package com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.table; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.Empty; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMCommon; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMContext; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMContext.WidgetDefaults; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.StrUtils; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.html.CustomFlowPanel; /** * Advanced wrapper for Html Table element. Not supposed to be used "per se", see descendants. * * @author slavap */ public class JQMTableGrid extends CustomFlowPanel implements HasValue<Collection<String>> { // both are used in jqm4gwt.css public static final String THEAD_GROUPS = "jqm4gwt-thead-groups"; public static final String IMG_ONLY = "img-only"; protected boolean loaded; protected final ComplexPanel tHead; protected final ComplexPanel tBody; protected ComplexPanel tFoot; /** populated based on colNames parsing */ protected final List<ColumnDef> columns = new ArrayList<ColumnDef>(); /** populated directly by addColTitleWidget(), probably from UiBinder template */ protected final Map<Widget, ColumnDef> colTitleWidgets = new LinkedHashMap<Widget, ColumnDef>(); /** populated based on colGroups parsing */ protected final List<ColumnDef> headGroups = new ArrayList<ColumnDef>(); /** populated directly by addColGroupWidget(), probably from UiBinder template */ protected final Map<Widget, ColumnDef> colGroupWidgets = new LinkedHashMap<Widget, ColumnDef>(); protected String colNames; protected String colGroups; protected String footColTitles; private String colClassNames; private Map<Integer, String> colClsNames; private Map<Integer, String> colClsNamesHead; private Map<Integer, String> colClsNamesBody; private String cells; private Collection<String> dataStr; /** Boolean - true means add as <th> */ private Map<Widget, Boolean> dataObj; protected JQMTableGrid() { super(Document.get().createTableElement()); Element table = getElement(); table.setId(Document.get().createUniqueId()); tHead = new CustomFlowPanel(Document.get().createTHeadElement()); tBody = new CustomFlowPanel(Document.get().createTBodyElement()); add(tHead); add(tBody); } @Override protected void onLoad() { super.onLoad(); loaded = true; WidgetDefaults dflt = JQMContext.getWidgetDefaults(); if (dflt != null) dflt.loaded(this); applyColClassNames(true/*add*/); if (tBody.getWidgetCount() == 0 && !colTitleWidgets.isEmpty()) populateBody(); } @Override protected void onUnload() { loaded = false; super.onUnload(); } protected void checkFooterCreated() { if (tFoot != null) return; tFoot = new CustomFlowPanel(Document.get().createTFootElement()); int i = getWidgetIndex(tBody); if (i >= 0) insert(tFoot, i); else add(tFoot); } public String getColNames() { return colNames; } /** * @param colNames - comma separated column titles with optional priority (1 = highest, 6 = lowest), * formally:<b> title~name=priority </b> * <br> If you need comma in title use \, to preserve it. * <br> Column title can be valid HTML, i.e. <abbr title="Rotten Tomato Rating">Rating</abbr>=1 * <br> Example: Rank,Movie Title,Year=3,Reviews=5 * <br> To make a column persistent so it's not available for hiding, just omit priority. * This will make the column visible at all widths and won't be available in the column chooser menu. */ public void setColNames(String colNames) { if (this.colNames == colNames || this.colNames != null && this.colNames.equals(colNames)) return; this.colNames = colNames; if ( { populateColumns(null); return; } List<String> lst = StrUtils.commaSplit(this.colNames); List<ColumnDef> cols = new ArrayList<ColumnDef>(); for (String i : lst) { String s = StrUtils.replaceAllBackslashCommas(i.trim()); cols.add(ColumnDef.create(s, false/*headGroup*/)); } populateColumns(cols); } public String getFootColTitles() { return