package com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.layout; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.Empty; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMCommon; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMContext; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMWidget; /** * @author Stephen K Samuel 9 May 2011 23:54:07 * * <br> - The {@link JQMTable} widget is a panel that allows other widgets to * be added in a regular grid. The grid is regular in the sense that * there is no concept of "cell span" like a normal HTML table has. * * <br> - This table can accept any {@link JQMWidget} or any regular GWT * {@link Widget} as a child element. Each added widget is wrapped in a * div element. * * <br> - The table can be resized after being created by calling * withColumns(int). That can be an expensive operation, see the javadoc * for the withColumns(int) method for more information on why. * * <br> - Tables must have at least 1 and at most 5 columns * * <p>See <a href="">Grids</a></p> * */ public class JQMTable extends JQMWidget { /** * The number of columns this table has. */ private int columns; private int[] percentage; /** * The container to hold the child widget */ private final FlowPanel flow; /** * Create a new table with initial number of columns as 2. */ public JQMTable() { this(2); } /** * Create a new table with the given number of columns. */ public JQMTable(int columns) { flow = new FlowPanel(); initWidget(flow); setStyleName("jqm4gwt-table"); setColumns(columns); } private static class JQMTableCell extends FlowPanel { } /** * Add the given {@link Widget} into the next available cell. This call * will wrap to a new row if the existing row is already filled. * * The given widget will be wrapped inside a div with the appropriate * JQuery Mobile class name given (eg, "ui-block-a" for the first cell, * etc). This created div will have an automatically assigned id. * * @param addStyleNames - space separated additional style names for this particular cell * @return the widget that was created to wrap the given content */ @UiChild(tagname = "cell") public Widget add(Widget widget, String addStyleNames) { int size = getElement().getChildCount(); String klass = getCellStyleName(size); JQMTableCell cell = new JQMTableCell(); Element cellElt = cell.getElement(); cellElt.setId(Document.get().createUniqueId()); removeAllCellStyles(cellElt); cellElt.addClassName(klass); prepareCellPercentStyle(size, cell); if (addStyleNames != null && !addStyleNames.isEmpty()) { JQMCommon.addStyleNames(cell, addStyleNames); } cell.add(widget); flow.add(cell); JQMContext.render(cell.getElement().getId()); return cell; } public Widget add(Widget widget) { return add(widget, null/*cellStyleNames*/); } /** * @return - index of column, which contains this widget, * or -1 if this widget doesn't belong/related to the current table. */ public int findParentColumn(Widget widget) { if (widget == null) return -1; Widget w = widget.getParent(); while (w != null) { if (w instanceof JQMTableCell) { return flow.getWidgetIndex(w); } w = w.getParent(); } return -1; } /** * Removes all cells from the table. */ public void clear() { flow.clear(); } /** * Returns the appropriate stylename for the given cell position */ private String getCellStyleName(int pos) { int column = pos % columns; switch (column) { case 0: return "ui-block-a"; case 1: return "ui-block-b"; case 2: return "ui-block-c"; case 3: return "ui-block-d"; case 4: return "ui-block-e"; default: throw new RuntimeException("internal error"); } } private void prepareCellPercentStyle(int pos, Widget w) { Style st = w.getElement().getStyle(); if (percentage == null || percentage.length != columns) { st.clearFloat(); st.clearWidth(); } else { int column = pos % columns; st.setFloat(Style.Float.LEFT); st.setWidth(percentage[column], Unit.PCT); if (percentage[column] == 0) st.setDisplay(Display.NONE); else st.clearDisplay(); } } private static void removeAllCellStyles(Element elt) { if (elt == null) return; elt.removeClassName("ui-block-a"); elt.removeClassName("ui-block-b"); elt.removeClassName("ui-block-c"); elt.removeClassName("ui-block-d"); elt.removeClassName("ui-block-e"); } /** * Returns