isEmpty()) id = null; return RootPanel.get(id); } /** * Programatically change the displayed page to the given {@link JQMPage} * instance. This uses the default transition which is Transition.FADE */ public static void changePage(JQMContainer container) { changePage(container, false/*dialog*/); } public static void changePage(JQMContainer container, boolean dialog) { TransitionIntf<?> t = container.getTransition(); if (t == null) { t = dialog || JQMCommon.isDataDialog(container.getElement()) ? getDefaultDialogTransition() : getDefaultTransition(); } changePage(container, dialog, t); } /** * Change the displayed page to the given {@link JQMPage} instance using * the supplied transition. */ public static void changePage(JQMContainer container, TransitionIntf<?> transition) { changePage(container, false/*dialog*/, transition); } public static void changePage(JQMContainer container, boolean dialog, TransitionIntf<?> transition) { changePage(container, dialog, transition, defaultTransistionDirection); } /** * Change the displayed page to the given {@link JQMPage} instance using * the supplied transition and reverse setting. */ public static void changePage(JQMContainer container, TransitionIntf<?> transition, boolean reverse) { changePage(container, false/*dialog*/, transition, reverse); } public static void changePage(JQMContainer container, boolean dialog, TransitionIntf<?> transition, boolean reverse) { Mobile.changePage("#" + container.getId(), transition, reverse, defaultChangeHash, dialog); } private static void enhance(JQMContainer c) { render(c.getElement()); } public static TransitionIntf<?> getDefaultTransition() { String val = getDefaultTransitionImpl(); TransitionIntf<?> t = defaultTransition.parseJqmValue(val); return t != null ? t : Transition.FADE; } private static native String getDefaultTransitionImpl() /*-{ return $wnd.$.mobile.defaultPageTransition; }-*/; public static TransitionIntf<?> getDefaultDialogTransition() { String val = getDefaultDialogTransitionImpl(); TransitionIntf<?> t = defaultDialogTransition.parseJqmValue(val); return t != null ? t : Transition.POP; } private static native String getDefaultDialogTransitionImpl() /*-{ return $wnd.$.mobile.defaultDialogTransition; }-*/; /** * Return the pixel offset of an element from the left of the document. * This can also be thought of as the y coordinate of the top of the * elements bounding box. * * @param id * the id of the element to find the offset */ public static native int getLeft(String id) /*-{ return $wnd.$("#" + id).offset().left; }-*/; /** * Return the pixel offset of an element from the top of the document. * This can also be thought of as the x coordinate of the left of the * elements bounding box. * * @param id * the id of the element to find the offset */ public static native int getTop(String id) /*-{ return $wnd.$("#" + id).offset().top; }-*/; public static native int getTop(Element elt) /*-{ return $wnd.$(elt).offset().top; }-*/; public static native void initializePage() /*-{ $wnd.$.mobile.initializePage(); }-*/; /** * Ask JQuery Mobile to "render" the child elements of the element with the given id. */ public static void render(String id) { if (id == null || id.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("render() for empty id is not possible"); } renderImpl(id); } public static void render(Element elt) { if (elt == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("render() for null element is not possible"); } renderImpl(elt); } // page() was replaced by trigger("create"), see // trigger("create") was replaced by enhanceWithin(), see private static native void renderImpl(String id) /*-{ if ($wnd.$ === undefined || $wnd.$ === null) return; // jQuery is not loaded $wnd.$("#" + id).enhanceWithin(); }-*/; private static native void renderImpl(Element elt) /*-{ if ($wnd.$ === undefined || $wnd.$ === null) return; // jQuery is not loaded $wnd.$(elt).enhanceWithin(); }-*/; public static void setDefaultTransition(TransitionIntf<?> dfltTransition) { defaultTransition = dfltTransition; setDefaultTransitionImpl(defaultTransition.getJqmValue()); } /** * @param direction - if true then "reverse" effect will be used, * see <a href="">Pagecontainer.change()</a> */ public static void setDefaultTransition(TransitionIntf<?> dfltTransition, boolean direction) { setDefaultTransition(dfltTransition); defaultTransistionDirection = direction; } private static native void setDefaultTransitionImpl(String transition) /*-{ $wnd.$.mobile.defaultPageTransition = transition; }-*/; public static void setDefaultDialogTransition(TransitionIntf<?> dfltDlgTransition) { defaultDialogTransition = dfltDlgTransition; setDefaultDialogTransitionImpl(defaultDialogTransition.getJqmValue()); } private static native void setDefaultDialogTransitionImpl(String transition) /*-{ $wnd.