package com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt; import; import; import; import; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMPopupEvent.PopupState; /** * @author Stephen K Samuel 16 Sep 2012 00:26:35 * * <br> See <a href="">Popup</a> */ public class JQMPopup extends JQMContainer { private static int counter = 1; private String tolerance; /** * Creates a new {@link JQMPopup} with an automatically assigned id in the form popup-xx where XX is an incrementing number. */ public JQMPopup() { this("popup-" + (counter++)); } /** * Creates a new {@link JQMPopup} with explicitly defined id. */ public JQMPopup(String popupId) { super(popupId, "popup"); } public JQMPopup(Widget... widgets) { this(); add(widgets); } @Override public void setContainerId(String containerId) { super.setContainerId(containerId); removeAttribute("data-url"); } /** * Automatically assigns an id in the form popup-xx where XX is an incrementing number. */ @Override public JQMContainer withContainerId() { setContainerId("popup-" + (counter++)); return this; } private static native void initialize(Element elt) /*-{ $wnd.$(elt).popup(); }-*/; /** * Initialize dynamically added popup with static content (for example added after page is loaded). * <br> Also see {@link JQMPopup#waitInitOpen(String)} if you need to wait for images to be loaded. */ public void initDynamic() { initialize(getElement()); } private static native void waitInitOpen(String waitForSelector, Element elt) /*-{ // Wait with opening the popup until the popup image has been loaded in the DOM. // This ensures the popup gets the correct size and position var pop = $wnd.$(elt); var saveDisp = pop.css("display"); if (saveDisp !== "none") pop.css("display", "none"); $wnd.$( waitForSelector, elt ).load(function() { pop.css("display", saveDisp); pop.popup(); pop.popup( "open" ); clearTimeout( fallback ); // Clear the fallback }); // Fallback in case the browser doesn't fire a load event var fallback = setTimeout(function() { pop.css("display", saveDisp); pop.popup(); pop.popup( "open" ); }, 2000); }-*/; /** * First wait till some elements are loaded, then initialize and open dynamically added popup. * <br> See <a href="">Dynamic popup with images</a> */ public void waitInitOpen(String waitForSelector) { if (waitForSelector == null || waitForSelector.isEmpty()) { initDynamic(); open(); return; } waitInitOpen(waitForSelector, getElement()); } private static native void _close(Element elt) /*-{ $wnd.$(elt).popup("close"); }-*/; private static native void _open(Element elt) /*-{ $wnd.$(elt).popup("open"); }-*/; private static native void _open(Element popupElt, String positionToSelector) /*-{ $wnd.$(popupElt).popup("open", { positionTo: positionToSelector }); }-*/; public static native void close(String popupSelector) /*-{ $wnd.$(popupSelector).popup("close"); }-*/; public static native void open(String popupSelector) /*-{ $wnd.$(popupSelector).popup("open"); }-*/; public static native void open(String popupSelector, String positionToSelector) /*-{ $wnd.$(popupSelector).popup("open", { positionTo: positionToSelector }); }-*/; public JQMPopup close() { _close(getElement()); return this; } public JQMPopup open() { _open(getElement()); return this; } public JQMPopup openPosTo(String positionToSelector) { _open(getElement(), positionToSelector); return this; } @Override public String getRelType() { return "popup"; } @Override public String getTheme() { String rslt = JQMCommon.getThemeEx(this, JQMCommon.STYLE_UI_BODY); if (rslt == null || rslt.isEmpty()) rslt = super.getTheme(); return rslt; } @Override public void setTheme(String theme) { JQMCommon.setThemeEx(this, theme, JQMCommon.STYLE_UI_BODY); } public String getOverlayTheme() { return getAttribute("data-overlay-theme"); } public void setOverlayTheme(String theme) { setAttribute("data-overlay-theme", theme); } public JQMPopup withOverlayTheme(String theme) { setOverlayTheme(theme); return this; } public boolean isPadding() { return JQMCommon.hasStyle(this, "ui-content"); } public void setPadding(boolean padding) { if (padding) { addStyleName("ui-content"); } else { removeStyleName("ui-content"); } } public JQMPopup withPadding(boolean padding) { setPadding(padding); return this; } public String getPosition() { return JQMCommon.getPopupPos(this); } /** * @param pos - origin, window, or jQuery selector. * <br> Element is searched by selector, and then popup is centered over it. * The selector is filtered for elements that are visible with ":visible". * If the result is empty, the popup will be centered in the window. */ public void setPosition(String pos) { JQMCommon.setPopupPos(this, pos); } @Override public String toString() { return "JQMPopup [id=" + id + "]"; } public boolean isDialog() { String s = JQMCommon.getAttribute(this, "data-dismissible"); return "false".equals(s); } /** * @param value - if true creates a modal style dialog, to prevent the