package org.elixir_lang.debugger.node; import*; import com.intellij.concurrency.AsyncFutureFactory; import com.intellij.concurrency.AsyncFutureResult; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager; import org.elixir_lang.debugger.node.commands.ElixirDebuggerCommandsProducer; import; import org.elixir_lang.utils.ElixirModulesUtil; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Contract; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import static org.elixir_lang.debugger.ElixirDebuggerLog.LOG; public class ElixirDebuggerNode { private static final int RECEIVE_TIMEOUT = 50; private static final int RETRIES_ON_TIMEOUT = 10; private OtpErlangPid myLastSuspendedPid; private final Queue<ElixirDebuggerCommandsProducer.ErlangDebuggerCommand> myCommandsQueue = new LinkedList<>(); private int myLocalDebuggerPort = -1; @NotNull private final ElixirDebuggerEventListener myEventListener; @NotNull private AtomicBoolean myStopped = new AtomicBoolean(false); public ElixirDebuggerNode(@NotNull ElixirDebuggerEventListener eventListener) throws ElixirDebuggerNodeException { myEventListener = eventListener; LOG.debug("Starting debugger server."); try { myLocalDebuggerPort = runDebuggerServer().get(); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new ElixirDebuggerNodeException("Failed to start debugger server", e); } } public int getLocalDebuggerPort() { return myLocalDebuggerPort; } public void stop() { myStopped.set(true); } @Contract(pure = true) private boolean isStopped() { return myStopped.get(); } public void processSuspended(OtpErlangPid pid) { myLastSuspendedPid = pid; } public void setBreakpoint(@NotNull String module, @NotNull String file, int line) { addCommand(ElixirDebuggerCommandsProducer.getSetBreakpointCommand(ElixirModulesUtil.elixirModuleNameToErlang(module), line, file)); } public void removeBreakpoint(@NotNull String module, int line) { addCommand(ElixirDebuggerCommandsProducer.getRemoveBreakpointCommand(ElixirModulesUtil.elixirModuleNameToErlang(module), line)); } public void runTask() { addCommand(ElixirDebuggerCommandsProducer.getRunTaskCommand()); } public void stepInto() { addCommand(ElixirDebuggerCommandsProducer.getStepIntoCommand(myLastSuspendedPid)); } public void stepOver() { addCommand(ElixirDebuggerCommandsProducer.getStepOverCommand(myLastSuspendedPid)); } public void stepOut() { addCommand(ElixirDebuggerCommandsProducer.getStepOutCommand(myLastSuspendedPid)); } public void resume() { addCommand(ElixirDebuggerCommandsProducer.getContinueCommand(myLastSuspendedPid)); } private void addCommand(ElixirDebuggerCommandsProducer.ErlangDebuggerCommand command) { synchronized (myCommandsQueue) { myCommandsQueue.add(command); } } @NotNull private Future<Integer> runDebuggerServer() { final AsyncFutureResult<Integer> portFuture = AsyncFutureFactory.getInstance().createAsyncFutureResult(); ApplicationManager.getApplication().executeOnPooledThread(() -> runDebuggerServerImpl(portFuture)); return portFuture; } private void runDebuggerServerImpl(@NotNull AsyncFutureResult<Integer> portFuture) { try { Exception cachedException = null; LOG.debug("Opening a server socket."); try (ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(0)) { portFuture.set(serverSocket.getLocalPort()); LOG.debug("Listening on port " + serverSocket.getLocalPort() + "."); try (Socket debuggerSocket = serverSocket.accept()) { LOG.debug("Debugger connected, closing the server socket."); serverSocket.close(); myEventListener.debuggerStarted(); LOG.debug("Starting send/receive loop."); serverLoop(debuggerSocket); } catch (Exception e) { cachedException = e; throw e; } finally { myStopped.set(true); myEventListener.debuggerStopped(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (cachedException != null && cachedException != e) { if (e.getCause() == null) { e.initCause(cachedException); } else { LOG.debug("Lost exception.", cachedException); } } throw e; } } catch (Exception th) { if (!portFuture.isDone()) { portFuture.setException(th); } else { LOG.debug(th); } } } private void serverLoop(@NotNull Socket debuggerSocket) throws IOException { debuggerSocket.setSoTimeout(RECEIVE_TIMEOUT); while (!isStopped()) { if (!isStopped()) { receiveMessage(debuggerSocket); } if (!isStopped()) { sendMessages(debuggerSocket); } } } private void receiveMessage(@NotNull Socket socket) throws SocketException { OtpErlangObject receivedMessage = receive(socket); if (receivedMessage == null) return; LOG.debug("Message received: " + String.valueOf(receivedMessage)); ErlangDebuggerEvent event = ErlangDebuggerEvent.create(receivedMessage); boolean messageRecognized = event != null; if (messageRecognized) { event.process(this, myEventListener); } LOG.debug("Message processed: " + messageRecognized); } private void sendMessages(@NotNull Socket socket) throws SocketException { synchronized (myCommandsQueue) { while (!myCommandsQueue.isEmpty()) { OtpErlangTuple message = myCommandsQueue.remove().toMessage(); LOG.debug("Sending message: " + message); send(socket, message); } } } private static void send(@NotNull Socket socket, @NotNull OtpErlangObject message) throws SocketException { try { OutputStream out = socket.getOutputStream(); byte[] bytes = new OtpOutputStream(message).toByteArray(); byte[] sizeBytes = ByteBuffer.allocate(4).putInt(1 + bytes.length).array(); out.write(sizeBytes); out.write(OtpExternal.versionTag); out.write(bytes); } catch (SocketException e) { throw e; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.debug(e); } } @Nullable private static OtpErlangObject receive(@NotNull Socket socket) throws SocketException { try { InputStream in = socket.getInputStream(); int objectSize = readObjectSize(in); if (objectSize == -1) return null; LOG.debug("Incoming packet size: " + objectSize + " bytes"); byte[] objectBytes = readBytes(in, objectSize, true); return objectBytes == null ? null : decode(objectBytes); } catch (SocketException e) { throw e; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.debug(e); } return null; } private static int readObjectSize(@NotNull InputStream in) throws SocketException { byte[] bytes = readBytes(in, 4, false); return bytes != null ? ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).getInt() : -1; } /** * Reads size bytes from passed socket input stream. * <p/> * Makes #RETRIES_ON_TIMEOUT attempts to read input unless the read request is not forced and no bytes were read. * * @return bytes read or null if the request was not forced and it timed out, or if an I/O exception occurred. * @throws SocketException when a socket exception is thrown from passed input stream or if a number of * retry attempts was exceeded. */ @Nullable private static byte[] readBytes(@NotNull InputStream in, int size, boolean force) throws SocketException { try { int bytesReadTotal = 0; byte[] buffer = new byte[size]; int attemptsMade = 0; while (size != bytesReadTotal) { try { int bytesRead =, bytesReadTotal, size - bytesReadTotal); if (bytesRead < 0) { throw new SocketException("A socket was closed."); } bytesReadTotal += bytesRead; } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { // if we're not forced to read, but we touched the stream, we're forced if (bytesReadTotal == 0 && !force) { return null; } if (++attemptsMade >= RETRIES_ON_TIMEOUT) { throw e; } } } return buffer; } catch (SocketException e) { throw e; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.debug(e); return null; } } @Nullable private static OtpErlangObject decode(@NotNull byte[] bytes) { try { return new OtpInputStream(bytes).read_any(); } catch (OtpErlangDecodeException e) { LOG.debug("Failed to decode an erlang term.", e); return null; } } }