package; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; public class Module { /* * * CONSTANTS * */ public static final String KERNEL = "Kernel"; public static final String KERNEL_SPECIAL_FORMS = KERNEL + ".SpecialForms"; public static final String ELIXIR_PREFIX = "Elixir."; /* * Static Methods */ /** * Converts an (potentially) unqualified module name like {@code "Kernel"} to the fully-qualified atom * {@code "Elixir.Kernel"}. * * @return {@code "Elixir.#{moduleName}" if {@code moduleName} does not start with {@code "Elixir"}; otherwise, * {@code moduleName}. */ @NotNull public static String prependElixirPrefix(@NotNull String moduleName) { String atomString = moduleName; if (!moduleName.startsWith("Elixir.")) { atomString = "Elixir." + moduleName; } return atomString; } /** * Strips {@code "Elixir."} from the module name if it is present * * @param maybeFullyQualified a fully qualified module name or a module name without the {@code "Elixir."} prefix */ @NotNull public static String stripElixirPrefix(@NotNull String maybeFullyQualified) { String stripped = maybeFullyQualified; if (maybeFullyQualified.startsWith(ELIXIR_PREFIX)) { stripped = maybeFullyQualified.substring(ELIXIR_PREFIX.length()); } return stripped; } }