footColTitles; } /** * @param footColTitles - comma separated footer column titles. * <br> If you need comma in title use \, to preserve it. * <br> Column title can be valid HTML, i.e. <abbr title="Rotten Tomato Rating">Rating</abbr> * <br> Example: Rank,Movie Title,Year,Reviews */ public void setFootColTitles(String footColTitles) { if (this.footColTitles == footColTitles || this.footColTitles != null && this.footColTitles.equals(footColTitles)) return; this.footColTitles = footColTitles; if ( { if (tFoot != null) { tFoot.clear(); tFoot.getElement().setInnerText(null); } return; } if (tFoot != null) { tFoot.clear(); tFoot.getElement().setInnerText(null); } else { checkFooterCreated(); } TableRowElement tr = Document.get().createTRElement(); List<String> lst = StrUtils.commaSplit(this.footColTitles); for (String i : lst) { String s = StrUtils.replaceAllBackslashCommas(i.trim()); TableCellElement th = Document.get().createTHElement(); th.setInnerHTML(s); tr.appendChild(th); } tFoot.getElement().insertFirst(tr); } public String getColGroups() { return colGroups; } /** * @param colGroups - comma separated grouped column headers(titles) with colspan, rowspan, * and priority (1 = highest, 6 = lowest), * formally:<b> colspan;rowspan=GroupTitle~ColumnName=priority </b> * <br> If you need comma in title use \, to preserve it. * <br> Group title can be valid HTML, i.e. 4=<abbr title="Previous Year Results">2012</abbr>=1 * <br> Example: 3=Q1 2012=5, 3=Q2 2012=4, 3=Q3 2012=3, 3=Q4 2012=2, 3=2012 Totals=1 */ public void setColGroups(String colGroups) { if (this.colGroups == colGroups || this.colGroups != null && this.colGroups.equals(colGroups)) return; this.colGroups = colGroups; colGroupWidgets.clear(); if (this.colGroups == null || this.colGroups.isEmpty()) { setHeadGroups(null); return; } List<String> lst = StrUtils.commaSplit(this.colGroups); Set<ColumnDef> groups = new LinkedHashSet<ColumnDef>(); for (String i : lst) { String s = StrUtils.replaceAllBackslashCommas(i.trim()); groups.add(ColumnDef.create(s, true/*headGroup*/)); } setHeadGroups(groups); } private void setHeadGroups(Set<ColumnDef> groups) { headGroups.clear(); if (groups != null) headGroups.addAll(groups); populateHeadGroups(); } public String getCells() { return cells; } /** * @param cells - comma separated table cells, each string/cell can be valid HTML. * If you need comma in cell value use \, to preserve it. * <br> Example: <th>1</th>, The Matrix, 1999, 8.7, <th>2</th>, Falling Down, 1993, 7.5 */ public void setCells(String cells) { if (this.cells == cells || this.cells != null && this.cells.equals(cells)) return; this.cells = cells; if (this.cells == null || this.cells.isEmpty()) { setDataStr(null); return; } List<String> lst = StrUtils.commaSplit(this.cells); ListIterator<String> iter = lst.listIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String s =; s = StrUtils.replaceAllBackslashCommas(s.trim()); iter.set(s); } setDataStr(lst); } public Collection<String> getBodyData() { return dataStr; } /** * Set and refresh table cells/body. Each string/cell in collection can be valid HTML. */ public void setBodyData(Collection<String> data) { this.cells = null; setDataStr(data); } private void setDataStr(Collection<String> lst) { dataObj = null; dataStr = lst; refreshBody(); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void setDataObj(Map<Widget, Boolean> lst) { dataObj = lst; dataStr = null; refreshBody(); } /** Adjusts body to match current columns */ public void refreshBody() { tBody.clear(); populateBody(); } private void populateColumns(List<ColumnDef> cols) { int cnt = columns.size(); int newCnt = cols != null ? cols.size() : 0; columns.clear(); if (cols != null) columns.addAll(cols); colTitleWidgets.clear(); removeHeadRow(); populateHead(); if (cnt == newCnt) { if (tBody.getWidgetCount() == 0) populateBody(); return; } refreshBody(); } private