package org.osgeo.grass.d; import org.jgrasstools.grass.utils.ModuleSupporter; import oms3.annotations.Author; import oms3.annotations.Documentation; import oms3.annotations.Label; import oms3.annotations.Description; import oms3.annotations.Execute; import oms3.annotations.In; import oms3.annotations.UI; import oms3.annotations.Keywords; import oms3.annotations.License; import oms3.annotations.Name; import oms3.annotations.Out; import oms3.annotations.Status; @Description("Manages display frames on the user's graphics monitor.") @Author(name = "Grass Developers Community", contact = "") @Keywords("display") @Label("Grass/Display Modules") @Name("d__frame") @Status(Status.CERTIFIED) @License("General Public License Version >=2)") public class d__frame { @Description("Frame to be created/selected (optional)") @In public String $$framePARAMETER; @Description("Where to place the frame, values in percent (implies -c) (optional)") @In public String $$atPARAMETER; @Description("Create a new frame") @In public boolean $$cFLAG = false; @Description("Select a frame") @In public boolean $$sFLAG = false; @Description("Remove all frames and erase the screen") @In public boolean $$eFLAG = false; @Description("Print name of current frame") @In public boolean $$pFLAG = false; @Description("Print names of all frames") @In public boolean $$aFLAG = false; @Description("List map names displayed in GRASS monitor") @In public boolean $$lFLAG = false; @Description("Debugging output") @In public boolean $$DFLAG = false; @Description("Verbose module output") @In public boolean $$verboseFLAG = false; @Description("Quiet module output") @In public boolean $$quietFLAG = false; @Execute public void process() throws Exception { ModuleSupporter.processModule(this); } }