the index of the widget container. */ public int indexOf(Widget w) { return flow.getWidgetIndex(w); } /** * Adds the given {@link Widget} before the given position. * * This is an O(n) operation because after the widget is inserted all the * remaining cells need to have their style sheets updated to reflect * their new position. * */ public Widget insert(Widget w, int beforeIndex) { FlowPanel widgetWrapper = new FlowPanel(); widgetWrapper.getElement().setId(Document.get().createUniqueId()); widgetWrapper.add(w); flow.insert(w, beforeIndex); JQMContext.render(widgetWrapper.getElement().getId()); rebase(); return widgetWrapper; } /** * Update the stylesheets of all cells */ private void rebase() { for (int k = 0; k < flow.getWidgetCount(); k++) { Widget widget = flow.getWidget(k); String cellStyleName = getCellStyleName(k); removeAllCellStyles(widget.getElement()); prepareCellPercentStyle(k, widget); widget.getElement().addClassName(cellStyleName); } } private void updateCellPercents() { for (int k = 0; k < flow.getWidgetCount(); k++) { Widget widget = flow.getWidget(k); prepareCellPercentStyle(k, widget); } } /** * Remove the widget at the given index. * * This is an O(n) operation because after the widget is removed all the * remaining cells need to have their style sheets updated to reflect * their new position. * * @return true if the cell was removed */ public boolean remove(int index) { if (flow.remove(index)) { rebase(); return true; } return false; } /** * Removes the given widget from the table, if it is a child of the table. * NOTE: The widget passed in must be a container widget as returned by * the add or insert methods. * * This is an O(n) operation because after the widget is removed all the * remaining cells need to have their style sheets updated to reflect * their new position. * * @return true if the cell was removed * */ public boolean remove(Widget w) { int indexOf = indexOf(w); if (indexOf >= 0) return remove(indexOf); return false; } /** * Removes the last cell */ public void removeLast() { flow.remove(flow.getWidgetCount() - 1); } /** * This is an O(n) operation where n is the number of child widgets. This * is because in a jquery mobile table the cell position is determined by * the classname assigned. So all cells in column0 are assigned a * classname of ui-block-a, and so on. * * When the relative position of a cell is changed, the classname must be * changed. Therefore all add and remove operations (except for the last * element) and resize operations (such as this method) results in a * shuffle which requires an iteration through all elements to update * their appropriate classname. * * If the new column count is the same as the old column count then this * is a no-op call. */ public void setColumns(int n) { if (n < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Min column count is 1"); if (n > 5) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Max column count is 5"); if (n == columns) return; this.columns = n; refresh(this.columns); } public int getColumns() { return this.columns; } private void refresh(int n) { setTableStyleName(n); rebase(); } /** * * @param percents - comma separated percent size for each column. * <br>For example: 10,30,30,30 defines table/grid with four columns. */ public void setPercentageColumns(String percents) { if (percents == null || percents.isEmpty()) { percentage = null; refresh(this.columns); return; } String[] arr = percents.split(","); percentage = new int[arr.length]; for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { String s = arr[i].trim(); percentage[i] = Integer.parseInt(s); } if (arr.length == this.columns) updateCellPercents(); else setColumns(arr.length); } public String getPercentageColumns() { if (percentage == null) return null; String s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < percentage.length-1; i++) { s += String.valueOf(percentage[i]) + ","; } s += String.valueOf(percentage[percentage.length-1]); return s; } /** * @param colIndexes - hides specified columns and proportionally spreads their space * to visible columns. If no columns specified, makes all columns