package com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt; import java.util.Collection; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMPageEvent.PageState; import; import; import; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.toolbar.JQMFooter; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.toolbar.JQMHeader; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.toolbar.JQMPanel; /** * @author Stephen K Samuel 4 May 2011 23:55:27 * <br> * A {@link JQMPage} is the base container for a single page. Any JQM widgets can be added * to the page. You can consider a JQMPage as like a GWT "view" in the MVP paradigm. */ public class JQMPage extends JQMContainer implements HasFullScreen<JQMPage> { public static final String DATA_DOM_CACHE = "data-dom-cache"; public static final String UI_DIALOG_BACKGROUND = "ui-dialog-background"; public static final String JQM4GWT_DLG_TRANSPARENT = "jqm4gwt-dialog-transparent"; public static final String JQM4GWT_DLG_TRANSPARENT_OPENED = "jqm4gwt-dlg-transparent-opened"; public static final String DLG_TRANSPARENT_ZINDEX_MINUS1 = "zindex-1"; public static final String DLG_TRANSPARENT_TOPMOST = "topmost"; private static final String JQM4GWT_DLG_TRANSPARENT_OPENED_PREFIX = JQM4GWT_DLG_TRANSPARENT_OPENED + "-"; /** * true - Header, Footer, Content positions will NOT be adjusted according to page properties: * contentCentered, contentHeightPercent, pseudoFixedToolbars, ... */ public static boolean stopPartsPositioning = false; private static final String STYLE_UI_DIALOG = "ui-dialog"; private static final String UI_DIALOG_CONTAIN = "ui-dialog-contain"; private static final String JQM4GWT_FIXED_HIDDEN = "jqm4gwt-fixed-hidden"; private static int counter = 1; /** The primary content div */ private JQMContent content; public boolean firstShow = false; protected HasJqmHeader header; protected HasJqmFooter footer; protected JQMPanel panel; private boolean contentCentered; private double contentHeightPercent; private boolean pseudoFixedToolbars; private double hideFixedToolbarsIfContentAreaPercentBelow = 50.0d; private int hideFixedToolbarsIfVirtualKeyboard = 0; // threshold(height) for keyboard detection private HandlerRegistration windowResizeInitialized; private HandlerRegistration orientationChangeInitialized; private int initialWindowHeight; private int hiddenHeaderH; private boolean hiddenHeaderFixed; private int hiddenFooterH; private boolean hiddenFooterFixed; private boolean transparent; private Element transparentPrevPage; private boolean transparentPrevPageClearCache; private boolean transparentDoPrevPageLifecycle; private boolean isDlgCloseable; /** * Create a new {@link JQMPage}. Using this constructor, the page will not be rendered * until a containerID has been assigned. */ private JQMPage() { setRole(getDfltRole()); content = createContent(); } /** * Needed to find out JQMPage widget by its Element received usually from JavaScript. * <br> Only loaded (attached to DOM) pages can be found. **/ public static JQMPage findPage(Element elt) { if (elt == null) return null; Widget w = JQMCommon.findWidget(elt); return w instanceof JQMPage ? (JQMPage) w : null; } /** Could be overridden by descendants */ protected String getDfltRole() { return "page"; } /** * Create a new {@link JQMPage} with an automatically assigned page id, * and then add the given widgets serially to the page layout. */ public JQMPage(Collection<Widget> widgets) { this(); withContainerId(); if (widgets != null) add(widgets); } /** * Creates a {@link JQMPage} with the given id * * @param containerId the id to use as this page's id */ public @UiConstructor JQMPage(String containerId) { this(); this.setContainerId(containerId); } /** * Assigns a default containerId of 'page' followed by the instance number. This can only be called once. All * subsequent attempts on this instance will result in an IllegalStateException. * @return the instance being operated on as part of a Fluent API */ @Override public JQMContainer withContainerId() { setContainerId(getDfltRole() + (counter++)); return this; } /** * Sets the containerId so it can be referenced by name. This can only be set once. All subsequent attempts on this * instance will result in an IllegalStateException. * @param containerId */ @Override public void setContainerId(String containerId) { if (getId() == null) { super.setContainerId(containerId); JQMContext.attachAndEnhance(this); } else if (! containerId.equals(getId())) { throw new IllegalStateException("Attempt to change JQMPage with containerId '" + getId() + "' to '" + containerId + "' failed - once set, it cannot be