package yuku.alkitab.base.cp; import android.content.ContentProvider; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.UriMatcher; import; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.MatrixCursor; import; import android.util.Log; import yuku.alkitab.base.S; import yuku.alkitab.base.U; import yuku.alkitab.base.config.AppConfig; import yuku.alkitab.base.model.MVersionDb; import yuku.alkitab.base.util.LidToAri; import yuku.alkitab.model.Book; import yuku.alkitab.model.SingleChapterVerses; import yuku.alkitab.util.Ari; import yuku.alkitab.util.IntArrayList; import yuku.alkitabintegration.provider.VerseProvider; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Locale; public class Provider extends ContentProvider { public static final String TAG = Provider.class.getSimpleName(); private static final int PATHID_bible_verses_single_by_lid = 1; private static final int PATHID_bible_verses_single_by_ari = 2; private static final int PATHID_bible_verses_range_by_lid = 3; private static final int PATHID_bible_verses_range_by_ari = 4; private static final int PATHID_bible_versions = 5; private static UriMatcher uriMatcher; @Override public void attachInfo(final Context context, final ProviderInfo info) { super.attachInfo(context, info); final String authority = info.authority; if (uriMatcher == null) { uriMatcher = new UriMatcher(UriMatcher.NO_MATCH); uriMatcher.addURI(authority, VerseProvider.PATH_bible_verses_single_by_lid + "#", PATHID_bible_verses_single_by_lid); uriMatcher.addURI(authority, VerseProvider.PATH_bible_verses_single_by_ari + "#", PATHID_bible_verses_single_by_ari); uriMatcher.addURI(authority, VerseProvider.PATH_bible_verses_range_by_lid + "*", PATHID_bible_verses_range_by_lid); uriMatcher.addURI(authority, VerseProvider.PATH_bible_verses_range_by_ari + "*", PATHID_bible_verses_range_by_ari); uriMatcher.addURI(authority, "bible/versions", PATHID_bible_versions); } } @Override public boolean onCreate() { Log.d(TAG, "@@onCreate"); yuku.afw.App.initWithAppContext(getContext().getApplicationContext()); yuku.alkitab.base.App.staticInit(); return true; } @Override public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder) { Log.d(TAG, "@@query uri=" + uri + " projection=" + Arrays.toString(projection) + " selection=" + selection + " args=" + Arrays.toString(selectionArgs) + " sortOrder=" + sortOrder); int uriMatch = uriMatcher.match(uri); Log.d(TAG, "uriMatch=" + uriMatch); String formatting_s = uri.getQueryParameter("formatting"); boolean formatting = parseBoolean(formatting_s); Cursor res; switch (uriMatch) { case PATHID_bible_verses_single_by_lid: { res = getCursorForSingleVerseLid(Ari.parseInt(uri.getLastPathSegment(), Integer.MIN_VALUE), formatting); } break; case PATHID_bible_verses_single_by_ari: { res = getCursorForSingleVerseAri(Ari.parseInt(uri.getLastPathSegment(), Integer.MIN_VALUE), formatting); } break; case PATHID_bible_verses_range_by_lid: { String range = uri.getLastPathSegment(); IntArrayList lids = decodeLidRange(range); res = getCursorForRangeVerseLid(lids, formatting); } break; case PATHID_bible_verses_range_by_ari: { String range = uri.getLastPathSegment(); IntArrayList aris = decodeAriRange(range); res = getCursorForRangeVerseAri(aris, formatting); } break; case PATHID_bible_versions: { res = getCursorForBibleVersions(); } break; default: { res = null; } break; } Log.d(TAG, "returning " + (res == null? "null": "cursor with " + res.getCount() + " rows")); return res; } /** * @return [start, end, start, end, ...] */ private IntArrayList decodeLidRange(String range) { IntArrayList res = new IntArrayList(); String[] splits = range.split(","); for (String split: splits) { int start, end; if (split.indexOf('-') != -1) { String[] startEnd = split.split("-", 2); start = Ari.parseInt(startEnd[0], Integer.MIN_VALUE); end = Ari.parseInt(startEnd[1], Integer.MIN_VALUE); } else { start = end = Ari.parseInt(split, Integer.MIN_VALUE); } if (start != Integer.MIN_VALUE && end != Integer.MIN_VALUE) { res.add(start); res.add(end); } } return res; } /** * Also supports verse 0 for the whole chapter (0xbbcc00) * * @return [start, end, start, end, ...] */ private IntArrayList decodeAriRange(String range) { IntArrayList res = new IntArrayList(); String[] splits = range.split(","); for (String split: splits) { int start, end; if (split.indexOf('-') != -1) { String[] startEnd = split.split("-", 2); start = Ari.parseInt(startEnd[0], Integer.MIN_VALUE); end = Ari.parseInt(startEnd[1], Integer.MIN_VALUE); } else { start = end = Ari.parseInt(split, Integer.MIN_VALUE); } if (start != Integer.MIN_VALUE && end != Integer.MIN_VALUE) { start &= 0xffffff; end &= 0xffffff; if (start == end && Ari.toVerse(start) == 0) { // case: 0xXXYY00 - 0xXXYY00 (whole single chapter) res.add(start | 0x01); res.add(start | 0xff); } else if (end >= start) { if (Ari.toVerse(start) == 0) { start = start | 0x01; } if (Ari.toVerse(end) == 0) { end = end | 0xff; } res.add(start); res.add(end); } } } return res; } private Cursor getCursorForSingleVerseLid(int lid, boolean formatting) { int ari = LidToAri.lidToAri(lid); return getCursorForSingleVerseAri(ari, formatting); } private