package com.griddynamics.jagger.webclient.client.components; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.googlecode.gflot.client.Series; import com.googlecode.gflot.client.SeriesData; import com.googlecode.gflot.client.SimplePlot; import com.googlecode.gflot.client.Zoom; import com.griddynamics.jagger.dbapi.model.MetricNode; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.tree.Tree; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; /** * Class that hold widgets of type PlotContainer with dynamic layout feature. */ public class PlotsPanel extends ResizeComposite { interface PlotsPanelUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, PlotsPanel> { } private static PlotsPanelUiBinder ourUiBinder = GWT.create(PlotsPanelUiBinder.class); @UiField /* Main layout panel where all children will be */ protected DynamicLayoutPanel<PlotContainer> layoutPanel; @UiField /* Menu bar to control plot panel */ protected PlotButtonsPanel plotButtonsPanel; @UiField /* Scroll bar for layout panel */ protected ScrollPanel scrollPanelMetrics; private ControlTree<String> controlTree; public PlotsPanel() { initWidget(ourUiBinder.createAndBindUi(this)); plotButtonsPanel.setupButtonPanel(this); layoutPanel.setChildHeight(plotButtonsPanel.getPlotHeight()); } public void setControlTree(ControlTree<String> controlTree) { this.controlTree = controlTree; } /** * Deselect metric node in control tree. This will lead to plot removal from plot panel * @param metricNode metric node */ public void deselectMetricNode(MetricNode metricNode) { controlTree.setChecked(metricNode, Tree.CheckState.UNCHECKED); } /** * Remove widgets from layout panel by metric node * @param metricNodes metric nodes */ public void removeByMetricNodes(Collection<MetricNode> metricNodes) { Set<String> ids = new HashSet<String>(); for (MetricNode metricNode : metricNodes) { ids.add(metricNode.getId()); } layoutPanel.removeChildren(ids); childrenCount = layoutPanel.getAllChildren().size(); setMaxRange(); } /** * Remove all widgets from layoutPanel */ public void clear() { layoutPanel.clear(); childrenCount = 0; } /** * Add widget to layoutPanel * @param plotContainer child widget */ public void addElement(final PlotContainer plotContainer) { plotContainer.setHeight(plotButtonsPanel.getPlotHeight() + "px"); plotContainer.setPlotsPanel(this); scrollCalculations(plotContainer); plotContainer.getPlotRepresentation().addAttachHandler(new AttachEvent.Handler() { @Override public void onAttachOrDetach(AttachEvent event) { // executes when plot have been loaded plotContainer.getPlotRepresentation().calculateScrollWidth(); avalancheScrollEventsCount ++; plotContainer.getPlotRepresentation().panToPercent(percent); } }); layoutPanel.setAdditionalHeightForChild( plotContainer.getDragPanelHeight() + plotContainer.getPlotRepresentation().getZoomPanelHeight() + plotContainer.getPlotRepresentation().getScrollPanelHeight() + plotContainer.getPlotRepresentation().getXAxisLabelHeight() ); layoutPanel.addChild(plotContainer); childrenCount = layoutPanel.getAllChildren().size(); setMaxRange(); } private void panAllPlots(double percent) { for (PlotContainer pc : layoutPanel.getAllChildren()) { pc.getPlotRepresentation().panToPercent(percent); } } private void scrollCalculations(final PlotContainer plotContainer) { double maxX = calculateMaxXAxisValue(plotContainer.getPlotRepresentation().getSimplePlot()); double maxRange; if (this.isEmpty()) { maxRange = maxX; } else { if (maxX > getMaxXAxisValue()) { maxRange = maxX; } else { maxRange = getMaxXAxisValue(); } } plotContainer.getPlotRepresentation().setMaxRange(maxRange); final NativeHorizontalScrollbar scrollBar = plotContainer.getPlotRepresentation().getScrollbar(); scrollBar.setVisible(true); scrollBar.addScrollHandler(new ScrollHandler() { @Override public void onScroll(ScrollEvent event) { if (avalancheScrollEventsCount > 0) { avalancheScrollEventsCount --; return; } avalancheScrollEventsCount = childrenCount; int currentPosition = scrollBar.getHorizontalScrollPosition(); double percent = 1D * (currentPosition - scrollBar.getMinimumHorizontalScrollPosition()) / (scrollBar.getMaximumHorizontalScrollPosition() - scrollBar.getMinimumHorizontalScrollPosition()); PlotsPanel.this.percent = percent; panAllPlots(percent); } }); } /** * Global counter to see how many avalanche scroll events hav not been finished */ private int avalancheScrollEventsCount = 0; /** * To avoid calculating on every scroll event */ private int childrenCount = 0; /** * Current