click-outside-to-close * behavior so people need to interact with popup buttons to close it. */ public void setDialog(boolean value) { JQMCommon.setAttribute(this, "data-dismissible", value ? "false" : null); } public boolean isDismissible() { return !isDialog(); } /** * Opposite to setDialog() * <br> Sets whether clicking outside the popup or pressing Escape while the popup is * open will close the popup. * <br> Note: When history support is turned on, pressing the browser's "Back" button * will dismiss the popup even if this option is set to false. */ public void setDismissible(boolean value) { setDialog(!value); } public boolean isShadow() { String s = JQMCommon.getAttribute(this, "data-shadow"); boolean noShadow = "false".equals(s); return !noShadow; } public void setShadow(boolean value) { JQMCommon.setAttribute(this, "data-shadow", value ? null : "false"); } public String getArrows() { return JQMCommon.getAttribute(this, "data-arrow"); } /** * @param arrows - possible values: true, false. * Also comma-separated list of edge abbreviations: l t r b * <br> "l" for left, "t" for top, "r" for right, and "b" for bottom. * * <br> <b>The order in which the edges are given matters, see explanation below.</b> * * <br> For each edge given in the list, the framework calculates: * <br> 1. the distance between the tip of the arrow and the center of the origin * <br> 2. and whether minimizing the above distance would cause the arrow to appear * too close to one of the corners of the popup along the given edge. * * <br> If the second condition applies, the edge is discarded as a possible solution * for placing the arrow. Otherwise, the calculated distance is examined. * If it is 0, meaning that the popup can be placed exactly such that the tip of * the arrow points at the center of the origin, no further edges are examined, * and the popup is positioned along the last examined edge. * */ public void setArrows(String arrows) { JQMCommon.setAttribute(this, "data-arrow", arrows); } /** Triggered when a popup has completely closed */ protected void onAfterClose() { } protected void doAfterClose() { onAfterClose();, PopupState.AFTER_CLOSE); } /** Triggered after a popup has completely opened */ protected void onAfterOpen() { } protected void doAfterOpen() { onAfterOpen();, PopupState.AFTER_OPEN); } /** * Triggered before a popup computes the coordinates where it will appear. * <br> Handling this event gives an opportunity to modify the content of * the popup before it appears on the screen. For example, the content can be * scaled or parts of it can be hidden or removed if it is too wide or too tall. * You can also modify the options parameter to affect the popup's placement. * * @param openOptions **/ protected void onBeforePosition(PopupOptions openOptions) { } public static class PopupOptions { private Double x; private Double y; private String positionTo; public Double getX() { return x; } public void setX(Double x) { this.x = x; } public Double getY() { return y; } public void setY(Double y) { this.y = y; } public String getPositionTo() { return positionTo; } public void setPositionTo(String positionTo) { this.positionTo = positionTo; } @Override public String toString() { return "PopupOptions [x=" + JQMContext.round(x, 2) + ", y=" + JQMContext.round(y, 2) + ", positionTo=" + positionTo + "]"; } } /** * @param openOptions = { x: 123, y: 456, positionTo: #xxx } */ protected void doBeforePosition(JavaScriptObject openOptions) { String p = JsUtils.getObjValue(openOptions, "positionTo"); Double x = JsUtils.getObjDoubleValue(openOptions, "x"); Double y = JsUtils.getObjDoubleValue(openOptions, "y"); PopupOptions opts = new PopupOptions(); opts.setPositionTo(p); opts.setX(x); opts.setY(y); onBeforePosition(opts);, PopupState.BEFORE_POSITION, opts); String newP = opts.getPositionTo(); if (newP == null) { if (p != null && !p.isEmpty()) JsUtils.deleteObjProperty(openOptions, "positionTo"); } else { JsUtils.setObjValue(openOptions, "positionTo", newP); } Double newX = opts.getX(); if (newX == null) { if (x != null) JsUtils.deleteObjProperty(openOptions, "x"); } else { JsUtils.setObjDoubleValue(openOptions, "x", newX); } Double newY = opts.getY(); if (newY == null) { if (y != null) JsUtils.deleteObjProperty(openOptions, "y"); } else { JsUtils.setObjDoubleValue(openOptions, "y", newY); } } private static native void setTolerance(Element elt, String tolerance) /*-{ $wnd.$(elt).popup("option", "tolerance", tolerance); }-*/; private static native String getTolerance(Element elt) /*-{ return $wnd.$(elt).popup("option", "tolerance"); }-*/; protected static native boolean isInitialized(Element elt) /*-{ if ($wnd.$ === undefined || $wnd.$ === null) return false; // jQuery is not loaded var w = $wnd.$(elt); return'mobile-popup') !== undefined; }-*/; public String getTolerance() { Element elt = getElement(); if (isInitialized(elt)) return getTolerance(elt); else return tolerance; } /** * @param tolerance - Default: "30,15,30,15" * <br> Sets the minimum distance from the edge of the window for the corresponding edge * of the popup. By default, the values above will be used for the distance from * the top, right, bottom, and left edge of the window, respectively. * * <br> You can specify a value for this option in one of four ways: * <br> 1. Empty string, null, or some other falsy value. This will cause the popup to revert * to the above default values. * * <br> 2. A single number. This number will be used for all four edge tolerances. * * <br> 3. Two numbers separated by a comma. The first number will be used for tolerances * from the top and bottom edge of the window, and the second number will be used for tolerances * from the left and right edge of the window. * * <br> 4. Four comma-separated numbers. The first will be used for tolerance from the top edge, * the second for tolerance from the right edge, the third for tolerance from the bottom edge, * and the fourth for tolerance from the left edge. * */ public void setTolerance(String tolerance) { this.tolerance = tolerance; Element elt = getElement(); if (isInitialized(elt)) setTolerance(elt, tolerance); } /** * Based on mobile.popup _desiredCoords() * * @param positionTo - jQuery selector for finding element (must be visible) * @return - { left: 111, top: 222, width: 333, height: 444 } */ private static native JavaScriptObject jsCalcEltCoords(String positionTo) /*-{ var dst = null; try { dst = $wnd.$(positionTo); } catch(err) { dst = null; } if (dst) { dst.filter(":visible"); if (dst.length === 0) { dst = null; } } // If an element was found, preparing result if (dst) { var offset = dst.offset(); var rslt = { left: offset.left, top:, width: dst.outerWidth(), height: dst.outerHeight() }; return rslt; } else { return null; } }-*/; public static class EltCoords { public final double left; public final double top; public final double width; public final double height; public EltCoords(double left, double top, double width, double height) { super(); this.left = left; = top; this.width = width; this.height = height; } @Override public String toString() { return "EltCoords [left=" + JQMContext.round(left, 2) + ", top=" + JQMContext.round(top, 2) + ", width=" + JQMContext.round(width, 2) + ", height=" + JQMContext.round(height, 2) + "]"; } } /** * @param positionTo - jQuery selector for finding element (must be visible) */ public static EltCoords calcEltCoords(String positionTo) { JavaScriptObject o = jsCalcEltCoords(positionTo); if (o == null) return null; Double left = JsUtils.getObjDoubleValue(o, "left"); Double top = JsUtils.getObjDoubleValue(o, "top"); Double width = JsUtils.getObjDoubleValue(o, "width"); Double height = JsUtils.getObjDoubleValue(o, "height"); return new EltCoords(left, top, width, height); } private static native void bindLifecycleEvents(JQMPopup p, Element elt) /*-{ if ($wnd.$ === undefined || $wnd.$ === null) return; // jQuery is not loaded var popup = $wnd.$(elt); popup.on("popupafterclose", function(event, ui) { p.@com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMPopup::doAfterClose()(); }); popup.on("popupafteropen", function(event, ui) { p.@com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMPopup::doAfterOpen()(); }); popup.on("popupbeforeposition", function(event, ui) { //alert(JSON.stringify(ui)); p.@com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMPopup::doBeforePosition(Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JavaScriptObject;)(ui); }); }-*/; private static native void unbindLifecycleEvents(Element elt) /*-{ if ($wnd.$ === undefined || $wnd.$ === null) return; // jQuery is not loaded var popup = $wnd.$(elt);"popupafterclose");"popupafteropen");"popupbeforeposition");"popupcreate"); }-*/; private static native void bindCreated(Element elt, JQMPopup pop) /*-{ $wnd.$(elt).on( 'popupcreate', function( event, ui ) { pop.@com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMPopup::created()(); }); }-*/; private void created() { setTolerance(getElement(), tolerance); } @Override protected void onLoad() { super.onLoad(); Element elt = getElement(); bindLifecycleEvents(this, elt); if (tolerance != null) { bindCreated(elt, this); } } @Override protected void onUnload() { unbindLifecycleEvents(getElement()); super.onUnload(); } public HandlerRegistration addPopupHandler(JQMPopupEvent.Handler handler) { return addHandler(handler, JQMPopupEvent.getType()); } public boolean isCloseThenClick() { String s = JQMCommon.getAttribute(getElement(), "data-closeThenClick"); return "true".equals(s); } /** * Works in conjunction with dismissible, will pass/re-route outside click to proper widget * after popup is closed, so you don't have to tap widget one more time (i.e. prevents click event * eating by popup). */ public void setCloseThenClick(boolean value) { JQMCommon.setAttribute(getElement(), "data-closeThenClick", value ? "true" : null); } }