package com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.form.elements; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.HasMini; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.HasOrientation; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.HasText; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.IconPos; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMCommon; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMWidget; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.Orientation; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.form.JQMFieldContainer; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.form.JQMFieldset; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.html.FormLabel; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.html.Legend; /** * @author Stephen K Samuel 24 May 2011 08:17:31 * * A widget that is composed of 1 or more checkboxes. * * The child checkboxes are grouped together and can be set to be * vertical or horizontal. * * <p><a href="">Checkboxes</a></p> * <p><a href="">Form elements - Checkboxes</a></p> * * <h3>Use in UiBinder Templates</h3> * * When working with JQMCheckset in * {@link UiBinder} templates, you * can add Checkboes via child elements. For example: * <pre> * <jqm:form.elements.JQMCheckset> * <jqm:check><jqm:form.elements.JQMCheckbox name="cb20" text="Check1"/></jqm:check> * <jqm:check><jqm:form.elements.JQMCheckbox name="cb21" text="Check2"/></jqm:check> * </jqm:form.elements.JQMCheckset> * </pre> * */ public class JQMCheckset extends JQMFieldContainer implements HasText<JQMCheckset>, HasSelectionHandlers<String>, HasOrientation<JQMCheckset>, HasMini<JQMCheckset>, HasClickHandlers, HasTapHandlers, JQMFormWidget { private JQMFieldset fieldset; private Legend legend; private final List<JQMCheckbox> checks = new ArrayList<JQMCheckbox>(); private String theme; private boolean valueChangeHandlerInitialized; private boolean inProgressSetValue; /** * Creates a new {@link JQMCheckset} with no label text */ public JQMCheckset() { this(null); } /** * Creates a new {@link JQMCheckset} with the label set to the given text. * * @param text - the display text for the label */ public JQMCheckset(String text) { setupFieldset(text); } private void setupFieldset(String labelText) { if (fieldset != null) { boolean horz = fieldset.isHorizontal(); boolean vert = fieldset.isVertical(); IconPos iconPos = getIconPos(); boolean mini = isMini(); remove(fieldset); fieldset = new JQMFieldset(); if (horz) fieldset.setHorizontal(); if (vert) fieldset.setVertical(); setIconPos(iconPos); setMini(mini); } else { // the fieldset is the inner container and is contained inside the flow fieldset = new JQMFieldset(); } fieldset.getElement().setId(Document.get().createUniqueId()); add(fieldset); legend = new Legend(); fieldset.add(legend); setText(labelText); } BlurHandler blurHandler; ArrayList<HandlerRegistration> blurHandlers = new ArrayList<HandlerRegistration>(); private void addLabelsBlurHandler(final BlurHandler handler) { ClickHandler h = null; for (JQMCheckbox cb : checks) { FormLabel label = cb.getLabel(); if (h == null) h = event -> handler.onBlur(null); blurHandlers.add(label.addDomHandler(h, ClickEvent.getType())); } } private void clearBlurHandlers() { for (HandlerRegistration blurHandler : blurHandlers) blurHandler.removeHandler(); blurHandlers.clear(); } @Override protected void onLoad() { super.onLoad(); if (blurHandler != null && blurHandlers.size() == 0) addLabelsBlurHandler(blurHandler); } @Override protected void onUnload() { clearBlurHandlers(); super.onUnload(); } @Override public HandlerRegistration addBlurHandler(final BlurHandler handler) { this.blurHandler = handler; clearBlurHandlers(); addLabelsBlurHandler(handler); return null; } @UiChild(tagname = "check") public void addCheckbox(JQMCheckbox checkbox) { checks.add(checkbox); checkbox.setTheme(theme); fieldset.add(checkbox); } public void clear() { checks.clear(); setupFieldset(getText()); valueChangeHandlerInitialized = false; // based on checks } @Override public String getTheme() { if (checks.isEmpty()) return theme; return checks.get(0).getTheme(); } @Override public void setTheme(String themeName) { theme = themeName; for (JQMCheckbox cb : checks) cb.setTheme(theme); } @Override public JQMWidget withTheme(String themeName) { setTheme(themeName); return this; } @Override public HandlerRegistration addClickHandler(ClickHandler handler) { return addDomHandler(handler, ClickEvent.getType()); } @Override public HandlerRegistration addTapHandler(TapHandler handler) { // this is not a native browser event so we will have to manage it via JS return JQMHandlerRegistration.registerJQueryHandler(new WidgetHandlerCounter() { @Override public int getHandlerCountForWidget(Type<?