$.mobile.defaultDialogTransition = transition; }-*/; /** * @param maxWidth - Transitions can be disabled (set to "none") when the window * width is greater than a certain pixel width. This feature is useful because transitions * can be distracting or perform poorly on larger screens. This value is configurable via * the global option $.mobile.maxTransitionWidth, which defaults to false. The option accepts * any number representing a pixel width or false value. If it's not false, the handler will * use a "none" transition when the window is wider than the specified value. * <br> See <a href=""> * Page transitions</a> */ private static native void setMaxTransitionWidthImpl(String maxWidth) /*-{ $wnd.$.mobile.maxTransitionWidth = maxWidth; }-*/; /** * @param maxWidth - (null or <= 0) means transitions will be used regardless of current * window width, otherwise they will be disabled when window width > maxWidth. */ public static void setMaxTransitionWidth(Integer maxWidth) { if (maxWidth == null || maxWidth.intValue() <= 0) setMaxTransitionWidthImpl("false"); else setMaxTransitionWidthImpl(maxWidth.toString()); } public static void setDefaultChangeHash(boolean defaultChangeHash) { JQMContext.defaultChangeHash = defaultChangeHash; } /** * Scroll the page to the y-position of the given element. The element must * be attached to the DOM (obviously!). * * This method will not fire jquery mobile scroll events. */ public static void silentScroll(Element e) { if (e.getId() != null) Mobile.silentScroll(getTop(e.getId())); } /** * Scroll the page to the y-position of the given widget. The widget must be * attached to the DOM (obviously!) * * This method will not fire jquery mobile scroll events. */ public static void silentScroll(Widget widget) { silentScroll(widget.getElement()); } public static final double MSEC_IN_MINUTE = 60d * 1000d; public static Date jsDateToDate(JsDate jsDate) { if (jsDate == null) return null; double msec = jsDate.getTime(); Date d = new Date((long) msec); int o1 = jsDate.getTimezoneOffset(); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") int o2 = d.getTimezoneOffset(); // For 1951 PST -> PDT was changed on Sun, Apr 29, 2:00 AM // But 04/04/1951 is PDT in JsDate (which is wrong) and PST in Java Date (which is right) if (o1 != o2) { msec += MSEC_IN_MINUTE * (o2 - o1); d = new Date((long) msec); } return d; } public static JsArrayString getJsArrayString(String... strings) { JsArrayString jsStrs = (JsArrayString) JavaScriptObject.createArray(); for (String s : strings) { jsStrs.push(s); } return jsStrs; } /** * See <a href="">Read :hover pseudo class with javascript</a> * <br> * @param rule - substring for css rule search * @param props - requested property names * @param regexProps - regular expressions for requested properties, see the following links: * * <br> <a href="">JavaScript RegExp Object</a> * <br> <a href="">Regex Tester</a> * <br> <a href="">Start of String and End of String Anchors</a> * <br> * * @return - property/value javascript object */ public static native JavaScriptObject getCssForRule(String rule, JsArrayString props, JsArrayString regexProps) /*-{ var sheets = $wnd.document.styleSheets; var slen = sheets.length; for (var i = 0; i < slen; i++) { var rules = $wnd.document.styleSheets[i].cssRules; if (rules === undefined || rules === null) { continue; } var rlen = rules.length; for (var j = 0; j < rlen; j++) { var selectorText = rules[j].selectorText; if (selectorText === undefined || selectorText === null) { continue; } if (selectorText.indexOf(rule) >= 0) { var ret = {}; var styleDefs = rules[j].style; for (var k = 0, dlen = styleDefs.length; k < dlen; k++) { var def = styleDefs[k]; var found = props === null && regexProps === null; if (props !== null) { for (n = 0, plen = props.length; n < plen; n++) { if (def === props[n]) { found = true; break; } } } if (!found && regexProps !== null) { for (n = 0, plen = regexProps.length; n < plen; n++) { if (def.match(regexProps[n])) { found = true; break; } } } if (!found) { continue; } ret[def] = styleDefs.getPropertyValue(def); } return ret; } } } return null; }-*/; public static double round(double valueToRound, int numberOfDecimalPlaces) { double multipicationFactor = Math.pow(10, numberOfDecimalPlaces); double interestedInZeroDPs = valueToRound * multipicationFactor; return Math.round(interestedInZeroDPs) / multipicationFactor; } public static WidgetDefaults getWidgetDefaults() { return widgetDefaults; } public static void setWidgetDefaults(WidgetDefaults widgetDefaults) { JQMContext.widgetDefaults = widgetDefaults; } public static void widgetDefaultsNotifyLoaded(Widget w) { if (w != null && widgetDefaults != null) widgetDefaults.loaded(w); } }