package org.jgrasstools.dbs.log; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.jgrasstools.dbs.compat.IJGTPreparedStatement; import org.jgrasstools.dbs.compat.IJGTResultSet; import org.jgrasstools.dbs.compat.IJGTStatement; import org.jgrasstools.dbs.spatialite.jgt.SqliteDb; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import; public class LogDb extends SqliteDb { public static final String TABLE_MESSAGES = "logmessages"; // TABLE_EVENTS public static final String ID_NAME = "id"; public static final String TimeStamp_NAME = "ts"; public static final String type_NAME = "type"; public static final String tag_NAME = "tag"; public static final String message_NAME = "msg"; public boolean open( String dbPath ) throws Exception { boolean open =; if (!open) { createTable(); createIndexes(); } return open; } public void createTable() throws Exception { if (!hasTable(TABLE_MESSAGES)) { String[] fields = { // ID_NAME + " INTEGER", // TimeStamp_NAME + " INTEGER", // type_NAME + " INTEGER", // tag_NAME + " TEXT", // message_NAME + " TEXT"// }; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("CREATE TABLE "); sb.append(TABLE_MESSAGES).append("("); for( int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++ ) { if (i != 0) { sb.append(","); } sb.append(fields[i]); } sb.append(", PRIMARY KEY (" + ID_NAME + ")"); sb.append(");"); try (IJGTStatement stmt = mConn.createStatement()) { stmt.execute(sb.toString()); } } } public void createIndexes() throws Exception { if (hasTable(TABLE_MESSAGES)) { createIndex(TABLE_MESSAGES, TimeStamp_NAME, false); createIndex(TABLE_MESSAGES, type_NAME, false); } } public String getQueryFieldsString() { String queryFields = ID_NAME + "," + // TimeStamp_NAME + "," + // type_NAME + "," + // tag_NAME + "," + // message_NAME // ; return queryFields; } public String getInsertFieldsString() { String insertFields = TimeStamp_NAME + "," + // type_NAME + "," + // tag_NAME + "," + // message_NAME // ; return insertFields; } public boolean insert( final Message message ) throws Exception { // the id is generated String sql = "INSERT INTO " + TABLE_MESSAGES + // " (" + getInsertFieldsString() + // ") VALUES (?,?,?,?)"; try (IJGTPreparedStatement pStmt = mConn.prepareStatement(sql)) { int i = 1; pStmt.setLong(i++, message.ts); pStmt.setLong(i++, message.type); pStmt.setString(i++, message.tag); pStmt.setString(i++, message.msg); pStmt.executeUpdate(); } return true; } public boolean insert( EMessageType type, String tag, String msg ) throws Exception { // the id is generated String sql = "INSERT INTO " + TABLE_MESSAGES + // " (" + getInsertFieldsString() + // ") VALUES (?,?,?,?)"; try (IJGTPreparedStatement pStmt = mConn.prepareStatement(sql)) { int i = 1; pStmt.setLong(i++, new DateTime().getMillis()); pStmt.setLong(i++, type.getCode()); pStmt.setString(i++, tag); pStmt.setString(i++, msg); pStmt.executeUpdate(); } return true; } public boolean insertError( String tag, String msg, Throwable t ) throws Exception { // the id is generated String sql = "INSERT INTO " + TABLE_MESSAGES + // " (" + getInsertFieldsString() + // ") VALUES (?,?,?,?)"; StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); t.printStackTrace(pw); String printStackTrace = sw.toString(); if (msg == null) { msg = ""; } msg += printStackTrace; try (IJGTPreparedStatement pStmt = mConn.prepareStatement(sql)) { int i = 1; pStmt.setLong(i++, new DateTime().getMillis()); pStmt.setLong(i++, EMessageType.ERROR.getCode()); pStmt.setString(i++, tag); pStmt.setString(i++, msg); pStmt.executeUpdate(); } return true; } public List<Message> getList() throws Exception { String tableName = TABLE_MESSAGES; String sql = "select " + getQueryFieldsString() + " from " + tableName; List<Message> messages = new ArrayList<Message>(); try (IJGTStatement stmt = mConn.createStatement(); IJGTResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);) { while( ) { Message event = resultSetToItem(rs, null); messages.add(event); } return messages; } } public List<Message> getFilteredList( EMessageType messageType, DateTime fromTs, DateTime toTs, long limit ) throws Exception { String tableName = TABLE_MESSAGES; String sql = "select " + getQueryFieldsString() + " from " + tableName; List<String> wheresList = new ArrayList<>(); if (messageType != null && messageType != EMessageType.ALL) { String where = type_NAME + "=" + messageType.getCode(); wheresList.add(where); } if (fromTs != null) { String where = TimeStamp_NAME + ">" + fromTs.getMillis(); wheresList.add(where); } if (toTs != null) { String where = TimeStamp_NAME + "<" + toTs.getMillis(); wheresList.add(where); } if (wheresList.size() > 0) { sql += " WHERE "; for( int i = 0; i < wheresList.size(); i++ ) { if (i > 0) { sql += " AND "; } sql += wheresList.get(i); } } sql += " order by " + ID_NAME + " desc"; if (limit > 0) { sql += " limit " + limit; } List<Message> messages = new ArrayList<Message>(); try (IJGTStatement stmt = mConn.createStatement(); IJGTResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);) { while( ) { Message event = resultSetToItem(rs, null); messages.add(event); } return messages; } } public Message resultSetToItem( IJGTResultSet rs, WKBReader wkbReader ) throws Exception { int i = 1; Message message = new Message(); = rs.getLong(i++); message.ts = rs.getLong(i++); message.type = rs.getInt(i++); message.tag = rs.getString(i++); message.msg = rs.getString(i++); return message; } public void clearTable() throws Exception { try (IJGTStatement stmt = mConn.createStatement()) { stmt.execute("delete from " + TABLE_MESSAGES); } } }