> type) { return getHandlerCount(type); } }, this, handler, JQMComponentEvents.TAP_EVENT, TapEvent.getType()); } @Override public Label addErrorLabel() { return null; } private void initValueChangeHandler() { // Initialization code if (!valueChangeHandlerInitialized) { valueChangeHandlerInitialized = true; final ValueChangeHandler<Boolean> h = event -> { if (!inProgressSetValue) {, getValue());, getValue()); } }; for (JQMCheckbox cb : checks) cb.addValueChangeHandler(h); } } @Override public HandlerRegistration addSelectionHandler(SelectionHandler<String> handler) { initValueChangeHandler(); return addHandler(handler, SelectionEvent.getType()); } @Override public HandlerRegistration addValueChangeHandler(ValueChangeHandler<String> handler) { initValueChangeHandler(); return addHandler(handler, ValueChangeEvent.getType()); } /** * Returns the value of the legend text */ @Override public String getText() { return legend.getText(); } /** * @return - comma separated ids of all checked checkboxes or null if no checkbox * in this checkset has been selected. */ @Override public String getValue() { StringBuilder sb = null; for (JQMCheckbox box : checks) { if (box.isChecked()) { if (sb == null) { sb = new StringBuilder(box.getId()); } else { sb.append(','); sb.append(box.getId()); } } } return sb == null ? null : sb.toString(); } /** * Sets the checkboxes with the given ids to be checked. * * @param ids - comma separated ids (you can define JQMCheckbox widgetId in UiBinder templates). */ @Override public void setValue(String ids) { setValue(ids, false); } @Override public void setValue(String ids, boolean fireEvents) { final Set<String> idSet; if (ids != null && !ids.isEmpty()) { String[] arr = ids.split(","); idSet = new HashSet<String>(arr.length); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { idSet.add(arr[i].trim()); } } else { idSet = null; } String oldValue = fireEvents ? getValue() : null; boolean changed = false; inProgressSetValue = true; try { for (JQMCheckbox box : checks) { boolean checked = idSet != null && idSet.contains(box.getId()); if (box.isChecked() != checked) { changed = true; box.setValue(checked, fireEvents); } } } finally { inProgressSetValue = false; } if (fireEvents && changed) { String newValue = getValue(); boolean eq = newValue == oldValue || newValue != null && newValue.equals(oldValue); if (!eq) {, newValue);, newValue); } } } /*private String getValue(Element element) { while (element != null) { if ("label".equalsIgnoreCase(element.getTagName()) && element.getAttribute("class") != null && (element.getAttribute("class").contains("ui-btn-active") || element.getAttribute("class").contains("ui-btn-down"))) return element.getAttribute("for"); String value = getValue(element.getFirstChildElement()); if (value != null) return value; element = element.getNextSiblingElement(); } return null; }*/ /** * Returns true if at least one checkbox in this checkset is selected. */ public boolean hasSelection() { return getValue() != null; } /** * Returns true if the checkbox with the given id is selected. * * @param id - the id of the checkbox to test */ public boolean isSelected(String id) { for (JQMCheckbox box : checks) { if (id.equals(box.getId())) return box.isChecked(); } return false; } /** * @param id * @param label */ public void removeCheck(String id, String label) { // TODO traverse all elements removing anything that has a "for" for // this id or actually has this id } @Override public boolean isHorizontal() { return fieldset.isHorizontal(); } @Override public void setHorizontal() { fieldset.withHorizontal(); } @Override public JQMCheckset withHorizontal() { setHorizontal(); return this; } @Override public boolean isVertical() { return fieldset.isVertical(); } @Override public void setVertical() { fieldset.withVertical(); } @Override public JQMCheckset withVertical() { setVertical(); return this; } public void setOrientation(Orientation value) { HasOrientation.Support.setOrientation(this, value); } public Orientation getOrientation() { return HasOrientation.Support.getOrientation(this); } /** * Sets the value of the legend text. */ @Override public void setText(String text) { legend.setText(text); } @Override public JQMCheckset withText(String text) { setText(text); return this; } public IconPos getIconPos() { return JQMCommon.getIconPos(fieldset); } /** * Sets the position of the icon. */ public void setIconPos(IconPos pos) { JQMCommon.setIconPos(fieldset, pos); } @Override public boolean isMini() { return JQMCommon.isMini(fieldset); } /** * If set to true then renders a smaller version of the standard-sized element. */ @Override public void setMini(boolean mini) { JQMCommon.setMini(fieldset, mini); } /** * If set to true then renders a smaller version of the standard-sized element. */ @Override public JQMCheckset withMini(boolean mini) { setMini(mini); return this; } public void refresh() { refreshAll(fieldset.getElement()); } private static native void refreshAll(Element elt) /*-{ $wnd.$(elt).find("input[type='checkbox']").each(function() { var w = $wnd.$(this); if ('mobile-checkboxradio') !== undefined) { w.checkboxradio('refresh'); } }); }-*/; }