package com.griddynamics.jagger.webclient.client.components; import; import; import; import com.googlecode.gflot.client.DataPoint; import com.googlecode.gflot.client.Series; import com.googlecode.gflot.client.SeriesData; import com.googlecode.gflot.client.SeriesHandler; import com.googlecode.gflot.client.SimplePlot; import com.googlecode.gflot.client.options.PointsSeriesOptions; import com.griddynamics.jagger.dbapi.dto.PlotSingleDto; import com.griddynamics.jagger.dbapi.dto.PointDto; import com.griddynamics.jagger.dbapi.model.AbstractIdentifyNode; import com.griddynamics.jagger.dbapi.model.LegendNode; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.ValueProvider; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.util.Format; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import static com.googlecode.gflot.client.options.PointsSeriesOptions.PointSymbol.CIRCLE; import static com.googlecode.gflot.client.options.PointsSeriesOptions.PointSymbol.CROSS; import static com.googlecode.gflot.client.options.PointsSeriesOptions.PointSymbol.DIAMOND; import static com.googlecode.gflot.client.options.PointsSeriesOptions.PointSymbol.SQUARE; import static com.googlecode.gflot.client.options.PointsSeriesOptions.PointSymbol.TRIANGLE; /** * Implementation of AbstractTree that represents interactive legend as tree. */ public class LegendTree extends AbstractTree<AbstractIdentifyNode, LegendTree.CellData> { /** * Plot that would controlled with Legend tree */ private SimplePlot plot; /** * null if it is metric, not null if it is trend */ // todo : JFG-803 simplify trends plotting mechanism private List<Integer> trendSessionIds; /** * Plots panel where plot is situated */ private PlotsPanel plotsPanel; private final static ValueProvider<AbstractIdentifyNode, CellData> VALUE_PROVIDER = new LegendTreeValueProvider(); /** * Constructor matches super class * * @param trendSessionIds - set null if it is metric, sorted list of session ids if it is trend */ public LegendTree(SimplePlot plot, PlotsPanel plotsPanel, List<Integer> trendSessionIds) { super( new TreeStore<AbstractIdentifyNode>(new ModelKeyProvider<AbstractIdentifyNode>() { @Override public String getKey(AbstractIdentifyNode item) { return item.getId(); } }), VALUE_PROVIDER); this.plot = plot; this.plotsPanel = plotsPanel; this.trendSessionIds = trendSessionIds; this.setAutoExpand(true); this.setCell(new LegendNodeCell()); this.setSelectionModel(null); // register tip manager for tree QuickTip qt = new QuickTip(this); qt.setShadow(false); } @Override protected void check(AbstractIdentifyNode item, CheckState state) { noRedrawCheck(item, state); redrawPlot(); } /** * Check all items in tree */ public void checkAll() { for (AbstractIdentifyNode node : store.getRootItems()) { setChecked(node, CheckState.CHECKED); } } /** * Adds or removes lines without redrawing plot. Changes can't be seen. * If group item was checked, we want to redraw plot once (instead of firing redrawing for each line). * * @param item chosen item * @param state check state */ private void noRedrawCheck(AbstractIdentifyNode item, CheckState state) { PlotSingleDto plotSingleDto = null; if (item instanceof LegendNode) { plotSingleDto = ((LegendNode) item).getLine(); } if (plotSingleDto != null) { if (state == CheckState.CHECKED) { Series series = Series.create() .setId(item.getId()) .setColor(plotSingleDto.getColor()) .setLabel(plotSingleDto.getLegend()); PointsSeriesOptions pointsSeriesOptions; switch (plotSingleDto.getPointShape()) { case CIRCLE_EMPTY: pointsSeriesOptions = PointsSeriesOptions.create().setSymbol(CIRCLE).setFill(false); break; case CIRCLE_FILLED: pointsSeriesOptions = PointsSeriesOptions.create().setSymbol(CIRCLE).setFill(true); break; case CROSS_EMPTY: pointsSeriesOptions = PointsSeriesOptions.create().setSymbol(CROSS).setFill(false); break; case CROSS_FILLED: pointsSeriesOptions = PointsSeriesOptions.create().setSymbol(CROSS).setFill(true); break; case DIAMOND_EMPTY: pointsSeriesOptions = PointsSeriesOptions.create().setSymbol(DIAMOND).setFill(false); break; case DIAMOND_FILLED: pointsSeriesOptions = PointsSeriesOptions.create().setSymbol(DIAMOND).setFill(true); break; case SQUARE_EMPTY: pointsSeriesOptions = PointsSeriesOptions.create().setSymbol(SQUARE).setFill(false); break; case SQUARE_FILLED: pointsSeriesOptions = PointsSeriesOptions.create().setSymbol(SQUARE).setFill(true); break; case