//package org.jgrasstools.hortonmachine.models; // //import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; //import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; // //import java.util.HashMap; //import java.util.Map; // //import org.geotools.data.Parameter; //import org.geotools.feature.NameImpl; //import org.geotools.process.Process; //import org.geotools.process.ProcessExecutor; //import org.geotools.process.ProcessFactory; //import org.geotools.process.Processors; //import org.geotools.process.Progress; //import org.junit.Test; //import org.opengis.feature.type.Name; // ///** // * Time to check that GearsProcessFactry meets the process api. // * <p> // * To help with this we will use the Processors class for all interaction; and // * only break out specific test cases as issues are found. // * // * @author Jody // */ //public class HortonMachineFactoryTest { // // @Test // public void testOne() throws Exception { // Name NAME = new NameImpl("org.jgrasstools.hortonmachine", "OmsGradient"); // ProcessFactory factory = Processors.createProcessFactory(NAME); // assertNotNull(factory); // assertTrue(factory.isAvailable()); // // // InternationalString description = factory.getDescription(NAME); // // assertNotNull( description ); // // String version = factory.getVersion(NAME); // assertNotNull(version); // // Map<String, Parameter< ? >> info = factory.getParameterInfo(NAME); // assertNotNull(info); // assertTrue(info.containsKey("inElev")); // // assertFalse( info.containsKey("pm")); // I cannot ask users to type // // this in // // ProcessExecutor pool = Processors.newProcessExecutor(3, null); // Process grad = Processors.createProcess(NAME); // // Map<String, Object> input = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // Progress progress = pool.submit(grad, input); // // // float work = progress.getProgress(); // Map<String, Object> result = progress.get(); // // assertTrue(progress.isDone()); // assertNotNull(result); // assertTrue(result.containsKey("outSlope")); // // } //}