package ngmf.util.cosu.luca; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Vector; import oms3.dsl.cosu.Step; /** */ public class SCE { double[] initialParameterSet; //INITIAL PARAMETER SET double[] lowerBound; //LOWER BOUND ON PARAMETERS double[] upperBound; // UPPER BOUND ON PARAMETERS int numOfParams; // NUMBER OF PARAMETERS TO BE OPTIMIZED int initNumOfComplexes; // NUMBER OF COMPLEXES IN THE INITIAL POPULATION int numOfPointsInComplex; // NUMBER OF POINTS IN EACH COMPLEX int initTotalNumOfPoints; //(initTotalNumOfPoints = initNumOfComplexes * numOfPointsInComplex //TOTAL NUMBER OF POINTS IN INITIAL POPULATION (NPT=NGS*NPG) int numOfPointsInSubComplex; //NUMBER OF POINTS IN A SUB-COMPLEX int numOfEvolutionSteps; //NUMBER OF EVOLUTION STEPS ALLOWED FOR EACH COMPLEX BEFORE //COMPLEX SHUFFLING int minNumOfComplexes; //MINIMUM NUMBER OF COMPLEXES REQUIRED, IF THE NUMBER OF //COMPLEXES IS ALLOWED TO REDUCE AS THE OPTIMIZATION PROCEEDS //ISEED = INITIAL RANDOM SEED //INIFLG = FLAG ON WHETHER TO INCLUDE THE INITIAL POINT IN POPULATION // = 0, NOT INCLUDED //= 1, INCLUDED boolean includeInitialPOINT; //CONVERGENCE CHECK PARAMETERS //MAXN = MAX NO. OF TRIALS ALLOWED BEFORE OPTIMIZATION IS TERMINATED int maxNumOfTrials; // NUMBER OF SHUFFLING LOOPS IN WHICH THE CRITERION VALUE MUST // CHANGE BY THE GIVEN PERCENTAGE BEFORE OPTIMIZATION IS TERMINATED int numOfShufflingLoops; //PERCENTAGE BY WHICH THE CRITERION VALUE MUST CHANGE IN // GIVEN NUMBER OF SHUFFLING LOOPS double percentage; // FLAG INDICATING WHETHER PARAMETER CONVERGENCE IS REACHED boolean paramConvergenceSATISFIED; //COORDINATES OF POINTS IN THE POPULATION double[][] pointsX; //FUNCTION VALUES OF X(.,.) double[] objFuncValueOfX; //COORDINATES OF A SINGLE POINT IN X double[] pointInX; //COORDINATES OF POINTS IN A COMPLEX double[][] pointsInComplex; //FUNCTION VALUES OF CX(.,.) double[] objFuncValuesOfComplex; //COORDINATES OF POINTS IN THE CURRENT SIMPLEX double[][] pointsInSimplex; //FUNCTION VALUES OF S(.,.) double[] objFuncValuesOfSimplex; //WORST POINT AT CURRENT SHUFFLING LOOP double[] worstPoint; //FUNCTION VALUE OF WORSTX(.) double objFuncValueOfWorstPoint; //STANDARD DEVIATION OF PARAMETERS IN THE POPULATION double[] stdDevOfPopulation; //NORMALIZED GEOMETRIC MEAN OF PARAMETER RANGES double normalizedGeometricMean; //INDICES LOCATING POSITION OF S(.,.) IN X(.,.) int[] indicesOfSimplex; //BOUND ON ITH VARIABLE BEING OPTIMIZED double[] bound; //NUMBER OF COMPLEXES IN CURRENT POPULATION int currentNumOfComplexes; //NUMBER OF COMPLEXES IN LAST POPULATION int lastNumOfComplexes; double[] bestCriterion; int totalNumOfPoints; // the number of points in current population double[] initialPoint; // initial point == initialParameterSet // private ExecutionHandle executionHandle; Step stepData; Step.Data data; int NLOOP = 0; int LOOP = 0; int IGS = 0; int icall = 0; // PrintStream out = System.out; public SCE(ExecutionHandle executionHandle, Step stepData, Step.Data data) { this.executionHandle = executionHandle; this.stepData = stepData; // stepData contains data needed for running SCE = data; // get values numOfParams = data.getParamValues().length; //numOfParams = stepData.params().getCount(); initNumOfComplexes = stepData.getInitComplexes(); numOfPointsInComplex = stepData.getPointsPerComplex(); numOfPointsInSubComplex = stepData.getPointsPerSubcomplex(); numOfEvolutionSteps = stepData.getEvolutions(); minNumOfComplexes = stepData.getMinComplexes(); includeInitialPOINT = true; maxNumOfTrials = stepData.getMaxExec(); numOfShufflingLoops = stepData.getShufflingLoops(); percentage = stepData.getOfPercentage(); upperBound = data.getUpperBound(); lowerBound = data.getLowerBound(); initialParameterSet = data.getParamValues(); // System.out.println(maxNumOfTrials + " " + initNumOfComplexes + " " + numOfPointsInComplex + " " + numOfPointsInSubComplex + " " + numOfEvolutionSteps // + " " + minNumOfComplexes + " " + numOfShufflingLoops + " " + percentage); initTotalNumOfPoints = initNumOfComplexes * numOfPointsInComplex; // initialize arrays pointsX = new double[initTotalNumOfPoints][numOfParams]; objFuncValueOfX = new double[initTotalNumOfPoints]; pointInX = new double[numOfParams]; pointsInComplex = new double[numOfPointsInComplex][numOfParams]; objFuncValuesOfComplex = new double[numOfPointsInComplex]; pointsInSimplex = new double[numOfPointsInSubComplex][numOfParams]; objFuncValuesOfSimplex = new double[numOfPointsInSubComplex]; worstPoint = new double[numOfParams]; stdDevOfPopulation = new double[numOfParams]; indicesOfSimplex = new int[numOfPointsInSubComplex]; bound = new double[numOfParams]; bestCriterion = new double[10]; initialPoint = new double[numOfParams]; } public void setOut(PrintStream out) { this.out = out; } public void run() throws Exception { currentNumOfComplexes = initNumOfComplexes; totalNumOfPoints = initTotalNumOfPoints; double objFuncValue; for (int j = 0; j < numOfParams; j++) { bound[j] = upperBound[j] - lowerBound[j]; initialPoint[j] = initialParameterSet[j]; } objFuncValue = execute(initialPoint); // write initialPoint in the 'newPARAMS' file, executes runMMS and SRobjfun() out.println("\n Initial OF value : " + objFuncValue); out.print(" Initial Parameterset : "); for (int j = 0; j < initialParameterSet.length; j++) { out.print(" " + initialParameterSet[j]); } out.println(); if (maxNumOfTrials <= 1) { out.println("Due to max model execution of 1, no optimization was done. " + "The only thing that was done is the calculation of objective function for initial values."); return; // done with this method } out.println(" SCE generating data points ...."); if (includeInitialPOINT) { // out.println("Initial point will be included"); for (int j = 0; j < numOfParams; j++) { pointsX[0][j] = initialParameterSet[j]; } objFuncValueOfX[0] = objFuncValue; } else { // out.println("Initial point won't be included"); for (int j = 0; j < numOfParams; j++) { pointsX[0][j] = lowerBound[j] + bound[j] * Math.random(); pointInX[j] = pointsX[0][j]; } // write pointInX in the 'newPARAMS' file, executes runMMS and SRobjfun() objFuncValue = execute(pointInX); objFuncValueOfX[0] = objFuncValue; } data.setObjFuncValueOfBestPoint(objFuncValueOfX[0]); int outputType = 1; if (icall < maxNumOfTrials) { for (int i = 1; i < totalNumOfPoints; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < numOfParams; j++) { pointsX[i][j] = lowerBound[j] + bound[j] * Math.random(); pointInX[j] = pointsX[i][j]; } objFuncValueOfX[i] = execute(pointInX); //ICALL++; if (icall >= maxNumOfTrials) { totalNumOfPoints = i + 1; pointsX = copy(pointsX, totalNumOfPoints); objFuncValueOfX = copy(objFuncValueOfX, totalNumOfPoints); break; } } // out.println("size of pointsX = " + totalNumOfPoints + " (max size is " + pointsX.length + ")" + // ", max size of objFuncValueOfX = " + objFuncValueOfX.length); sort_duan(pointsX, objFuncValueOfX); // set the best point and its objective function value data.setBestParamData(pointsX[0], objFuncValueOfX[0]); for (int j = 0; j < numOfParams; j++) { worstPoint[j] = pointsX[totalNumOfPoints - 1][j]; } objFuncValueOfWorstPoint = objFuncValueOfX[totalNumOfPoints - 1]; parstt(); // double distribution = normdistForBestPoint(); out.print("\n Results of the initial SCE research:"); // out.println("NLOOP: " + NLOOP); // out.println("ICALL: " + icall); // out.println("Number of complexes in current population: " + currentNumOfComplexes); // out.println("Function value of best point: " + data.getObjFuncValueOfBestPoint()); // out.println("Function value of worst point: " + objFuncValueOfWorstPoint); // out.println("DIST for best point (DIST(0)): " + distribution); // out.println("Best point at current shuffling loop"); for (int j = 0; j < numOfParams; j++) { out.print(" " + pointsX[0][j]); // display the best point } out.println(); if (icall >= maxNumOfTrials) { outputType = 1; } else if (paramConvergenceSATISFIED) { outputType = 3; } else { outputType = mainLoop(); } } /************************************************************************* * Creating a parameter file that contains the best point. This is not done * in the original SCE code. **************************************************************************/ // get the best point double[] bestPoint = data.getBestParamDataArray(); data.setParamValues(bestPoint); // set the best point in stepData executionHandle.writeParameterFile(data); String output = ""; out.println("\n **************************************************"); if (outputType == 1) { output = " Optimization terminated, limit " + "on the maximum number of trials, " + maxNumOfTrials + ", was exceeded.\n" + " Search was stopped at sub-complex " + (LOOP + 1) + " of complex " + (IGS + 1) + " in shuffling loop. " + NLOOP;// + "\n" + } else if (outputType == 2) { // double percentage2 = percentage * 100; output = " Optimization terminated, OF value " + "has not changed " + percentage + "% in " + numOfShufflingLoops + " shuffling loops."; } else if (outputType == 3) { double normalizedGeometricMean2 = normalizedGeometricMean * 100; output = " Optimization terminated, population has " + "converged into " + normalizedGeometricMean2 + "% of the feasible space."; } else if (outputType == 4) { output = " SCE was stopped."; } out.println(output); out.println(" **************************************************"); out.print(" Final parameter estimates:"); for (int j = 0; j < numOfParams; j++) { out.print(" " + bestPoint[j]); initialParameterSet[j] = bestPoint[j]; } out.println(); out.println(" Final OF value: " + data.getObjFuncValueOfBestPoint()); } // MAIN LOOP private int mainLoop() throws Exception { out.println(" SCE shuffling ...."); int outputType = 1; // different output will be displayed depending on the value of ouputTYpe while (true) { NLOOP++; for (IGS = 0; IGS < currentNumOfComplexes; IGS++) { for (int k1 = 0; k1 < numOfPointsInComplex; k1++) { int k2 = k1 * currentNumOfComplexes + IGS; for (int j = 0; j < numOfParams; j++) { pointsInComplex[k1][j] = pointsX[k2][j]; } objFuncValuesOfComplex[k1] = objFuncValueOfX[k2]; } for (LOOP = 0; LOOP < numOfEvolutionSteps; LOOP++) { if (numOfPointsInSubComplex == numOfPointsInComplex) { for (int k = 0; k < numOfPointsInSubComplex; k++) { indicesOfSimplex[k] = k; } } else { // k = 0 instead of k = 1 because the line above (indicesOfSimplex[0] = ....) // is removed. for (int k = 0; k < numOfPointsInSubComplex; k++) { boolean again = true; int lpos = -1; while (again) { again = false; lpos = (int) (numOfPointsInComplex + 0.5 - Math.sqrt(Math.pow((numOfPointsInComplex + 0.5), 2) - numOfPointsInComplex * (numOfPointsInComplex + 1) * Math.random())); // check if any element from indicesOfSimplex[0] to indicesOfSimplex[k-1] // is equal to LPOS. If not, get out of the for loop, finish the while(AGAIN) loop, // and set LPOS as a value of indicesOfSimplex[k] for (int k1 = 0; k1 < k; k1++) { if (lpos == indicesOfSimplex[k1]) { again = true; break; } } } indicesOfSimplex[k] = lpos; } // sort the indiciesOfSimplex array in increasing order Arrays.sort(indicesOfSimplex); } for (int k = 0; k < numOfPointsInSubComplex; k++) { for (int j = 0; j < numOfParams; j++) { pointsInSimplex[k][j] = pointsInComplex[indicesOfSimplex[k]][j]; } objFuncValuesOfSimplex[k] = objFuncValuesOfComplex[indicesOfSimplex[k]]; } cce(); for (int k = 0; k < numOfPointsInSubComplex; k++) { for (int j = 0; j < numOfParams; j++) { pointsInComplex[indicesOfSimplex[k]][j] = pointsInSimplex[k][j]; } objFuncValuesOfComplex[indicesOfSimplex[k]] = objFuncValuesOfSimplex[k]; } sort_duan(pointsInComplex, objFuncValuesOfComplex); if (icall >= maxNumOfTrials) { break; } } // end of loop with LOOP for (int k1 = 0; k1 < numOfPointsInComplex; k1++) { int k2 = k1 * currentNumOfComplexes + IGS; for (int j = 0; j < numOfParams; j++) { pointsX[k2][j] = pointsInComplex[k1][j]; } objFuncValueOfX[k2] = objFuncValuesOfComplex[k1]; } if (icall >= maxNumOfTrials) { break; } } // end of for loop with IGS sort_duan(pointsX, objFuncValueOfX); // set the best point and its objective function value data.setBestParamData(pointsX[0], objFuncValueOfX[0]); for (int j = 0; j < numOfParams; j++) { worstPoint[j] = pointsX[totalNumOfPoints - 1][j]; } objFuncValueOfWorstPoint = objFuncValueOfX[totalNumOfPoints - 1]; parstt(); // double distribution = normdistForBestPoint(); // out.println("loop " + NLOOP + " ICALL = " + icall); // out.println("Number of complexes in a current population: " + currentNumOfComplexes); // out.println("Objective Function value of best point: " + data.getObjFuncValueOfBestPoint()); // out.println("Objective Function value of worst point: " + objFuncValueOfWorstPoint); // out.println("Normal Distribution of best point: " + distribution); // out.println(); if (icall >= maxNumOfTrials) { outputType = 1; break; } int lastIndex = bestCriterion.length - 1; // currently this value is 9 bestCriterion[lastIndex] = data.getObjFuncValueOfBestPoint(); if (NLOOP > numOfShufflingLoops) // ### Is this right? { // This condition is needed. If NLOOP < vectorOfBestCriterion.length, // then there are some elements that are not set yet in vectorOfBestCriterion. if (NLOOP >= bestCriterion.length) { int idx = lastIndex - numOfShufflingLoops; if (idx < 0) //#### For now, tempIndex is set to 0 if tempIndex < 0. This line should be changed. { idx = 0; } double denomi = Math.abs(bestCriterion[idx] + bestCriterion[lastIndex]) / 2; double timeou = Math.abs(bestCriterion[idx] - bestCriterion[lastIndex]) / denomi; // out.println("\n$$$$$$$$$$$$ NLOOP = " + NLOOP + "\tnumOfShufflingLoops = " + numOfShufflingLoops + // "\tvectorOfBestCriterion length = " + bestCriterion.length + "\tPercentage is calculated: " + timeou); if (timeou < percentage) { outputType = 2; break; } } } for (int l = 0; l < lastIndex; l++) { bestCriterion[l] = bestCriterion[l + 1]; // ######## Does this work???? } if (paramConvergenceSATISFIED) { outputType = 3; break; } if (currentNumOfComplexes > minNumOfComplexes) { lastNumOfComplexes = currentNumOfComplexes; currentNumOfComplexes -= 1; totalNumOfPoints = currentNumOfComplexes * numOfPointsInComplex; comp(); } } return outputType; } //######################################################################### //## Other functions //######################################################################## double execute(double[] array) throws Exception { data.setParamValues(array); executionHandle.execute(data); icall++; double of = stepData.calculateObjectiveFunctionValue(executionHandle); double distribution = normdistForBestPoint(); // out.println("loop " + NLOOP + " ICALL = " + icall); // out.println("Number of complexes in a current population: " + currentNumOfComplexes); // out.println("Objective Function value of best point: " + data.getObjFuncValueOfBestPoint()); // out.println("Objective Function value of worst point: " + objFuncValueOfWorstPoint); // out.println("Normal Distribution of best point: " + distribution); out.print("\n " + icall + ": " + of + " [" + data.getObjFuncValueOfBestPoint() + "/" + objFuncValueOfWorstPoint+"]" + " c:" + currentNumOfComplexes + " d:" + distribution); return of; } void sort_duan(double[][] x, double[] y) { Vector<Integer> indices = new Vector<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { indices.add(new Integer(i)); } if (!stepData.maximizeObjectiveFunctionValue()) { Sorter sorter = new Sorter(y, Sorter.ASCENDING); Collections.sort(indices, sorter); Arrays.sort(y); } else { Sorter sorter = new Sorter(y, Sorter.DESCENDING); Collections.sort(indices, sorter); // sort y[] in ascending order Arrays.sort(y); // reverse the order of y to be in descending order double[] new_y = new double[y.length]; for (int i = 0; i < y.length; i++) { new_y[i] = y[y.length - 1 - i]; } for (int i = 0; i < y.length; i++) { y[i] = new_y[i]; } } double[][] new_x = new double[x.length][x[0].length]; for (int i = 0; i < new_x.length; i++) { new_x[i] = x[indices.get(i).intValue()]; } for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i] = new_x[i]; } } void parstt() { double[] xMax = new double[numOfParams]; double[] xMin = new double[numOfParams]; double[] xMean = new double[numOfParams]; double delta = Math.pow(10, -20); // double delta = 10E-20; double peps = Math.pow(10, -3); // minimum standard deviation // double peps = 10E-3; // minimum standard deviation double gSum = 0; for (int k = 0; k < numOfParams; k++) { xMax[k] = Double.MIN_VALUE; xMin[k] = Double.MAX_VALUE; double xSum1 = 0; double xSum2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < totalNumOfPoints; i++) { xMax[k] = Math.max(pointsX[i][k], xMax[k]); xMin[k] = Math.min(pointsX[i][k], xMin[k]); xSum1 = xSum1 + pointsX[i][k]; xSum2 = xSum2 + pointsX[i][k] * pointsX[i][k]; } xMean[k] = xSum1 / (double) totalNumOfPoints; stdDevOfPopulation[k] = xSum2 / (double) totalNumOfPoints - xMean[k] * xMean[k]; if (stdDevOfPopulation[k] <= delta) { stdDevOfPopulation[k] = delta; } stdDevOfPopulation[k] = Math.sqrt(stdDevOfPopulation[k]) / bound[k]; gSum += Math.log(delta + (xMax[k] - xMin[k]) / bound[k]); } normalizedGeometricMean = Math.pow(Math.E, gSum / (double) numOfParams); paramConvergenceSATISFIED = false; if (normalizedGeometricMean <= peps) { paramConvergenceSATISFIED = true; } } /* This method returns the normal distance of the best point. This method * is used instead of normdist() because normdist() determins the normal * distances for all points, which is not needed. */ double normdistForBestPoint() { double normalDistance = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numOfParams; i++) { normalDistance += Math.abs(pointsX[0][i] - initialPoint[i]) / bound[i]; } normalDistance = normalDistance / numOfParams; return normalDistance; } void comp() { double[][] tempPoints = new double[totalNumOfPoints][numOfParams]; double[] tempObjFuncValues = new double[totalNumOfPoints]; // copy selected elements in pointsX and objFuncValueOfX to tempPoints and tempObjFuncValues for (int igs = 0; igs < currentNumOfComplexes; igs++) { for (int ipg = 0; ipg < numOfPointsInComplex; ipg++) { int k1 = ipg * lastNumOfComplexes + igs; int k2 = ipg * currentNumOfComplexes + igs; for (int i = 0; i < numOfParams; i++) { tempPoints[k2][i] = pointsX[k1][i]; } tempObjFuncValues[k2] = objFuncValueOfX[k1]; } } // reinitialize pointsX and objFuncValueOfX with a correct size pointsX = new double[totalNumOfPoints][numOfParams]; objFuncValueOfX = new double[totalNumOfPoints]; // copy elements of tempPointx and tempObjFuncValues back to pointsX and objFuncValueOfX for (int j = 0; j < totalNumOfPoints; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < numOfParams; i++) { pointsX[j][i] = tempPoints[j][i]; } objFuncValueOfX[j] = tempObjFuncValues[j]; } } void cce() throws Exception { double[] worstPointSimplex = new double[numOfParams]; // WO(.) double[] centroid = new double[numOfParams]; //CE(.) double[] newPoint = new double[numOfParams]; //SNEW(.) double[] vector = new double[numOfParams]; //STEP(.) double worstObjFuncValue; //FW for (int j = 0; j < numOfParams; j++) { // pointsInSimplex[] is sorted based on the objective functions values, // so the element in the last index is the worst point. worstPointSimplex[j] = pointsInSimplex[numOfPointsInSubComplex - 1][j]; centroid[j] = 0; // exclude the last point (worst point) in this loop for (int i = 0; i < (numOfPointsInSubComplex - 1); i++) { centroid[j] += pointsInSimplex[i][j]; } centroid[j] = centroid[j] / ((double) (numOfPointsInSubComplex - 1)); vector[j] = centroid[j] - worstPointSimplex[j]; } worstObjFuncValue = objFuncValuesOfSimplex[numOfPointsInSubComplex - 1]; for (int j = 0; j < numOfParams; j++) { newPoint[j] = worstPointSimplex[j] + 2 * vector[j]; } boolean outOfBOUND = false; for (int j = 0; j < numOfParams; j++) { if ((newPoint[j] > upperBound[j]) || (newPoint[j] < lowerBound[j])) { outOfBOUND = true; break; } } if (outOfBOUND) { getNewPointAtRandom(newPoint); } double newObjFuncValue = execute(newPoint); if ((stepData.maximizeObjectiveFunctionValue() && newObjFuncValue <= worstObjFuncValue) || (!stepData.maximizeObjectiveFunctionValue() && newObjFuncValue >= worstObjFuncValue)) { if (icall >= maxNumOfTrials) { return; //ICALL; } for (int j = 0; j < numOfParams; j++) { newPoint[j] = worstPointSimplex[j] + 0.5 * vector[j]; } newObjFuncValue = execute(newPoint); if ((stepData.maximizeObjectiveFunctionValue() && newObjFuncValue < worstObjFuncValue) || (!stepData.maximizeObjectiveFunctionValue() && newObjFuncValue > worstObjFuncValue)) { if (icall >= maxNumOfTrials) { return; } getNewPointAtRandom(newPoint); newObjFuncValue = execute(newPoint); }// end of the 2nd if ((newObjFuncValue > worstObjFuncValue) ... ) } // end of the 1st if ((newObjFuncValue > worstObjFuncValue) ... ) for (int j = 0; j < numOfParams; j++) { pointsInSimplex[numOfPointsInSubComplex - 1][j] = newPoint[j]; } objFuncValuesOfSimplex[numOfPointsInSubComplex - 1] = newObjFuncValue; } /* a new point is assigned to newPoint based on stdDevOfPopulation[], * gasdev(), bound[], and etc.*/ void getNewPointAtRandom(double[] newPoint) { for (int j = 0; j < numOfParams; j++) { int nnn = 0; do { double R = gasdev(); newPoint[j] = pointsInSimplex[0][j] + stdDevOfPopulation[j] * R * bound[j]; nnn++; if (nnn == 1001) { out.println("SCE: getNewPointAtRandom(): Having hard time generating a new point in a feasible region"); } if (nnn > 1000) { newPoint[j] = lowerBound[j] + Math.abs(R) * (0.5 * bound[j]); if (nnn % 100 == 1) { out.print("Attempt " + nnn + ": new point = " + newPoint[j] + ", lower bound = " + lowerBound[j] + ", upper bound = " + upperBound[j]); } if ((newPoint[j] > upperBound[j]) || (newPoint[j] < lowerBound[j])) { out.println(" ---> out of bound"); } else { out.println(" ---> in bound!!"); } } } while ((newPoint[j] > upperBound[j]) || (newPoint[j] < lowerBound[j])); } } // boolean calculateGASDEV = true; // if true, gasdev() returns gasdevValue1 double gasdevValue1; // one of the two values generated in gasdev() double gasdevValue2; // one of the two values generated in gasdev() /* returns a normally distributed deviate with zero mean and unit variance, * using random number generator, as the source of uniform deviates. */ double gasdev() { double R, v1, v2; if (calculateGASDEV) { // if we don't have an extra deviate handy do { // pick two uniform numbers in the square extending from -1 to +1 // in each direction v1 = 2 * Math.random() - 1; v2 = 2 * Math.random() - 1; // check if v1 and v2 are in the unit circle R = v1 * v1 + v2 * v2; } while (R >= 1); // if v1 and v2 are not in the unit circle // make the Box-Muller transformation to get two normal deviates double fac = Math.sqrt((-1) * ((2 * Math.log(R)) / R)); gasdevValue2 = v1 * fac; // one of the two normal deviates. gasdevValue2 is returned // next time this function is called gasdevValue1 = v2 * fac; // the other normal deviate, which will be returned at this time calculateGASDEV = false; return gasdevValue1; } else { calculateGASDEV = true; return gasdevValue2; } } /* returns an array of the specified size, containing the elements of index * from 0 to size - 1 in source. */ double[] copy(double[] source, int size) { double[] newArray = new double[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { newArray[i] = source[i]; } return newArray; } /* returns an 2D array[rowSize][length of columns of source], containing * the elements from source[0][] to source[size-1][]. */ double[][] copy(double[][] source, int rowSize) { double[][] newArray = new double[rowSize][source[0].length]; for (int i = 0; i < rowSize; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < newArray[0].length; j++) { newArray[i][j] = source[i][j]; } } return newArray; } }