package org.elixir_lang.reference; import; import com.intellij.codeInsight.completion.CompletionParameters; import com.intellij.codeInsight.completion.CompletionResultSet; import com.intellij.codeInsight.lookup.LookupElement; import com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange; import com.intellij.psi.*; import; import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil; import com.intellij.usageView.UsageViewLongNameLocation; import com.intellij.usageView.UsageViewShortNameLocation; import com.intellij.usageView.UsageViewTypeLocation; import com.intellij.util.IncorrectOperationException; import com.intellij.util.ProcessingContext; import org.elixir_lang.annonator.Parameter; import org.elixir_lang.errorreport.Logger; import org.elixir_lang.psi.*; import; import; import; import; import org.elixir_lang.psi.operation.*; import org.elixir_lang.psi.qualification.Unqualified; import org.elixir_lang.psi.scope.variable.Variants; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Contract; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import static org.elixir_lang.psi.impl.ElixirPsiImplUtil.*; public class Callable extends PsiReferenceBase<Call> implements PsiPolyVariantReference { /* * * CONSTANTS * */ /* * Public CONSTANTS */ public static final Set<String> BIT_STRING_TYPES = Sets.newHashSet( "binary", "bits", "bitstring", "bytes", "float", "integer", "utf16", "utf32", "utf8" ); /* * Private CONSTANTS */ private static final Set<String> BIT_STRING_ENDIANNESS = Sets.newHashSet( "big", "little", "native" ); private static final Set<String> BIT_STRING_SIGNEDNESS = Sets.newHashSet( "signed", "unsigned" ); public static final String IGNORED = "_"; /* * * Static Methods * */ /* * Public Static Methods */ @Contract(pure = true) @Nullable public static String bitStringSegmentOptionElementDescription(@NotNull Call call, @NotNull ElementDescriptionLocation location) { String elementDescription = null; String name = call.getName(); if (name != null) { if (BIT_STRING_ENDIANNESS.contains(name)) { elementDescription = bitStringEndiannessElementDescription(call, location); } else if (BIT_STRING_SIGNEDNESS.contains(name)) { elementDescription = bitStringSignednessElementDescription(call, location); } else if (BIT_STRING_TYPES.contains(name)) { elementDescription = bitStringTypeElementDescription(call, location); } } // getType is @NotNull, so must have fallback if (elementDescription == null && location == UsageViewTypeLocation.INSTANCE) { elementDescription = "bitstring segment option"; } return elementDescription; } @Contract(pure = true) @Nullable private static String bitStringEndiannessElementDescription(@NotNull @SuppressWarnings("unused") PsiElement element, @NotNull ElementDescriptionLocation location) { String elementDescription = null; if (location == UsageViewTypeLocation.INSTANCE) { elementDescription = "bitstring endianness"; } return elementDescription; } @Contract(pure = true) @Nullable private static String bitStringSignednessElementDescription(@NotNull @SuppressWarnings("unused") PsiElement element, @NotNull ElementDescriptionLocation location) { String elementDescription = null; if (location == UsageViewTypeLocation.INSTANCE) { elementDescription = "bitstring signedness"; } return elementDescription; } @Contract(pure = true) @Nullable private static String bitStringTypeElementDescription(@NotNull @SuppressWarnings("unused") PsiElement element, @NotNull ElementDescriptionLocation location) { String elementDescription = null; if (location == UsageViewTypeLocation.INSTANCE) { elementDescription = "bitstring type"; } return elementDescription; } /** * Callable for any of the following built-in definers * * <ul> * <li>{@code def}</li> * <li>{@code defimpl}</li> * <li>{@code defmacro}</li> * <li>{@code defmacrop}</li> * <li>{@code defmodule}</li> * <li>{@code defp}</li> * <li>{@code defprotocol}</li> * </ul> * * @param call definer call */ @NotNull public static Callable definer(@NotNull Call call) { PsiElement functionNameElement = call.functionNameElement(); assert functionNameElement != null; // Can't use `getStartOffsetInParent` because `functionNameElement` doesn't have to be a direct child of `call` // Can't use `getTextOffset` because that's the offset to the navigationElement, which is nameIdentifier int functionNameElementStartOffset = functionNameElement.getTextRange().getStartOffset(); int callStartOffset = call.getTextRange().getStartOffset(); int startOffset = functionNameElementStartOffset - callStartOffset; return