package com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt; import; import; import; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMPopup.PopupOptions; public class JQMPopupEvent extends GwtEvent<JQMPopupEvent.Handler> { public interface Handler extends EventHandler { /** Triggered when a popup has completely closed */ void onAfterClose(JQMPopupEvent event); /** Triggered after a popup has completely opened */ void onAfterOpen(JQMPopupEvent event); /** Triggered before a popup computes the coordinates where it will appear */ void onBeforePosition(JQMPopupEvent event); } public static class DefaultHandler implements Handler { @Override public void onAfterClose(JQMPopupEvent event) { } @Override public void onAfterOpen(JQMPopupEvent event) { } @Override public void onBeforePosition(JQMPopupEvent event) { } } static Type<JQMPopupEvent.Handler> TYPE; /** * Fires an {@link JQMPopupEvent} on all registered handlers in the handler source. * * @param <S> The handler source type * @param source - the source of the handlers */ public static <S extends HasAttachHandlers> void fire(S source, PopupState popupState, PopupOptions popupOptions) { if (TYPE != null) { JQMPopupEvent event = new JQMPopupEvent(popupState); if (popupOptions != null) event.setPopupOptions(popupOptions); source.fireEvent(event); } } public static <S extends HasAttachHandlers> void fire(S source, PopupState popupState) { fire(source, popupState, null/*popupOptions*/); } public static Type<JQMPopupEvent.Handler> getType() { if (TYPE == null) { TYPE = new Type<JQMPopupEvent.Handler>(); } return TYPE; } public enum PopupState { AFTER_CLOSE, AFTER_OPEN, BEFORE_POSITION } private final PopupState popupState; private PopupOptions popupOptions; protected JQMPopupEvent(PopupState popupState) { this.popupState = popupState; } public PopupState getPopupState() { return popupState; } public PopupOptions getPopupOptions() { return popupOptions; } public void setPopupOptions(PopupOptions popupOptions) { this.popupOptions = popupOptions; } @Override public final Type<JQMPopupEvent.Handler> getAssociatedType() { return TYPE; } @Override public String toDebugString() { assertLive(); return super.toDebugString() + " popupState = " + popupState; } @Override protected void dispatch(JQMPopupEvent.Handler handler) { switch (popupState) { case AFTER_CLOSE: handler.onAfterClose(this); break; case AFTER_OPEN: handler.onAfterOpen(this); break; case BEFORE_POSITION: handler.onBeforePosition(this); break; } } }