package yuku.alkitab.model; import; import yuku.alkitab.util.Ari; import yuku.alkitab.util.IntArrayList; import java.util.List; public abstract class Version { /** * Get the short name (abbreviation) of this version. */ public abstract String getShortName(); public abstract String getLongName(); public abstract String getLocale(); /** * @return The highest bookId on this version plus one. */ public abstract int getMaxBookIdPlusOne(); /** * For enumerating available books. * Note that using this, no guarantee that return_value[bookId].bookId == bookId. */ public abstract Book[] getConsecutiveBooks(); /** * @return null if bookId is out of range, or the book is not available on this version. */ public abstract Book getBook(int bookId); public abstract Book getFirstBook(); /** * Load a single verse from this version. * @return null if the verse is not available. */ @Nullable public abstract String loadVerseText(int ari); /** * Load a single verse from this version. * @return null if the verse is not available. */ @Nullable public abstract String loadVerseText(Book book, int chapter_1, int verse_1); /** * @param ariRanges list of aris where even-indexed elements are start and odd-indexed elements are end (inclusive) aris * @param result_aris (non-null, will be cleared first) list of aris loaded * @param result_verses (non-null, will be cleared first) list of verse texts loaded * @return the number of verses successfully loaded */ public abstract int loadVersesByAriRanges(IntArrayList ariRanges, IntArrayList result_aris, List<String> result_verses); /** * Loads the list of pericopes for a chapter * @param aris output parameter; will be filled in with the aris where the pericopes start * @param pericopeBlocks output parameter; will be filled with the content of the pericopes * @param max the maximum number of pericopes to return. The output arrays must have at least max entries. * @return the number of pericopes loaded. 0 if the version does not have pericopes or some errors happen. */ public abstract int loadPericope(int bookId, int chapter_1, int[] aris, PericopeBlock[] pericopeBlocks, int max); @Nullable public abstract SingleChapterVerses loadChapterText(Book book, int chapter_1); @Nullable public abstract SingleChapterVerses loadChapterTextLowercased(Book book, int chapter_1); /** * Load a whole chapter as a single string with verses separated by '\n' from this version. * @return null if the chapter is not available. */ public abstract String loadChapterTextLowercasedWithoutSplit(Book book, int chapter_1); /** * @param arif 24bit ari at the MSB + which xref field at the 8bit LSB (starts from 1) */ public abstract XrefEntry getXrefEntry(final int arif); /** * @param arif 24bit ari at the MSB + which xref field at the 8bit LSB (starts from 1) */ public abstract FootnoteEntry getFootnoteEntry(final int arif); private static class UnavailableBookNames { static String[] names = { "Gen", "Ex", "Lev", "Num", "Deut", "Josh", "Judg", "Ruth", "1Sam", "2Sam", "1Ki", "2Ki", "1Chr", "2Chr", "Ezr", "Neh", "Est", "Job", "Ps", "Prov", "Ecc", "Song", "Isa", "Jer", "Lam", "Eze", "Dan", "Hos", "Joel", "Amos", "Ob", "Jon", "Mi", "Nah", "Hab", "Zeph", "Hag", "Zech", "Mal", "Mt", "Mk", "Luk", "Jn", "Acts", "Rm", "1Cor", "2Cor", "Gal", "Eph", "Php", "Col", "1Ths", "2The", "1Tim", "2Tim", "Tit", "Phm", "Hb", "Jam", "1Pt", "2Pt", "1Jn", "2Jn", "3Jn", "Jud", "Rev", }; } public String reference(int ari) { int bookId = Ari.toBook(ari); int chapter_1 = Ari.toChapter(ari); int verse_1 = Ari.toVerse(ari); return reference(bookId, chapter_1, verse_1); } public String referenceWithVerseCount(final int ari, final int verseCount) { int bookId = Ari.toBook(ari); int