package org.jgrasstools.grass.utils; import; import; import; import; import java.util.UUID; /** * Utility methods ported from the Sextante library. * * <p>Modified to work with JGrasstools.</p> * * @author Victor Olaya * @author Andrea Antonello ( */ public class GrassUtilsSextante { private static final String ELSE = "else\n"; private static final String JAVA_IO_TMPDIR = ""; private GrassUtilsSextante() {} /** * Creates a compact startup script for GRASS. * * <p>The script code created may vary, depending on the operating system. This also * creates a temporary GRASS settings file (GISCR). * * @param gisBase the gisbase path. * @param mapsetFolder the mapset inside which the process is run. * @param shell the shell to use (ex. /bin/sh for linux, C:\GRASS-64\msys\bin\sh.exe for windows). * @return The file handler for the created script, NULL on failure. * @throws IOException */ public static File createGrassModuleRunScript( String grassCommand, String gisBase, String mapsetFolder, String shell ) throws IOException { boolean isWindows = GrassUtils.isWindows(); boolean isUnix = GrassUtils.isUnix(); boolean isMac = GrassUtils.isMacOSX(); BufferedWriter output = null; File script = null; File gisrc = null; UUID id; String tmpPrefix; String tmpSuffix; String tmpExtension; String tmpBase; String tmpName; // Create temporary script file in system's temp dir id = UUID.randomUUID(); tmpPrefix = new String(GrassUtils.TMP_PREFIX); tmpSuffix = new String("_" + id); tmpBase = new String(System.getProperty(JAVA_IO_TMPDIR)); if (isWindows) { tmpExtension = new String("bat"); } else { tmpExtension = new String("sh"); } if (tmpBase.endsWith(File.separator)) { tmpName = new String(tmpBase + File.separator + tmpPrefix + tmpSuffix.replace('-', '_') + "." + tmpExtension); } else { tmpName = new String(tmpBase + File.separator + tmpPrefix + tmpSuffix.replace('-', '_') + "." + tmpExtension); } script = new File(tmpName); script.deleteOnExit(); // Create a temporary GISRC file in system's temp dir id = UUID.randomUUID(); tmpPrefix = new String(GrassUtils.TMP_PREFIX); tmpSuffix = new String("_" + id); tmpBase = new String(System.getProperty(JAVA_IO_TMPDIR)); if (tmpBase.endsWith(File.separator)) { tmpName = new String(tmpBase + File.separator + tmpPrefix + tmpSuffix.replace('-', '_') + ".gisrc"); } else { tmpName = new String(tmpBase + File.separator + tmpPrefix + tmpSuffix.replace('-', '_') + ".gisrc"); } gisrc = new File(tmpName); gisrc.deleteOnExit(); // Get GISDBASE, LOCATION and MAPSET from String parameter File tmpMapsetFile = new File(mapsetFolder); File tmpLocationFile = tmpMapsetFile.getParentFile(); File tmpGrassdbFile = tmpLocationFile.getParentFile(); final String mapset = tmpMapsetFile.getName(); final String location = tmpLocationFile.getName(); final String gisdbase = tmpGrassdbFile.getAbsolutePath(); // Write the temporary GISRC file to use in this session try { output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(gisrc)); output.write("GISDBASE: " + gisdbase + "\n"); output.write("LOCATION_NAME: " + location + "\n"); output.write("MAPSET: " + mapset + "\n"); output.write("GRASS_GUI: text\n"); } catch (final Exception e) { return null; } finally { if(output != null) { output.close(); } } // Write the startup script if (isUnix || isMac) { // Startup script for *nix like systems with built-in shell interpreter try { if (shell == null) { shell = "/bin/sh"; } output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(script)); output.write("#!" + shell + "\n"); output.write("export GISRC=\"" + gisrc.getAbsolutePath() + "\"\n"); output.write("export GISBASE=\"" + gisBase + "\"\n"); output.write("export GRASS_PROJSHARE=\"" + gisBase + File.separator + "share" + File.separator + "proj" + "\"\n"); output.write("export GRASS_MESSAGE_FORMAT=text\n"); output.write("export GRASS_SH=" + shell + "\n"); output.write("export GRASS_PERL=/usr/bin/perl\n"); output.write("export GIS_LOCK=$$\n"); output.write("\n"); output.write("if [ \"$LC_ALL\" ] ; then\n"); output.write("\tLCL=`echo \"$LC_ALL\" | sed 's/\\(..\\)\\(.*\\)/\\1/'`\n"); output.write("elif [ \"$LC_MESSAGES\" ] ; then\n"); output.write("\tLCL=`echo \"$LC_MESSAGES\" | sed 's/\\(..\\)\\(.*\\)/\\1/'`\n"); output.write(ELSE); output.write("\tLCL=`echo \"$LANG\" | sed 's/\\(..\\)\\(.