package; import com.griddynamics.jagger.engine.e1.collector.MetricDescription; /** Service gives an ability to create and describe metrics, save metric values. * @author Gribov Kirill * @n * @par Details: * @details Where this service is available you can find in chapter: @ref section_listeners_services @n * @n * @ingroup Main_Services_group */ public interface MetricService extends JaggerService{ /** Creates metric * @author Gribov Kirill * @n * @par Details: * @details Registers in Jagger a metric define by \e metricDescription. Registration (creation) should be provided single time. @n * After metric is created you can save some test data to it with help of @ref saveValue * * @param metricDescription - describes how to store metric */ void createMetric(MetricDescription metricDescription); /** Saves metric value during test run * @author Gribov Kirill * @n * @param metricId - metric id * @param value - metric value*/ void saveValue(String metricId, Number value); /** Saves metric value with specific timestamp during test run * @author Gribov Kirill * @n * @param metricId - metric id * @param value - metric value * @param timeStamp - value timestamp*/ void saveValue(String metricId, Number value, long timeStamp); /** Writes all values to file system * @author Grid Dynamics * @n*/ void flush(); }