package org.elixir_lang; import*; import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException; /** * Emulates behavior of the `gen` Module in Erlang */ public class Generic { /** * Sends a generic message containing {@code request} with the given {@code label} to {@code remoteName} process on * {@code remoteNode} from {@code localMbox} on {@code localNode}. Unlike, `gen:call`, a monitor is not setup prior * to the call. * * @link */ public static OtpErlangObject unmonitoredCall(final OtpMbox localMbox, final OtpNode localNode, final String remoteName, final String remoteNode, final OtpErlangAtom label, final OtpErlangObject request, final int timeout) throws OtpErlangExit, OtpErlangDecodeException { return unmonitoredCall( localMbox, localNode, new Sender() { @Override public void send(OtpErlangObject message) { localMbox.send(remoteName, remoteNode, message); } }, label, request, timeout ); } public static OtpErlangObject unmonitoredCall(final OtpMbox localMbox, final OtpNode localNode, final OtpErlangPid remotePid, final OtpErlangAtom label, final OtpErlangObject request, final int timeout) throws OtpErlangExit, OtpErlangDecodeException { return unmonitoredCall( localMbox, localNode, new Sender() { @Override public void send(OtpErlangObject message) { localMbox.send(remotePid, message); } }, label, request, timeout ); } /* * Private */ private static OtpErlangTuple returnAddress(OtpMbox otpMbox, OtpErlangRef otpErlangRef) { return new OtpErlangTuple( new OtpErlangObject[]{ otpMbox.self(), otpErlangRef } ); } private static OtpErlangObject unmonitoredCall(final OtpMbox localMbox, final OtpNode localNode, final Sender sender, final OtpErlangAtom label, final OtpErlangObject request, final int timeout) throws OtpErlangExit, OtpErlangDecodeException { OtpErlangRef ref = localNode.createRef(); OtpErlangObject message = new OtpErlangTuple( new OtpErlangObject[]{ label, returnAddress(localMbox, ref), request } ); sender.send(message); OtpErlangObject received = localMbox.receive(timeout); OtpErlangObject response = null; if (received != null) { OtpErlangTuple tuple = (OtpErlangTuple) received; OtpErlangObject first = tuple.elementAt(0); if (!first.equals(ref)) { throw new NotImplementedException("Expected ref " + ref + ", but received " + first); } response = tuple.elementAt(1); } return response; } }