*\\)/\\1/'`\n"); output.write("fi\n"); output.write("\n"); output.write("if [ -n \"$GRASS_ADDON_PATH\" ] ; then\n"); output.write("\tPATH=\"" + gisBase + "/bin:" + gisBase + "/scripts:$GRASS_ADDON_PATH:$PATH\"\n"); output.write(ELSE); output.write("\tPATH=\"" + gisBase + "/bin:" + gisBase + "/scripts:$PATH\"\n"); output.write("fi\n"); output.write("export PATH\n"); output.write("\n"); if (isMac) { output.write("if [ ! \"$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH\" ] ; then\n"); output.write("\tDYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"$GISBASE/lib\"\n"); output.write(ELSE); output.write("\tDYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"$GISBASE/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH\"\n"); output.write("fi\n"); output.write("export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH\n"); } else { output.write("if [ ! \"$LD_LIBRARY_PATH\" ] ; then\n"); output.write("\tLD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"$GISBASE/lib\"\n"); output.write(ELSE); output.write("\tLD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"$GISBASE/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH\"\n"); output.write("fi\n"); output.write("export LD_LIBRARY_PATH\n"); } output.write("\n"); output.write("if [ ! \"$GRASS_PYTHON\" ] ; then\n"); output.write("\tGRASS_PYTHON=python\n"); output.write("fi\n"); output.write("export GRASS_PYTHON\n"); output.write("if [ ! \"$PYTHONPATH\" ] ; then\n"); output.write("\tPYTHONPATH=\"$GISBASE/etc/python\"\n"); output.write(ELSE); output.write("\tPYTHONPATH=\"$GISBASE/etc/python:$PYTHONPATH\"\n"); output.write("fi\n"); output.write("export PYTHONPATH\n"); output.write("\n"); output.write("if [ ! \"$GRASS_GNUPLOT\" ] ; then\n"); output.write("\tGRASS_GNUPLOT=\"gnuplot -persist\"\n"); output.write("\texport GRASS_GNUPLOT\n"); output.write("fi\n"); output.write("\n"); output.write("if [ \"$GRASS_FONT_CAP\" ] && [ ! -f \"$GRASS_FONT_CAP\" ] ; then\n"); output.write("\tg.mkfontcap\n"); output.write("fi\n"); output.write("\n"); output.write("g.gisenv set=\"MAPSET=" + mapset + "\"\n"); output.write("g.gisenv set=\"LOCATION=" + location + "\"\n"); output.write("g.gisenv set=\"LOCATION_NAME=" + location + "\"\n"); output.write("g.gisenv set=\"GISDBASE=" + gisdbase + "\"\n"); output.write("g.gisenv set=\"GRASS_GUI=text\"\n"); output.write("\n"); output.write("\n"); output.write(grassCommand + "\n"); output.write("\n"); } catch (final Exception e) { return null; } finally { output.close(); } } else {// Windows // Need a temporary text file for process communication id = UUID.randomUUID(); tmpPrefix = new String(GrassUtils.TMP_PREFIX); tmpSuffix = new String("_" + id); tmpBase = new String(System.getProperty(JAVA_IO_TMPDIR)); if (tmpBase.endsWith(File.separator)) { tmpName = new String(tmpBase + File.separator + tmpPrefix + tmpSuffix.replace('-', '_') + ".msg"); } else { tmpName = new String(tmpBase + File.separator + tmpPrefix + tmpSuffix.replace('-', '_') + ".msg"); } File m_ComFile = new File(tmpName); m_ComFile.deleteOnExit(); // Write windows startup script String shToolsPath = null; if (shell != null && shell.contains(File.separator)) { shToolsPath = shell; shToolsPath = shToolsPath.substring(0, shToolsPath.lastIndexOf(File.separator)); } try { m_ComFile.createNewFile(); output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(script)); // Turn on/off verbose output output.write("@echo off\n"); // Settings that would otherwise be done in grassXx.bat output.write("set HOME=" + System.getProperty("user.home") + "\n"); output.write("set GISRC=" + gisrc.getAbsolutePath() + "\n"); output.write("set GRASS_SH=" + shell + "\n"); if (shToolsPath!=null) { output.write("set PATH=" + shToolsPath + File.separator + "bin;" + shToolsPath + File.separator + "lib;" + "%PATH%\n"); } output.write("set WINGISBASE=" + gisBase + "\n"); output.write("set GISBASE=" + gisBase + "\n"); output.write("set GRASS_PROJSHARE=" + gisBase + File.separator + "share" + File.separator + "proj" + "\n"); output.write("set GRASS_MESSAGE_FORMAT=text\n"); // Replacement code for etc/Init.bat output.write("if \"%GRASS_ADDON_PATH%\"==\"\" set PATH=%WINGISBASE%\\bin;%WINGISBASE%\\lib;%PATH%\n"); output.write("if not \"%GRASS_ADDON_PATH%\"==\"\" set PATH=%WINGISBASE%\\bin;%WINGISBASE%\\lib;%GRASS_ADDON_PATH%;%PATH%\n"); output.write("\n"); output.write("if not \"%LANG%\"==\"\" goto langset\n"); output.write("FOR /F \"usebackq delims==\" %%i IN (`\"%WINGISBASE%\\etc\\winlocale\"`) DO @set LANG=%%i\n"); output.write(":langset\n"); output.write("\n"); output.write("set PATHEXT=%PATHEXT%;.PY\n"); output.write("set PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;%WINGISBASE%\\etc\\python;%WINGISBASE%\\etc\\wxpython\\n"); output.write("\n"); output.write("g.gisenv.exe set=\"MAPSET=" + mapset + "\"\n"); output.write("g.gisenv.exe set=\"LOCATION=" + location + "\"\n"); output.write("g.gisenv.exe set=\"LOCATION_NAME=" + location + "\"\n"); output.write("g.gisenv.exe set=\"GISDBASE=" + gisdbase + "\"\n"); output.write("g.gisenv.exe set=\"GRASS_GUI=text\"\n"); output.write("\n"); output.write("\n"); output.write(grassCommand + "\n"); output.write("\n"); output.close(); } catch (final Exception e) { return null; } } if (script == null || !script.exists()) { return null; } return script; } }