visible. */ public void hidePercentageColumns(Integer... colIndexes) { if (percentage == null) return; if (colIndexes == null || colIndexes.length == 0) { updateCellPercents(); return; } int[] arr = new int[percentage.length]; System.arraycopy(percentage, 0, arr, 0, percentage.length); int avl = 0; for (int i = 0; i < colIndexes.length; i++) { Integer idx = colIndexes[i]; if (idx == null || idx < 0 || idx >= arr.length) continue; avl += arr[idx]; arr[idx] = 0; } if (avl == 0) return; // nothing to spread int minVal = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int minIdx = -1; for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i] <= 0) continue; if (arr[i] < minVal) { minVal = arr[i]; minIdx = i; } } if (minIdx >= 0) { double[] coeffs = new double[arr.length]; double coeffsSum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i] <= 0) { coeffs[i] = 0; } else if (arr[i] == minVal) { coeffs[i] = 1; } else { coeffs[i] = ((double) arr[i]) / ((double) minVal); } coeffsSum += coeffs[i]; } if (coeffsSum > 0) { double oneChunk = avl / coeffsSum; int incSum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i] <= 0) continue; double v = oneChunk * coeffs[i]; int incV = Math.round((float) Math.floor(v)); incSum += incV; arr[i] += incV; } if (incSum < avl && minIdx >= 0) { arr[minIdx] += avl - incSum; } } } int[] saved = percentage; percentage = arr; try { updateCellPercents(); } finally { percentage = saved; } } public void showAllPercentageColumns() { hidePercentageColumns(); } public void hideAllPercentageColumns() { showPercentageColumns(); } /** * @param colIndexes - shows only specified columns and proportionally spreads hidden columns space * to these columns. If no columns specified, makes all columns hidden. */ public void showPercentageColumns(Integer... colIndexes) { if (percentage == null) return; if (colIndexes == null || colIndexes.length == 0) { Integer[] arr = new Integer[percentage.length]; for (int i = 0; i < percentage.length; i++) { arr[i] = i; } hidePercentageColumns(arr); return; } Set<Integer> hideCols = new HashSet<Integer>(percentage.length); for (int i = 0; i < percentage.length; i++) hideCols.add(i); for (int i = 0; i < colIndexes.length; i++) hideCols.remove(colIndexes[i]); hidePercentageColumns(hideCols.toArray(new Integer[0])); } /** * Sets the style sheet of the container element to the appropriate * classname for the given number of columns. */ private void setTableStyleName(int columns) { String klass = "ui-grid-"; switch (columns) { case 1: klass += "solo"; break; case 2: klass += "a"; break; case 3: klass += "b"; break; case 4: klass += "c"; break; case 5: klass += "d"; break; } Element elt = flow.getElement(); elt.removeClassName("ui-grid-solo"); elt.removeClassName("ui-grid-a"); elt.removeClassName("ui-grid-b"); elt.removeClassName("ui-grid-c"); elt.removeClassName("ui-grid-d"); elt.removeClassName("ui-grid-e"); elt.addClassName(klass); } /** * Returns the number of cells which is not necessarily a multiple of the * number of columns. * * @return the number of cells. */ public int size() { return flow.getWidgetCount(); } /** * @return - i-th cell, i must be in 0..size()-1 */ public Widget get(int i) { return flow.getWidget(i); } public Widget getFirstVisibleCell() { for (int i = 0; i < flow.getWidgetCount(); i++) { Widget w = flow.getWidget(i); String disp = w.getElement().getStyle().getDisplay(); if (disp == null || disp.isEmpty()) return w; if (Display.NONE.getCssName().equals(disp)) continue; return w; } return null; } public List<Widget> getAllVisibleCells() { List<Widget> rslt = null; for (int i = 0; i < flow.getWidgetCount(); i++) { Widget w = flow.getWidget(i); String disp = w.getElement().getStyle().getDisplay(); if (! && Display.NONE.getCssName().equals(disp)) continue; if (rslt == null) rslt = new ArrayList<>(); rslt.add(w); } return rslt; } public Widget getLastVisibleCell() { for (int i = flow.getWidgetCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Widget w = flow.getWidget(i); String disp = w.getElement().getStyle().getDisplay(); if (disp == null || disp.isEmpty()) return w; if (Display.NONE.getCssName().equals(disp)) continue; return w; } return null; } }