package; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.DatabaseUtils; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement; import android.os.Build; import android.provider.BaseColumns; import; import; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Pair; import; import gnu.trove.set.TIntSet; import gnu.trove.set.hash.TIntHashSet; import yuku.afw.D; import; import yuku.alkitab.base.App; import yuku.alkitab.base.U; import; import; import yuku.alkitab.base.devotion.ArticleMeidA; import yuku.alkitab.base.devotion.ArticleMorningEveningEnglish; import yuku.alkitab.base.devotion.ArticleRenunganHarian; import yuku.alkitab.base.devotion.ArticleRoc; import yuku.alkitab.base.devotion.ArticleSantapanHarian; import yuku.alkitab.base.devotion.DevotionArticle; import yuku.alkitab.base.model.MVersion; import yuku.alkitab.base.model.MVersionDb; import yuku.alkitab.base.model.MVersionInternal; import yuku.alkitab.base.model.PerVersionSettings; import yuku.alkitab.base.model.ReadingPlan; import yuku.alkitab.base.model.SyncLog; import yuku.alkitab.base.model.SyncShadow; import yuku.alkitab.base.sync.Sync; import yuku.alkitab.base.sync.SyncAdapter; import yuku.alkitab.base.sync.SyncRecorder; import yuku.alkitab.base.sync.Sync_Mabel; import yuku.alkitab.base.sync.Sync_Pins; import yuku.alkitab.base.sync.Sync_Rp; import yuku.alkitab.base.util.Highlights; import yuku.alkitab.base.util.Sqlitil; import yuku.alkitab.debug.BuildConfig; import yuku.alkitab.model.Label; import yuku.alkitab.model.Marker; import yuku.alkitab.model.Marker_Label; import yuku.alkitab.model.ProgressMark; import yuku.alkitab.model.ProgressMarkHistory; import yuku.alkitab.util.Ari; import yuku.alkitab.util.IntArrayList; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import static yuku.alkitab.base.util.Literals.Array; import static yuku.alkitab.base.util.Literals.ToStringArray; @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) public class InternalDb { public static final String TAG = InternalDb.class.getSimpleName(); private final InternalDbHelper helper; public InternalDb(InternalDbHelper helper) { this.helper = helper; } /** * _id is not stored */ private static ContentValues markerToContentValues(final Marker marker) { final ContentValues res = new ContentValues(); res.put(Db.Marker.ari, marker.ari); res.put(Db.Marker.gid, marker.gid); res.put(Db.Marker.kind, marker.kind.code); res.put(Db.Marker.caption, marker.caption); res.put(Db.Marker.verseCount, marker.verseCount); res.put(Db.Marker.createTime, Sqlitil.toInt(marker.createTime)); res.put(Db.Marker.modifyTime, Sqlitil.toInt(marker.modifyTime)); return res; } public static Marker markerFromCursor(Cursor cursor) { final Marker res = Marker.createEmptyMarker(); res._id = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("_id")); res.gid = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.Marker.gid)); res.ari = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.Marker.ari)); res.kind = Marker.Kind.fromCode(cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.Marker.kind))); res.caption = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.Marker.caption)); res.verseCount = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.Marker.verseCount)); res.createTime = Sqlitil.toDate(cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.Marker.createTime))); res.modifyTime = Sqlitil.toDate(cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.Marker.modifyTime))); return res; } private static Marker_Label marker_LabelFromCursor(Cursor cursor) { final Marker_Label res = Marker_Label.createEmptyMarker_Label(); res._id = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("_id")); res.gid = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.Marker_Label.gid)); res.marker_gid = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.Marker_Label.marker_gid)); res.label_gid = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.Marker_Label.label_gid)); return res; } public Marker getMarkerById(long _id) { Cursor cursor = helper.getReadableDatabase().query( Db.TABLE_Marker, null, "_id=?", new String[]{String.valueOf(_id)}, null, null, null ); try { if (!cursor.moveToNext()) return null; return markerFromCursor(cursor); } finally { cursor.close(); } } @Nullable public Marker getMarkerByGid(@NonNull final String gid) { final Cursor cursor = helper.getReadableDatabase().query(Db.TABLE_Marker, null, Db.Marker.gid + "=?", Array(gid), null, null, null); try { if (!cursor.moveToNext()) return null; return markerFromCursor(cursor); } finally { cursor.close(); } } /** * Ordered by modified time, the newest is first. */ public List<Marker> listMarkersForAriKind(final int ari, final Marker.Kind kind) { final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getReadableDatabase(); final Cursor c = db.query(Db.TABLE_Marker, null, Db.Marker.ari + "=? and " + Db.Marker.kind + "=?", ToStringArray(ari, kind.code), null, null, Db.Marker.modifyTime + " desc", null); try { final List<Marker> res = new ArrayList<>(); while (c.moveToNext()) { res.add(markerFromCursor(c)); } return res; } finally { c.close(); } } /** * Insert a new marker or update an existing marker. * @param marker if the _id is 0, this marker will be inserted. Otherwise, updated. */ public void insertOrUpdateMarker(@NonNull final Marker marker) { final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); if (marker._id != 0) { db.update(Db.TABLE_Marker, markerToContentValues(marker), "_id=?", Array(String.valueOf(marker._id))); } else { marker._id = db.insert(Db.TABLE_Marker, null, markerToContentValues(marker)); } Sync.notifySyncNeeded(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_MABEL); } public Marker insertMarker(int ari, Marker.Kind kind, String caption, int verseCount, Date createTime, Date modifyTime) { final Marker res = Marker.createNewMarker(ari, kind, caption, verseCount, createTime, modifyTime); final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); res._id = db.insert(Db.TABLE_Marker, null, markerToContentValues(res)); Sync.notifySyncNeeded(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_MABEL); return res; } /** Used in migration from v3 */ public static long insertMarker(final SQLiteDatabase db, final