package; import com.intellij.psi.PsiReference; import com.intellij.psi.stubs.IStubElementType; import com.intellij.psi.stubs.NamedStubBase; import com.intellij.psi.stubs.StubElement; import com.intellij.util.containers.SmartHashSet; import; import; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Set; // I normally wouldn't add the redundant StubBased prefix, but it makes generating from Elixir.bnf work public class Stub<T extends> extends NamedStubBase<T> implements Stubbic { private static Set<String> setStringRefToSetString(Set<StringRef> stringRefSet) { Set<String> stringSet = new SmartHashSet<String>(stringRefSet.size()); for (StringRef stringRef : stringRefSet) { stringSet.add(StringRef.toString(stringRef)); } return stringSet; } private static Set<StringRef> setStringToSetStringRef(Set<String> stringSet) { Set<StringRef> stringRefSet = new SmartHashSet<StringRef>(stringSet.size()); for (String string : stringSet) { stringRefSet.add(StringRef.fromString(string)); } return stringRefSet; } /* * Fields */ private final Set<StringRef> canonicalNameSet; private final boolean hasDoBlockOrKeyword; private final int resolvedFinalArity; private final StringRef resolvedFunctionName; @Nullable private final StringRef resolvedModuleName; /* * Constructors */ public Stub(StubElement parent, @NotNull IStubElementType elementType, @Nullable String resolvedModuleName, @Nullable String resolvedFunctionName, int resolvedFinalArity, boolean hasDoBlockOrKeyword, @NotNull String name, @NotNull Set<String> canonicalNameSet) { this( parent, elementType, StringRef.fromString(resolvedModuleName), StringRef.fromString(resolvedFunctionName), resolvedFinalArity, hasDoBlockOrKeyword, StringRef.fromString(name), setStringToSetStringRef(canonicalNameSet) ); } public Stub(StubElement parent, @NotNull IStubElementType elementType, @Nullable StringRef resolvedModuleName, @Nullable StringRef resolvedFunctionName, int resolvedFinalArity, boolean hasDoBlockOrKeyword, @NotNull StringRef name, @NotNull Set<StringRef> canonicalNameSet) { super(parent, elementType, name); this.canonicalNameSet = canonicalNameSet; this.hasDoBlockOrKeyword = hasDoBlockOrKeyword; this.resolvedFinalArity = resolvedFinalArity; this.resolvedFunctionName = resolvedFunctionName; this.resolvedModuleName = resolvedModuleName; } /* * Instance Methods */ /** * These names do not depend on aliases or nested modules. * * @return the canonical texts of the reference * @see PsiReference#getCanonicalText() */ @Override public Set<String> canonicalNameSet() { return setStringRefToSetString(canonicalNameSet); } /** * Whether this call has a {@code do} block or a {@code :do} keyword, so it is a macro * * @return {@code true} if {@link Call#getDoBlock()} is NOT {@code null} or there is a {@code "do"} keyword argument * @see org.elixir_lang.psi.impl.ElixirPsiImplUtil#keywordArgument(Call, String) */ @Override public boolean hasDoBlockOrKeyword() { return hasDoBlockOrKeyword; } /** * The final arity that is non-{@code null}. * * @return {@link Call#resolvedSecondaryArity()} if it is not {@code null}; {@link Call#resolvedPrimaryArity()} if * it is not {@code null}; otherwise, {@code 0}. */ @Override public Integer resolvedFinalArity() { return resolvedFinalArity; } /** * @return name of the function/macro after taking into account any imports */ @Override @Nullable public String resolvedFunctionName() { return StringRef.toString(resolvedFunctionName); } /** * @return name of the qualifying module after taking into account any aliases */ @Override @Nullable public String resolvedModuleName() { return StringRef.toString(resolvedModuleName); } }