package org.elixir_lang.beam.chunk; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair; import gnu.trove.THashSet; import org.elixir_lang.beam.MacroNameArity; import org.elixir_lang.beam.chunk.exports.Export; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.*; import static com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair.pair; import static org.elixir_lang.beam.chunk.Chunk.TypeID.EXPT; import static org.elixir_lang.beam.chunk.Chunk.unsignedInt; public class Exports { /* * Fields */ @NotNull private Collection<Export> exportCollection; /* * Constructors */ public Exports(@NotNull Collection<Export> exportCollection) { this.exportCollection = exportCollection; } /* * Static Methods */ @Nullable public static Exports from(@NotNull Chunk chunk) { Exports exports = null; if (chunk.typeID.equals(EXPT.toString()) && >= 4) { Collection<Export> exportCollection = new THashSet<Export>(); int offset = 0; Pair<Long, Integer> exportCountByteCount = unsignedInt(, 0); long exportCount = exportCountByteCount.first; offset += exportCountByteCount.second; for (long i = 0; i < exportCount; i++) { Pair<Long, Integer> atomIndexByteCount = unsignedInt(, offset); long atomIndex = atomIndexByteCount.first; offset += atomIndexByteCount.second; Pair<Long, Integer> arityByteCount = unsignedInt(, offset); long arity = arityByteCount.first; offset += arityByteCount.second; // label is currently unused, but it must be consumed to read the next export at the correct offset Pair<Long, Integer> labelByteCount = unsignedInt(, offset); offset += labelByteCount.second; exportCollection.add(new Export(atomIndex, arity)); } exports = new Exports(exportCollection); } return exports; } /** * Set of {@link MacroNameArity} sorted as * 1. {@link MacroNameArity#macro}, so that {@code defmacro} is before {@code def} * 2. {@link MacroNameArity#name} is sorted alphabetically * 3. {@link MacroNameArity#arity} is sorted ascending * * @param atoms used to look up the names of the {@link Export}s in {@link #exportCollection}. * @return The sorted set will be the same size as {@link #exportCollection} unless {@link Export#name(Atoms)} * returns {@code null} for some {@link Export}s. */ @NotNull public SortedSet<MacroNameArity> macroNameAritySortedSet(@NotNull Atoms atoms) { SortedSet<MacroNameArity> macroNameAritySortedSet = new TreeSet<MacroNameArity>(); for (Export export : exportCollection) { String exportName =; if (exportName != null) { MacroNameArity macroNameArity = new MacroNameArity(exportName, (int) export.arity()); macroNameAritySortedSet.add(macroNameArity); } } return macroNameAritySortedSet; } /** * The number of exports */ public int size() { return exportCollection.size(); } }