package com.griddynamics.jagger.user.test.configurations.load; import com.griddynamics.jagger.user.test.configurations.load.auxiliary.RequestsPerSecond; import java.util.Objects; /** * This type of load implements an exact number of requests per second performed by Jagger. * @details Request is invoke from Jagger without waiting for the response. * Available attributes: * - requestsPerSecond - A goal number of requests per second * * Optional attributes: * - maxLoadThreads - Maximum number of parallel threads allowed for load generation * - warmUpTimeInMilliseconds - Load will increase from 0 to @e requestsPerSecond in this time * * Examples: @n * @code * LoadProfileRps.builder(RequestsPerSecond.of(50)).withWarmUpTimeInMilliseconds(15000).build(); * @endcode * @image html load_rpsWarmUp.png "Requests per seconds load with warm up time" * @n * Example of load balancing with changing response time: @n * In this example, response time is changing periodically from approx 0 to 200 ms. Load generator is keeping load at 50 rps by adjusting number of virtual users * @code * JLoadProfileRps.builder(RequestsPerSecond.of(50)).build(); * @endcode * @image html load_rps_balance1_latency.png "Response time from the SUT is changing" * @image html load_rps_balance2_throughput.png "Number of request per seconds has constant rate due to the number of virtual users balancing" * @image html load_rps_balance3_virtual_users.png "Adjustment of virtual users" * * @ingroup Main_Load_profiles_group */ public class JLoadProfileRps implements JLoadProfile { private final long requestsPerSecond; private final long maxLoadThreads; private final long warmUpTimeInMilliseconds; private final int tickInterval; private JLoadProfileRps(Builder builder) { Objects.requireNonNull(builder); this.requestsPerSecond = builder.requestsPerSecond; this.maxLoadThreads = builder.maxLoadThreads; this.warmUpTimeInMilliseconds = builder.warmUpTimeInMilliseconds; this.tickInterval = builder.tickInterval; } /** Builder of the JLoadProfileRps: request per seconds * @n * @details Constructor parameters are mandatory for the JLoadProfileRps. All parameters, set by setters are optional * @n * @param requestsPerSecond - The number of requests per second Jagger shall perform */ public static Builder builder(RequestsPerSecond requestsPerSecond) { return new Builder(requestsPerSecond); } public static class Builder { static final int DEFAULT_TICK_INTERVAL = 1000; static final int DEFAULT_MAX_LOAD_THREADS = 500; static final int DEFAULT_WARM_UP_TIME = -1; private final long requestsPerSecond; private long maxLoadThreads; private long warmUpTimeInMilliseconds; // Tick interval doesn't have setter, since it's unclear if this field is needed. Check private int tickInterval; /** Builder of JLoadProfileRps: request per seconds * @n * @details Constructor parameters are mandatory for the JLoadProfileRps. All parameters, set by setters are optional * @n * @param requestsPerSecond - The number of requests per second Jagger shall perform */ public Builder(RequestsPerSecond requestsPerSecond) { Objects.requireNonNull(requestsPerSecond); this.requestsPerSecond = requestsPerSecond.value(); this.maxLoadThreads = DEFAULT_MAX_LOAD_THREADS; this.warmUpTimeInMilliseconds = DEFAULT_WARM_UP_TIME; this.tickInterval = DEFAULT_TICK_INTERVAL; } /** Creates an object of JLoadProfileRps type with custom parameters. * @return JLoadProfileRps object. */ public JLoadProfileRps build() { return new JLoadProfileRps(this); } /** Optional: Max load threads. Default is 500. * @param maxLoadThreads The maximum number of threads, which Jagger engine can create to provide the requested load */ public Builder withMaxLoadThreads(long maxLoadThreads) { if (maxLoadThreads <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The maximum number of threads must be > 0. Provided value is %s", maxLoadThreads)); } this.maxLoadThreads = maxLoadThreads; return this; } /** Optional: Warm up time (in milliseconds). Default is -1. * @param warmUpTimeInMilliseconds The warm up time value in milliseconds. Jagger increases load from 0 to @b requestPerSecond by @b warmUpTimeInMilliseconds */ public Builder withWarmUpTimeInMilliseconds(long warmUpTimeInMilliseconds) { if (warmUpTimeInMilliseconds < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("The warm up time value in milliseconds. must be >= 0. Provided value is %s", warmUpTimeInMilliseconds)); } this.warmUpTimeInMilliseconds = warmUpTimeInMilliseconds; return this; } } public long getRequestsPerSecond() { return requestsPerSecond; } public long getMaxLoadThreads() { return maxLoadThreads; } public long getWarmUpTimeInMilliseconds() { return warmUpTimeInMilliseconds; } public int getTickInterval() { return tickInterval; } }