static class HeadGroupsPanel extends CustomFlowPanel { public HeadGroupsPanel(Element e, String addnlClasses) { super(e); if (addnlClasses != null && !addnlClasses.isEmpty()) { JQMCommon.addStyleNames(this, addnlClasses); } } } /** Space separated classes for adding to head groups panel. */ protected String getHeadGroupsClasses() { return THEAD_GROUPS; } protected ComplexPanel findHeadRow() { for (int i = 0; i < tHead.getWidgetCount(); i++) { Widget child = tHead.getWidget(i); if (child instanceof HeadGroupsPanel) continue; if (child instanceof ComplexPanel && isTag(TableRowElement.TAG, child.getElement())) { return (ComplexPanel) child; } } return null; } /** * @param rows - collection of rows which are just added to head. */ protected void addedToHead(ComplexPanel... rows) { } private ComplexPanel getHeadRow() { ComplexPanel r = findHeadRow(); if (r != null) return r; r = new CustomFlowPanel(Document.get().createTRElement()); tHead.add(r); addedToHead(r); return r; } private void removeHeadRow() { ComplexPanel r = findHeadRow(); if (r != null) tHead.remove(r); } protected ComplexPanel findHeadGroupsRow() { for (int i = 0; i < tHead.getWidgetCount(); i++) { Widget child = tHead.getWidget(i); if (child instanceof HeadGroupsPanel) return (ComplexPanel) child; } return null; } private ComplexPanel getHeadGroupsRow() { ComplexPanel r = findHeadGroupsRow(); if (r != null) return r; ComplexPanel headRow = getHeadRow(); r = new HeadGroupsPanel(Document.get().createTRElement(), getHeadGroupsClasses()); if (headRow == null) { tHead.add(r); addedToHead(r); } else { tHead.remove(headRow); tHead.add(r); tHead.add(headRow); addedToHead(r, headRow); } return r; } private void removeHeadGroupsRow() { ComplexPanel r = findHeadGroupsRow(); if (r != null) tHead.remove(r); } protected void populateHead() { if (!columns.isEmpty()) { int i = 0; for (ColumnDef col : columns) { addToHead(col.getTitle(), col.getPriority(), i++); } return; } if (!colTitleWidgets.isEmpty()) { int i = 0; for (Entry<Widget, ColumnDef> j : colTitleWidgets.entrySet()) { addToHead(j.getKey(), j.getValue().getTitle(), j.getValue().getPriority(), i++); } return; } } /** * @param col * @param priority */ protected void setColPriority(ComplexPanel col, String priority) { } protected ComplexPanel addToHead(String title, String priority, int index) { if (index < 0) return null; ComplexPanel col = getCol(getHeadRow(), index, true/*addTh*/); if (col == null) return null; setColPriority(col, priority); col.getElement().setInnerHTML(title); String classes = calcColClassNames(index, true/*head*/); if (! JQMCommon.addStyleNames(col, classes); applyImgOnly(col); return col; } protected ComplexPanel addToHead(Widget w, String title, String priority, int index) { ComplexPanel col = addToHead(title, priority, index); if (col == null) return null; col.clear(); if (w != null) col.add(w); return col; } protected void populateBody() { if (dataStr != null) { int i = 0; for (String s : dataStr) { addToBody(s, i++); } return; } if (dataObj != null) { int i = 0; for (Entry<Widget, Boolean> j : dataObj.entrySet()) { addToBody(j.getKey(), i++, j.getValue() != null ? j.getValue() : false); } return; } } /** important for body, because exact number of columns should be known when populating */ protected int getNumOfCols() { if (!columns.isEmpty()) return getHeadRegularColCnt() + columns.size(); if (loaded && !colTitleWidgets.isEmpty()) return getHeadRegularColCnt() + colTitleWidgets.size(); return getHeadRegularColCnt(); } private int getHeadRegularColCnt() { int headColumnCnt = 0; if (!headGroups.isEmpty()) { for (ColumnDef i : headGroups) { if (!i.isGroup()) headColumnCnt++; } } return headColumnCnt; } protected void populateHeadGroups() { if (!headGroups.isEmpty()) { int i = 0; for (ColumnDef grp : headGroups) { addToHeadGroups(grp, i++); } return; } if (!colGroupWidgets.isEmpty()) { int i = 0; for (Entry<Widget, ColumnDef> j : colGroupWidgets.entrySet()) { addToHeadGroups(j.getKey(), j.getValue(), i++); } return; } removeHeadGroupsRow(); } protected ComplexPanel addToHeadGroups(ColumnDef grp, int index) { if (grp == null || index < 0) return null; final int colspan = grp.getColspan(); final int rowspan = grp.getRowspan(); final boolean isTitleTh = isTh(grp.getTitle()); boolean addTh = colspan > 1 || rowspan > 1 || isTitleTh; ComplexPanel col = getCol(getHeadGroupsRow(), index, addTh); if (col == null) return null; setColPriority(col, grp.getPriority()); col.getElement().setInnerHTML(isTitleTh ? removeTh(grp.getTitle()) : grp.getTitle()); if (colspan > 1) JQMCommon.setAttribute(col, "colspan", String.valueOf(colspan)); if (rowspan > 1) JQMCommon.setAttribute(col, "rowspan", String.valueOf(rowspan)); String classes = calcColClassNames(index, true/*head*/); if (! JQMCommon.addStyleNames(col, classes); applyImgOnly(col); return col; } protected ComplexPanel addToHeadGroups(Widget w, ColumnDef grp, int index) { ComplexPanel col = addToHeadGroups(grp, index); if (col == null) return null; col.clear(); if (w != null) col.add(w); return col; } private static boolean isTh(String s) { return s != null && !s.isEmpty() && (s.startsWith("<th>") || s.startsWith("<TH>")); } private static String removeTh(String s) { if (s == null || s.isEmpty() || !isTh(s)) return s; return s.substring("<th>".length(), s.length() - "</th>".length()).trim(); } private static boolean isImgOnly(Element elt) { if (elt == null) return false; String s = elt.getInnerHTML(); if (s == null || s.isEmpty()) return false; int p = s.indexOf('<'); if (p == -1) return false; int endP = p + 1 + ImageElement.TAG.length(); String t = s.substring(p + 1, endP); if (!ImageElement.TAG.equalsIgnoreCase(t)) return false; p = s.indexOf('>', endP); if (p == -1) return false; p = s.indexOf('<', p + 1); return p == -1; } private static void applyImgOnly(Widget w) { if (w == null) return; Element elt = w.getElement(); if (isImgOnly(elt)) elt.addClassName(IMG_ONLY); else elt.removeClassName(IMG_ONLY); } private ComplexPanel getRowByAbsIdx(int index) { if (index < 0 || getNumOfCols() <= 0) return null; int row = index / getNumOfCols(); ComplexPanel r = getRow(row); return r; } /** * @param colIdx - in range of 0..getNumOfCols-1 */ protected boolean isColCellTypeTh(int colIdx) { return false; } private void addBodyCell(ComplexPanel row, int colIdx, String cell, boolean addTh, Widget... widgets) { if (!addTh) addTh = isColCellTypeTh(colIdx); ComplexPanel c = getCol(row, colIdx, addTh); if (c == null) return; c.clear(); if (widgets != null && widgets.length > 0) { for (Widget w : widgets) c.add(w); } else { c.getElement().setInnerHTML(cell); } String classes = calcColClassNames(colIdx, false/*head*/); if (! JQMCommon.addStyleNames(c, classes); applyImgOnly(c); } protected void addToBody(String cell, int index) { if (cell == null) return; ComplexPanel r = getRowByAbsIdx(index); if (r == null) return; int col = index % getNumOfCols(); boolean addTh = isTh(cell); if (addTh) cell = removeTh(cell); addBodyCell(r, col, cell, addTh); } protected void addToBody(Widget w, int index, boolean addTh) { ComplexPanel r = getRowByAbsIdx(index); if (r == null) return; int col = index % getNumOfCols(); addBodyCell(r, col, null/*cell*/, addTh, w); } private static boolean isTag(String tag, Element elt) { if (tag == null || elt == null) return false; return tag.equalsIgnoreCase(elt.getTagName()); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private int getNumOfRows() { return tBody.getWidgetCount(); } private void forEachRow(ForEachCallback callback) { if (callback == null) return; int cnt = -1; for (int i = 0; i < tBody.getWidgetCount(); i++) { Widget child = tBody.getWidget(i); if (child instanceof ComplexPanel && isTag(TableRowElement.TAG, child.getElement())) { cnt++; callback.process((ComplexPanel) child, cnt); } } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private ComplexPanel findRow(int row) { int cnt = -1; for (int i = 0; i < tBody.getWidgetCount(); i++) { Widget child = tBody.getWidget(i); if (child instanceof ComplexPanel && isTag(TableRowElement.TAG, child.getElement())) { cnt++; if (cnt == row) return (ComplexPanel) child; } } return null; } private ComplexPanel getRow(int row) { int cnt = -1; for (int i = 0; i < tBody.getWidgetCount(); i++) { Widget child = tBody.getWidget(i); if (child instanceof ComplexPanel && isTag(TableRowElement.TAG, child.getElement())) { cnt++; if (cnt == row) return (ComplexPanel) child; } } ComplexPanel r = null; for (int i = cnt; i < row; i++) { r = new CustomFlowPanel(Document.get().createTRElement()); tBody.add(r); } return r; } private interface ForEachCallback { void process(ComplexPanel item, int index); } private static void forEachCol(ComplexPanel row, ForEachCallback callback) { if (row == null || callback == null) return; int cnt = -1; for (int i = 0; i < row.getWidgetCount(); i++) { Widget child = row.getWidget(i); if (child instanceof ComplexPanel && (isTag(TableCellElement.TAG_TH, child.getElement()) || isTag(TableCellElement.TAG_TD, child.getElement()))) { cnt++; callback.process((ComplexPanel) child, cnt); } } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static ComplexPanel findCol(ComplexPanel row, int col) { if (row == null || col < 0) return null; int cnt = -1; for (int i = 0; i < row.getWidgetCount(); i++) { Widget child = row.getWidget(i); if (child instanceof ComplexPanel && (isTag(TableCellElement.TAG_TH, child.getElement()) || isTag(TableCellElement.TAG_TD, child.getElement()))) { cnt++; if (cnt == col) return (ComplexPanel) child; } } return null; } private static ComplexPanel getCol(ComplexPanel row, int col, boolean addTh) { if (row == null || col < 0) return null; int cnt = -1; for (int i = 0; i < row.getWidgetCount(); i++) { Widget child = row.getWidget(i); if (child instanceof ComplexPanel && (isTag(TableCellElement.TAG_TH, child.getElement()) || isTag(TableCellElement.TAG_TD, child.getElement()))) { cnt++; if (cnt == col) return (ComplexPanel) child; } } ComplexPanel c = null; for (int i = cnt; i < col; i++) { c = addTh ? new CustomFlowPanel(Document.get().createTHElement()) : new CustomFlowPanel(Document.get().createTDElement()); row.add(c); } return c; } /** * @param asTh - <th> will be used for creating cell instead of <td>, * so such cell will be styled differently, like columnNames/header cells. */ @UiChild(tagname = "cell") public void addCellWidget(Widget w, Boolean asTh) { if (dataStr != null) { tBody.clear(); dataStr = null; } if (dataObj == null) dataObj = new LinkedHashMap<Widget, Boolean>(); dataObj.put(w, asTh); addToBody(w, dataObj.size() - 1, asTh != null ? asTh : false); } protected void clearColNames() { if (colNames != null) { removeHeadRow(); columns.clear(); colNames = null; } } protected void clearHead() { clearColNames(); colTitleWidgets.clear(); clearColGroups(); colGroupWidgets.clear(); } @UiChild(tagname = "colTitle") public void addColTitleWidget(Widget w, String priority, String text, String colName) { clearColNames(); ColumnDef colDef = new ColumnDef(text, priority); if (! colDef.setName(colName); colTitleWidgets.put(w, colDef); addToHead(w, colDef.getTitle(), colDef.getPriority(), colTitleWidgets.size() - 1); } protected void clearColGroups() { if (colGroups != null) { removeHeadGroupsRow(); headGroups.clear(); colGroups = null; } } @UiChild(tagname = "colGroup") public void addColGroupWidget(Widget w, String priority, String text, String colName, Integer colspan, Integer rowspan) { clearColGroups(); ColumnDef colDef = new ColumnDef(text, priority); if (! colDef.setName(colName); if (colspan != null && colspan > 0) colDef.setColspan(colspan); if (rowspan != null && rowspan > 0) colDef.setRowspan(rowspan); colGroupWidgets.put(w, colDef); addToHeadGroups(w, colDef, colGroupWidgets.size() - 1); } @Override public HandlerRegistration addValueChangeHandler(ValueChangeHandler<Collection<String>> handler) { return addHandler(handler, ValueChangeEvent.getType()); } @Override public Collection<String> getValue() { return getBodyData(); } @Override public void setValue(Collection<String> value) { setValue(value, false/*fireEvents*/); } @Override public void setValue(Collection<String> value, boolean fireEvents) { Collection<String> oldValue = fireEvents ? getValue() : null; setBodyData(value); if (fireEvents) { Collection<String> newValue = getValue(); ValueChangeEvent.fireIfNotEqual(this, oldValue, newValue); } } public String getColClassNames() { return colClassNames; } /** * @param colClassNames - expected: 2=RIGHT NOWRAP abc, 3=LEFT **/ public void setColClassNames(String colClassNames) { String old = getColClassNames(); if (StrUtils.equals(old, colClassNames)) return; if (loaded) applyColClassNames(false/*add*/); this.colClassNames = colClassNames; if (colClsNames != null) { colClsNames.clear(); if (colClsNamesHead != null) colClsNamesHead.clear(); if (colClsNamesBody != null) colClsNamesBody.clear(); } if (! { List<String> lst = StrUtils.commaSplit(this.colClassNames); for (String i : lst) { int j = i.indexOf("="); if (j > 0 && j < i.length() - 1) { String s = i.substring(0, j).trim(); int n; try { n = Integer.parseInt(s); if (n < 0) continue; } catch (Exception ex) { continue; } s = i.substring(j + 1).trim(); if (s.isEmpty()) continue; s = ColumnDef.processClassNames(s); if (colClsNames == null) colClsNames = new HashMap<>(); colClsNames.put(n, s); } } if (loaded) applyColClassNames(true/*add*/); } } protected String getColClassNames(int colIdx) { return colClsNames != null ? colClsNames.get(colIdx) : null; } private String getColClassNamesHead(int colIdx) { return colClsNamesHead != null ? colClsNamesHead.get(colIdx) : null; } private String getColClassNamesBody(int colIdx) { return colClsNamesBody != null ? colClsNamesBody.get(colIdx) : null; } private void checkColClsNamesDependants() { if (colClsNames == null || colClsNames.isEmpty()) { if (colClsNamesHead != null) colClsNamesHead.clear(); if (colClsNamesBody != null) colClsNamesBody.clear(); return; } if (colClsNamesHead == null || colClsNamesHead.isEmpty()) { if (colClsNamesHead == null) colClsNamesHead = new HashMap<>(colClsNames.size()); for (Entry<Integer, String> i : colClsNames.entrySet()) { String s = i.getValue(); s = JQMCommon.removeStylesStartsWith(s, ColumnStyleClass.JQM_BODY_ONLY_PREFIX); colClsNamesHead.put(i.getKey(), s); } } if (colClsNamesBody == null || colClsNamesBody.isEmpty()) { if (colClsNamesBody == null) colClsNamesBody = new HashMap<>(colClsNames.size()); for (Entry<Integer, String> i : colClsNames.entrySet()) { String s = i.getValue(); s = JQMCommon.removeStylesStartsWith(s, ColumnStyleClass.JQM_HEAD_ONLY_PREFIX); colClsNamesBody.put(i.getKey(), s); } } } private String calcColClassNames(int colIdx, boolean head) { checkColClsNamesDependants(); String classes = head ? getColClassNamesHead(colIdx) : getColClassNamesBody(colIdx); return classes; } /** * @param add - if false then colClassNames will be removed. */ protected void applyColClassNames(boolean add) { if (colClsNames == null || colClsNames.isEmpty()) return; ComplexPanel head = getHeadRow(); if (head != null) { forEachCol(head, (col, i) -> { String classes = calcColClassNames(i, true/*head*/); if (! { if (add) JQMCommon.addStyleNames(col, classes); else JQMCommon.removeStyleNames(col, classes); } }); } forEachRow((row, j) -> { forEachCol(row, (col, i) -> { String classes = calcColClassNames(i, false/*head*/); if (! { if (add) JQMCommon.addStyleNames(col, classes); else JQMCommon.removeStyleNames(col, classes); } }); }); } }