package; import static*; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.util.List; import org.geotools.styling.ExternalGraphic; import org.geotools.styling.Fill; import org.geotools.styling.Graphic; import org.geotools.styling.Mark; import org.geotools.styling.PointSymbolizer; import org.geotools.styling.SLD; import org.geotools.styling.Stroke; import org.geotools.styling.Symbolizer; import org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression; /** * A wrapper for a {@link PointSymbolizer} to ease interaction with gui. * * @author Andrea Antonello ( */ public class PointSymbolizerWrapper extends SymbolizerWrapper { private String size; private String rotation; private String markName; private String fillColor; private String fillOpacity; private String strokeColor; private String strokeOpacity; private String strokeWidth; private boolean hasFill; private boolean hasStroke; private Mark mark; private Fill fill; private Stroke stroke; private Graphic graphic; public PointSymbolizerWrapper(Symbolizer symbolizer, RuleWrapper parent) { super(symbolizer, parent); PointSymbolizer pointSymbolizer = (PointSymbolizer) symbolizer; graphic = pointSymbolizer.getGraphic(); List<ExternalGraphic> externalGraphicsList = externalGraphicsFromGraphic(graphic); // size Expression sizeExpr = graphic.getSize(); String tmp = expressionToString(sizeExpr); if (tmp != null) { size = tmp; } else { size = DEFAULT_WIDTH; } // rotation Expression rotationExpr = graphic.getRotation(); tmp = expressionToString(rotationExpr); if (tmp != null) { rotation = tmp; } else { rotation = DEFAULT_ROTATION; } // offset Point2D offset = Utilities.getOffset(pointSymbolizer); if (offset != null) { xOffset = String.valueOf(offset.getX()); yOffset = String.valueOf(offset.getY()); } else { xOffset = DEFAULT_OFFSET; yOffset = DEFAULT_OFFSET; } if (externalGraphicsList.size() == 0) { mark = SLD.mark(pointSymbolizer); if (mark == null) { return; } markName = mark.getWellKnownName().evaluate(null, String.class); if (markName == null || markName.equals("")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ markName = "circle"; //$NON-NLS-1$ mark.setWellKnownName(ff.literal(markName)); } fill = mark.getFill(); if (fill != null) { fillColor = fill.getColor().evaluate(null, String.class); Expression opacityExpr = fill.getOpacity(); fillOpacity = expressionToString(opacityExpr); hasFill = true; } else { hasFill = false; } stroke = mark.getStroke(); if (stroke != null) { Expression color = stroke.getColor(); tmp = color.evaluate(null, String.class); if (tmp != null) { strokeColor = tmp; } else { strokeColor = DEFAULT_COLOR; } Expression opacity = stroke.getOpacity(); tmp = expressionToString(opacity); if (tmp != null) { strokeOpacity = tmp; } else { strokeOpacity = DEFAULT_OPACITY; } Expression width = stroke.getWidth(); tmp = expressionToString(width); if (tmp != null) { strokeWidth = tmp; } else { strokeWidth = DEFAULT_WIDTH; } hasStroke = true; } else { hasStroke = false; } } else { // graphics case externalGraphic = externalGraphicsList.get(0); } } public Graphic getGraphic() { return graphic; } // ///// GETTERS/SETTERS public void setSize(String size, boolean isProperty) { this.size = size; if (isProperty) { graphic.setSize(; } else { graphic.setSize(ff.literal(size)); } } public void setRotation(String rotation, boolean isProperty) { this.rotation = rotation; if (isProperty) { graphic.setRotation(; } else { graphic.setRotation(ff.literal(rotation)); } } public void setMarkName(String markName) { if (markName == null || markName.equals("")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ return; } this.markName = markName; if (mark == null) { mark = sf.createMark(); } mark.setWellKnownName(ff.literal(markName)); graphic.graphicalSymbols().clear(); graphic.graphicalSymbols().add(mark); } public void setFillColor(String fillColor) { if (fillColor == null) { hasFill = false; } else { hasFill = true; } this.fillColor = fillColor; checkFillExists(); fill.setColor(ff.literal(fillColor)); } public void setFillOpacity(String fillOpacity, boolean isProperty) { this.fillOpacity = fillOpacity; checkFillExists(); if (isProperty) { fill.setOpacity(; } else { fill.setOpacity(ff.literal(fillOpacity)); } } public void setHasStroke(boolean hasStroke) { this.hasStroke = hasStroke; if (hasStroke) { checkStrokeExists(); } else { stroke = null; mark.setStroke(null); } } public void setHasFill(boolean hasFill) { this.hasFill = hasFill; if (hasFill) { checkFillExists(); } else { fill = null; mark.setFill(null); } } private void checkStrokeExists() { if (stroke == null) { if (strokeColor == null) { strokeColor = DEFAULT_COLOR; } if (strokeWidth == null) { strokeWidth = DEFAULT_WIDTH; } stroke = sf.createStroke(ff.literal(strokeColor), ff.literal(strokeWidth)); if (mark != null) { mark.setStroke(stroke); } } } private void checkFillExists() { if (fill == null) { if (fillColor == null) { fillColor = DEFAULT_COLOR; } fill = sf.createFill(ff.literal(fillColor)); if (mark != null) { mark.setFill(fill); } } } public void setStrokeWidth(String strokeWidth, boolean isProperty) { this.strokeWidth = strokeWidth; checkStrokeExists(); if (isProperty) { stroke.setWidth(; } else { stroke.setWidth(ff.literal(strokeWidth)); } } public void setStrokeColor(String strokeColor) { this.strokeColor = strokeColor; checkStrokeExists(); if (strokeColor == null) { hasStroke = false; } else { hasStroke = true; } stroke.setColor(ff.literal(strokeColor)); } public void setStrokeOpacity(String strokeOpacity, boolean isProperty) { this.strokeOpacity = strokeOpacity; checkStrokeExists(); if (isProperty) { stroke.setOpacity(; } else { stroke.setOpacity(ff.literal(strokeOpacity)); } } // getters public String getSize() { return size; } public String getRotation() { return rotation; } public String getMarkName() { return markName; } public String getFillColor() { return fillColor; } public String getFillOpacity() { return fillOpacity; } public String getStrokeColor() { return strokeColor; } public String getStrokeOpacity() { return strokeOpacity; } public String getStrokeWidth() { return strokeWidth; } public boolean hasFill() { return hasFill; } public boolean hasStroke() { return hasStroke; } }