package com.griddynamics.jagger.invoker; import; import com.griddynamics.jagger.util.Pair; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; /** * This {@link com.griddynamics.jagger.invoker.LoadBalancer} implementation provides guarantees * that each query and endpoint pair will be in exclusive access, i.e. once it is acquired by one thread * it won't be acquired by any other thread (virtual user) in multi threaded environment. * @n * If {@link #randomnessSeed} is not {@code null} randomly shuffles the sequence of pairs from {@link #pairSupplierFactory} using it. * @n * Created by Andrey Badaev * Date: 01/02/17 * * @ingroup Main_Distributors_group */ public abstract class ExclusiveAccessLoadBalancer<Q, E> extends PairSupplierFactoryLoadBalancer<Q, E> { private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExclusiveAccessLoadBalancer.class); public ExclusiveAccessLoadBalancer(PairSupplierFactory<Q, E> pairSupplierFactory) { super(pairSupplierFactory); } private volatile ArrayBlockingQueue<Pair<Q, E>> pairQueue; private volatile Long randomnessSeed; public void setRandomnessSeed(Long randomnessSeed) { this.randomnessSeed = randomnessSeed; } protected abstract boolean isToCircleAnIteration(); protected ArrayBlockingQueue<Pair<Q, E>> getPairQueue() { return pairQueue; } protected abstract Pair<Q, E> pollNext(); @Override public Iterator<Pair<Q, E>> provide() { return new AbstractIterator<Pair<Q, E>>() { Pair<Q, E> current = null; @Override protected Pair<Q, E> computeNext() { if (current != null && isToCircleAnIteration()) { log.debug("Returning pair - {}", current); pairQueue.add(current); } current = pollNext(); log.debug("Providing pair - {}", current); return current; } @Override public String toString() { return super.getClass() + " iterator"; } }; } @Override public void init() { synchronized (lock) { if (initialized) { log.debug("already initialized. returning..."); return; } super.init(); PairSupplier<Q, E> pairSupplier = getPairSupplier(); List<Pair<Q, E>> pairList = new ArrayList<>(pairSupplier.size()); int index = 0; int step = 1; if (kernelInfo != null) { // then from all the provided pairs pick only those under this node's index. index = kernelInfo.getKernelId(); step = kernelInfo.getKernelsNumber(); } for (; index < pairSupplier.size(); index += step) { pairList.add(pairSupplier.get(index)); } if (Objects.nonNull(randomnessSeed)) {"'randomnessSeed' value is not null. Going to shuffle the pairs"); Collections.shuffle(pairList, new Random(randomnessSeed)); }"{} pairs on this node to balance", pairList.size()); log.debug("Pairs to load balance: {}", pairList); pairQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(pairSupplier.size(), true, pairList); } } }