Marker marker) { marker._id = db.insert(Db.TABLE_Marker, null, markerToContentValues(marker)); Sync.notifySyncNeeded(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_MABEL); return marker._id; } public void deleteMarkerById(long _id) { final Marker marker = getMarkerById(_id); final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransactionNonExclusive(); try { db.delete(Db.TABLE_Marker_Label, Db.Marker_Label.marker_gid + "=?", new String[]{marker.gid}); db.delete(Db.TABLE_Marker, "_id=?", new String[]{String.valueOf(_id)}); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } Sync.notifySyncNeeded(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_MABEL); } public void deleteNonBookmarkMarkerById(long _id) { SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); db.delete(Db.TABLE_Marker, "_id=?", new String[]{String.valueOf(_id)}); Sync.notifySyncNeeded(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_MABEL); } public List<Marker> listMarkers(Marker.Kind kind, long label_id, String sortColumn, boolean sortAscending) { final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getReadableDatabase(); final String sortClause = sortColumn + (Db.Marker.caption.equals(sortColumn)? " collate NOCASE ": "") + (sortAscending? " asc": " desc"); final List<Marker> res = new ArrayList<>(); final Cursor c; if (label_id == 0) { // no restrictions c = db.query(Db.TABLE_Marker, null, Db.Marker.kind + "=?", new String[]{String.valueOf(kind.code)}, null, null, sortClause); } else if (label_id == MarkerListActivity.LABELID_noLabel) { // only without label c = db.rawQuery("select " + Db.TABLE_Marker + ".* from " + Db.TABLE_Marker + " where " + Db.TABLE_Marker + "." + Db.Marker.kind + "=? and " + Db.TABLE_Marker + "." + Db.Marker.gid + " not in (select distinct " + Db.Marker_Label.marker_gid + " from " + Db.TABLE_Marker_Label + ") order by " + Db.TABLE_Marker + "." + sortClause, new String[] {String.valueOf(kind.code)}); } else { // filter by label_id final Label label = getLabelById(label_id); c = db.rawQuery("select " + Db.TABLE_Marker + ".* from " + Db.TABLE_Marker + ", " + Db.TABLE_Marker_Label + " where " + Db.Marker.kind + "=? and " + Db.TABLE_Marker + "." + Db.Marker.gid + " = " + Db.TABLE_Marker_Label + "." + Db.Marker_Label.marker_gid + " and " + Db.TABLE_Marker_Label + "." + Db.Marker_Label.label_gid + "=? order by " + Db.TABLE_Marker + "." + sortClause, new String[]{String.valueOf(kind.code), label.gid}); } try { while (c.moveToNext()) { res.add(markerFromCursor(c)); } } finally { c.close(); } return res; } public List<Marker> listAllMarkers() { final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getReadableDatabase(); final Cursor c = db.query(Db.TABLE_Marker, null, null, null, null, null, null); final List<Marker> res = new ArrayList<>(); try { while (c.moveToNext()) { res.add(markerFromCursor(c)); } } finally { c.close(); } return res; } private SQLiteStatement stmt_countMarkersForBookChapter = null; public int countMarkersForBookChapter(int ari_bookchapter) { final int ariMin = ari_bookchapter & 0x00ffff00; final int ariMax = ari_bookchapter | 0x000000ff; if (stmt_countMarkersForBookChapter == null) { stmt_countMarkersForBookChapter = helper.getReadableDatabase().compileStatement("select count(*) from " + Db.TABLE_Marker + " where " + Db.Marker.ari + ">=? and " + Db.Marker.ari + "<?"); } stmt_countMarkersForBookChapter.bindLong(1, ariMin); stmt_countMarkersForBookChapter.bindLong(2, ariMax); return (int) stmt_countMarkersForBookChapter.simpleQueryForLong(); } /** * Put attributes (bookmark count, note count, and highlight color) for each verse. */ public void putAttributes(final int ari_bookchapter, final int[] bookmarkCountMap, final int[] noteCountMap, final Highlights.Info[] highlightColorMap) { final int ariMin = ari_bookchapter & 0x00ffff00; final int ariMax = ari_bookchapter | 0x000000ff; final String[] params = { String.valueOf(ariMin), String.valueOf(ariMax), }; // order by modifyTime, so in case a verse has more than one highlight, the latest one is shown final Cursor cursor = helper.getReadableDatabase().rawQuery("select * from " + Db.TABLE_Marker + " where " + Db.Marker.ari + ">=? and " + Db.Marker.ari + "<? order by " + Db.Marker.modifyTime, params); try { final int col_kind = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.Marker.kind); final int col_ari = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.Marker.ari); final int col_caption = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.Marker.caption); final int col_verseCount = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.Marker.verseCount); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { final int ari = cursor.getInt(col_ari); final int kind = cursor.getInt(col_kind); int mapOffset = Ari.toVerse(ari) - 1; if (mapOffset >= bookmarkCountMap.length) { Log.e(TAG, "mapOffset too many " + mapOffset + " happens on ari 0x" + Integer.toHexString(ari)); continue; } if (kind == Marker.Kind.bookmark.code) { bookmarkCountMap[mapOffset] += 1; } else if (kind == Marker.Kind.note.code) { noteCountMap[mapOffset] += 1; } else if (kind == Marker.Kind.highlight.code) { // traverse as far as verseCount final int verseCount = cursor.getInt(col_verseCount); for (int i = 0; i < verseCount; i++) { int mapOffset2 = mapOffset + i; if (mapOffset2 >= highlightColorMap.length) break; // do not go past number of verses in this chapter final String caption = cursor.getString(col_caption); final Highlights.Info info = Highlights.decode(caption); highlightColorMap[mapOffset2] = info; } } } } finally { cursor.close(); } } /** * @param colorRgb may NOT be -1. Use {@link #updateOrInsertHighlights(int, IntArrayList, int)} to delete highlight. */ public void updateOrInsertPartialHighlight(final int ari, final int colorRgb, final CharSequence verseText, final int startOffset, final int endOffset) { final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransactionNonExclusive(); try { // order by modifyTime desc so we modify the latest one and remove earlier ones if they exist. final Cursor c = db.query(Db.TABLE_Marker, null, Db.Marker.ari + "=? and " + Db.Marker.kind + "=?", ToStringArray(ari, Marker.Kind.highlight.code), null, null, Db.Marker.modifyTime + " desc"); try { final int hashCode = Highlights.hashCode(verseText.toString()); final Date now = new Date(); if (c.moveToNext()) { // check if marker exists { // modify the latest one final Marker marker = markerFromCursor(c); marker.modifyTime = now; marker.caption = Highlights.encode(colorRgb, hashCode, startOffset, endOffset); db.update(Db.TABLE_Marker, markerToContentValues(marker), "_id=?", ToStringArray(marker._id)); } // remove earlier ones if they exist (caused by sync) while (c.moveToNext()) { final long _id = c.getLong(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("_id")); db.delete(Db.TABLE_Marker, "_id=?", ToStringArray(_id)); } } else { // insert final Marker marker = Marker.createNewMarker(ari, Marker.Kind.highlight, Highlights.encode(colorRgb, hashCode, startOffset, endOffset), 1, now, now); db.insert(Db.TABLE_Marker, null, markerToContentValues(marker)); } } finally { c.close(); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } Sync.notifySyncNeeded(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_MABEL); } public void updateOrInsertHighlights(int ari_bookchapter, IntArrayList selectedVerses_1, int colorRgb) { final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransactionNonExclusive(); try { final String[] params = ToStringArray(null /* for the ari */, Marker.Kind.highlight.code); // every requested verses for (int i = 0; i < selectedVerses_1.size(); i++) { final int ari = Ari.encodeWithBc(ari_bookchapter, selectedVerses_1.get(i)); params[0] = String.valueOf(ari); // order by modifyTime desc so we modify the latest one and remove earlier ones if they exist. final Cursor c = db.query(Db.TABLE_Marker, null, Db.Marker.ari + "=? and " + Db.Marker.kind + "=?", params, null, null, Db.Marker.modifyTime + " desc"); try { if (c.moveToNext()) { // check if marker exists { // modify the latest one final Marker marker = markerFromCursor(c); marker.modifyTime = new Date(); if (colorRgb != -1) { marker.caption = Highlights.encode(colorRgb); db.update(Db.TABLE_Marker, markerToContentValues(marker), "_id=?", ToStringArray(marker._id)); } else { // delete entry db.delete(Db.TABLE_Marker, "_id=?", ToStringArray(marker._id)); } } // remove earlier ones if they exist (caused by sync) while (c.moveToNext()) { final long _id = c.getLong(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("_id")); db.delete(Db.TABLE_Marker, "_id=?", ToStringArray(_id)); } } else { if (colorRgb == -1) { // no need to do, from no color to no color } else { final Date now = new Date(); final Marker marker = Marker.createNewMarker(ari, Marker.Kind.highlight, Highlights.encode(colorRgb), 1, now, now); db.insert(Db.TABLE_Marker, null, markerToContentValues(marker)); } } } finally { c.close(); } } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } Sync.notifySyncNeeded(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_MABEL); } /** * Get the highlight color rgb of several verses. * @return the color rgb or -1 if there are multiple colors. */ public int getHighlightColorRgb(int ari_bookchapter, IntArrayList selectedVerses_1) { int ariMin = ari_bookchapter & 0xffffff00; int ariMax = ari_bookchapter | 0x000000ff; int[] colors = new int[256]; int res = -2; for (int i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) colors[i] = -1; // check if exists final Cursor c = helper.getReadableDatabase().query( Db.TABLE_Marker, null, Db.Marker.ari + ">? and " + Db.Marker.ari + "<=? and " + Db.Marker.kind + "=?", new String[]{String.valueOf(ariMin), String.valueOf(ariMax), String.valueOf(Marker.Kind.highlight.code)}, null, null, null ); try { final int col_ari = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.Marker.ari); final int col_caption = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.Marker.caption); // put to array first while (c.moveToNext()) { int ari = c.getInt(col_ari); int index = ari & 0xff; final Highlights.Info info = Highlights.decode(c.getString(col_caption)); colors[index] = info.colorRgb; } // determine default color. If all has color x, then it's x. If one of them is not x, then it's -1. for (int i = 0; i < selectedVerses_1.size(); i++) { int verse_1 = selectedVerses_1.get(i); int color = colors[verse_1]; if (res == -2) { res = color; } else if (color != res) { return -1; } } if (res == -2) return -1; return res; } finally { c.close(); } } /** * Get the highlight info for a single verse */ public Highlights.Info getHighlightColorRgb(final int ari) { try (Cursor c = helper.getReadableDatabase().query( Db.TABLE_Marker, null, Db.Marker.ari + "=? and " + Db.Marker.kind + "=?", ToStringArray(ari, Marker.Kind.highlight.code), null, null, Db.Marker.modifyTime + " desc" )) { final int col_caption = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.Marker.caption); // put to array first if (c.moveToNext()) { return Highlights.decode(c.getString(col_caption)); } else { return null; } } } public void storeArticleToDevotions(DevotionArticle article) { final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); final ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(, article.getKind().name); values.put(, article.getDate()); values.put(, article.getReadyToUse() ? 1 : 0); if (article.getReadyToUse()) { values.put(, article.getBody()); } else { values.putNull(; } values.put(, Sqlitil.nowDateTime()); values.put(, 1); db.beginTransactionNonExclusive(); try { // first delete the existing db.delete(Table.Devotion.tableName(), + "=? and " + + "=?", new String[]{article.getKind().name, article.getDate()}); db.insert(Table.Devotion.tableName(), null, values); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } } public int deleteDevotionsWithTouchTimeBefore(Date date) { final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); return db.delete(Table.Devotion.tableName(), Table.Devotion.touchTime + "<?", ToStringArray(Sqlitil.toInt(date))); } /** * Try to get article from local db. Non ready-to-use article will be returned too. */ public DevotionArticle tryGetDevotion(String name, String date) { try (Cursor c = helper.getReadableDatabase().query(Table.Devotion.tableName(), null, + "=? and " + + "=? and " + Table.Devotion.dataFormatVersion + "=?", ToStringArray(name, date, 1), null, null, null)) { final