state of plot`s scrolls */ private double percent = 0; private void setMaxRange() { for (PlotContainer pc : layoutPanel.getAllChildren()) { pc.getPlotRepresentation().setMaxRange(getMaxXAxisValue()); } } /** * Check if PlotsPanel contains element with certain id * @param plotId id of element to identify * @return true if element found with given plotId, false otherwise */ public boolean containsElementWithId(String plotId) { return layoutPanel.containsElementWithId(plotId); } /** * Zoom all plots in PlotsPanel */ public void zoomIn() { zoom(false); } /** * Zoom out all plots in PlotsPanel */ public void zoomOut() { zoom(true); } /** * Zoom in if param is false, zoom out otherwise. * @param out defines whether zoom in or out. */ private void zoom(boolean out) { double maxRange = layoutPanel.getFirstChild().getPlotRepresentation().getMaxRange(); for (PlotContainer pc : layoutPanel.getAllChildren()) { SimplePlot plot = pc.getPlotRepresentation().getSimplePlot(); Zoom zoom = Zoom.create().setAmount(1.1); if (out) { plot.zoomOut(zoom); } else { plot.zoom(zoom); } pc.getPlotRepresentation().calculateScrollWidth(); } PlotRepresentation plotRepresentation = layoutPanel.getFirstChild().getPlotRepresentation(); double percent; double minVisible = plotRepresentation.getSimplePlot().getAxes().getX().getMinimumValue(); double maxVisible = plotRepresentation.getSimplePlot().getAxes().getX().getMaximumValue(); if (out) { if (maxVisible >= maxRange && minVisible <= 0) { // do nothing when plot in visible range return; } if (maxVisible >= maxRange) { // to the end plotRepresentation.panToPercent(1); return; } else if (minVisible <= 0) { // to very start plotRepresentation.panToPercent(0); return; } } percent = minVisible / (maxRange - maxVisible + minVisible); plotRepresentation.panToPercent(percent); } /** * Zoom to size of given plot; * @param plot - given plot */ public void zoomDefault(SimplePlot plot) { double xMaxValue = calculateMaxXAxisValue(plot); for (PlotContainer pc : layoutPanel.getAllChildren()) { SimplePlot currentPlot = pc.getPlotRepresentation().getSimplePlot(); // currently we always start xAxis with zero currentPlot.getOptions().getXAxisOptions().setMinimum(0).setMaximum(xMaxValue); currentPlot.setupGrid(); currentPlot.redraw(); pc.getPlotRepresentation().calculateScrollWidth(); } // all plots start with zero PlotRepresentation plotRepresentation = layoutPanel.getFirstChild().getPlotRepresentation(); plotRepresentation.panToPercent(0); } /** * Returns max X axis value on plot * @param plot plot * @return max X axis value */ private double calculateMaxXAxisValue (SimplePlot plot) { JsArray<Series> seriesArray = plot.getModel().getSeries(); double maxValue = Double.MIN_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < seriesArray.length(); i ++) { // get curve SeriesData curve = seriesArray.get(i).getData(); double temp = curve.getX(curve.length() - 1); if (maxValue < temp) { maxValue = temp; } } return maxValue; } /** * Check if PlotsPanel contains any plots. * @return true if it is empty, false otherwise */ public boolean isEmpty() { return childrenCount == 0; } /** * @return maximum X axis value */ public double getMaxXAxisValue() { // no widgets in panel assert layoutPanel.getWidgetCount() > 0; double xMaxValue = Double.MIN_VALUE; for (PlotContainer pc : layoutPanel.getAllChildren()) { double curveMaxX = calculateMaxXAxisValue(pc.getPlotRepresentation().getSimplePlot()); if (curveMaxX > xMaxValue) { xMaxValue = curveMaxX; } } return xMaxValue; } /** * @return maximum visible X axis value */ public double getMaxXAxisVisibleValue() { // no widgets in panel assert layoutPanel.getWidgetCount() > 0; SimplePlot plot = layoutPanel.getFirstChild().getPlotRepresentation().getSimplePlot(); return plot.getAxes().getX().getMaximumValue(); } /** * @return minimum visible X axis value */ public double getMinXAxisVisibleValue() { // no widgets in panel assert layoutPanel.getWidgetCount() > 0; SimplePlot plot = layoutPanel.getFirstChild().getPlotRepresentation().getSimplePlot(); return plot.getAxes().getX().getMinimumValue(); } /** * Change layout of plots (single columns, two columns) */ public void changeLayout() { layoutPanel.changeLayout(layoutPanel.getLayout().getNext()); } /** * Change height of plots */ public void changeChildrenHeight(Integer height) { layoutPanel.changeChildrenHeight(height); } /** * Scroll to bottom of layout panel (panel with plots) */ public void scrollToBottom() { scrollPanelMetrics.scrollToBottom(); } }