package org.elixir_lang.structure_view.element; import com.intellij.ide.util.treeView.smartTree.TreeElement; import com.intellij.navigation.ItemPresentation; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair; import com.intellij.psi.ElementDescriptionLocation; import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement; import com.intellij.usageView.UsageViewTypeLocation; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.IntRange; import org.elixir_lang.errorreport.Logger; import org.elixir_lang.navigation.item_presentation.NameArity; import; import org.elixir_lang.psi.impl.ElixirPsiImplUtil; import org.elixir_lang.structure_view.element.modular.*; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Contract; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import static*; import static; import static org.elixir_lang.psi.impl.ElixirPsiImplUtil.enclosingMacroCall; public class CallDefinitionClause extends Element<Call> implements Presentable, Visible { /* * Constants */ /* * Fields */ private final CallDefinition callDefinition; @NotNull private final Visibility visibility; /* * Public Static Methods */ /** * Description of element used in {@link org.elixir_lang.FindUsagesProvider}. * * @param call a {@link Call} that has already been checked with {@link #is(Call)} * @param location where the description will be used * @return */ @Nullable public static String elementDescription(@NotNull Call call, @NotNull ElementDescriptionLocation location) { String elementDescription = null; if (isFunction(call)) { elementDescription = functionElementDescription(call, location); } else if (isMacro(call)) { elementDescription = macroElementDescription(call, location); } return elementDescription; } /** * The module or {@code quote} that encapsulates {@code call} * * @param call a def(macro)?p? * @return {@code null} if gets to the enclosing file without finding a quote or module */ @Contract(pure = true) @Nullable public static Modular enclosingModular(@NotNull Call call) { Modular modular = null; Call enclosingMacroCall = enclosingModularMacroCall(call); if (enclosingMacroCall != null) { modular = modular(enclosingMacroCall); } return modular; } /** * The enclosing macro call that acts as the modular scope of {@code call}. Ignores enclosing {@code for} calls that * {@link ElixirPsiImplUtil#enclosingMacroCall} doesn't. * * @param call a def(macro)?p? */ @Nullable public static Call enclosingModularMacroCall(@NotNull Call call) { Call enclosedCall = call; Call enclosingMacroCall; while(true) { enclosingMacroCall = enclosingMacroCall(enclosedCall); if (enclosingMacroCall != null && (enclosingMacroCall.isCalling(KERNEL, ALIAS) || enclosingMacroCall.isCallingMacro(KERNEL, FOR, 2))) { enclosedCall = enclosingMacroCall; } else { break; } } return enclosingMacroCall; } @Contract(pure = true) @Nullable public static Modular modular(@NotNull Call enclosingMacroCall) { Modular modular = null; // All classes under {@link org.elixir_lang.structure_view.element.Modular} if ( { Modular grandScope = enclosingModular(enclosingMacroCall); modular = new Implementation(grandScope, enclosingMacroCall); } else if ( { Modular grandScope = enclosingModular(enclosingMacroCall); modular = new Module(grandScope, enclosingMacroCall); } else if ( { Modular grandScope = enclosingModular(enclosingMacroCall); modular = new Protocol(grandScope, enclosingMacroCall); } else if ( { Call quoteEnclosingMacroCall = enclosingMacroCall(enclosingMacroCall); Quote quote = null; if (quoteEnclosingMacroCall == null) { quote = new Quote(enclosingMacroCall); } else if ( { CallDefinitionClause callDefinitionClause = CallDefinitionClause.fromCall(quoteEnclosingMacroCall); if (callDefinitionClause == null) { Logger.error( CallDefinitionClause.class, "Cannot construct CallDefinitionClause from quote's enclosing macro call", quoteEnclosingMacroCall ); } else { quote = new Quote( callDefinitionClause, enclosingMacroCall ); } } else { quote = new Quote(modular(quoteEnclosingMacroCall), enclosingMacroCall); } if (quote != null) { modular = quote.modular(); } } else if ( { Modular grandScope = enclosingModular(enclosingMacroCall); modular = new Unknown(grandScope, enclosingMacroCall); } return modular; } /** * The head of the call definition. * * @param call a call that {@link #is(Call)}. * @return element for {@code name(arg, ...) when ...} in {@code def* name(arg, ...) when ...} */ @Nullable public static PsiElement head(@NotNull Call call) { PsiElement[] primaryArguments = call.primaryArguments(); PsiElement head = null; if (primaryArguments != null && primaryArguments.length > 0) { head = primaryArguments[0]; } return head; } public static boolean is(@NotNull Call call) { return isFunction(call) || isMacro(call); } public static boolean isFunction(@NotNull Call call) { return isPrivateFunction(call) || isPublicFunction(call); } public static boolean isMacro(@NotNull Call call) { return isPrivateMacro(call) || isPublicMacro(call); } public static boolean isPrivateFunction(@NotNull Call call) { return isCallingKernelMacroOrHead(call, DEFP); } public static boolean isPrivateMacro(@NotNull Call call) { return isCallingKernelMacroOrHead(call, DEFMACROP); } public static boolean isPublicFunction(@NotNull Call call) { return isCallingKernelMacroOrHead(call, DEF); } public static boolean isPublicMacro(@NotNull Call call) { return isCallingKernelMacroOrHead(call, DEFMACRO); } @Nullable public static PsiElement nameIdentifier(@NotNull Call call) { PsiElement head = head(call); PsiElement nameIdentifier = null; if (head != null) { nameIdentifier = CallDefinitionHead.nameIdentifier(head); } return nameIdentifier; } /** * The name and arity range of the call definition this clause belongs to. * * @param call * @return The name and arities of the {@link CallDefinition} this clause belongs. Multiple arities occur when * default arguments are used, which produces an arity for each default argument that is turned on and off. * @see Call#resolvedFinalArityRange() */ @Nullable public static Pair<String, IntRange> nameArityRange(Call call) { PsiElement head = head(call); Pair<String, IntRange> pair = null; if (head != null) { pair = CallDefinitionHead.nameArityRange(head); } return pair; } /** * Whether the {@code call} is defining something for runtime, like a function, or something for compile time, like * a macro. * * @param call def(macro)?p? * @return {@link Timed.Time#COMPILE} for defmacrop?; {@link Timed.Time#RUN} for defp? */ @NotNull public static Timed.Time time(Call call) { Timed.Time time = null; if (isFunction(call)) { time = Timed.Time.RUN; } else if (isMacro(call)) { time = Timed.Time.COMPILE; } //noinspection ConstantConditions return time; } /** * @param call * @return {@code Visible.Visibility.PUBLIC} for {@code def} or {@code defmacro}; {@code Visible.Visibility.PRIVATE} * for {@code defp} and {@code defmacrop}; {@code null} only if {@code call} is unrecognized */ @Nullable public static Visible.Visibility visibility(Call call) { Visible.Visibility callVisibility = null; if (isPublicFunction(call) || isPublicMacro(call)) { callVisibility = Visible.Visibility.PUBLIC; } else if (isPrivateFunction(call) || isPrivateMacro(call)) { callVisibility = Visible.Visibility.PRIVATE; } return callVisibility; } /* * Private Static Methods */ @Nullable private static String functionElementDescription(@NotNull Call call, @NotNull ElementDescriptionLocation location) { String elementDescription = null; if (location == UsageViewTypeLocation.INSTANCE) { elementDescription = "function"; } return elementDescription; } private static boolean isCallingKernelMacroOrHead(@NotNull final Call call, @NotNull final String resolvedName) { return call.isCallingMacro(KERNEL, resolvedName, 2) || call.isCalling(KERNEL, resolvedName, 1); } private static String macroElementDescription(@NotNull Call call, @NotNull ElementDescriptionLocation location) { String elementDescription = null; if (location == UsageViewTypeLocation.INSTANCE) { elementDescription = "macro"; } return elementDescription; } /* * Constructors */ /** * Constructs {@link #callDefinition} from {@code code}, such as when showing structure in Go To Symbol * * @param call a def(macro)?p? call */ @Nullable public static CallDefinitionClause fromCall(Call call) { CallDefinition callDefinition = CallDefinition.fromCall(call); CallDefinitionClause callDefinitionClause = null; if (callDefinition != null) { callDefinitionClause = new CallDefinitionClause(callDefinition, call); } return callDefinitionClause; } /** * Constructs a clause for {@code callDefinition}. * * @param callDefinition holds all sibling clauses for {@code call} for the same name, arity. and time * @param call a def(macro)?p? call */ public CallDefinitionClause(CallDefinition callDefinition, Call call) { super(call); this.callDefinition = callDefinition; //noinspection ConstantConditions this.visibility = visibility(call); } /* * Public Instance Methods */ @NotNull @Override public TreeElement[] getChildren() { Call[] childCalls = ElixirPsiImplUtil.macroChildCalls(navigationItem); TreeElement[] children = childCallTreeElements(childCalls); if (children == null) { children = new TreeElement[0]; } return children; } /** * Returns the presentation of the tree element. * * @return the element presentation. */ @NotNull @Override public ItemPresentation getPresentation() { PsiElement head = head(navigationItem); return new org.elixir_lang.navigation.item_presentation.CallDefinitionHead( (NameArity) callDefinition.getPresentation(), visibility(), head ); } /** * The visibility of the element. * * @return {@code Visible.Visibility.PUBLIC} for public call definitions ({@code def} and {@code defmacro}); * {@code Visible.Visibility.PRIVATE} for private call definitions ({@code defp} and {@code defmacrop}). */ @NotNull @Override public Visibility visibility() { return visibility; } /* * Private Instance Methods */ private void addChildCall(List<TreeElement> treeElementList, Call childCall) { TreeElement childCallTreeElement = null; if ( { childCallTreeElement = new Implementation(callDefinition.getModular(), childCall); } else if ( { childCallTreeElement = new Module(callDefinition.getModular(), childCall); } else if ( { childCallTreeElement = new Quote(this, childCall); } if (childCallTreeElement != null) { treeElementList.add(childCallTreeElement); } } @Contract(pure = true) @Nullable private TreeElement[] childCallTreeElements(@Nullable Call[] childCalls) { TreeElement[] treeElements = null; if (childCalls != null) { List<TreeElement> treeElementList = new ArrayList<TreeElement>(childCalls.length); for (Call childCall : childCalls) { addChildCall(treeElementList, childCall); } treeElements = treeElementList.toArray(new TreeElement[treeElementList.size()]); } return treeElements; } /** * Whether this clause would match the given arguments and be called. * * @param arguments argument being passed to this clauses' function. * @return {@code true} if arguments matches up-to the available information about the arguments; otherwise, * {@code false} */ public boolean isMatch(PsiElement[] arguments) { return false; } }