int col_body = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(; final int col_readyToUse = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(; if (!c.moveToNext()) { return null; } final DevotionActivity.DevotionKind kind = DevotionActivity.DevotionKind.getByName(name); switch (kind) { case RH: { return new ArticleRenunganHarian(date, c.getString(col_body), c.getInt(col_readyToUse) > 0); } case SH: { return new ArticleSantapanHarian(date, c.getString(col_body), c.getInt(col_readyToUse) > 0); } case ME_EN: { return new ArticleMorningEveningEnglish(date, c.getString(col_body), true); } case MEID_A: { return new ArticleMeidA(date, c.getString(col_body), c.getInt(col_readyToUse) > 0); } case ROC: { return new ArticleRoc(date, c.getString(col_body), c.getInt(col_readyToUse) > 0); } } } throw new RuntimeException("Should not be reachable"); } public List<MVersionDb> listAllVersions() { List<MVersionDb> res = new ArrayList<>(); Cursor cursor = helper.getReadableDatabase().query(Db.TABLE_Version, null, null, null, null, null, Db.Version.ordering + " asc"); try { int col_locale = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.Version.locale); int col_shortName = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.Version.shortName); int col_longName = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.Version.longName); int col_description = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.Version.description); int col_filename = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.Version.filename); int col_preset_name = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.Version.preset_name); int col_modifyTime = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.Version.modifyTime); int col_active = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(; int col_ordering = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.Version.ordering); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { final MVersionDb mv = new MVersionDb(); mv.locale = cursor.getString(col_locale); mv.shortName = cursor.getString(col_shortName); mv.longName = cursor.getString(col_longName); mv.description = cursor.getString(col_description); mv.filename = cursor.getString(col_filename); mv.preset_name = cursor.getString(col_preset_name); mv.modifyTime = cursor.getInt(col_modifyTime); mv.cache_active = cursor.getInt(col_active) != 0; mv.ordering = cursor.getInt(col_ordering); res.add(mv); } } finally { cursor.close(); } return res; } public void setVersionActive(MVersionDb mv, boolean active) { final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(, active ? 1 : 0); if (mv.preset_name != null) { db.update(Db.TABLE_Version, cv, Db.Version.preset_name + "=?", new String[] {mv.preset_name}); } else { db.update(Db.TABLE_Version, cv, Db.Version.filename + "=?", new String[] {mv.filename}); } } public int getVersionMaxOrdering() { final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getReadableDatabase(); return (int) DatabaseUtils.longForQuery(db, "select max(" + Db.Version.ordering + ") from " + Db.TABLE_Version, null); } /** * If the filename of the inserted mv already exists in the table, * update is performed instead of an insert. * In that case, the mv.ordering will be changed to the one in the table, * and the passed-in mv.ordering will not be used. */ public void insertOrUpdateVersionWithActive(MVersionDb mv, boolean active) { final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(Db.Version.locale, mv.locale); cv.put(Db.Version.shortName, mv.shortName); cv.put(Db.Version.longName, mv.longName); cv.put(Db.Version.description, mv.description); cv.put(Db.Version.filename, mv.filename); cv.put(Db.Version.preset_name, mv.preset_name); cv.put(Db.Version.modifyTime, mv.modifyTime); cv.put(, active); // special cv.put(Db.Version.ordering, mv.ordering); db.beginTransactionNonExclusive(); try { // prevent insert for the same filename (absolute path), update instead try (Cursor c = db.query(Db.TABLE_Version, Array("_id", Db.Version.ordering), Db.Version.filename + "=?", Array(mv.filename), null, null, null)) { if (c.moveToNext()) { final long _id = c.getLong(0); final int ordering = c.getInt(1); mv.ordering = ordering; cv.put(Db.Version.ordering, ordering); db.update(Db.TABLE_Version, cv, "_id=?", ToStringArray(_id)); } else { db.insert(Db.TABLE_Version, null, cv); } } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } } public void deleteVersion(MVersionDb mv) { final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); // delete preset by preset_name if (mv.preset_name != null) { final int deleted = db.delete(Db.TABLE_Version, Db.Version.preset_name + "=?", new String[]{mv.preset_name}); if (deleted > 0) { return; // finished! if not, we fallback to filename } } db.delete(Db.TABLE_Version, Db.Version.filename + "=?", new String[]{mv.filename}); } public List<Label> listAllLabels() { List<Label> res = new ArrayList<>(); Cursor cursor = helper.getReadableDatabase().query(Db.TABLE_Label, null, null, null, null, null, Db.Label.ordering + " asc"); try { while (cursor.moveToNext()) { res.add(labelFromCursor(cursor)); } } finally { cursor.close(); } return res; } public List<Marker_Label> listAllMarker_Labels() { final List<Marker_Label> res = new ArrayList<>(); final Cursor cursor = helper.getReadableDatabase().query(Db.TABLE_Marker_Label, null, null, null, null, null, null); try { while (cursor.moveToNext()) { res.add(marker_LabelFromCursor(cursor)); } } finally { cursor.close(); } return res; } public List<Marker_Label> listMarker_LabelsByMarker(final Marker marker) { final List<Marker_Label> res = new ArrayList<>(); final Cursor cursor = helper.getReadableDatabase().query(Db.TABLE_Marker_Label, null, Db.Marker_Label.marker_gid + "=?", ToStringArray(marker.gid), null, null, null); try { while (cursor.moveToNext()) { res.add(marker_LabelFromCursor(cursor)); } } finally { cursor.close(); } return res; } public List<Label> listLabelsByMarker(final Marker marker) { final List<Label> res = new ArrayList<>(); final Cursor cursor = helper.getReadableDatabase().rawQuery("select " + Db.TABLE_Label + ".