package com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.form.elements; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.IconPos; public class JQMSelectWithIcons extends JQMSelect { private static final String SELECT_ICONS_STYLENAME = "jqm4gwt-select-icons"; public JQMSelectWithIcons() { super(); addStyleName(SELECT_ICONS_STYLENAME); setNative(false); } @Override protected void onLoad() { super.onLoad(); bindLifecycleEvents(select.getElement().getId()); } @Override protected void onUnload() { unbindLifecycleEvents(select.getElement().getId()); super.onUnload(); } private static native void bindLifecycleEvents(String id) /*-{ if ($wnd.$ === undefined || $wnd.$ === null) return; // jQuery is not loaded $wnd.$.mobile.document // The custom selectmenu plugin generates an ID for the listview by suffixing the ID of the // native widget with "-menu". Upon creation of the listview widget we want to add item icons. .on( "listviewcreate", "#" + id + "-menu", function( e ) { var select = $wnd.$( "#" + id ), listview = $wnd.$( ); var pos = select.attr('data-iconpos'); var posNull = pos === undefined || pos === null; var posLeft = !posNull && pos === 'left'; var posNone = !posNull && pos === ''; // iterate through each of the OPTION elements for this SELECT element $wnd.$.each(select.find('option'), function (index, element) { // if the OPTION element has the `data-icon` attribute var icon = $wnd.$(element).attr('data-icon'); if (icon !== undefined && icon !== null) { // update the menu for this SELECT by adding an icon SPAN element // to each of the OPTION elements that has a `data-icon` attribute var btn = listview.children().eq(index).find('.ui-btn'); if (posLeft) { btn.prepend('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-' + icon + ' ui-btn-icon-left ui-icon-shadow" />'); } else { btn.append('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-' + icon + ' ui-btn-icon-right ui-icon-shadow" />'); } if (posNone) btn.children('span').hide(); } }); }); }-*/; private static native void unbindLifecycleEvents(String id) /*-{ if ($wnd.$ === undefined || $wnd.$ === null) return; // jQuery is not loaded $wnd.$ "listviewcreate", "#" + id + "-menu" ); }-*/; private static native void refreshListViewIconPos(String id) /*-{ var listview = $wnd.$.mobile.document.find("#" + id + "-menu"); if (listview) { var select = $wnd.$("#" + id); var pos = select.attr('data-iconpos'); var posNull = pos === undefined || pos === null; var posLeft = !posNull && pos === 'left'; var posNone = !posNull && pos === ''; // iterate through each of the OPTION elements for this SELECT element $wnd.$.each(select.find('option'), function (index, element) { // if the OPTION element has the `data-icon` attribute var icon = $wnd.$(element).attr('data-icon'); if (icon !== undefined && icon !== null) { var btn = listview.children().eq(index).find('.ui-btn'); if (posNone) { btn.children('span').hide(); } else { if (posLeft) { btn.children('span').removeClass('ui-btn-icon-right') .addClass('ui-btn-icon-left').prependTo(btn).show(); } else { btn.children('span').removeClass('ui-btn-icon-left') .addClass('ui-btn-icon-right').appendTo(btn).show(); } } } }); } }-*/; @Override public void setIconPos(IconPos pos) { super.setIconPos(pos); refreshListViewIconPos(select.getElement().getId()); } @Override public void setIconPosNone(boolean value) { super.setIconPosNone(value); refreshListViewIconPos(select.getElement().getId()); } }