TRIANGLE_EMPTY: pointsSeriesOptions = PointsSeriesOptions.create().setSymbol(TRIANGLE).setFill(false); break; case TRIANGLE_FILLED: pointsSeriesOptions = PointsSeriesOptions.create().setSymbol(TRIANGLE).setFill(true); break; default: pointsSeriesOptions = PointsSeriesOptions.create().setSymbol(CIRCLE).setFill(false); break; } series.setPointsOptions(pointsSeriesOptions.setRadius(2)); SeriesHandler sh = plot.getModel().addSeries(series); for (PointDto point : plotSingleDto.getPlotData()) { if (trendSessionIds != null) { // it is trend sh.add(DataPoint.of(trendSessionIds.indexOf((int) point.getX()), point.getY())); } else { sh.add(DataPoint.of(point.getX(), point.getY())); } } } else if (state == CheckState.UNCHECKED) { // remove curve from view JsArray<Series> seriesArray = plot.getModel().getSeries(); int k; for (k = 0; k < seriesArray.length(); k++) { Series curSeries = seriesArray.get(k); // label used as id if (curSeries.getId().equals(item.getId())) { // found plot.getModel().removeSeries(k); break; } } } } else { for (AbstractIdentifyNode child : store.getAllChildren(item)) { noRedrawCheck(child, state); } } } /** * Redraw plot with specific axis ranges */ private void redrawPlot() { if (!plotsPanel.isEmpty()) { double minXVisible = plotsPanel.getMinXAxisVisibleValue(); double maxXVisible = plotsPanel.getMaxXAxisVisibleValue(); if (plot.isAttached()) { double minYVisible = plot.getAxes().getY().getMinimumValue(); // This multiplication is needed to leave some free space (10% of Y-axis length) above line on the plot double maxYVisible = calculateMaxYAxisValue(plot) * 1.1; // If max value is too small it won't be visible on the plot, since the smallest float number that GWT can show is 10^-300 Double minVisibleFloatValue = Math.pow(10, -300); if (maxYVisible < minVisibleFloatValue) maxYVisible = minVisibleFloatValue; // save y axis range for plot from very start plot.getOptions().getYAxisOptions().setMinimum(minYVisible).setMaximum(maxYVisible); } // set x axis in range as all other plots plot.getOptions().getXAxisOptions().setMinimum(minXVisible).setMaximum(maxXVisible); plot.redraw(); } } private double calculateMaxYAxisValue(SimplePlot plot) { JsArray<Series> seriesArray = plot.getModel().getSeries(); double maxValue = Double.MIN_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < seriesArray.length(); i++) { // get curve SeriesData curve = seriesArray.get(i).getData(); for (int j = 0; j < curve.length(); j++) { double temp = curve.getY(j); if (maxValue < temp) { maxValue = temp; } } } return maxValue; } /** * Returns list of checked lines * * @return list of PlotSingleDto objects */ public List<PlotSingleDto> getListOfSelectedLines() { List<PlotSingleDto> result = new ArrayList<PlotSingleDto>(); for (AbstractIdentifyNode node : store.getAll()) { if ((isChecked(node)) && (node instanceof LegendNode)) { result.add(((LegendNode) node).getLine()); } } return result; } /** * Model of cell to display. */ protected static class CellData { private String displayName; private String color; public void setDisplayName(String displayName) { this.displayName = displayName; } public void setColor(String color) { this.color = color; } public String getDisplayName() { return displayName; } public String getColor() { return color; } } /** * Cell to be displayed with specific cell model (CellData) */ private static class LegendNodeCell extends AbstractCell<CellData> { @Override public void render(Context context, CellData value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) { sb.appendHtmlConstant( (value.getColor() != null ? "<font color=\'" + value.getColor() + "\'>▄▄</font>" : "") + "<font qtip='" + Format.htmlEncode(value.getDisplayName()) + "'> " + value.getDisplayName() + "</font>"); } } /** * Value provider to set up cell model depending on node model */ private static class LegendTreeValueProvider implements ValueProvider<AbstractIdentifyNode, CellData> { @Override public CellData getValue(AbstractIdentifyNode object) { CellData cellData = new CellData(); cellData.setDisplayName(object.getDisplayName()); if (object instanceof LegendNode) { cellData.setColor(((LegendNode) object).getLine().getColor()); } return cellData; } @Override public void setValue(AbstractIdentifyNode object, CellData value) { object.setDisplayName(value.getDisplayName()); } @Override public String getPath() { return "legend"; } } }