changed."); } } /** * Create a new {@link JQMPage} with an automatically assigned page id, * and then add the given widgets serially to the page layout. */ public JQMPage(Widget... widgets) { this(); withContainerId(); if (widgets != null) add(widgets); } @Override public boolean isVisible() { return super.isVisible() && JQMCommon.isVisible(this) && JQMCommon.hasStyle(getElement(), "ui-page-active"); // ui-page-active works for both: pages and dialogs } /** * Sets the footer of the page. Alias for setFooter(). Any existing footer * will be replaced. */ public void add(JQMFooter footer) { setFooter(footer); } /** * Logical add operation. If you do this you are responsible for adding it * to the DOM yourself. * * @param child * the child widget to be added */ protected void addLogical(Widget child) { // Detach new child. child.removeFromParent(); // Logical attach. getChildren().add(child); // Adopt. adopt(child); } /** * Logical remove operation. If you do this you are responsible for removing it * from the DOM yourself. * * @param w - the child widget to be removed */ protected boolean removeLogical(Widget w) { // Validate. if (w.getParent() != this) { return false; } // Orphan. try { orphan(w); } finally { // Logical detach. getChildren().remove(w); } return true; } /** * Sets the header of the page. Alias for setHeader(). Any existing header * will be replaced. */ public void add(JQMHeader header) { setHeader(header); } public void add(JQMPanel panel) { setPanel(panel); } /** * Adds a widget to the primary content container of this page. * * @param widget the widget to add to the primary content */ @Override public void add(Widget widget) { if (widget instanceof HasJqmHeader) { setHeader((HasJqmHeader) widget); return; } else if (widget instanceof HasJqmFooter) { setFooter((HasJqmFooter) widget); return; } else if (widget instanceof JQMContent) { throw new RuntimeException("Do not add content widgets here, call createContent() instead"); } getPrimaryContent().add(widget); // if page is already enhanced then we need to enhance the content manually // if (enhanced) triggerCreate(); } private static native void bindLifecycleEvents(JQMPage p, Element elt) /*-{ if ($wnd.$ === undefined || $wnd.$ === null) return; // jQuery is not loaded var page = $wnd.$(elt); page.on("pagecreate.jqm4gwt", function(event, ui) { p.@com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMPage::doPageInit()(); }); page.on("pageshow.jqm4gwt", function(event, ui) { p.@com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMPage::doPageShow(Lcom/google/gwt/dom/client/Element;)(ui.prevPage.get(0)); }); page.on("pagebeforeshow.jqm4gwt", function(event, ui) { p.@com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMPage::doPageBeforeShow(Lcom/google/gwt/dom/client/Element;)(ui.prevPage.get(0)); }); page.on("pagehide.jqm4gwt", function(event, ui) { p.@com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMPage::doPageHide(Lcom/google/gwt/dom/client/Element;)(ui.nextPage.get(0)); }); page.on("pagebeforehide.jqm4gwt", function(event, ui) { p.@com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMPage::doPageBeforeHide(Lcom/google/gwt/dom/client/Element;)(ui.nextPage.get(0)); }); }-*/; private static native void bindLifecycleHideEvents(JQMPage p, Element elt) /*-{ if ($wnd.$ === undefined || $wnd.$ === null) return; // jQuery is not loaded var page = $wnd.$(elt); page.on("pagehide.jqm4gwt", function(event, ui) { p.@com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMPage::doPageHide(Lcom/google/gwt/dom/client/Element;)(ui.nextPage.get(0)); }); page.on("pagebeforehide.jqm4gwt", function(event, ui) { p.@com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMPage::doPageBeforeHide(Lcom/google/gwt/dom/client/Element;)(ui.nextPage.get(0)); }); }-*/; private static native void unbindLifecycleHideEvents(Element elt) /*-{ if ($wnd.$ === undefined || $wnd.$ === null) return; // jQuery is not loaded var page = $wnd.$(elt);"pagehide.jqm4gwt");"pagebeforehide.jqm4gwt"); }-*/; public void bindLifecycleEvents() { bindLifecycleEvents(this, this.getElement()); } private static native void unbindLifecycleEvents(Element elt) /*-{ if ($wnd.$ === undefined || $wnd.$ === null) return; // jQuery is not loaded var page = $wnd.