package; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.util.List; import static*; import org.geotools.filter.function.FilterFunction_endPoint; import org.geotools.filter.function.FilterFunction_startPoint; import org.geotools.styling.ExternalGraphic; import org.geotools.styling.Graphic; import org.geotools.styling.LineSymbolizer; import org.geotools.styling.Mark; import org.geotools.styling.PointSymbolizer; import org.geotools.styling.PolygonSymbolizer; import org.geotools.styling.Stroke; import org.geotools.styling.Symbolizer; import org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression; import; /** * A wrapper for a {@link LineSymbolizer} to ease interaction with gui. * * @author Andrea Antonello ( */ public class LineSymbolizerWrapper extends SymbolizerWrapper { protected String strokeColor; protected String strokeOpacity; protected String strokeWidth; protected boolean hasStroke; protected Stroke stroke; protected Graphic strokeGraphicStroke; protected String dash; protected String dashOffset; protected String lineCap; protected String lineJoin; protected PointSymbolizerWrapper endPointStyle; protected PointSymbolizerWrapper startPointStyle; public LineSymbolizerWrapper(PolygonSymbolizer polygonSymbolizer, RuleWrapper parent) { super(polygonSymbolizer, parent); initEndPointSymbolizers(); } public LineSymbolizerWrapper(Symbolizer symbolizer, RuleWrapper parent) { super(symbolizer, parent); initEndPointSymbolizers(); LineSymbolizer lineSymbolizer = (LineSymbolizer) symbolizer; // offset Point2D offset = getOffset(lineSymbolizer); if (offset != null) { xOffset = String.valueOf(offset.getX()); yOffset = String.valueOf(offset.getY()); } else { xOffset = DEFAULT_OFFSET; yOffset = DEFAULT_OFFSET; } stroke = lineSymbolizer.getStroke(); if (stroke != null) { Expression color = stroke.getColor(); strokeColor = expressionToString(color); Expression width = stroke.getWidth(); strokeWidth = expressionToString(width); Expression opacity = stroke.getOpacity(); strokeOpacity = expressionToString(opacity); if (strokeColor == null) { strokeColor = DEFAULT_COLOR; stroke.setColor(ff.literal(DEFAULT_COLOR)); } if (strokeOpacity == null) { strokeOpacity = DEFAULT_OPACITY; stroke.setOpacity(ff.literal(DEFAULT_OPACITY)); } if (strokeWidth == null) { strokeWidth = DEFAULT_WIDTH; stroke.setWidth(ff.literal(DEFAULT_WIDTH)); } strokeGraphicStroke = stroke.getGraphicStroke(); if (strokeGraphicStroke != null) { List<GraphicalSymbol> graphicalSymbolsList = strokeGraphicStroke.graphicalSymbols(); if (graphicalSymbolsList.size() > 0) { GraphicalSymbol graphicalSymbol = graphicalSymbolsList.get(0); if (graphicalSymbol instanceof ExternalGraphic) { strokeExternalGraphicStroke = (ExternalGraphic) graphicalSymbol; } } } // dash float[] dashArray = stroke.getDashArray(); if (dashArray != null) { dash = getDashString(dashArray); } else { dash = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ } // dashoffset dashOffset = stroke.getDashOffset().evaluate(null, String.class); // line cap lineCap = stroke.getLineCap().evaluate(null, String.class); // line join lineJoin = stroke.getLineJoin().evaluate(null, String.class); hasStroke = true; } else { hasStroke = false; } } private void initEndPointSymbolizers() { for (Symbolizer x : super.getParent().getRule().getSymbolizers()) { if (x instanceof PointSymbolizer) { PointSymbolizer pnt = (PointSymbolizer) x; Expression ex = pnt.getGeometry(); boolean endpnt = ex instanceof FilterFunction_endPoint; boolean startpnt = ex instanceof FilterFunction_startPoint; if (endpnt || startpnt) { GraphicalSymbol gs = pnt.getGraphic().graphicalSymbols().get(0); if (gs instanceof Mark) { String name = ((Mark) gs).getWellKnownName().evaluate(null, String.class); if (Utilities.lineEndStyles.values().contains(name)) { if (endpnt) { endPointStyle = new PointSymbolizerWrapper(pnt, super.getParent()); } else if (startpnt) { startPointStyle = new PointSymbolizerWrapper(pnt, super.getParent()); } } } } } } } public PointSymbolizerWrapper getEndPointStyle() { return endPointStyle; } public PointSymbolizerWrapper getStartPointStyle() { return startPointStyle; } public void setEndPointStyle(String geomName, String wkgName, String size, String color) { endPointStyle = updateEndpointStyle(geomName, endPointStyle, wkgName, size, color, false); } public void setStartPointStyle(String geomName, String wkgName, String