package com.griddynamics.jagger.webclient.client; import; import; import; import com.griddynamics.jagger.dbapi.dto.PlotSingleDto; import java.util.List; @RemoteServiceRelativePath("rpc/DownloadService") public interface DownloadService extends RemoteService { public static class Async { private static final DownloadServiceAsync ourInstance = (DownloadServiceAsync) GWT.create(DownloadService.class); public static DownloadServiceAsync getInstance() { return ourInstance; } } /** * Creates csv file representing plot on server side and send back key for created file * @param lines that should be represented in csv file * @param plotHeader file key will be created with plotHeader * @param xAxisLabel x axis label for lines * @return key of created file * @throws RuntimeException */ public String createPlotCsvFile(List<PlotSingleDto> lines, String plotHeader, String xAxisLabel) throws RuntimeException; }