package com.griddynamics.jagger.user.test.configurations; import; import com.griddynamics.jagger.engine.e1.Provider; import com.griddynamics.jagger.engine.e1.collector.test.TestListener; import com.griddynamics.jagger.user.test.configurations.auxiliary.Id; import com.griddynamics.jagger.user.test.configurations.limits.JLimit; import com.griddynamics.jagger.user.test.configurations.load.JLoadProfile; import com.griddynamics.jagger.user.test.configurations.termination.JTerminationCriteria; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; /** * @brief Describes the instance of a load test performed by Jagger * @n * @par Details: * @details JLoadTest describes an instance of the load test, build with JTestDefinition. JLoadTest sets following parameters: * @li load strategy - how load will be applied * @li termination criteria - when load should be terminated * * See @ref section_writing_test_load_scenario for more details @n * @n * More information on the parameter of the test definition, you can find in the Builder documentation @n * @n * Code example: * @dontinclude * @skip begin: following section is used for docu generation - Load test scenario configuration * @until end: following section is used for docu generation - Load test scenario configuration */ public class JLoadTest { private final String id; private final JLoadProfile load; private final JTestDefinition testDescription; private final JTerminationCriteria termination; private final List<JLimit> limits; private final List<Provider<TestListener>> listeners; private JLoadTest(Builder builder) { =; this.testDescription = builder.jTestDefinition; this.load = builder.load; this.termination = builder.termination; this.limits = builder.limits; this.listeners = builder.listeners; } /** * Builder of the JLoadTest * @param id - Unique id of the test definition * @param definition - Definition of the load test (sources of the test data and used protocol) * @param load - Load strategy for this load test (Virtual users, Requests per seconds, etc) * @param termination - Termination criteria for this load test (when load test should be finished) * @n * @details Constructor parameters are mandatory for the JLoadTest. JLoadTest parameters, set by setters are optional * @n */ public static Builder builder(Id id, JTestDefinition definition, JLoadProfile load, JTerminationCriteria termination) { return new Builder(id, definition, load, termination); } public static class Builder { private final Id id; private final JTestDefinition jTestDefinition; private final JLoadProfile load; private final JTerminationCriteria termination; private List<JLimit> limits; private List<Provider<TestListener>> listeners = Lists.newArrayList(); private Builder(Id id, JTestDefinition jTestDefinition, JLoadProfile load, JTerminationCriteria termination) { = id; this.jTestDefinition = jTestDefinition; this.load = load; this.termination = termination; this.limits = new LinkedList<>(); } /** * Optional: Adds instances of subtypes of {@link com.griddynamics.jagger.engine.e1.Provider<TestListener>} * Listeners will be executed before, after and periodically during a test * @n * Example: * @code * addListeners(Arrays.asList(new CollectThreadsTestListener())) * @endcode * @see com.griddynamics.jagger.engine.e1.collector.CollectThreadsTestListener for example */ public Builder addListeners(List<Provider<TestListener>> listeners) { this.listeners.addAll(listeners); return this; } /** * Optional: Adds a subtype instance of {@link com.griddynamics.jagger.engine.e1.Provider<TestListener>} * Listener will be executed before, after and periodically during a test * @n * Example: * @code * addListener(new CollectThreadsTestListener()) * @endcode * @see com.griddynamics.jagger.engine.e1.collector.CollectThreadsTestListener for example */ public Builder addListener(Provider<TestListener> listener) { this.listeners.add(listener); return this; } /** * Optional: Set limits for a test. * * @param limits array of {@link JLimit}. */ public Builder withLimits(JLimit... limits) { Objects.requireNonNull(limits); this.limits = Arrays.asList(limits); return this; } /** * Optional: Set limits for a test. * * @param limits list of {@link JLimit}. */ public Builder withLimits(List<JLimit> limits) { Objects.requireNonNull(limits); this.limits = limits; return this; } /** * Optional: Add limits for a test. * * @param limits array of {@link JLimit}. */ public Builder addLimits(JLimit... limits){ Objects.requireNonNull(limits); this.limits.addAll(Arrays.asList(limits)); return this; } /** * Optional: Add limits for a test. * * @param limits list of {@link JLimit}. */ public Builder addLimits(List<JLimit> limits){ Objects.requireNonNull(limits); this.limits.addAll(limits); return this; } /** * Create the object of JLoadTest with custom parameters. * * @return JLoadTest object. */ public JLoadTest build() { return new JLoadTest(this); } } public String getId() { return id; } public JTestDefinition getTestDescription() { return testDescription; } public JLoadProfile getLoad() { return load; } public JTerminationCriteria getTermination() { return termination; } public List<JLimit> getLimits() { return limits; } public List<Provider<TestListener>> getListeners() { return listeners; } }