package com.griddynamics.jagger.dbapi.model.rules; import com.griddynamics.jagger.dbapi.dto.MetricNameDto; import com.griddynamics.jagger.dbapi.model.MetricGroupNode; import com.griddynamics.jagger.dbapi.model.MetricNode; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; public class TreeViewGroupRule extends Rule { public TreeViewGroupRule(String id, String displayName, String rule) { super(id, displayName, rule); } public TreeViewGroupRule(By filterBy, String id, String displayName, String rule) { super(filterBy, id, displayName, rule); } public TreeViewGroupRule(String id, String displayName, String rule, List<TreeViewGroupRule> children) { super(id, displayName, rule); assignChildren(children); } public TreeViewGroupRule(By filterBy, String id, String displayName, String rule, List<TreeViewGroupRule> children) { super(filterBy, id, displayName, rule); assignChildren(children); } private void assignChildren(List<TreeViewGroupRule> children) { // remove duplicates and sort List<TreeViewGroupRule> temp = removeDuplicates(By.ID, children); this.children = sort(By.DISPLAY_NAME, temp); } public <M extends MetricNode> MetricGroupNode<M> filter(String parentId, List<M> metricNodeList) { MetricGroupNode<M> result = new MetricGroupNode<>(displayName); boolean returnResult = false; // null is required only for root node // when no parent available String id; if (parentId == null) { id =; } else { // depth of tree is not limited => be careful with long id. They will concatenate // G goes for group id = parentId + "G_" +; } // unique Id for metric group result.setId(id); // first ask all children to filter List<MetricGroupNode<M>> metricGroupNodeListFromChildren = new ArrayList<>(); if (children != null) { for (TreeViewGroupRule child : children) { MetricGroupNode<M> childResult = child.filter(id, metricNodeList); if (childResult != null) { metricGroupNodeListFromChildren.add(childResult); } } if (metricGroupNodeListFromChildren.size() > 0) { result.setMetricGroupNodeList(metricGroupNodeListFromChildren); returnResult = true; } } // apply own filter if (rule != null) { List<M> metricsPerRule = new ArrayList<>(); Iterator<M> i = metricNodeList.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { M metricNode =; // match String metric; // node can contain more than single metric // current strategy: if at least one metric match => add node to group for (MetricNameDto metricNameDto : metricNode.getMetricNameDtoList()) { if (filterBy == By.DISPLAY_NAME) { metric = metricNameDto.getMetricDisplayName(); } else { metric = metricNameDto.getMetricName(); } if (metric.matches(rule)) { metricsPerRule.add(metricNode); i.remove(); break; } } } if (metricsPerRule.size() > 0) { result.setMetrics(metricsPerRule); returnResult = true; } } if (returnResult) { return result; } else { return null; } } public List<TreeViewGroupRule> getChildren() { return children; } private List<TreeViewGroupRule> children = null; }