chapter_1 = Ari.toChapter(ari); int verse_1 = Ari.toVerse(ari); if (verse_1 == 0 || verseCount == 1) { // verseCount does not matter return reference(bookId, chapter_1, verse_1); } else { return reference(bookId, chapter_1, verse_1) + "\u2013" /* endash */ + (verse_1 + verseCount - 1); } } private String getBookOrPlaceholder(final int bookId) { final Book book = getBook(bookId); if (book != null) { return book.shortName; } if (bookId < 0 || bookId >= UnavailableBookNames.names.length) { return "[?]"; } return "[[" + UnavailableBookNames.names[bookId] + "]]"; } public String reference(int bookId, int chapter_1, int verse_1) { final String shortName = getBookOrPlaceholder(bookId); if (verse_1 == 0) { if (chapter_1 == 0) { return shortName; } else { return Book.reference(shortName, chapter_1); } } else { return Book.reference(shortName, chapter_1, verse_1); } } private String getLastVerseString(final int bookId, final int chapter_1) { final Book book = getBook(bookId); if (book == null) { return "end"; } if (chapter_1 < 1 || chapter_1 > book.chapter_count) { return "end"; } return "" + book.verse_counts[chapter_1 - 1]; } public String referenceRange(final int ari_start, final int ari_end) { // 5 parts required for e.g. Matthew 5:3–6:10 // bcstr_start "Matthew 5" // vstr_start ":3" // en-dash "–" // bcstr_end "6" // vstr_end ":10" final String bcstr_start; final String vstr_start; final String en_dash; final String bcstr_end; final String vstr_end; final boolean same_book_and_chapter; if (Ari.toBookChapter(ari_start) == Ari.toBookChapter(ari_end)) { // same book, same chapter final int bookId = Ari.toBook(ari_start); final int chapter_1 = Ari.toChapter(ari_start); bcstr_start = Book.reference(getBookOrPlaceholder(bookId), chapter_1); bcstr_end = ""; same_book_and_chapter = true; } else if (Ari.toBook(ari_start) == Ari.toBook(ari_end)) { // same book, different chapter final int bookId = Ari.toBook(ari_start); final int chapter_1_start = Ari.toChapter(ari_start); final int chapter_1_end = Ari.toChapter(ari_end); bcstr_start = Book.reference(getBookOrPlaceholder(bookId), chapter_1_start); bcstr_end = "" + chapter_1_end; same_book_and_chapter = false; } else { // different book, different chapter final int bookId_start = Ari.toBook(ari_start); final int bookId_end = Ari.toBook(ari_end); final int chapter_1_start = Ari.toChapter(ari_start); final int chapter_1_end = Ari.toChapter(ari_end); bcstr_start = Book.reference(getBookOrPlaceholder(bookId_start), chapter_1_start); bcstr_end = Book.reference(getBookOrPlaceholder(bookId_end), chapter_1_end); same_book_and_chapter = false; } // en-dash is only empty if both aris are exactly the same en_dash = ari_start == ari_end ? "" : "\u2013"; // How to show verse depending on whether the verse is 0: // start, end, show start as, show end as (0 means verse is 0, 1 means verse is non-0) // 0, 0, nothing, nothing // 0, 1, :1, :verse // 1, 0, :verse, :end // 1, 1, :verse, :verse final int verse_1_start = Ari.toVerse(ari_start); final int verse_1_end = Ari.toVerse(ari_end); switch ((verse_1_start != 0 ? 2 : 0) + (verse_1_end != 0 ? 1 : 0)) { case 0: default: // should not happen vstr_start = vstr_end = ""; break; case 1: vstr_start = ":1"; vstr_end = (same_book_and_chapter ? "" : ":") + verse_1_end; break; case 2: vstr_start = ":" + verse_1_start; vstr_end = (same_book_and_chapter ? "" : ":") + getLastVerseString(Ari.toBook(ari_end), Ari.toChapter(ari_end)); break; case 3: vstr_start = ":" + verse_1_start; if (ari_start == ari_end) { vstr_end = ""; } else { vstr_end = (same_book_and_chapter ? "" : ":") + verse_1_end; } break; } return bcstr_start + vstr_start + en_dash + bcstr_end + vstr_end; } }