package org.elixir_lang.structure_view.element; import com.intellij.ide.util.treeView.smartTree.TreeElement; import com.intellij.navigation.ItemPresentation; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair; import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement; import com.intellij.psi.PsiErrorElement; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.IntRange; import org.elixir_lang.navigation.item_presentation.NameArity; import org.elixir_lang.psi.*; import; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import static com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair.pair; import static org.elixir_lang.psi.impl.ElixirPsiImplUtil.stripAccessExpression; import static org.elixir_lang.psi.operation.Normalized.operatorIndex; public class CallDefinitionHead extends Element<Call> implements Presentable, Visible { /* * Fields */ @NotNull private final CallDefinition callDefinition; @NotNull private final Visibility visibility; /* * Static Methods */ @Nullable public static Call argumentEnclosingDelegationCall(@NotNull PsiElement arguments) { Call delegationCall = null; if (arguments instanceof ElixirNoParenthesesOneArgument) { PsiElement argumentsParent = arguments.getParent(); if (argumentsParent instanceof Call) { Call argumentsParentCall = (Call) argumentsParent; if ( { delegationCall = argumentsParentCall; } } } return delegationCall; } @Nullable public static Call enclosingDelegationCall(@NotNull Call call) { // reverse of {@link org.elixir_lang.structure_view.element.Delegation.filterCallDefinitionHeadCallList()} PsiElement parent = call.getParent(); Call delegationCall = null; if (parent instanceof ElixirList) { PsiElement grandParent = parent.getParent(); if (grandParent instanceof ElixirAccessExpression) { PsiElement greatGrandParent = parent.getParent(); delegationCall = argumentEnclosingDelegationCall(greatGrandParent); } } else { delegationCall = argumentEnclosingDelegationCall(parent); } return delegationCall; } public static boolean is(Call call) { return call instanceof UnqualifiedParenthesesCall; } @NotNull public static PsiElement nameIdentifier(PsiElement head) { PsiElement nameIdentifier; if (head instanceof ElixirMatchedAtNonNumericOperation) { AtNonNumericOperation atNonNumericOperation = (AtNonNumericOperation) head; nameIdentifier = atNonNumericOperation.operator(); } else { PsiElement stripped = strip(head); if (stripped instanceof Call) { Call strippedCall = (Call) stripped; nameIdentifier = strippedCall.functionNameElement(); } else { nameIdentifier = stripped; } } return nameIdentifier; } @Nullable public static Pair<String, IntRange> nameArityRange(PsiElement head) { String name; IntRange arityRange; Pair<String, IntRange> pair = null; if (head instanceof ElixirMatchedAtNonNumericOperation) { ElixirMatchedAtNonNumericOperation matchedAtNonNumericOperation = (ElixirMatchedAtNonNumericOperation) head; name = matchedAtNonNumericOperation.operator().getText().trim(); arityRange = new IntRange(1); pair = pair(name, arityRange); } else { PsiElement stripped = strip(head); if (stripped instanceof Call) { Call strippedCall = (Call) stripped; name = strippedCall.functionName(); arityRange = strippedCall.resolvedFinalArityRange(); pair = pair(name, arityRange); } } return pair; } /** * Head without parentheses around the guard or guarded head * * @param head {@code ((((name(arg, ...))) when ...))} * @return {@code name(arg, ...)} */ @NotNull public static PsiElement strip(@NotNull final PsiElement head) { PsiElement strippedGuarded = stripAllOuterParentheses(head); PsiElement unguarded = stripGuard(strippedGuarded); return stripAllOuterParentheses(unguarded); } /** * The head without the guard clause * * @param head {@code name(arg, ...) when ...} * @return {@code name(arg, ...)}. {@code head} if no guard clause. */ @NotNull public static PsiElement stripGuard(@NotNull final PsiElement head) { PsiElement stripped = head; if (head instanceof ElixirMatchedWhenOperation) { ElixirMatchedWhenOperation whenOperation = (ElixirMatchedWhenOperation) head; PsiElement[] children = whenOperation.getChildren(); int operatorIndex = operatorIndex(children); int onlyNonErrorIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < operatorIndex; i++) { if (!(children[i] instanceof PsiErrorElement)) { if (onlyNonErrorIndex == -1) { // first onlyNonErrorIndex = i; } else { // more than one onlyNonErrorIndex = -1; break; } } } if (onlyNonErrorIndex != -1) { stripped = stripGuard(children[onlyNonErrorIndex]); } } return stripped; } /** * Strips each set of outer parentheses from {@code head} until there aren't anymore. * * @param head {@code ((value))} * @return {@code value}. {@code head} if no outer parentheses */ @NotNull public static PsiElement stripAllOuterParentheses(@NotNull final PsiElement head) { PsiElement stripped = head; PsiElement previousStripped; do { previousStripped = stripped; stripped = stripOuterParentheses(previousStripped); } while (previousStripped != stripped); return stripped; } /** * Strips outer parentheses from {@code head}. * * @param head {@code (value)} * @return {@code value}. {@code head} if no outer parentheses */ @NotNull public static PsiElement stripOuterParentheses(PsiElement head) { PsiElement stripped = stripAccessExpression(head); if (stripped instanceof ElixirParentheticalStab) { ElixirParentheticalStab parentheticalStab = (ElixirParentheticalStab) stripped; PsiElement[] parentheticalStabChildren = parentheticalStab.getChildren(); if (parentheticalStabChildren.length == 1) { PsiElement parentheticalStabChild = parentheticalStabChildren[0]; if (parentheticalStabChild instanceof ElixirStab) { ElixirStab stab = (ElixirStab) parentheticalStabChild; PsiElement[] stabChildren = stab.getChildren(); if (stabChildren.length == 1) { PsiElement stabChild = stabChildren[0]; if (stabChild instanceof ElixirStabBody) { ElixirStabBody stabBody = (ElixirStabBody) stabChild; PsiElement[] stabBodyChildren = stabBody.getChildren(); if (stabBodyChildren.length == 1) { stripped = stabBodyChildren[0]; } } } } } } return stripped; } /* * Constructors */ public CallDefinitionHead(@NotNull CallDefinition callDefinition, @NotNull Visibility visibility, @NotNull Call call) { super(call); this.callDefinition = callDefinition; this.visibility = visibility; } /* * Instance Methods */ /** * Heads have no children since they have no body. * * @return empty array */ @NotNull @Override public TreeElement[] getChildren() { return new TreeElement[0]; } /** * Returns the presentation of the tree element. * * @return the element presentation. */ @NotNull @Override public ItemPresentation getPresentation() { return new org.elixir_lang.navigation.item_presentation.CallDefinitionHead( (NameArity) callDefinition.getPresentation(), visibility, navigationItem ); } /** * The visibility of the element. * * @return {@link Visibility#PUBLIC}. */ @NotNull @Override public Visibility visibility() { return visibility; } }