new Callable(call, new TextRange(startOffset, startOffset + functionNameElement.getTextLength())); } public static String ignoredElementDescription(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Call call, ElementDescriptionLocation location) { String elementDescription = null; if (location == UsageViewTypeLocation.INSTANCE) { elementDescription = "ignored"; } return elementDescription; } @Contract(pure = true) @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static boolean isBitStreamSegmentOption(@NotNull PsiElement element) { boolean isBitStreamSegmentOption = false; Type type = PsiTreeUtil.getContextOfType(element, Type.class); if (type != null) { PsiElement typeParent = type.getParent(); if (typeParent instanceof ElixirBitString) { PsiElement rightOperand = type.rightOperand(); if (PsiTreeUtil.isAncestor(rightOperand, element, false)) { isBitStreamSegmentOption = isBitStreamSegmentOptionDown(rightOperand, element); } } } return isBitStreamSegmentOption; } @Contract(pure = true) public static boolean isIgnored(@NotNull PsiElement element) { boolean isIgnored = false; if (element instanceof ElixirKeywordKey || element instanceof UnqualifiedNoArgumentsCall) { PsiNamedElement psiNamedElement = (PsiNamedElement) element; String name = psiNamedElement.getName(); if (name != null && name.equals(IGNORED)) { isIgnored = true; } } return isIgnored; } @Contract(pure = true) public static boolean isParameter(@NotNull PsiElement ancestor) { Parameter parameter = new Parameter(ancestor); return Parameter.putParameterized(parameter).type != null; } public static boolean isParameterWithDefault(@NotNull PsiElement element) { PsiElement parent = element.getParent(); boolean isParameterWithDefault = false; if (parent instanceof InMatch) { Infix parentOperation = (InMatch) parent; Operator operator = parentOperation.operator(); String operatorText = operator.getText(); if (operatorText.equals(DEFAULT_OPERATOR)) { PsiElement defaulted = parentOperation.leftOperand(); if (defaulted != null && defaulted.isEquivalentTo(element)) { isParameterWithDefault = isParameter(parentOperation); } } } return isParameterWithDefault; } @Contract(pure = true) public static boolean isVariable(@NotNull PsiElement ancestor) { boolean isVariable = false; if (ancestor instanceof ElixirInterpolation || // bound quoted variable name in {@code quote bind_quoted: [name: value] do ... end} ancestor instanceof ElixirKeywordKey || ancestor instanceof ElixirStabNoParenthesesSignature || /* if a StabOperation is encountered before ElixirStabNoParenthesesSignature or ElixirStabParenthesesSignature, then must have come from body */ ancestor instanceof ElixirStabOperation || ancestor instanceof ElixirStabParenthesesSignature || ancestor instanceof InMatch || ancestor instanceof Match) { isVariable = true; } else if (ancestor instanceof ElixirAccessExpression || ancestor instanceof ElixirAssociations || ancestor instanceof ElixirAssociationsBase || ancestor instanceof ElixirBitString || ancestor instanceof ElixirBlockItem || ancestor instanceof ElixirBlockList || ancestor instanceof ElixirBracketArguments || ancestor instanceof ElixirContainerAssociationOperation || ancestor instanceof ElixirDoBlock || ancestor instanceof ElixirKeywordPair || ancestor instanceof ElixirKeywords || ancestor instanceof ElixirList || ancestor instanceof ElixirMapArguments || ancestor instanceof ElixirMapConstructionArguments || ancestor instanceof ElixirMapOperation || ancestor instanceof ElixirMapUpdateArguments || /* parenthesesArguments can be used in @spec other type declarations, so may not be variable until ancestor call is checked */ ancestor instanceof ElixirMatchedParenthesesArguments || /* Happens when tuple is after `MyAlias.` when add qualified call above line with pre-existing tuple */ ancestor instanceof ElixirMultipleAliases || ancestor instanceof ElixirNoParenthesesOneArgument || ancestor instanceof ElixirNoParenthesesArguments || ancestor instanceof ElixirNoParenthesesKeywordPair || ancestor instanceof ElixirNoParenthesesKeywords || /* ElixirNoParenthesesManyStrictNoParenthesesExpression and ElixirNoParenthesesStrict indicates a syntax error, but it can also occur during typing, so try searching above the syntax error to resolve whether a variable */ ancestor instanceof ElixirNoParenthesesManyStrictNoParenthesesExpression || ancestor instanceof ElixirNoParenthesesStrict || ancestor instanceof ElixirParenthesesArguments || ancestor instanceof ElixirParentheticalStab || ancestor instanceof ElixirStab || ancestor instanceof ElixirStabBody || ancestor instanceof ElixirStructOperation || ancestor instanceof ElixirTuple || ancestor instanceof ElixirVariable || ancestor instanceof QualifiedAlias || ancestor instanceof Type) { isVariable = isVariable(ancestor.getParent()); } else if (ancestor instanceof Call) { // MUST be after any operations because operations also implement Call isVariable = isVariable((Call) ancestor); } else { if (!