package com.griddynamics.jagger.engine.e1.scenario; import; import com.griddynamics.jagger.coordinator.NodeId; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Workload Clock to control qps load */ public class QpsClock implements WorkloadClock { private final int tickInterval; private final int maxThreads; private final DesiredTps desiredQps; private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); public QpsClock(int tickInterval, int maxThreads, DesiredTps desiredTps) { this.tickInterval = tickInterval; this.maxThreads = maxThreads; this.desiredQps = desiredTps; } @Override public Map<NodeId, Integer> getPoolSizes(Set<NodeId> nodes) { Map<NodeId, Integer> result = Maps.newHashMap(); for (NodeId node : nodes) { result.put(node, maxThreads); } return result; } private final BigDecimal ONE_TENTH = BigDecimal.valueOf(1D / 10D); @Override public void tick(WorkloadExecutionStatus status, WorkloadAdjuster adjuster) { // spare qps between Nodes Set<NodeId> nodes = status.getNodes(); BigDecimal currentQps = desiredQps.get(System.currentTimeMillis()); log.debug("current qps value to schedule = {} ", currentQps); if (currentQps.compareTo(ONE_TENTH) < 0) { currentQps = ONE_TENTH; log.debug("new calculated qps : " + currentQps); } // period per node in milliseconds long periodPerNode = BigDecimal.valueOf(1000L).divide(currentQps, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN).longValue() * nodes.size(); log.debug("period per node = {}", periodPerNode); for(NodeId node : status.getNodes()) { WorkloadConfiguration workloadConfiguration = WorkloadConfiguration.with( periodPerNode, maxThreads); log.debug("adjust workload configuration {} to node with identifier {}", workloadConfiguration, node.getIdentifier()); adjuster.adjustConfiguration(node, workloadConfiguration); } } @Override public int getTickInterval() { return tickInterval; } @Override public int getValue() { return desiredQps.getDesiredTps().intValue(); } @Override public String toString() { return getValue() + " rps"; } }