* from " + Db.TABLE_Label + ", " + Db.TABLE_Marker_Label + " where " + Db.TABLE_Marker_Label + "." + Db.Marker_Label.label_gid + " = " + Db.TABLE_Label + "." + Db.Label.gid + " and " + Db.TABLE_Marker_Label + "." + Db.Marker_Label.marker_gid + "=? order by " + Db.TABLE_Label + "." + Db.Label.ordering + " asc", Array(marker.gid)); try { while (cursor.moveToNext()) { res.add(labelFromCursor(cursor)); } } finally { cursor.close(); } return res; } public static Label labelFromCursor(Cursor c) { final Label res = Label.createEmptyLabel(); res._id = c.getLong(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("_id")); res.gid = c.getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.Label.gid)); res.title = c.getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.Label.title)); res.ordering = c.getInt(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.Label.ordering)); res.backgroundColor = c.getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.Label.backgroundColor)); return res; } /** * _id is not stored */ private static ContentValues labelToContentValues(Label label) { final ContentValues res = new ContentValues(); res.put(Db.Label.gid, label.gid); res.put(Db.Label.title, label.title); res.put(Db.Label.ordering, label.ordering); res.put(Db.Label.backgroundColor, label.backgroundColor); return res; } /** * _id is not stored */ @NonNull private static ContentValues marker_labelToContentValues(@NonNull Marker_Label marker_label) { final ContentValues res = new ContentValues(); res.put(Db.Marker_Label.gid, marker_label.gid); res.put(Db.Marker_Label.marker_gid, marker_label.marker_gid); res.put(Db.Marker_Label.label_gid, marker_label.label_gid); return res; } public int getLabelMaxOrdering() { SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getReadableDatabase(); SQLiteStatement stmt = db.compileStatement("select max(" + Db.Label.ordering + ") from " + Db.TABLE_Label); try { return (int) stmt.simpleQueryForLong(); } finally { stmt.close(); } } public Label insertLabel(String title, String bgColor) { final Label res = Label.createNewLabel(title, getLabelMaxOrdering() + 1, bgColor); final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); res._id = db.insert(Db.TABLE_Label, null, labelToContentValues(res)); Sync.notifySyncNeeded(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_MABEL); return res; } public void updateLabels(final Marker marker, final Set<Label> newLabels) { final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransactionNonExclusive(); try { final List<Marker_Label> oldMls = listMarker_LabelsByMarker(marker); // helper list final List<String> oldMlLabelGids = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Marker_Label oldMl : oldMls) { oldMlLabelGids.add(oldMl.label_gid); } // calculate labels to be added final List<Label> addLabels = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Label newLabel : newLabels) { if (!oldMlLabelGids.contains(newLabel.gid)) { addLabels.add(newLabel); } } // calculate marker_labels to be removed final List<Marker_Label> removeMls = new ArrayList<>(); { // helper list final List<String> newLabelGids = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Label newLabel : newLabels) { newLabelGids.add(newLabel.gid); } for (int i = 0; i < oldMls.size(); i++) { final Marker_Label oldMl = oldMls.get(i); // look for duplicate labels if (oldMlLabelGids.subList(i + 1, oldMlLabelGids.size()).contains(oldMl.label_gid)) { removeMls.add(oldMl); continue; } // if the old one is not in the new ones if (!newLabelGids.contains(oldMl.label_gid)) { removeMls.add(oldMl); } } } // remove for (final Marker_Label removeMl : removeMls) { db.delete(Db.TABLE_Marker_Label, "_id=?", ToStringArray(removeMl._id)); } // add for (final Label addLabel : addLabels) { final Marker_Label marker_label = Marker_Label.createNewMarker_Label(marker.gid, addLabel.gid); db.insert(Db.TABLE_Marker_Label, null, marker_labelToContentValues(marker_label)); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } Sync.notifySyncNeeded(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_MABEL); } public Label getLabelById(long _id) { SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor cursor = db.query(Db.TABLE_Label, null, "_id=?", new String[]{String.valueOf(_id)}, null, null, null); try { if (cursor.moveToNext()) { return labelFromCursor(cursor); } else { return null; } } finally { cursor.close(); } } @Nullable public Label getLabelByGid(@NonNull final String gid) { final Cursor cursor = helper.getReadableDatabase().query(Db.TABLE_Label, null, Db.Label.gid + "=?", Array(gid), null, null, null); try { if (!cursor.moveToNext()) return null; return labelFromCursor(cursor); } finally { cursor.close(); } } @Nullable public Marker_Label getMarker_LabelByGid(@NonNull final String gid) { final Cursor cursor = helper.getReadableDatabase().query(Db.TABLE_Marker_Label, null, Db.Marker_Label.gid + "=?", Array(gid), null, null, null); try { if (!cursor.moveToNext()) return null; return marker_LabelFromCursor(cursor); } finally { cursor.close(); } } /** This is so special: delete label and the associated marker_labels */ public void deleteLabelAndMarker_LabelsByLabelId(long _id) { final Label label = getLabelById(_id); final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransactionNonExclusive(); try { db.delete(Db.TABLE_Marker_Label, Db.Marker_Label.label_gid + "=?", new String[]{label.gid}); db.delete(Db.TABLE_Label, "_id=?", new String[]{String.valueOf(_id)}); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } Sync.notifySyncNeeded(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_MABEL); } /** * Insert a new label or update an existing label. * @param label if the _id is 0, this label will be inserted. Otherwise, updated. */ public void insertOrUpdateLabel(@NonNull final Label label) { final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); if (label._id != 0) { db.update(Db.TABLE_Label, labelToContentValues(label), "_id=?", Array(String.valueOf(label._id))); } else { label._id = db.insert(Db.TABLE_Label, null, labelToContentValues(label)); } Sync.notifySyncNeeded(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_MABEL); } /** * Insert a new marker-label association or update an existing one. * @param marker_label if the _id is 0, this label will be inserted. Otherwise, updated. */ public