package org.elixir_lang.lexer; import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType; import; import; import; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * Created by luke.imhoff on 8/19/14. */ public class StackFrame { /* * Static */ public static final Map<String, String> TERMINATOR_BY_PROMOTER = new HashMap<String, String>(); static { TERMINATOR_BY_PROMOTER.put("'", "'"); TERMINATOR_BY_PROMOTER.put("'''", "'''"); TERMINATOR_BY_PROMOTER.put("(", ")"); TERMINATOR_BY_PROMOTER.put("/", "/"); TERMINATOR_BY_PROMOTER.put("<", ">"); TERMINATOR_BY_PROMOTER.put("[", "]"); TERMINATOR_BY_PROMOTER.put("\"", "\""); TERMINATOR_BY_PROMOTER.put("\"\"\"", "\"\"\""); TERMINATOR_BY_PROMOTER.put("{", "}"); TERMINATOR_BY_PROMOTER.put("|", "|"); } /* * Instance */ private Base group = null; private Boolean interpolation = null; private Integer lastLexicalState = null; private String promoter = null; private Character sigilName = null; public StackFrame(int lastLexicalState) { this.lastLexicalState = lastLexicalState; } public StackFrame(Quote group, String promoter, int lastLexicalState) { = group; this.interpolation = true; this.lastLexicalState = lastLexicalState; this.promoter = promoter; } private Base getGroup() { if ( == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Group not set."); } return; } // private because Quote groups should be set from constructors and Sigil groups should be set from nameSigil private void setGroup(Base group) { if ( != null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Group already set to " + + ". " + "It is illegal to set group more than once in any StackFrame." ); } = group; } public void nameSigil(char sigilName) { Sigil group = Sigil.fetch(sigilName); setGroup(group); setSigilName(sigilName); setInterpolation(SigilName.isInterpolating(sigilName)); } public void setQuotePromoter(String quotePromoter) { setInterpolation(true); = Quote.fetch(quotePromoter); } private char getSigilName() { if (sigilName == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("SigilName is not set."); } return sigilName; } // setSigilName is private because public API is nameSigil, which in addition to setting interpolation and sigilName // with setSigilName, also sets the group with setGroup. private void setSigilName(char sigilName) { if (this.sigilName != null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "SigilName already set to " + this.sigilName + ". " + "It is illegal to set sigilName more than once in any StackFrame." ); } this.sigilName = sigilName; } private void setInterpolation(boolean interpolation) { if (this.interpolation != null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Parent already set to " + this.interpolation + ". " + "It is illegal to set interpolation more than once in any StackFrame." ); } this.interpolation = interpolation; } public boolean isInterpolating() { if (this.interpolation == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Parent not set."); } return this.interpolation.booleanValue(); } public int getLastLexicalState() { if (lastLexicalState == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("LastLexicalState not set"); } return lastLexicalState.intValue(); } public void setLastLexicalState(int lastLexicalState) { if (this.lastLexicalState != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("LastLexicalState already set"); } this.lastLexicalState = lastLexicalState; } public String getPromoter() { if (promoter == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Promoter not set."); } return promoter; } public void setPromoter(@NotNull String promoter) { if (this.promoter != null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Promoter already set to " + this.promoter + ". " + "It is illegal to set promoter more than once in any StackFrame." ); } this.promoter = promoter; } public IElementType promoterType() { String promoter = getPromoter(); Base group = getGroup(); IElementType promoterType; if (Base.isHeredocPromoter(promoter)) { promoterType = group.heredocPromoterType; } else { promoterType = group.promoterType; } return promoterType; } public IElementType fragmentType() { return getGroup().fragmentType; } public boolean isSigil() { return getGroup() instanceof Sigil; } public IElementType sigilNameType() { return SigilName.elementType(getSigilName()); } public IElementType terminatorType() { String promoter = getPromoter(); Base group = getGroup(); IElementType terminatorType; if (Base.isHeredocPromoter(promoter)) { terminatorType = group.heredocTerminatorType; } else { terminatorType = group.terminatorType; } return terminatorType; } public String getTerminator() { String promoter = getPromoter(); String terminator = TERMINATOR_BY_PROMOTER.get(promoter); // unregistered promoters are their own terminators if (terminator == null) { TERMINATOR_BY_PROMOTER.put(promoter, promoter); terminator = promoter; } return terminator; } }