package yuku.alkitabintegration; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import android.util.Log; public class AlkitabIntegrationUtil { public static final String TAG = AlkitabIntegrationUtil.class.getSimpleName(); public static final String DEFAULT_ALKITAB_PROVIDER_AUTHORITY = "yuku.alkitab.provider"; private static String overridenProviderAuthority = null; /** * Minimum Alkitab app package version (declared in AndroidManifest.xml android:versionCode) * in order to be compatible with this client version. */ public static final int ALKITAB_APP_VERSION_CODE = 101; public static String getProviderAuthority() { return overridenProviderAuthority != null? overridenProviderAuthority: DEFAULT_ALKITAB_PROVIDER_AUTHORITY; } /** Verifies that Alkitab app is installed and enabled on this device, * and that the version installed on this device is no older than the one required by this client. * @return status code indicating whether there was an error. Can be one of following: {@link ConnectionResult#SUCCESS}, {@link ConnectionResult#APP_MISSING}, {@link ConnectionResult#APP_VERSION_UPDATE_REQUIRED}, {@link ConnectionResult#PROVIDER_DISABLED}, {@link ConnectionResult#INTERNAL_ERROR} */ public static int isIntegrationAvailable(Context context) { PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager(); ProviderInfo providerInfo = pm.resolveContentProvider(getProviderAuthority(), 0); if (providerInfo == null) { return ConnectionResult.APP_MISSING; } if (! providerInfo.enabled) { return ConnectionResult.PROVIDER_DISABLED; } try { PackageInfo packageInfo = pm.getPackageInfo(providerInfo.packageName, 0); if (packageInfo.versionCode < ALKITAB_APP_VERSION_CODE) { return ConnectionResult.APP_VERSION_UPDATE_REQUIRED; } return ConnectionResult.SUCCESS; } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Having a provider should have a correct package also", e); return ConnectionResult.INTERNAL_ERROR; } } public static void setOverridenProviderAuthority(final String overridenProviderAuthority) { AlkitabIntegrationUtil.overridenProviderAuthority = overridenProviderAuthority; } }