$(elt);"pagecreate.jqm4gwt");"pageshow.jqm4gwt");"pagebeforeshow.jqm4gwt");"pagehide.jqm4gwt");"pagebeforehide.jqm4gwt"); }-*/; public void unbindLifecycleEvents() { unbindLifecycleEvents(this.getElement()); } @Override protected void onLoad() { super.onLoad(); bindLifecycleEvents(this, getElement()); } @Override protected void onUnload() { unbindLifecycleEvents(getElement()); if (windowResizeInitialized != null) { windowResizeInitialized.removeHandler(); windowResizeInitialized = null; } if (orientationChangeInitialized != null) { orientationChangeInitialized.removeHandler(); orientationChangeInitialized = null; } super.onUnload(); } @Override public void clear() { throw new RuntimeException("You called clear on the page, you probably wanted to call clear on a content panel"); } /** * Creates a content container on this page and returns it. Content can * then be added to this secondary container. There is no limit to the * number of secondary content containers that can be created. */ public JQMContent createContent() { JQMContent content = new JQMContent(); Element elt = getElement(); add(content, elt); return content; } public String getCookie(String name) { return Cookies.getCookie(name); } protected int getCookieInteger(String value) { return Integer.parseInt(value); } public String getParameter(String name) { return Window.Location.getParameter(name); } /** * Returns the primary content container * * @return the primary content container */ public JQMContent getPrimaryContent() { return content; } private Element getToolBar(String role) { Element element = getElement().getFirstChildElement(); while (element != null) { if (role.equals(element.getAttribute("data-role"))) { return element; } element = element.getNextSiblingElement(); } return null; } public boolean hasCookie(String name) { return getCookie(name) != null; } protected boolean hasParameter(String name) { return getParameter(name) != null; } /** * Returns true if this page has an auto generated back button */ public boolean isBackButton() { JQMHeader h = getHeader(); return h != null && h.isBackButton(); } /** * See {@link JQMHeader#setBackButton(boolean)} */ public void setBackButton(boolean value) { JQMHeader h = getHeader(); if (h != null) h.setBackButton(value); } @Override public boolean isFullScreen() { return "true".equals(getAttribute("data-fullscreen")); } /** * Triggered on the page being hidden, before its transition begins. */ protected void onPageBeforeHide() { } /** * @param nextPage - DOM element that we are transitioning to. */ protected void doPageBeforeHide(Element nextPage) { final JQMPage nextPg = findPage(nextPage); if (nextPg != null && nextPg.isDialog() && nextPg.isDlgTransparent() && nextPg.getElement() != transparentPrevPage // fix for: page1 -> dlg1 -> dlg2 -> dlg2.closeDialog() ) { // openDialog() -> JQMContext.changePage() calls hide for current page first, and only // after that will call show for dialog itself, so we have to process transparent // property immediately right here, and suppress rest of the hide logic for current page. nextPg.prepareTransparentPrevPage(getElement()); return; } onPageBeforeHide();, PageState.BEFORE_HIDE, this, nextPg); if (isDialog()) isDlgCloseable = false; } /** * Triggered on the page being shown, before its transition begins. */ protected void onPageBeforeShow() { } public boolean isDialog() { return JQMCommon.hasStyle(getElement(), STYLE_UI_DIALOG); } /** * @param prevPage - DOM element that we are transitioning away from. * Could be null when the first page is transitioned in during application startup. */ protected void doPageBeforeShow(Element prevPage) { onPageBeforeShow();, PageState.BEFORE_SHOW, findPage(prevPage), this); if (isDialog()) { isDlgCloseable = true; prepareTransparentPrevPage(prevPage); } } /** * Needed mostly in case of page container surrounded by external panels, so these panels * could be synchronously disabled/enabled when "modal" dialog shown by jqm application. */ private static void prepareTransparentInfo(boolean add, String transparentPageId) { Element p = Document.get().getBody(); if (p != null) { String s = JQM4GWT_DLG_TRANSPARENT_OPENED_PREFIX + transparentPageId; if (add) { p.addClassName(JQM4GWT_DLG_TRANSPARENT_OPENED); p.addClassName(s); } else { p.removeClassName(s); String ss = JQMCommon.getStyleStartsWith(p, JQM4GWT_DLG_TRANSPARENT_OPENED_PREFIX); // checking for "opened dialog chain" case if ( p.removeClassName(JQM4GWT_DLG_TRANSPARENT_OPENED); } } } private void prepareTransparentPrevPage(Element prevPage) { if (transparent && prevPage != null) { if (transparentPrevPage == prevPage) return; // already prepared transparentPrevPage = prevPage; prevPage.addClassName(UI_DIALOG_BACKGROUND); prepareTransparentInfo(true/*add*/, getId()); String s = prevPage.getAttribute(DATA_DOM_CACHE); if ("true".equals(s)) { transparentPrevPageClearCache = false; } else { transparentPrevPageClearCache = true; prevPage.setAttribute(DATA_DOM_CACHE, "true"); } if (!transparentDoPrevPageLifecycle) { JQMPage prev = findPage(transparentPrevPage); if (prev != null) JQMPage.unbindLifecycleEvents(prev.getElement()); } if (content != null) content.addStyleName(JQMCommon.STYLE_UI_BODY_INHERIT); Element dlgContain = JQMCommon.findChild(getElement(), UI_DIALOG_CONTAIN); if (dlgContain != null) dlgContain.addClassName(JQMCommon.STYLE_UI_BODY_INHERIT); } else { transparentPrevPage = null; transparentPrevPageClearCache = false; if (content != null) content.removeStyleName(JQMCommon.STYLE_UI_BODY_INHERIT); Element dlgContain = JQMCommon.findChild(getElement(), UI_DIALOG_CONTAIN); if (dlgContain != null) dlgContain.removeClassName(JQMCommon.STYLE_UI_BODY_INHERIT); } } /** * Triggered on the page being hidden, after its transition completes. */ protected void onPageHide() { } /** * @param nextPage - DOM element that we are transitioning to. */ protected void doPageHide(Element nextPage) { onPageHide();, PageState.HIDE, this, findPage(nextPage)); if (transparentPrevPage != null) { transparentPrevPage.removeClassName(UI_DIALOG_BACKGROUND); prepareTransparentInfo(false/*add*/, getId()); if (transparentPrevPageClearCache) { transparentPrevPage.removeAttribute(DATA_DOM_CACHE); } if (!transparentDoPrevPageLifecycle) { final JQMPage prev = findPage(transparentPrevPage); if (prev != null) { // restore hide events bindings immediately, it could be a chain hiding case, // for example: closeDialog() -> changePage(newPage) -> prevPage.onPageHide() // will not occur, scheduleFinally() is too late. JQMPage.bindLifecycleHideEvents(prev, prev.getElement()); Scheduler.get().scheduleFinally(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { Element prevElt = prev.getElement(); JQMPage.unbindLifecycleHideEvents(prevElt); JQMPage.bindLifecycleEvents(prev, prevElt); } }); } } transparentPrevPage = null; transparentPrevPageClearCache = false; } } /** * Triggered on the page being hidden, after its transition completes. */ protected void onPageShow() { } /** * @param prevPage - DOM element that we are transitioning away from. * Could be null when the first page is transitioned in during application startup. */ protected void doPageShow(Element prevPage) { initialWindowHeight = Window.getClientHeight(); onPageShow();, PageState.SHOW, findPage(prevPage), this); if (contentCentered || pseudoFixedToolbars || contentHeightPercent > 0 || hideFixedToolbarsIfContentAreaPercentBelow > 0 || hideFixedToolbarsIfVirtualKeyboard > 0) { // we have to wait till CSS rules execution is completed, otherwise heights could be incorrect Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { refreshPartsPositioning(); } }); initWindowResize(); if (hideFixedToolbarsIfVirtualKeyboard > 0) initOrientationChange(); } } /** Header, Footer, Content positions will be adjusted according to page properties: * <br> contentCentered, contentHeightPercent, pseudoFixedToolbars, ... **/ public void refreshPartsPositioning() { if (stopPartsPositioning) return; processFixedToolbars(); recalcContentHeightPercent(); centerContent(); } private void initWindowResize() { if (windowResizeInitialized != null) return; windowResizeInitialized = Window.addResizeHandler(new ResizeHandler() { @Override public void onResize(ResizeEvent event) { refreshPartsPositioning(); } }); } private void initOrientationChange() { if (orientationChangeInitialized != null) return; orientationChangeInitialized = this.addJQMEventHandler(JQMComponentEvents.ORIENTATIONCHANGE, new JQMOrientationChangeHandler() { @Override public void onEvent(JQMEvent<?> event) { int h = Window.getClientHeight(); int w = Window.getClientWidth(); String s = JQMOrientationChangeHandler.Process.getOrientation(event); // iOS and Android give opposite values (iOS - already rotated, Android - not yet rotated) if (JQMOrientationChangeHandler.LANDSCAPE.equals(s)) { initialWindowHeight = Math.min(w, h); } else if (JQMOrientationChangeHandler.PORTRAIT.equals(s)) { initialWindowHeight = Math.max(w, h); } //Window.alert(s + ", height: " + initialWindowHeight); if (hideFixedToolbarsIfVirtualKeyboard > 0) { refreshPartsPositioning(); } } }); } /** * Triggered on the page being initialized, after initialization occurs. */ protected void onPageInit() { } protected void doPageInit() { onPageInit();, PageState.INIT, null/*prevPage*/, this); } public HandlerRegistration addPageHandler(JQMPageEvent.Handler handler) { return addHandler(handler, JQMPageEvent.getType()); } @Override public boolean remove(int index) { return getPrimaryContent().remove(index); } @Override public boolean remove(Widget w) { return getPrimaryContent().remove(w); } /** * Removes the