package org.elixir_lang; import com.intellij.find.FindManager; import com.intellij.find.impl.HelpID; import com.intellij.lang.cacheBuilder.SimpleWordsScanner; import com.intellij.lang.cacheBuilder.WordsScanner; import com.intellij.psi.ElementDescriptionUtil; import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement; import com.intellij.usageView.UsageViewLongNameLocation; import com.intellij.usageView.UsageViewNodeTextLocation; import com.intellij.usageView.UsageViewTypeLocation; import org.elixir_lang.psi.*; import; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; public class FindUsagesProvider implements com.intellij.lang.findUsages.FindUsagesProvider { /** * Gets the word scanner for building a word index for the specified language. * Note that the implementation MUST be thread-safe, otherwise you should return a new instance of your scanner * (that can be recommended as a best practice). * * @return the word scanner implementation, or null if {@link SimpleWordsScanner} is OK. */ @Nullable @Override public WordsScanner getWordsScanner() { return null; } /** * Checks if it makes sense to search for usages of the specified element. * * @param psiElement the element for which usages are searched. * @return true if the search is allowed, false otherwise. * @see FindManager#canFindUsages(PsiElement) */ @Override public boolean canFindUsagesFor(@NotNull PsiElement psiElement) { boolean canFindUsages = false; if (psiElement instanceof Call) { canFindUsages = true; } else if (psiElement instanceof MaybeModuleName) { MaybeModuleName maybeModuleName = (MaybeModuleName) psiElement; canFindUsages = maybeModuleName.isModuleName(); } return canFindUsages; } /** * Returns an expanded user-visible name of the specified element, shown in the "Find Usages" * dialog. For classes, this can return a fully qualified name of the class; for methods - * a signature of the method with parameters. * * @param element the element for which the name is requested. * @return the user-visible name. */ @NotNull @Override public String getDescriptiveName(@NotNull PsiElement element) { return ElementDescriptionUtil.getElementDescription(element, UsageViewLongNameLocation.INSTANCE); } /** * Returns the ID of the help topic which is shown when the specified element is selected * in the "Find Usages" dialog. * * @param psiElement the element for which the help topic is requested. * @return the help topic ID, or null if no help is available. */ @Nullable @Override public String getHelpId(@NotNull PsiElement psiElement) { String helpId = null; if (psiElement instanceof AtUnqualifiedNoParenthesesCall) { helpId = com.intellij.lang.HelpID.FIND_OTHER_USAGES; } if (psiElement instanceof MaybeModuleName) { MaybeModuleName maybeModuleName = (MaybeModuleName) psiElement; if (maybeModuleName.isModuleName()) { // TODO double check wording of help makes sense or if a special HelpID should be created for Modules helpId = HelpID.FIND_CLASS_USAGES; } } return helpId; } /** * Returns the text representing the specified PSI element in the Find Usages tree. * * @param element the element for which the node text is requested. * @param useFullName if true, the returned text should use fully qualified names * @return the text representing the element. */ @NotNull @Override public String getNodeText(@NotNull PsiElement element, boolean useFullName) { String nodeText; if (useFullName) { nodeText = ElementDescriptionUtil.getElementDescription(element, UsageViewLongNameLocation.INSTANCE); } else { nodeText = ElementDescriptionUtil.getElementDescription(element, UsageViewNodeTextLocation.INSTANCE); } return nodeText; } /** * Returns the user-visible type of the specified element, shown in the "Find Usages" * dialog (for example, "class" or "variable"). The type name should not be upper-cased. * * @param element the element for which the type is requested. * @return the type of the element. */ @NotNull @Override public String getType(@NotNull final PsiElement element) { return ElementDescriptionUtil.getElementDescription(element, UsageViewTypeLocation.INSTANCE); } }