(ancestor instanceof AtNonNumericOperation || ancestor instanceof BracketOperation || ancestor instanceof PsiFile || ancestor instanceof QualifiedMultipleAliases)) { error("Don't know how to check if variable", ancestor); } } return isVariable; } public static String parameterElementDescription(Call call, ElementDescriptionLocation location) { String elementDescription = null; if (location == UsageViewLongNameLocation.INSTANCE || location == UsageViewShortNameLocation.INSTANCE) { elementDescription = call.getName(); } else if (location == UsageViewTypeLocation.INSTANCE) { elementDescription = "parameter"; } return elementDescription; } public static String parameterWithDefaultElementDescription(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Call call, ElementDescriptionLocation location) { String elementDescription = null; if (location == UsageViewTypeLocation.INSTANCE) { elementDescription = "parameter with default"; } return elementDescription; } public static String variableElementDescription(Call call, ElementDescriptionLocation location) { String elementDescription = null; if (location == UsageViewLongNameLocation.INSTANCE || location == UsageViewShortNameLocation.INSTANCE) { elementDescription = call.getName(); } else if (location == UsageViewTypeLocation.INSTANCE) { elementDescription = "variable"; } return elementDescription; } public static LocalSearchScope variableUseScope(@NotNull UnqualifiedNoArgumentsCall match) { return variableUseScope((PsiElement) match); } /* * Private Static Methods */ private static void error(@NotNull String message, @NotNull PsiElement element) { Logger.error(Callable.class, message, element); } /** * Searches downward from {@code ancestor}, only returning true if {@code element} is a type, unit, size or * modifier. * * @return {@code true} if {@code element} is a type, unit, size, or modifier. i.e. something separated by * {@code -}. * {@code false} if {@code element} is a variable used in {@code size(variable)}. */ private static boolean isBitStreamSegmentOptionDown(@NotNull PsiElement ancestor, @NotNull PsiElement element) { boolean is = false; if (ancestor.isEquivalentTo(element)) { is = true; } else if (ancestor instanceof Addition) { Addition ancestorAddition = (Addition) ancestor; PsiElement leftOperand = ancestorAddition.leftOperand(); if (leftOperand != null) { is = isBitStreamSegmentOptionDown(leftOperand, element); } if (!is) { PsiElement rightOperand = ancestorAddition.rightOperand(); if (rightOperand != null) { is = isBitStreamSegmentOptionDown(rightOperand, element); } } } else if (ancestor instanceof UnqualifiedParenthesesCall) { Call ancestorCall = (Call) ancestor; PsiElement functionNameElement = ancestorCall.functionNameElement(); if (functionNameElement != null && functionNameElement.isEquivalentTo(element)) { is = true; } } return is; } @Contract(pure = true) private static boolean isVariable(@NotNull Call call) { boolean isVariable; if (call instanceof UnqualifiedNoArgumentsCall) { String name = call.getName(); // _ is an "ignored" not a variable if (name == null || !name.equals(IGNORED)) { PsiElement parent = call.getParent(); isVariable = isVariable(parent); } else { isVariable = false; } } else if (call instanceof AtUnqualifiedNoParenthesesCall) { // module attribute, so original may be a unqualified no argument type name isVariable = false; } else if (call.isCalling(, Function.DESTRUCTURE)) { isVariable = true; } else if (call.isCallingMacro(, Function.FOR)) { isVariable = true; } else if (call.isCalling(Module.KERNEL, Function.VAR_BANG)) { isVariable = true; } else { PsiElement parent = call.getParent(); isVariable = isVariable(parent); } return isVariable; } @Nullable private static <T> List<T> merge(@Nullable List<T> maybeFirst, @Nullable List<T> maybeSecond) { List<T> merged = null; if (maybeFirst != null && maybeSecond != null) { merged = new ArrayList<T>(maybeFirst); merged.addAll(maybeSecond); } else if (maybeFirst != null) { merged = maybeFirst; } else if (maybeSecond != null) { merged = maybeSecond; } return merged; } @NotNull private static LocalSearchScope variableUseScope(@NotNull Call call) { LocalSearchScope useScope = null; switch (useScopeSelector(call)) { case PARENT: useScope = variableUseScope(call.getParent()); break; case SELF: useScope = new LocalSearchScope(call); break; case SELF_AND_FOLLOWING_SIBLINGS: List<PsiElement> selfAndFollowingSiblingList = new ArrayList<PsiElement>(); PsiElement sibling = call; while (sibling != null) { selfAndFollowingSiblingList.add(sibling); sibling = sibling.getNextSibling(); } useScope = new LocalSearchScope( selfAndFollowingSiblingList.toArray( new PsiElement[selfAndFollowingSiblingList.size()] ) ); break; } return useScope; } private static LocalSearchScope variableUseScope(@NotNull Match match) { LocalSearchScope useScope; PsiElement parent = match.getParent(); if (parent instanceof ElixirStabBody) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") PsiElement ancestor = PsiTreeUtil.getContextOfType( parent, ElixirAnonymousFunction.class, ElixirBlockItem.class, ElixirDoBlock.class, ElixirParentheticalStab.class, ElixirStabOperation.class ); if (ancestor instanceof ElixirParentheticalStab) { useScope = variableUseScope(parent); } else { /* all non-ElixirParentheticalStab are block-like and so could have multiple statements after the match where the match variable is used */ useScope = followingSiblingsSearchScope(match); } } else if (parent instanceof PsiFile) { useScope = followingSiblingsSearchScope(match); } else { useScope = variableUseScope(parent); } return useScope; } private static LocalSearchScope variableUseScope(@NotNull PsiElement ancestor) { LocalSearchScope useScope = null; if (ancestor instanceof ElixirAccessExpression || ancestor instanceof ElixirAssociations || ancestor instanceof ElixirAssociationsBase || ancestor instanceof ElixirBitString || ancestor instanceof ElixirBlockItem || ancestor instanceof ElixirBlockList || ancestor instanceof ElixirContainerAssociationOperation || ancestor instanceof ElixirDoBlock || ancestor instanceof ElixirKeywordPair || ancestor instanceof ElixirKeywords || ancestor instanceof ElixirList || ancestor instanceof ElixirMapArguments || ancestor instanceof ElixirMapConstructionArguments || ancestor instanceof ElixirMapOperation || ancestor instanceof ElixirMatchedParenthesesArguments || ancestor instanceof ElixirNoParenthesesOneArgument || ancestor instanceof ElixirNoParenthesesArguments || ancestor instanceof ElixirNoParenthesesKeywordPair || ancestor instanceof ElixirNoParenthesesKeywords || ancestor instanceof ElixirParenthesesArguments || ancestor instanceof ElixirParentheticalStab || ancestor instanceof ElixirStab || ancestor instanceof ElixirStabBody || ancestor instanceof ElixirStabNoParenthesesSignature || ancestor instanceof ElixirStabParenthesesSignature || ancestor instanceof ElixirStructOperation || ancestor instanceof ElixirTuple || ancestor instanceof InMatch || ancestor instanceof Type || ancestor instanceof UnqualifiedNoArgumentsCall) { useScope = variableUseScope(ancestor.getParent()); } else if (ancestor instanceof ElixirStabOperation || ancestor instanceof QualifiedAlias) { useScope = new LocalSearchScope(ancestor); } else if (ancestor instanceof Match) { useScope = variableUseScope((Match) ancestor); } else if (ancestor instanceof Call) { useScope = variableUseScope((Call) ancestor); } else if (ancestor instanceof ElixirMapUpdateArguments || ancestor instanceof ElixirInterpolation) { /* no variable can be declared inside these classes, so this is a variable usage missing a declaration, so it has no use scope */ useScope = LocalSearchScope.EMPTY; } else { error("Don't know how to find variable use scope", ancestor); } return useScope; } /* * Constructors */ public Callable(@NotNull Call call) { super(call); } private Callable(@NotNull Call call, @NotNull TextRange rangeInCall) { super(call, rangeInCall); } @Override public PsiElement handleElementRename(String newElementName) throws IncorrectOperationException { return ((NamedElement) myElement).setName(newElementName); } /* * * Instance Methods * */ /* * Public Instance Methods */ /** * Returns the array of String, {@link PsiElement} and/or {@link com.intellij.codeInsight.lookup.LookupElement} * instances representing all identifiers that are visible at the location of the reference. The contents * of the returned array is used to build the lookup list for basic code completion. (The list * of visible identifiers may not be filtered by the completion prefix string - the * filtering is