size, String color) { startPointStyle = updateEndpointStyle(geomName, startPointStyle, wkgName, size, color, true); } private PointSymbolizerWrapper updateEndpointStyle(String geomName, PointSymbolizerWrapper wrapper, String wkgName, String size, String color, boolean isStart) { if (wkgName == null || wkgName.length() == 0) { if (wrapper != null) { getParent().getRule().symbolizers().remove(wrapper.getSymbolizer()); return null; } } if (wrapper == null) { PointSymbolizer p = sf.createPointSymbolizer(); if (isStart) { p.setGeometry(ff.function("startPoint",; //$NON-NLS-1$ p.getGraphic().setRotation(ff.add(ff.function("startAngle",, ff.literal(-180))); //rotate start 180 degrees //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { p.setGeometry(ff.function("endPoint",; //$NON-NLS-1$ p.getGraphic().setRotation(ff.function("endAngle",; //$NON-NLS-1$ } wrapper = new PointSymbolizerWrapper(p, getParent()); getParent().getRule().symbolizers().add(wrapper.getSymbolizer()); } wrapper.setMarkName(wkgName); wrapper.setStrokeColor(color); wrapper.setFillColor(color); wrapper.setSize(size, false); return wrapper; } public void clearGraphicStroke() { if (stroke == null) return; stroke.setGraphicStroke(null); strokeGraphicStroke = null; } public Graphic getStrokeGraphicStroke() { return strokeGraphicStroke; } public void setStrokeGraphicStroke(Graphic strokeGraphicStroke) { this.strokeGraphicStroke = strokeGraphicStroke; if (hasStroke) { checkStrokeExists(); stroke.setGraphicStroke(strokeGraphicStroke); } } // ///// GETTERS/SETTERS public void setHasStroke(boolean hasStroke) { this.hasStroke = hasStroke; if (hasStroke) { checkStrokeExists(); } else { stroke = null; LineSymbolizer lineSymbolizer = (LineSymbolizer) getSymbolizer(); lineSymbolizer.setStroke(null); } } protected void checkStrokeExists() { if (stroke == null) { if (strokeColor == null) { strokeColor = DEFAULT_COLOR; } if (strokeWidth == null) { strokeWidth = DEFAULT_WIDTH; } stroke = sf.createStroke(ff.literal(strokeColor), ff.literal(strokeWidth)); LineSymbolizer lineSymbolizer = (LineSymbolizer) getSymbolizer(); lineSymbolizer.setStroke(stroke); strokeGraphicStroke = stroke.getGraphicStroke(); } } public void setStrokeWidth(String strokeWidth, boolean isProperty) { this.strokeWidth = strokeWidth; if (hasStroke) { checkStrokeExists(); if (isProperty) { stroke.setWidth(; } else { stroke.setWidth(ff.literal(strokeWidth)); } } } public void setStrokeColor(String strokeColor, boolean isProperty) { this.strokeColor = strokeColor; if (hasStroke) { checkStrokeExists(); if (isProperty) { stroke.setColor(; } else { if (strokeColor != null) { stroke.setColor(ff.literal(strokeColor)); } } } } public void setStrokeOpacity(String strokeOpacity, boolean isProperty) { this.strokeOpacity = strokeOpacity; if (hasStroke) { checkStrokeExists(); if (isProperty) { stroke.setOpacity(; } else { stroke.setOpacity(ff.literal(strokeOpacity)); } //update end point styles if applicable if (endPointStyle != null) { endPointStyle.setStrokeOpacity(strokeOpacity, isProperty); endPointStyle.setFillOpacity(strokeOpacity, isProperty); } if (startPointStyle != null) { startPointStyle.setStrokeOpacity(strokeOpacity, isProperty); startPointStyle.setFillOpacity(strokeOpacity, isProperty); } } } public void setDash(String dash) { this.dash = dash; if (hasStroke) { checkStrokeExists(); float[] dashArray = Utilities.getDash(dash); stroke.setDashArray(dashArray); } } public void setDashOffset(String dashOffset) { this.dashOffset = dashOffset; if (hasStroke) { checkStrokeExists(); if (dashOffset != null && dashOffset.length() > 0) { stroke.setDashOffset(ff.literal(dashOffset)); } } } public void setLineCap(String lineCap) { this.lineCap = lineCap; if (hasStroke) { checkStrokeExists(); stroke.setLineCap(ff.literal(lineCap)); } } public void setLineJoin(String lineJoin) { this.lineJoin = lineJoin; if (hasStroke) { checkStrokeExists(); stroke.setLineJoin(ff.literal(lineJoin)); } } // getters public String getStrokeColor() { return strokeColor; } public String getStrokeOpacity() { return strokeOpacity; } public String getStrokeWidth() { return strokeWidth; } public boolean hasStroke() { return hasStroke; } public String getDash() { return dash; } public String getDashOffset() { return dashOffset; } public String getLineCap() { return lineCap; } public String getLineJoin() { return lineJoin; } }