package org.elixir_lang.folding; import com.intellij.lang.ASTNode; import com.intellij.lang.folding.FoldingBuilderEx; import com.intellij.lang.folding.FoldingDescriptor; import com.intellij.lang.folding.NamedFoldingDescriptor; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Document; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.FoldingGroup; import com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange; import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement; import com.intellij.psi.PsiReference; import; import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil; import org.elixir_lang.psi.*; import; import org.elixir_lang.psi.operation.Type; import org.elixir_lang.psi.operation.infix.Normalized; import org.elixir_lang.reference.ModuleAttribute; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.*; import static*; import static; import static org.elixir_lang.psi.impl.ElixirPsiImplUtil.*; public class Builder extends FoldingBuilderEx { /* * CONSTANTS */ private static final String[] RESOLVED_FUNCTION_NAMES = new String[]{ALIAS, IMPORT, REQUIRE, USE}; /* * Instance Methods */ /** * Builds the folding regions for the specified node in the AST tree and its children. * * @param root the element for which folding is requested. * @param document the document for which folding is built. Can be used to retrieve line * numbers for folding regions. * @param quick whether the result should be provided as soon as possible. Is true, when * an editor is opened and we need to auto-fold something immediately, like Java imports. * If true, one should perform no reference resolving and avoid complex checks if possible. * @return the array of folding descriptors. */ @NotNull @Override public FoldingDescriptor[] buildFoldRegions(@NotNull PsiElement root, @NotNull Document document, final boolean quick) { final List<FoldingDescriptor> foldingDescriptorList = new ArrayList<FoldingDescriptor>(); PsiTreeUtil.processElements(root, new PsiElementProcessor() { private Map<String, FoldingGroup> foldingGroupByModuleAttributeName = new HashMap<String, FoldingGroup>(); /* * * Instance Methods * */ /* * Public Instance Methods */ @Override public boolean execute(@NotNull PsiElement element) { boolean keepProcessing = true; if (element instanceof AtNonNumericOperation) { keepProcessing = execute((AtNonNumericOperation) element); } else if (element instanceof AtUnqualifiedNoParenthesesCall) { keepProcessing = execute((AtUnqualifiedNoParenthesesCall) element); } else if (element instanceof ElixirDoBlock) { keepProcessing = execute((ElixirDoBlock) element); } else if (element instanceof ElixirStabOperation) { keepProcessing = execute((ElixirStabOperation) element); } else if (element instanceof Call) { keepProcessing = execute((Call) element); } return keepProcessing; } /* * Private Instance Methods */ private boolean execute(@NotNull AtNonNumericOperation atNonNumericOperation) { boolean keepProcessing = true; if (!quick) { keepProcessing = slowExecute(atNonNumericOperation); } return keepProcessing; } private boolean execute(@NotNull AtUnqualifiedNoParenthesesCall atUnqualifiedNoParenthesesCall) { String moduleAttributeName = moduleAttributeName(atUnqualifiedNoParenthesesCall); String name = moduleAttributeName.substring(1); if (ModuleAttribute.isDocumentationName(name)) { ElixirNoParenthesesOneArgument noParenthesesOneArgument = atUnqualifiedNoParenthesesCall.getNoParenthesesOneArgument(); foldingDescriptorList.add( new NamedFoldingDescriptor( noParenthesesOneArgument.getNode(), noParenthesesOneArgument.getTextRange(), null, "\"...\"" ) ); } else if (ModuleAttribute.isTypeName(name)) { ElixirNoParenthesesOneArgument noParenthesesOneArgument = atUnqualifiedNoParenthesesCall.getNoParenthesesOneArgument(); PsiElement[] children = noParenthesesOneArgument.getChildren(); if (children.length == 1) { PsiElement child = children[0]; if (child instanceof Type) { Type type = (Type) child; PsiElement rightOperand = Normalized.rightOperand(type); if (rightOperand != null) { foldingDescriptorList.add( new NamedFoldingDescriptor( rightOperand.getNode(), rightOperand.getTextRange(), null, "..." ) ); } } } } return true; } private boolean execute(@NotNull Call call) { for (String resolvedFunctionName : RESOLVED_FUNCTION_NAMES) { if (call.isCalling(KERNEL, resolvedFunctionName)) { if (isFirstInGroup(call, KERNEL, resolvedFunctionName)) { Call last = lastInGroup(call, KERNEL, resolvedFunctionName); PsiElement[] finalArguments = finalArguments(call); if (finalArguments != null && finalArguments.length >= 1) { TextRange textRange = new TextRange( finalArguments[0].getTextOffset(), last.getTextRange().getEndOffset() ); foldingDescriptorList.add( new NamedFoldingDescriptor( call.getParent().getNode(), textRange, null, "..." ) ); } } } } return true; } private boolean execute(@NotNull ElixirDoBlock doBlock) { foldingDescriptorList.add(new FoldingDescriptor(doBlock, doBlock.getTextRange())); return true; } private boolean execute(@NotNull ElixirStabOperation stabOperation) { int startOffset = stabOperation.operator().getTextOffset(); int endOffset = stabOperation.getTextRange().getEndOffset(); TextRange textRange = new TextRange(startOffset, endOffset); foldingDescriptorList.add(new FoldingDescriptor(stabOperation, textRange)); return true; } private boolean isFirstInGroup(@NotNull Call call, @NotNull String resolvedModuleName, @NotNull String resolvedFunctionName) { PsiElement previousSiblingExpression = previousSiblingExpression(call); boolean first = true; if (previousSiblingExpression instanceof Call) { Call previousSiblingExpressionCall = (Call) previousSiblingExpression; first = !previousSiblingExpressionCall.isCalling(resolvedModuleName, resolvedFunctionName); } return first; } @NotNull private Call lastInGroup(@NotNull Call first, @NotNull String resolvedModuleName, @NotNull String resolvedFunctionName) { PsiElement expression = first; Call last = first; while (true) { expression = nextSiblingExpression(expression); if (expression instanceof Call) { Call call = (Call) expression; if (call.isCalling(resolvedModuleName, resolvedFunctionName)) { last = call; continue; } } break; } return last; } private boolean slowExecute(@NotNull AtNonNumericOperation atNonNumericOperation) { boolean keepProcessing = true; PsiReference reference = atNonNumericOperation.getReference(); if (reference != null) { keepProcessing = slowExecute(atNonNumericOperation, reference); } return keepProcessing; } private boolean slowExecute( @NotNull AtNonNumericOperation atNonNumericOperation, @NotNull final AtUnqualifiedNoParenthesesCall atUnqualifiedNoParenthesesCall ) { return slowExecute( atNonNumericOperation, atUnqualifiedNoParenthesesCall, atUnqualifiedNoParenthesesCall.getNoParenthesesOneArgument().getText() ); } private boolean slowExecute(@NotNull AtNonNumericOperation atNonNumericOperation, @NotNull PsiElement target) { boolean keepProcessing = true; if (target instanceof AtUnqualifiedNoParenthesesCall) { keepProcessing = slowExecute( atNonNumericOperation, (AtUnqualifiedNoParenthesesCall) target ); } else if (target instanceof QualifiableAlias) { keepProcessing = slowExecute( atNonNumericOperation, (QualifiableAlias) target ); } return keepProcessing; } private boolean slowExecute(@NotNull AtNonNumericOperation atNonNumericOperation, @NotNull PsiReference reference) { PsiElement target = reference.resolve(); boolean keepProcessing = true; if (target != null) { keepProcessing = slowExecute(atNonNumericOperation, target); } return keepProcessing; } private boolean slowExecute(@NotNull AtNonNumericOperation atNonNumericOperation, @NotNull final QualifiableAlias qualifiableAlias) { return slowExecute(atNonNumericOperation, qualifiableAlias, qualifiableAlias.getName()); } private boolean slowExecute(@NotNull AtNonNumericOperation atNonNumericOperation, @NotNull PsiElement element, @Nullable final String placeHolderText) { String moduleAttributeName = atNonNumericOperation.moduleAttributeName(); FoldingGroup foldingGroup = foldingGroupByModuleAttributeName.get(moduleAttributeName); if (foldingGroup == null) { foldingGroup = FoldingGroup.newGroup(moduleAttributeName); foldingGroupByModuleAttributeName.put(moduleAttributeName, foldingGroup); } foldingDescriptorList.add( new FoldingDescriptor( atNonNumericOperation.getNode(), atNonNumericOperation.getTextRange(), foldingGroup, Collections.<Object>singleton(element) ) { @Nullable @Override public String getPlaceholderText() { return placeHolderText; } } ); return true; } } ); return foldingDescriptorList.toArray(new FoldingDescriptor[foldingDescriptorList.size()]); } /** * Returns the text which is displayed in the editor for the folding region related to the * specified node when the folding region is collapsed. * * @param node the node for which the placeholder text is requested. * @return the placeholder text. */ @Nullable @Override public String getPlaceholderText(@NotNull ASTNode node) { PsiElement element = node.getPsi(); String placeholderText = null; if (element instanceof ElixirDoBlock) { placeholderText = "do: ..."; } else if (element instanceof ElixirStabOperation) { placeholderText = "-> ..."; } return placeholderText; } /** * Returns the default collapsed state for the folding region related to the specified node. * * @param node the node for which the collapsed state is requested. * @return true if the region is collapsed by default, false otherwise. */ @Override public boolean isCollapsedByDefault(@NotNull ASTNode node) { PsiElement element = node.getPsi(); boolean isCollapsedByDefault = false; if (element instanceof AtNonNumericOperation) { isCollapsedByDefault = ElixirFoldingSettings.getInstance().isReplaceModuleAttributesWithValues(); } else { PsiElement[] children = element.getChildren(); for (PsiElement child : children) { if (child instanceof Call) { Call call = (Call) child; for (String resolvedFunctionName : RESOLVED_FUNCTION_NAMES) { if (call.isCalling(KERNEL, resolvedFunctionName)) { isCollapsedByDefault = ElixirFoldingSettings .getInstance() .isCollapseElixirModuleDirectiveGroups(); break; } } } } } return isCollapsedByDefault; } }