void insertOrUpdateMarker_Label(@NonNull final Marker_Label marker_label) { final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); if (marker_label._id != 0) { db.update(Db.TABLE_Marker_Label, marker_labelToContentValues(marker_label), "_id=?", ToStringArray(marker_label._id)); } else { marker_label._id = db.insert(Db.TABLE_Marker_Label, null, marker_labelToContentValues(marker_label)); } Sync.notifySyncNeeded(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_MABEL); } /** Used in migration from v3 */ public static long insertMarker_LabelIfNotExists(final SQLiteDatabase db, final Marker_Label marker_label) { db.beginTransactionNonExclusive(); try { final Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("select _id from " + Db.TABLE_Marker_Label + " where " + Db.Marker_Label.marker_gid + "=? and " + Db.Marker_Label.label_gid + "=?", Array(marker_label.marker_gid, marker_label.label_gid)); try { if (cursor.moveToNext()) { marker_label._id = cursor.getLong(0); } else { marker_label._id = db.insert(Db.TABLE_Marker_Label, null, marker_labelToContentValues(marker_label)); } } finally { cursor.close(); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } Sync.notifySyncNeeded(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_MABEL); return marker_label._id; } public int countMarkersWithLabel(Label label) { final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getReadableDatabase(); return (int) DatabaseUtils.longForQuery(db, "select count(*) from " + Db.TABLE_Marker_Label + " where " + Db.Marker_Label.label_gid + "=?", new String[]{label.gid}); } public void sortLabelsAlphabetically() { final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransactionNonExclusive(); try { final List<Label> labels = listAllLabels(); Collections.sort(labels, (lhs, rhs) -> { if (lhs.title == null || rhs.title == null) { return 0; } return lhs.title.compareToIgnoreCase(rhs.title); }); for (int i = 0; i < labels.size(); i++) { final Label label = labels.get(i); label.ordering = i + 1; db.update(Db.TABLE_Label, labelToContentValues(label), "_id=?", ToStringArray(label._id)); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } Sync.notifySyncNeeded(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_MABEL); } public void reorderLabels(Label from, Label to) { // original order: A101 B[102] C103 D[104] E105 // case: move up from=104 to=102: // increase ordering for (to <= ordering < from) // A101 B[103] C104 D[104] E105 // replace ordering of 'from' to 'to' // A101 B[103] C104 D[102] E105 // case: move down from=102 to=104: // decrease ordering for (from < ordering <= to) // A101 B[102] C102 D[103] E105 // replace ordering of 'from' to 'to' // A101 B[104] C102 D[103] E105 if (D.EBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "@@reorderLabels from _id=" + from._id + " ordering=" + from.ordering + " to _id=" + to._id + " ordering=" + to.ordering); } SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransactionNonExclusive(); try { if (from.ordering > to.ordering) { // move up db.execSQL("update " + Db.TABLE_Label + " set " + Db.Label.ordering + "=(" + Db.Label.ordering + "+1) where ?<=" + Db.Label.ordering + " and " + Db.Label.ordering + "<?", new Object[] {to.ordering, from.ordering}); db.execSQL("update " + Db.TABLE_Label + " set " + Db.Label.ordering + "=? where _id=?", new Object[] {to.ordering, from._id}); } else if (from.ordering < to.ordering) { // move down db.execSQL("update " + Db.TABLE_Label + " set " + Db.Label.ordering + "=(" + Db.Label.ordering + "-1) where ?<" + Db.Label.ordering + " and " + Db.Label.ordering + "<=?", new Object[] {from.ordering, to.ordering}); db.execSQL("update " + Db.TABLE_Label + " set " + Db.Label.ordering + "=? where _id=?", new Object[] {to.ordering, from._id}); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } Sync.notifySyncNeeded(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_MABEL); } public void reorderVersions(MVersion from, MVersion to) { // original order: A101 B[102] C103 D[104] E105 // case: move up from=104 to=102: // increase ordering for (to <= ordering < from) // A101 B[103] C104 D[104] E105 // replace ordering of 'from' to 'to' // A101 B[103] C104 D[102] E105 // case: move down from=102 to=104: // decrease ordering for (from < ordering <= to) // A101 B[102] C102 D[103] E105 // replace ordering of 'from' to 'to' // A101 B[104] C102 D[103] E105 if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "@@reorderVersions from id=" + from.getVersionId() + " ordering=" + from.ordering + " to id=" + to.getVersionId() + " ordering=" + to.ordering); } SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransactionNonExclusive(); try { { final int internal_ordering = Preferences.getInt(Prefkey.internal_version_ordering, MVersionInternal.DEFAULT_ORDERING); if (from.ordering > to.ordering) { // move up db.execSQL("update " + Db.TABLE_Version + " set " + Db.Version.ordering + "=(" + Db.Version.ordering + "+1) where ?<=" + Db.Version.ordering + " and " + Db.Version.ordering + "<?", new Object[]{to.ordering, from.ordering}); if (to.ordering <= internal_ordering && internal_ordering < from.ordering) { Preferences.setInt(Prefkey.internal_version_ordering, internal_ordering + 1); } } else if (from.ordering < to.ordering) { // move down db.execSQL("update " + Db.TABLE_Version + " set " + Db.Version.ordering + "=(" + Db.Version.ordering + "-1) where ?