footer element set on this page. If no footer is set then * this has no effect. */ public void removeFooter() { if (footer != null) { removeLogical(footer.getFooterStage()); footer = null; removeToolBar("footer"); } } /** * Removes the header element set on this page. If no header is set then * this has no effect. */ public void removeHeader() { if (header != null) { removeLogical(header.getHeaderStage()); header = null; removeToolBar("header"); } } public void removePanel() { if (panel != null) { removeLogical(panel); panel = null; removeToolBar("panel"); } } private void removeToolBar(String name) { Element element = getToolBar(name); if (element != null) getElement().removeChild(element); } /** * Sets the footer element, overriding an existing footer if any. */ public void setFooter(HasJqmFooter footer) { removeFooter(); this.footer = footer; if (this.footer == null) return; addLogical(footer.getFooterStage()); getElement().appendChild(footer.getJqmFooter().getElement()); } public JQMFooter getFooter() { return footer != null ? footer.getJqmFooter() : null; } @Override public void setFullScreen(boolean fs) { if (fs) { setAttribute("data-fullscreen", "true"); } else { removeAttribute("data-fullscreen"); } } @Override public JQMPage withFullScreen(boolean fs) { setFullScreen(fs); return this; } /** * Sets the header element, overriding an existing header if any. */ public void setHeader(HasJqmHeader header) { removeHeader(); this.header = header; if (this.header == null) return; addLogical(header.getHeaderStage()); if (panel == null) { getElement().insertBefore(header.getJqmHeader().getElement(), getElement().getFirstChild()); } else { getElement().insertAfter(header.getJqmHeader().getElement(), panel.getElement()); } } public JQMHeader setHeader(String text) { JQMHeader header = new JQMHeader(text); header.setBackButton(true); setHeader(header); return header; } public JQMHeader getHeader() { return header != null ? header.getJqmHeader() : null; } public void setPanel(JQMPanel panel) { removePanel(); this.panel = panel; addLogical(panel); getElement().insertBefore(panel.getElement(), getElement().getFirstChild()); } public JQMPanel getPanel() { return panel; } /** * Sets the title of this page, which will be used as the contents of the * title tag when this page is the visible page. */ @Override public void setTitle(String title) { setAttribute("data-title", title); } @Override public String toString() { return "JQMPage [id=" + id + "]"; } /** * Additional class names can be added directly to content div for better custom styling. * The same idea as UiBinder's embedded addStyleNames functionality. * * <br> Example: * <pre><jqm:JQMPage contentAddStyleNames="aaa bbb ccc"/></pre> */ public void setContentAddStyleNames(String value) { if (value == null || value.isEmpty()) return; JQMCommon.addStyleNames(content, value); } public boolean isContentCentered() { return contentCentered; } /** * Content band will be centered between Header and Footer * (they must be defined as fixed="true" OR page.pseudoFixedToolbars="true"). */ public void setContentCentered(boolean contentCentered) { boolean oldVal = this.contentCentered; this.contentCentered = contentCentered; if (oldVal != this.contentCentered && content != null && content.isAttached()) { if (this.contentCentered) { centerContent(); initWindowResize(); } else { clearCenterContent(); } } } public boolean isPseudoFixedToolbars() { return pseudoFixedToolbars; } /** * If content is short or scrollable (see {@link JQMPage#setContentHeightPercent(double)}), * we can get "fixed" header and footer without using CSS position: fixed (it's not working * quite good in mobile browsers). Just setPseudoFixedToolbars(true) and footer's position will * be calculated to be at the bottom of the page. */ public void setPseudoFixedToolbars(boolean value) { boolean oldVal = this.pseudoFixedToolbars; this.pseudoFixedToolbars = value; if (oldVal != this.pseudoFixedToolbars && content != null && content.isAttached()) { if (this.pseudoFixedToolbars) { centerContent(); initWindowResize(); } else { centerContent(); } } } public double getContentHeightPercent() { return contentHeightPercent; } /** * Defines content band's height as percent of available content area's height. */ public void setContentHeightPercent(double contentHeightPercent) { double oldVal = this.contentHeightPercent; this.contentHeightPercent = contentHeightPercent; if (oldVal != this.contentHeightPercent && content != null && content.isAttached()) { recalcContentHeightPercent(); centerContent(); initWindowResize(); } } public double