Cursor getCursorForSingleVerseAri(int ari, boolean formatting) { MatrixCursor res = new MatrixCursor(new String[] {"_id", VerseProvider.COLUMN_ari, VerseProvider.COLUMN_bookName, VerseProvider.COLUMN_text}); Log.d(TAG, "getting ari 0x" + Integer.toHexString(ari)); if (ari != Integer.MIN_VALUE && ari != 0) { Book book = S.activeVersion.getBook(Ari.toBook(ari)); if (book != null) { String text = S.activeVersion.loadVerseText(ari); if (text != null) { if (!formatting) { text = U.removeSpecialCodes(text); } res.addRow(new Object[]{1, ari, book.shortName, text}); } } } return res; } private Cursor getCursorForRangeVerseLid(IntArrayList lids, boolean formatting) { IntArrayList aris = new IntArrayList(lids.size()); for (int i = 0, len = lids.size(); i < len; i+=2) { int lid_start = lids.get(i); int lid_end = lids.get(i + 1); int ari_start = LidToAri.lidToAri(lid_start); int ari_end = LidToAri.lidToAri(lid_end); aris.add(ari_start); aris.add(ari_end); } return getCursorForRangeVerseAri(aris, formatting); } private Cursor getCursorForRangeVerseAri(IntArrayList ariRanges, boolean formatting) { MatrixCursor res = new MatrixCursor(new String[] {"_id", VerseProvider.COLUMN_ari, VerseProvider.COLUMN_bookName, VerseProvider.COLUMN_text}); int c = 0; for (int i = 0, len = ariRanges.size(); i < len; i+=2) { int ari_start = ariRanges.get(i); int ari_end = ariRanges.get(i + 1); if (ari_start == 0 || ari_end == 0) { continue; } if (ari_start == ari_end) { // case: single verse //noinspection UnnecessaryLocalVariable int ari = ari_start; Book book = S.activeVersion.getBook(Ari.toBook(ari)); if (book != null) { String text = S.activeVersion.loadVerseText(ari); if (!formatting) { text = U.removeSpecialCodes(text); } res.addRow(new Object[] {++c, ari, book.shortName, text}); } } else { int ari_start_bc = Ari.toBookChapter(ari_start); int ari_end_bc = Ari.toBookChapter(ari_end); if (ari_start_bc == ari_end_bc) { // case: multiple verses in the same chapter Book book = S.activeVersion.getBook(Ari.toBook(ari_start)); if (book != null) { c += resultForOneChapter(res, book, c, ari_start_bc, Ari.toVerse(ari_start), Ari.toVerse(ari_end), formatting); } } else { // case: multiple verses in different chapters for (int ari_bc = ari_start_bc; ari_bc <= ari_end_bc; ari_bc += 0x0100) { Book book = S.activeVersion.getBook(Ari.toBook(ari_bc)); int chapter_1 = Ari.toChapter(ari_bc); if (book == null || chapter_1 <= 0 || chapter_1 > book.chapter_count) { continue; } if (ari_bc == ari_start_bc) { // we're at the first requested chapter c += resultForOneChapter(res, book, c, ari_bc, Ari.toVerse(ari_start), 0xff, formatting); } else if (ari_bc == ari_end_bc) { // we're at the last requested chapter c += resultForOneChapter(res, book, c, ari_bc, 0x01, Ari.toVerse(ari_end), formatting); } else { // we're at the middle, request all verses! c += resultForOneChapter(res, book, c, ari_bc, 0x01, 0xff, formatting); } } } } } return res; } /** * @return number of verses put into the cursor */ private int resultForOneChapter(MatrixCursor cursor, Book book, int last_c, int ari_bc, int v_1_start, int v_1_end, boolean formatting) { final SingleChapterVerses verses = S.activeVersion.loadChapterText(book, Ari.toChapter(ari_bc)); if (verses == null) { return 0; } int count = 0; for (int v_1 = v_1_start; v_1 <= v_1_end; v_1++) { final int v_0 = v_1 - 1; if (v_0 < verses.getVerseCount()) { int ari = ari_bc | v_1; String text = verses.getVerse(v_0); if (!formatting) { text = U.removeSpecialCodes(text); } count++; cursor.addRow(new Object[] {last_c + count, ari, book.shortName, text}); } else { // we're done with this chapter, no need to loop again break; } } return count; } private Cursor getCursorForBibleVersions() { MatrixCursor res = new MatrixCursor(new String[] {"_id", "type", "available", "shortName", "longName", "description"}); final AppConfig ac = AppConfig.get(); long _id = 0; { // internal res.addRow(new Object[] {++_id, "internal", 1, ac.internalShortName, ac.internalLongName, ac.internalLongName}); } { // database versions for (MVersionDb mvDb: S.getDb().listAllVersions()) { res.addRow(new Object[]{++_id, "yes", mvDb.hasDataFile() ? 1 : 0, mvDb.shortName != null ? mvDb.shortName : mvDb.longName, mvDb.longName, mvDb.description}); } } return res; } private static boolean parseBoolean(String s) { if (s == null) return false; if (s.equals("0")) return false; if (s.equals("1")) return true; if (s.equals("false")) return false; if (s.equals("true")) return true; s = s.toLowerCase(Locale.US); if (s.equals("false")) return false; if (s.equals("true")) return true; if (s.equals("no")) return false; if (s.equals("yes")) return true; int n = Ari.parseInt(s, Integer.MIN_VALUE); if (n == 0) return false; if (n != Integer.MIN_VALUE) return true; return false; } @Override public String getType(Uri uri) { return null; } @Override public Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues values) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public int delete(Uri uri, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public int update(Uri uri, ContentValues values, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }