package yuku.alkitab.base.widget; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.HapticFeedbackConstants; import android.view.View; import yuku.alkitab.debug.R; import yuku.alkitab.model.Book; import yuku.alkitab.model.Version; import yuku.alkitab.util.Ari; public class Floater extends View { public static final String TAG = Floater.class.getSimpleName(); public static final int LONG_PRESS_DELAY_MILLIS = 650; private int currentBookId; private int currentChapter_1; enum State { idle, selectBook, selectChapter, selectVerse, } public interface Listener { void onSelectComplete(int ari); } Paint passivePaint; Paint activePaint; Paint currentPaint; // paint for drawing "current" box Paint activeBoxPaint; Paint.FontMetrics passiveFontMetrics; Paint.FontMetrics activeFontMetrics; Paint separatorPaint; Book[] books; int grid_columns; int grid_rows; int activeBookIndex = -1; int longPressBookIndex = -1; int previousActiveBookIndex; int activeChapterIndex = -1; int longPressChapterIndex = -1; int previousActiveChapterIndex; int activeVerseIndex = -1; float density; State state; Listener listener; Runnable checkLongPressBook = () -> { if (activeBookIndex == longPressBookIndex) { // we have been at the same bookIndex since a few ms ago! performHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackConstants.LONG_PRESS); commitBook(); } }; Runnable checkLongPressChapter = () -> { if (activeChapterIndex == longPressChapterIndex) { // we have been at the same chapterIndex since a few ms ago! performHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackConstants.LONG_PRESS); commitChapter(); } }; public Floater(final Context context) { super(context); init(); } public Floater(final Context context, final AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); init(); } public Floater(final Context context, final AttributeSet attrs, final int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); init(); } private void init() { density = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; passivePaint = new Paint(); passivePaint.setAntiAlias(true); passivePaint.setColor(0xffd0d0d0); passivePaint.setShadowLayer(2 * density, 0, 0, 0xff000000); activePaint = new Paint(); activePaint.setAntiAlias(true); activePaint.setColor(0xffffffff); activePaint.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD); final int accentColor = ResourcesCompat.getColor(getResources(), R.color.accent, getContext().getTheme()); currentPaint = new Paint(); currentPaint.setColor(accentColor); currentPaint.setStrokeWidth(1 * density); currentPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); activeBoxPaint = new Paint(); activeBoxPaint.setColor(accentColor); activeBoxPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL_AND_STROKE); separatorPaint = new Paint(); separatorPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); separatorPaint.setColor(0xffd0d0d0); separatorPaint.setStrokeWidth(1 * density); passiveFontMetrics = new Paint.FontMetrics(); activeFontMetrics = new Paint.FontMetrics(); } @Override protected void onDraw(final Canvas canvas) { final float w = getWidth() - getPaddingLeft() - getPaddingRight(); final float h = getHeight() - getPaddingTop() - getPaddingBottom(); if (books == null) return; canvas.drawColor(0xd0000000); if (state == State.selectBook) { final int book_count = books.length; if (book_count <= 33) { // e.g. NT only grid_columns = 1; grid_rows = 33; } else if (book_count <= 66) { grid_columns = 2; grid_rows = 33; } else { grid_columns = 3; grid_rows = (int) Math.ceil((float) book_count / grid_columns); } initFontSizes(h); // passive books for (int i = 0; i < book_count; i++) { final Book book = books[i]; final int column = i / grid_rows; final int row = i % grid_rows; final float left = getPaddingLeft() + column * (w / grid_columns); final float bottom = getPaddingTop() + (row + 1) * (h / grid_rows); if (activeBookIndex != i) { canvas.drawText(book.shortName, left, bottom, passivePaint); if (book.bookId == currentBookId) { float textWidth = passivePaint.measureText(book.shortName); canvas.drawRect(left - 4 * density, bottom + passiveFontMetrics.ascent, left + textWidth + 4 * density, bottom + passiveFontMetrics.descent, currentPaint); } } if (book.bookId == 38) { // end of old testament canvas.drawLine(left - 4 * density, bottom + passiveFontMetrics.descent, left + (w / grid_columns) - 4 * density, bottom + passiveFontMetrics.descent, separatorPaint); } } // active book if (activeBookIndex != -1) { final int column = activeBookIndex / grid_rows; final int row = activeBookIndex % grid_rows; final Book book = books[activeBookIndex]; // draw box final String text = book.shortName; drawActiveWithBox(canvas, w, h, column, row, text); } } if (state == State.selectChapter) { final Book book = books[activeBookIndex]; final int chapter_count = book.chapter_count; if (chapter_count <= 33) { grid_columns = 1; grid_rows = 33; } else if (chapter_count <= 66) { grid_columns = 2; grid_rows = 33; } else { grid_columns = 4; grid_rows = (int) Math.ceil((float) chapter_count / grid_columns); } initFontSizes(h); final String prefix = grid_columns > 2? "": (book.shortName + " "); // passive chapters for (int i = 0; i < chapter_count; i++) { if (activeChapterIndex != i) { final int column = i / grid_rows; final int row = i % grid_rows; final float left = getPaddingLeft() + column * (w / grid_columns); final float bottom = getPaddingTop() + (row + 1) * (h / grid_rows); final String text = prefix + (i + 1); canvas.drawText(text, left, bottom, passivePaint); if (books[activeBookIndex].bookId == currentBookId && i + 1 == currentChapter_1) { float textWidth = passivePaint.measureText(text); canvas.drawRect(left - 4 * density, bottom + passiveFontMetrics.ascent, left + textWidth + 4 * density, bottom + passiveFontMetrics.descent, currentPaint); } } } // active chapter if (activeChapterIndex != -1) { final int column = activeChapterIndex / grid_rows; final int row = activeChapterIndex % grid_rows; drawActiveWithBox(canvas, w, h, column, row, prefix + (activeChapterIndex + 1)); } } if (state == State.selectVerse) { final Book book = books[activeBookIndex]; final int verse_count = book.verse_counts[activeChapterIndex]; if (verse_count <= 33) { grid_columns = 1; grid_rows = 33; } else if (verse_count <= 66) { grid_columns = 2; grid_rows = 33; } else { grid_columns = 4; grid_rows = (int) Math.ceil((float) verse_count / grid_columns); } initFontSizes(h); final String prefix = grid_columns > 2? ((activeChapterIndex + 1) + ":"): (book.shortName + " " + (activeChapterIndex + 1) + ":"); // passive verses for (int i = 0; i < verse_count; i++) { if (activeVerseIndex != i) { final int column = i / grid_rows; final int row = i % grid_rows; canvas.drawText(prefix + (i + 1), getPaddingLeft() + column * (w / grid_columns), getPaddingTop() + (row + 1) * (h / grid_rows), passivePaint); } } // active verse if (activeVerseIndex != -1) { final int column = activeVerseIndex / grid_rows; final int row = activeVerseIndex % grid_rows; drawActiveWithBox(canvas, w, h, column, row, prefix + (activeVerseIndex + 1)); } } } private void initFontSizes(final float h) { passivePaint.setTextSize(0.9f * h / grid_rows); activePaint.setTextSize(h / grid_rows); passivePaint.getFontMetrics(passiveFontMetrics); activePaint.getFontMetrics(activeFontMetrics); } private void drawActiveWithBox(final Canvas canvas, final float w, final float h, final int column, final int row, final String text) { final float textWidth = activePaint.measureText(text); final float left = getPaddingLeft() + column * (w / grid_columns); final float bottom = getPaddingTop() + (row + 1) * (h / grid_rows); final float bleed = 4 * density; canvas.drawRect(left - bleed, bottom + activeFontMetrics.ascent - bleed, left + textWidth + bleed, bottom + activeFontMetrics.descent + bleed, activeBoxPaint); // draw text canvas.drawText(text, left, bottom, activePaint); } public void onDragStart(final Version version) { this.books = version.getConsecutiveBooks(); this.state = State.selectBook; this.activeBookIndex = -1; this.activeChapterIndex = -1; this.activeVerseIndex = -1; } public void onDragMove(final float px, final float py) { if (books == null) return; final float x = px - getPaddingLeft(); final float y = py - getPaddingTop(); final float w = getWidth() - getPaddingLeft() - getPaddingRight(); final float h = getHeight() - getPaddingTop() - getPaddingBottom(); final int column = (int) (x / w * grid_columns); final int row = (int) (y / h * grid_rows); final int itemIndex = (y < 0 || y > h)? -1: (column * grid_rows + row); if (state == State.selectBook) { // check for invalid book index if (itemIndex < 0 || itemIndex >= books.length) { activeBookIndex = -1; } else { activeBookIndex = itemIndex; } if (activeBookIndex != previousActiveBookIndex || activeBookIndex == -1) { removeCallbacks(checkLongPressBook); if (activeBookIndex != -1) { longPressBookIndex = activeBookIndex; postDelayed(checkLongPressBook, LONG_PRESS_DELAY_MILLIS); } } previousActiveBookIndex = activeBookIndex; } if (state == State.selectChapter) { final Book book = books[activeBookIndex]; final int chapter_count = book.chapter_count; if (itemIndex < 0 || itemIndex >= chapter_count) { activeChapterIndex = -1; } else { activeChapterIndex = itemIndex; } if (activeChapterIndex != previousActiveChapterIndex || activeChapterIndex == -1) { removeCallbacks(checkLongPressChapter); if (activeChapterIndex != -1) { longPressChapterIndex = activeChapterIndex; postDelayed(checkLongPressChapter, LONG_PRESS_DELAY_MILLIS); } } previousActiveChapterIndex = activeChapterIndex; } if (state == State.selectVerse) { final Book book = books[activeBookIndex]; final int verse_count = book.verse_counts[activeChapterIndex]; if (itemIndex < 0 || itemIndex >= verse_count) { activeVerseIndex = -1; } else { activeVerseIndex = itemIndex; } } invalidate(); } public void onDragComplete(final float x, final float y) { complete(); removeCallbacks(checkLongPressBook); removeCallbacks(checkLongPressChapter); this.books = null; // prevent holding of memory this.state = State.idle; } void commitBook() { if (activeBookIndex == -1) { // do nothing, user hasn't selected a book return; } final Book book = books[activeBookIndex]; if (book.chapter_count == 1) { // Handle books with single chapter (e.g. Jude and many more): // Set chapter to 0 (first chapter) and immediately go to verse selection activeChapterIndex = 0; state = State.selectVerse; invalidate(); } else { state = State.selectChapter; invalidate(); } } void commitChapter() { if (activeChapterIndex == -1) { // do nothing, user hasn't selected a chapter return; } state = State.selectVerse; invalidate(); } public void show(int bookId, int chapter_1) { this.currentBookId = bookId; this.currentChapter_1 = chapter_1; setVisibility(VISIBLE); } public void hide() { setVisibility(GONE); } void complete() { if (state == State.selectBook) { if (activeBookIndex != -1) { final Book book = books[activeBookIndex]; listener.onSelectComplete(Ari.encode(book.bookId, 1, 0)); } } if (state == State.selectChapter) { if (activeBookIndex != -1 && activeChapterIndex != -1) { final Book book = books[activeBookIndex]; listener.onSelectComplete(Ari.encode(book.bookId, activeChapterIndex + 1, 0)); } } if (state == State.selectVerse) { if (activeBookIndex != -1 && activeChapterIndex != -1 && activeVerseIndex != -1) { final Book book = books[activeBookIndex]; listener.onSelectComplete(Ari.encode(book.bookId, activeChapterIndex + 1, activeVerseIndex + 1)); } } } public void setListener(final Listener listener) { this.listener = listener; } }