getHideFixedToolbarsIfContentAreaPercentBelow() { return hideFixedToolbarsIfContentAreaPercentBelow; } /** * Fixed Header and Footer will be hidden if content area height percent is below * than specified percent of window height (default is 50%). * <br> Useful in cases with activated virtual keyboard, especially on Android. */ public void setHideFixedToolbarsIfContentAreaPercentBelow(double value) { double oldVal = hideFixedToolbarsIfContentAreaPercentBelow; hideFixedToolbarsIfContentAreaPercentBelow = value; if (oldVal != hideFixedToolbarsIfContentAreaPercentBelow && content != null && content.isAttached()) { processFixedToolbars(); centerContent(); initWindowResize(); } } public int getHideFixedToolbarsIfVirtualKeyboard() { return hideFixedToolbarsIfVirtualKeyboard; } /** * Fixed Header and Footer will be hidden if virtual/on-screen keyboard is activated. * <br> This property is used as threshold(keyboard's height) in pixels * for keyboard detection (to work must be > 0, default is 0). */ public void setHideFixedToolbarsIfVirtualKeyboard(int value) { int oldVal = hideFixedToolbarsIfVirtualKeyboard; hideFixedToolbarsIfVirtualKeyboard = value; if (oldVal != hideFixedToolbarsIfVirtualKeyboard && content != null && content.isAttached()) { processFixedToolbars(); centerContent(); initWindowResize(); if (hideFixedToolbarsIfVirtualKeyboard > 0) initOrientationChange(); } } private void showFixedToolbars() { final JQMHeader header = getHeader(); if (header != null) { Element headerElt = header.getElement(); if (headerElt.hasClassName(JQM4GWT_FIXED_HIDDEN)) { headerElt.removeClassName(JQM4GWT_FIXED_HIDDEN); if (hiddenHeaderFixed) { headerElt.addClassName("ui-header-fixed"); Element pageElt = getElement(); pageElt.addClassName("ui-page-header-fixed"); header.setFixed(true); header.updatePagePadding(); } } } final JQMFooter footer = getFooter(); if (footer != null) { Element footerElt = footer.getElement(); if (footerElt.hasClassName(JQM4GWT_FIXED_HIDDEN)) { footerElt.removeClassName(JQM4GWT_FIXED_HIDDEN); if (hiddenFooterFixed) { footerElt.addClassName("ui-footer-fixed"); Element pageElt = getElement(); pageElt.addClassName("ui-page-footer-fixed"); footer.setFixed(true); footer.updatePagePadding(); } } } } private void hideFixedToolbars(int headerH, int footerH) { if (stopPartsPositioning) return; final JQMHeader header = getHeader(); if (header != null && (header.isFixed() || pseudoFixedToolbars) && !header.getElement().hasClassName(JQM4GWT_FIXED_HIDDEN)) { Element headerElt = header.getElement(); if (header.isFixed()) { header.setFixed(false); headerElt.removeClassName("ui-header-fixed"); hiddenHeaderFixed = true; } else { hiddenHeaderFixed = false; } headerElt.addClassName(JQM4GWT_FIXED_HIDDEN); hiddenHeaderH = headerH; if (hiddenHeaderFixed) { Element pageElt = getElement(); pageElt.removeClassName("ui-page-header-fixed"); pageElt.getStyle().clearPaddingTop(); } } final JQMFooter footer = getFooter(); if (footer != null && (footer.isFixed() || pseudoFixedToolbars) && !footer.getElement().hasClassName(JQM4GWT_FIXED_HIDDEN)) { Element footerElt = footer.getElement(); if (footer.isFixed()) { footer.setFixed(false); footerElt.removeClassName("ui-footer-fixed"); hiddenFooterFixed = true; } else { hiddenFooterFixed = false; } footerElt.addClassName(JQM4GWT_FIXED_HIDDEN); hiddenFooterH = footerH; if (hiddenFooterFixed) { Element pageElt = getElement(); pageElt.removeClassName("ui-page-footer-fixed"); pageElt.getStyle().clearPaddingBottom(); } } } private boolean isFixedToolbarsHidden() { final JQMHeader header = getHeader(); final JQMFooter footer = getFooter(); return (header != null && header.getElement().hasClassName(JQM4GWT_FIXED_HIDDEN)) || (footer != null && footer.getElement().hasClassName(JQM4GWT_FIXED_HIDDEN)); } private void processFixedToolbars() { if (stopPartsPositioning) return; if (!isVisible() || header == null && footer == null) return; if (hideFixedToolbarsIfContentAreaPercentBelow <= 0 && hideFixedToolbarsIfVirtualKeyboard <= 0) { showFixedToolbars(); return; } final int headerH; final int footerH; if (isFixedToolbarsHidden()) { headerH = hiddenHeaderH; footerH = hiddenFooterH; } else { final JQMHeader header = getHeader(); headerH = header == null ? 0 : header.getOffsetHeight(); final JQMFooter footer = getFooter(); footerH = footer == null ? 0 : footer.getOffsetHeight(); } int windowH = Window.getClientHeight(); if (hideFixedToolbarsIfVirtualKeyboard > 0 && initialWindowHeight - windowH >= hideFixedToolbarsIfVirtualKeyboard) { hideFixedToolbars(headerH, footerH); return; } if (hideFixedToolbarsIfContentAreaPercentBelow > 0) { int contentAreaH = windowH - headerH - footerH; if (contentAreaH <= 0) { hideFixedToolbars(headerH, footerH); return; } double minContentAreaH = windowH * 0.01d * hideFixedToolbarsIfContentAreaPercentBelow; if (contentAreaH < minContentAreaH) { hideFixedToolbars(headerH, footerH); return; } } showFixedToolbars(); } /** * Forcefully centers (just once) page content (needed when content size is changed, because * there is no good way to get resize notification for DOM elements). * <p> Warning! - contentCentered property is not affected, you have to change it manually. </p> * <p> See <a href=""> * How to know when an DOM element moves or is resized</a></p> */ public void centerContent() { if (stopPartsPositioning) return; if (!isVisible()) return; boolean windowHset = false; int windowH = 0; int headerH = 0; int footerH = 0; int contentH = 0; int marginTop = 0; final JQMHeader header = getHeader(); final JQMFooter footer = getFooter(); if (contentCentered) { boolean isFixedHeader = header != null && (header.isFixed() || pseudoFixedToolbars); boolean isFixedFooter = footer != null && (footer.isFixed() || pseudoFixedToolbars); boolean needCentering = (header == null && footer == null) || (isFixedHeader && isFixedFooter) || (isFixedHeader && footer == null) || (isFixedFooter && header == null); if (needCentering && !isFixedToolbarsHidden()) { contentH = content.getOffsetHeight(); if (contentH > 0) { if (header != null) headerH = header.getOffsetHeight(); if (footer != null) footerH = footer.getOffsetHeight(); windowH = Window.getClientHeight(); windowHset = true; marginTop = (windowH - headerH - footerH - contentH) / 2; } } } if (marginTop <= 0) content.getElement().getStyle().clearMarginTop(); else content.getElement().getStyle().setMarginTop(marginTop, Unit.PX); if (footer != null) { int footerMarginTop = 0; footerH = footer.getOffsetHeight(); if (pseudoFixedToolbars && footerH > 0 && !footer.isFixed()) { if (!windowHset) { windowH = Window.getClientHeight(); windowHset = true; contentH = content.getOffsetHeight(); if (header != null) headerH = header.getOffsetHeight(); } footerMarginTop = windowH - headerH - contentH - marginTop - footerH; } if (footerMarginTop <= 0) footer.getElement().getStyle().clearMarginTop(); else footer.getElement().getStyle().setMarginTop(footerMarginTop, Unit.PX); } } /** * Forcefully recalculates (if defined, and just once) page content height * (needed when content area size is changed, because there is no good way to get resize * notification for DOM elements). */ public void recalcContentHeightPercent() { if (stopPartsPositioning) return; if (!isVisible()) return; Element contentElt = content.getElement(); if (contentHeightPercent > 0) { final JQMHeader header = getHeader(); final JQMFooter footer = getFooter(); int headerH = header == null || isFixedToolbarsHidden() ? 0 : header.getOffsetHeight(); int footerH = footer == null || isFixedToolbarsHidden() ? 0 : footer.getOffsetHeight(); int windowH = Window.getClientHeight(); int clientH = contentElt.getPropertyInt("clientHeight"); int offsetH = contentElt.getPropertyInt("offsetHeight"); int diff = offsetH - clientH; // border, ... if (diff < 0) diff = 0; double h = (windowH - headerH - footerH - diff) * 0.01d * contentHeightPercent; h = Math.floor(h); contentElt.getStyle().setProperty("minHeight", String.valueOf(Math.round(h)) + "px"); contentElt.getStyle().setProperty("paddingTop", "0"); contentElt.getStyle().setProperty("paddingBottom", "0"); } else { contentElt.getStyle().clearProperty("minHeight"); contentElt.getStyle().clearProperty("paddingTop"); contentElt.getStyle().clearProperty("paddingBottom"); } } /** * Content is not centered anymore, i.e. aligned to the top (just once). * <p> Warning! - contentCentered property is not affected, you have to change it manually. </p> */ public void clearCenterContent() { centerContent(); } public boolean isDlgTransparent() { return transparent; } /** * @param transparent - needed when this page is shown in dialog mode, * then true means show faded previous page under dialog window * and don't bother prev page with lifecycle events (show, hide, ...). * * <br> See <a href="">Transparent jQuery mobile dialogs</a> */ public void setDlgTransparent(boolean transparent) { this.transparent = transparent; if (this.transparent) addStyleName(JQM4GWT_DLG_TRANSPARENT); else removeStyleName(JQM4GWT_DLG_TRANSPARENT); } public boolean isDlgTransparentDoPrevPageLifecycle() { return transparentDoPrevPageLifecycle; } /** * By default all lifecycle events (show, hide, ...) are blocked on previous page * when dlgTransparent is true for this page. This behavior can be disabled by