package; import; import java.util.List; public interface TestEnvironmentDao extends CrudDao<TestEnvironmentEntity, String> { /** * @param testEnvironmentId id of test environment. * @param sessionId session id of test environment. * @return true if test environment with such id and sessionId exists, false otherwise. */ boolean existsWithSessionId(String testEnvironmentId, String sessionId); /** * Retrieves test environments which expirationTimestamp < timestamp. * Parameter timestamp must be in UTC timezone. * * @param timestamp timestamp to compare with test environments' expirationTimestamps. * @return list of expired test environments. */ List<TestEnvironmentEntity> readExpired(long timestamp); /** * Deletes and creates {@link TestEnvironmentEntity} entity. * Could be used as a replacement for cascade update. * * @param testEnvironment entity to re create */ void reCreate(TestEnvironmentEntity testEnvironment); /** * Deletes test environments which expirationTimestamp < timestamp. * Parameter timestamp must be in UTC timezone. * * @param timestamp the timestamp to compare with test environments' expirationTimestamps. * @return the number of deleted environments. */ int deleteExpired(long timestamp); }