performed later by IDEA core.) * * Qualified completion is handled by * {@link org.elixir_lang.code_insight.completion.provider.CallDefinitionClause#addCompletions(CompletionParameters, ProcessingContext, CompletionResultSet)} * * @return the array of available identifiers. */ @NotNull @Override public Object[] getVariants() { List<LookupElement> lookupElementList = null; if (myElement instanceof Unqualified) { List<LookupElement> variableLookupElementList = null; if (myElement instanceof UnqualifiedNoArgumentsCall) { variableLookupElementList = Variants.lookupElementList(myElement); } List<LookupElement> callDefinitionClauseLookupElementList = org.elixir_lang.psi.scope.call_definition_clause.Variants.lookupElementList(myElement); lookupElementList = merge(variableLookupElementList, callDefinitionClauseLookupElementList); } Object[] variants; if (lookupElementList == null) { variants = new Object[0]; } else { variants = lookupElementList.toArray(new Object[lookupElementList.size()]); } return variants; } /** * Returns the results of resolving the reference. * * @param incompleteCode if true, the code in the context of which the reference is * being resolved is considered incomplete, and the method may return additional * invalid results. * @return the array of results for resolving the reference. */ @NotNull @Override public ResolveResult[] multiResolve(boolean incompleteCode) { final List<ResolveResult> resolveResultList = new ArrayList<ResolveResult>(); int resolvedFinalArity = myElement.resolvedFinalArity(); if (myElement instanceof { Call modular = qualifiedToModular(( myElement); /* If modular cannot be found then it means that either the qualifier has a typo or its part of .beam-only Module. Since .beam-only Modules aren't resolvable at this time, assume typo and mark all ResolveResults with `validResult` `false. Finally, it could also be a variable. */ if (modular != null) { Modular.forEachCallDefinitionClauseNameIdentifier( modular, myElement.functionName(), resolvedFinalArity, new com.intellij.util.Function<PsiElement, Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean fun(PsiElement nameIdentifier) { resolveResultList.add(new PsiElementResolveResult(nameIdentifier, true)); return true; } } ); } } else { /* DO NOT use `getName()` as it will return the NameIdentifier's text, which for `defmodule` is the Alias, not `defmodule` */ String name = myElement.functionName(); if (name != null) { // UnqualifiedNorArgumentsCall prevents `foo()` from being treated as a variable. // resolvedFinalArity prevents `|> foo` from being counted as 0-arity if (myElement instanceof UnqualifiedNoArgumentsCall && resolvedFinalArity == 0) { List<ResolveResult> variableResolveList = org.elixir_lang.psi.scope.variable.MultiResolve.resolveResultList( name, incompleteCode, myElement ); if (variableResolveList != null) { resolveResultList.addAll(variableResolveList); } } List<ResolveResult> callDefinitionClauseResolveResultList = org.elixir_lang.psi.scope.call_definition_clause.MultiResolve.resolveResultList( name, resolvedFinalArity, incompleteCode, myElement ); if (callDefinitionClauseResolveResultList != null) { resolveResultList.addAll(callDefinitionClauseResolveResultList); } } } return resolveResultList.toArray(new ResolveResult[resolveResultList.size()]); } /** * Returns the element which is the target of the reference. * * @return the target element, or null if it was not possible to resolve the reference to a valid target. */ @Nullable @Override public PsiElement resolve() { ResolveResult[] resolveResults = multiResolve(false); return resolveResults.length == 1 ? resolveResults[0].getElement() : null; } /* * Protected Instance Methods */ @Override protected TextRange calculateDefaultRangeInElement() { TextRange defaultRangeInElement = null; TextRange myElementRangeInDocument = myElement.getTextRange(); int myElementStartOffset = myElementRangeInDocument.getStartOffset(); if (myElement instanceof Named) { Named named = (Named) myElement; PsiElement nameIdentifier = named.getNameIdentifier(); if (nameIdentifier != null) { TextRange nameIdentifierRangeInDocument = nameIdentifier.getTextRange(); defaultRangeInElement = new TextRange( nameIdentifierRangeInDocument.getStartOffset() - myElementStartOffset, nameIdentifierRangeInDocument.getEndOffset() - myElementStartOffset ); } } if (defaultRangeInElement == null) { defaultRangeInElement = new TextRange( 0, myElementRangeInDocument.getEndOffset() - myElementStartOffset ); } return defaultRangeInElement; } }