package yuku.alkitab.base.util; import android.util.Log; import; import yuku.alkitab.base.App; public class Highlights { static final String TAG = Highlights.class.getSimpleName(); final static ThreadLocal<Info> tmpInfo = new ThreadLocal<Info>() { @Override protected Info initialValue() { return new Info(); } }; final static ThreadLocal<Info.Partial> tmpPartial = new ThreadLocal<Info.Partial>() { @Override protected Info.Partial initialValue() { return new Info.Partial(); } }; public static class Info { /** rgb only, without the alpha */ public int colorRgb; public Partial partial; public static class Partial { /** hashCode of the plain text (not with formatting) */ public int hashCode; public int startOffset; public int endOffset; } public boolean shouldRenderAsPartialForVerseText(final CharSequence verseText) { return partial != null && partial.hashCode == Highlights.hashCode(verseText.toString()) && partial.startOffset <= verseText.length() && partial.endOffset <= verseText.length(); } } /** Encode a full-verse highlight */ public static String encode(final int colorRgb) { final Info info = tmpInfo.get(); info.colorRgb = colorRgb; info.partial = null; return App.getDefaultGson().toJson(info); } /** Encode a partial highlight */ public static String encode(final int colorRgb, final int hashCode, final int startOffset, final int endOffset) { final Info info = tmpInfo.get(); info.colorRgb = colorRgb; final Info.Partial partial = info.partial = tmpPartial.get(); partial.hashCode = hashCode; partial.startOffset = startOffset; partial.endOffset = endOffset; return App.getDefaultGson().toJson(info); } /** * Decodes color code for highlight. It starts with the string "c" then 6 hex digits rrggbb. * @return highlight info, or null if cannot decode */ public static Info decode(final String text) { if (text == null) return null; if (text.length() >= 7 && text.charAt(0) == 'c') { // legacy compat try { final int colorRgb = Integer.parseInt(text.substring(1, 7), 16); final Info res = new Info(); res.colorRgb = colorRgb; res.partial = null; return res; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Log.e(TAG, "@@decode", e); return null; } } else if (text.startsWith("{")) { // json format try { return App.getDefaultGson().fromJson(text, Info.class); } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) { Log.e(TAG, "@@decode", e); return null; } } else { return null; } } public static int alphaMix(int colorRgb) { return 0xa0000000 | colorRgb; } public static int hashCode(final String verseText) { return verseText.hashCode(); } }