setting * this property to true, so lifecycle events will be called for previous page. */ public void setDlgTransparentDoPrevPageLifecycle(boolean transparentDoPrevPageLifecycle) { this.transparentDoPrevPageLifecycle = transparentDoPrevPageLifecycle; } /** * In case of non-transparent dialog its background theme can be changed. */ public void setDlgOverlayTheme(String theme) { JQMCommon.setAttribute(this, "data-overlay-theme", theme); } public String getDlgOverlayTheme() { return JQMCommon.getAttribute(this, "data-overlay-theme"); } /** * There is no "correct" way to restore page after it was called as dialog, * so this method is ugly hack, but it's useful and working. */ public void restoreRolePage() { JQMCommon.setDataRole(this, "page"); JQMCommon.setDataDialog(this, false); removeStyleName(STYLE_UI_DIALOG); Element elt = getElement(); Element dlgContain = JQMCommon.findChild(elt, UI_DIALOG_CONTAIN); if (dlgContain != null) { JQMCommon.moveChildren(dlgContain, elt); elt.removeChild(dlgContain); } JQMHeader h = getHeader(); if (h != null) { Element btn = JQMCommon.findChild(h.getElement(), "ui-btn-icon-notext"); if (btn != null && "#".equals(JQMCommon.getAttribute(btn, "href")) && (DataIcon.DELETE == JQMCommon.getIcon(btn) || DataIcon.DELETE == JQMCommon.getStyleIcon(btn))) { h.getElement().removeChild(btn); } } } /** * There is no "correct" way to restore dialog after it was called as page, * so this method is ugly hack, but it's useful and working. */ public void restoreRoleDialog() { JQMCommon.setDataRole(this, Mobile.DATA_ROLE_DIALOG); internRestoreDialog(getElement()); } /** XXX: Again it's ugly hack, actually partial copy of mobile.dialog._create() method. */ private static native void internRestoreDialog(Element elt) /*-{ var p = $wnd.$(elt); if ('mobile-page') === undefined || p.hasClass("ui-dialog")) { return; } var corners ="option", "corners"); p.addClass("ui-dialog").wrapInner($wnd.$( "<div/>", { "role" : "dialog", "class" : "ui-dialog-contain ui-overlay-shadow" + (corners ? " ui-corner-all" : "") })); }-*/; public void openDialog() { TransitionIntf<?> t = this.getTransition(); if (t == null) t = JQMContext.getDefaultDialogTransition(); //Element actPg = Mobile.getActivePage(); if (JQMCommon.isDataDialog(getElement())) { // we don't need to forcefully pass "dialog=true" in that case JQMContext.changePage(this, t); } else { JQMContext.changePage(this, true/*dialog*/, t); } } public void closeDialog() { if (isDialog()) { safeCloseDialog(this); } else if (Mobile.DATA_ROLE_DIALOG.equals(JQMCommon.getDataRole(this))) { internCloseDialog(getElement()); } } /** Based on mobile.dialog.close method. */ public static native void safeCloseDialog(JQMPage p) /*-{ if (!p.@com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMPage::isDlgCloseable) return; p.@com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMPage::isDlgCloseable = false; var hist = $wnd.$.mobile.navigate.history; // If the hash listening is enabled and there is at least one preceding history // entry it's ok to go back. Initial pages with the dialog hash state are an example // where the stack check is necessary if ($wnd.$.mobile.hashListeningEnabled && hist.activeIndex > 0) { $wnd.$.mobile.back(); } else { $wnd.$.mobile.pageContainer.pagecontainer("back"); } }-*/; private static native void internCloseDialog(Element elt) /*-{ $wnd.$(elt).dialog("close"); }-*/; public static enum DlgCloseBtn { RIGHT("right"), NONE("none"), LEFT("left"); private final String jqmVal; private DlgCloseBtn(String jqmVal) { this.jqmVal = jqmVal; } /** * Returns the string value that JQM expects */ public String getJqmValue() { return jqmVal; } public static DlgCloseBtn fromJqmValue(String jqmValue) { if (jqmValue == null || jqmValue.isEmpty()) return null; for (DlgCloseBtn i : DlgCloseBtn.values()) { if (i.getJqmValue().equals(jqmValue)) return i; } return null; } } public DlgCloseBtn getDlgCloseBtn() { return DlgCloseBtn.fromJqmValue(JQMCommon.getAttribute(this, "data-close-btn")); } public void setDlgCloseBtn(DlgCloseBtn value) { JQMCommon.setAttribute(this, "data-close-btn", value != null ? value.getJqmValue() : null); } public String getDlgCloseBtnText() { return JQMCommon.getAttribute(this, "data-close-btn-text"); } public void setDlgCloseBtnText(String value) { JQMCommon.setAttribute(this, "data-close-btn-text", value); } @Override public String getTheme() { String rslt = JQMCommon.getThemeEx(this, "ui-page-theme-"); if (rslt == null || rslt.isEmpty()) rslt = super.getTheme(); return rslt; } @Override public void setTheme(String theme) { JQMCommon.setThemeEx(this, theme, "ui-page-theme-"); } }