<" + Db.Version.ordering + " and " + Db.Version.ordering + "<=?", new Object[]{from.ordering, to.ordering}); if (from.ordering < internal_ordering && internal_ordering <= to.ordering) { Preferences.setInt(Prefkey.internal_version_ordering, internal_ordering - 1); } } } // both move up and move down arrives at this final step if (from instanceof MVersionDb) { db.execSQL("update " + Db.TABLE_Version + " set " + Db.Version.ordering + "=? where " + Db.Version.filename + "=?", new Object[]{to.ordering, ((MVersionDb) from).filename}); } else if (from instanceof MVersionInternal) { Preferences.setInt(Prefkey.internal_version_ordering, to.ordering); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } } /** * Lists all progress marks that are not empty. * (Empty ones will have an ari of 0. They will be excluded.) */ public List<ProgressMark> listAllProgressMarks() { final List<ProgressMark> res = new ArrayList<>(); final Cursor cursor = helper.getReadableDatabase().query(Db.TABLE_ProgressMark, null, Db.ProgressMark.ari + " != 0", null, null, null, null); try { while (cursor.moveToNext()) { res.add(progressMarkFromCursor(cursor)); } } finally { cursor.close(); } return res; } /** * Count the number of progress marks that are not empty. * (Empty ones will have an ari of 0. They will be excluded.) */ public int countAllProgressMarks() { return (int) DatabaseUtils.queryNumEntries(helper.getReadableDatabase(), Db.TABLE_ProgressMark, Db.ProgressMark.ari + " != 0"); } @Nullable public ProgressMark getProgressMarkByPresetId(final int preset_id) { Cursor cursor = helper.getReadableDatabase().query( Db.TABLE_ProgressMark, null, Db.ProgressMark.preset_id + "=?", new String[]{String.valueOf(preset_id)}, null, null, null ); try { if (!cursor.moveToNext()) return null; return progressMarkFromCursor(cursor); } finally { cursor.close(); } } /** * Insert a new progress mark (if preset_id is not found), or update an existing progress mark. */ public void insertOrUpdateProgressMark(@NonNull final ProgressMark progressMark) { final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(Db.ProgressMarkHistory.progress_mark_preset_id, progressMark.preset_id); cv.put(Db.ProgressMarkHistory.progress_mark_caption, progressMark.caption); cv.put(Db.ProgressMarkHistory.ari, progressMark.ari); cv.put(Db.ProgressMarkHistory.createTime, Sqlitil.toInt(progressMark.modifyTime)); db.beginTransactionNonExclusive(); try { // the progress mark history first db.insert(Db.TABLE_ProgressMarkHistory, null, cv); final long count = DatabaseUtils.queryNumEntries(db, Db.TABLE_ProgressMark, Db.ProgressMark.preset_id + "=?", ToStringArray(progressMark.preset_id)); if (count > 0) { db.update(Db.TABLE_ProgressMark, progressMarkToContentValues(progressMark), Db.ProgressMark.preset_id + "=?", ToStringArray(progressMark.preset_id)); } else { db.insert(Db.TABLE_ProgressMark, null, progressMarkToContentValues(progressMark)); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } Sync.notifySyncNeeded(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_PINS); } public List<ProgressMarkHistory> listProgressMarkHistoryByPresetId(final int preset_id) { final Cursor c = helper.getReadableDatabase().rawQuery("select * from " + Db.TABLE_ProgressMarkHistory + " where " + Db.ProgressMarkHistory.progress_mark_preset_id + "=? order by " + Db.ProgressMarkHistory.createTime + " asc", new String[]{String.valueOf(preset_id)}); try { final List<ProgressMarkHistory> res = new ArrayList<>(); while (c.moveToNext()) { res.add(progressMarkHistoryFromCursor(c)); } return res; } finally { c.close(); } } public static ProgressMark progressMarkFromCursor(Cursor c) { ProgressMark res = new ProgressMark(); res._id = c.getLong(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(BaseColumns._ID)); res.preset_id = c.getInt(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.ProgressMark.preset_id)); res.caption = c.getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.ProgressMark.caption)); res.ari = c.getInt(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.ProgressMark.ari)); res.modifyTime = Sqlitil.toDate(c.getInt(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.ProgressMark.modifyTime))); return res; } public static ContentValues progressMarkToContentValues(ProgressMark progressMark) { ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(Db.ProgressMark.preset_id, progressMark.preset_id); cv.put(Db.ProgressMark.caption, progressMark.caption); cv.put(Db.ProgressMark.ari, progressMark.ari); cv.put(Db.ProgressMark.modifyTime, Sqlitil.toInt(progressMark.modifyTime)); return cv; } public static ProgressMarkHistory progressMarkHistoryFromCursor(Cursor c) { final ProgressMarkHistory res = new ProgressMarkHistory(); res._id = c.getLong(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(BaseColumns._ID)); res.progress_mark_preset_id = c.getInt(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.ProgressMarkHistory.progress_mark_preset_id)); res.progress_mark_caption = c.getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.ProgressMarkHistory.progress_mark_caption)); res.ari = c.getInt(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.ProgressMarkHistory.ari)); res.createTime = Sqlitil.toDate(c.getInt(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Db.ProgressMarkHistory.createTime))); return res; } public long insertReadingPlan(final ReadingPlan.ReadingPlanInfo info, byte[] data) { final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(Db.ReadingPlan.version, info.version); cv.put(,; cv.put(Db.ReadingPlan.title, info.title); cv.put(Db.ReadingPlan.description, info.description); cv.put(Db.ReadingPlan.duration, info.duration); cv.put(Db.ReadingPlan.startTime, info.startTime); cv.put(, data); final long res = helper.getWritableDatabase().insert(Db.TABLE_ReadingPlan, null, cv); // this adds the 'startTime' attribute to the sync entity (when any of the rp progress has been checked) Sync.notifySyncNeeded(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_RP); return res; } public void insertOrUpdateReadingPlanProgress(final String gid, final int readingCode, final long checkTime) { final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransactionNonExclusive(); try { db.delete(Db.TABLE_ReadingPlanProgress, Db.ReadingPlanProgress.reading_plan_progress_gid + "=? and " + Db.ReadingPlanProgress.reading_code + "=?", ToStringArray(gid, readingCode)); final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(Db.ReadingPlanProgress.reading_plan_progress_gid, gid); cv.put(Db.ReadingPlanProgress.reading_code, readingCode); cv.put(Db.ReadingPlanProgress.checkTime, checkTime); db.insert(Db.TABLE_ReadingPlanProgress, null, cv); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } Sync.notifySyncNeeded(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_RP); } public void insertOrUpdateMultipleReadingPlanProgresses(final String gid, final IntArrayList readingCodes, final long checkTime) { final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransactionNonExclusive(); try { final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(Db.ReadingPlanProgress.reading_plan_progress_gid, gid); cv.put(Db.ReadingPlanProgress.checkTime, checkTime); for (int i = 0, len = readingCodes.size(); i < len; i++) { final int readingCode = readingCodes.get(i); db.delete(Db.TABLE_ReadingPlanProgress, Db.ReadingPlanProgress.reading_plan_progress_gid + "=? and " + Db.ReadingPlanProgress.reading_code + "=?", ToStringArray(gid, readingCode)); // specific update cv.put(Db.ReadingPlanProgress.reading_code, readingCode); db.insert(Db.TABLE_ReadingPlanProgress, null, cv); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } Sync.notifySyncNeeded(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_RP); } public void deleteReadingPlanProgress(final String gid, final int readingCode) { helper.getWritableDatabase().delete(Db.TABLE_ReadingPlanProgress, Db.ReadingPlanProgress.reading_plan_progress_gid + "=? and " + Db.ReadingPlanProgress.reading_code + "=?", ToStringArray(gid, readingCode)); Sync.notifySyncNeeded(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_RP); } public void deleteAllReadingPlanProgressForGid(final String gid) { helper.getWritableDatabase().delete(Db.TABLE_ReadingPlanProgress, Db.ReadingPlanProgress.reading_plan_progress_gid + "=?", Array(gid)); Sync.notifySyncNeeded(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_RP); } /** * Get the list of reading plan gid with their done reading codes. * The only source of data is from ReadingPlanProgress table, but since reading plans with no done is not listed in ReadingPlanProgress, * please take care of it. */ public Map<String /* gid */, TIntSet /* done reading codes */> getReadingPlanProgressSummaryForSync() { final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getReadableDatabase(); final Map<String, TIntSet> res = new HashMap<>(); try (Cursor c = db.query(Db.TABLE_ReadingPlanProgress, Array(Db.ReadingPlanProgress.reading_plan_progress_gid, Db.ReadingPlanProgress.reading_code), null, null, null, null, null)) { while (c.moveToNext()) { final String gid = c.getString(0); final int readingCode = c.getInt(1); TIntSet set = res.get(gid); if (set == null) { set = new TIntHashSet(); res.put(gid, set); } set.add(readingCode); } } return res; } public List<ReadingPlan.ReadingPlanInfo> listAllReadingPlanInfo() { final Cursor c = helper.getReadableDatabase().query(Db.TABLE_ReadingPlan, new String[] {"_id", Db.ReadingPlan.version,, Db.ReadingPlan.title, Db.ReadingPlan.description, Db.ReadingPlan.duration, Db.ReadingPlan.startTime}, null, null, null, null, null); List<ReadingPlan.ReadingPlanInfo> infos = new ArrayList<>(); while (c.moveToNext()) { ReadingPlan.ReadingPlanInfo info = new ReadingPlan.ReadingPlanInfo(); = c.getLong(0); info.version = c.getInt(1); = c.getString(2); info.title = c.getString(3); info.description = c.getString(4); info.duration = c.getInt(5); info.startTime = c.getLong(6); infos.add(info); } c.close(); return infos; } public Pair<String, byte[]> getReadingPlanNameAndData(long _id) { final Cursor c = helper.getReadableDatabase().query(Db.TABLE_ReadingPlan, Array(,, "_id=?", ToStringArray(_id), null, null, null); try { if (c.moveToNext()) { return Pair.create(c.getString(0), c.getBlob(1)); } return null; } finally { c.close(); } } public IntArrayList getAllReadingCodesByReadingPlanProgressGid(final String gid) { IntArrayList res = new IntArrayList(); try (Cursor c = helper.getReadableDatabase().query( Db.TABLE_ReadingPlanProgress, Array(Db.ReadingPlanProgress.reading_code), Db.ReadingPlanProgress.reading_plan_progress_gid + "=?", Array(gid), null, null, Db.ReadingPlanProgress.reading_code + " asc" )) { while (c.moveToNext()) { res.add(c.getInt(0)); } } return res; } /** * Deletes the reading plan, but not the progress. * The progress will be kept, so it is not considered as deleted during sync. */ public void deleteReadingPlanById(long id) { helper.getWritableDatabase().delete(Db.TABLE_ReadingPlan, "_id=?", ToStringArray(id)); // this removes the 'startTime' attribute from the sync entity Sync.notifySyncNeeded(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_RP); } public void updateReadingPlanStartDate(long id, long startDate) { final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(Db.ReadingPlan.startTime, startDate); helper.getWritableDatabase().update(Db.TABLE_ReadingPlan, cv, "_id=?", ToStringArray(id)); Sync.notifySyncNeeded(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_RP); } public List<String> listReadingPlanNames() { final List<String> res = new ArrayList<>(); final Cursor c = helper.getReadableDatabase().query(Db.TABLE_ReadingPlan, new String[] {}, null, null, null, null, null); try { while (c.moveToNext()) { res.add(c.getString(0)); } return res; } finally { c.close(); } } @Nullable public SyncShadow getSyncShadowBySyncSetName(final String syncSetName) { // Getting a sync shadow that has a size bigger than 2 MB will cause crash, // because of system CursorWindow implementation that sets the max memory allocated // to be 2 MB, as defined in system resource: // <integer name="config_cursorWindowSize">2048</integer> // So we will get the size first, and then allocate memory, // and get the data in chunks. final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getReadableDatabase(); db.beginTransactionNonExclusive(); try { final int data_len; final long _id; final int revno; { // get blob len final Cursor c = db.rawQuery( "select " + + ", " // col 0 + "length(" + + "), " // col 1 + "_id " // col 2 + " from " + Table.SyncShadow.tableName() + " where " + Table.SyncShadow.syncSetName + "=?", Array(syncSetName) ); try { if (c.moveToNext()) { revno = c.getInt(0); data_len = c.getInt(1); _id = c.getLong(2); } else { return null; } } finally { c.close(); } } final byte[] data = new byte[data_len]; { // fill in blob final int chunkSize = 1000_000; for (int i = 0; i < data_len; i += chunkSize) { final Cursor c = db.rawQuery( // sqlite substr func is 1-indexed "select " + "substr(" + + ", " + (i + 1) + ", " + chunkSize + ")" // col 0 + " from " + Table.SyncShadow.tableName() + " where _id=?", ToStringArray(_id) ); try { if (c.moveToNext()) { final byte[] chunk = c.getBlob(0); if (i + chunk.length != data_len) { // not the last one if (chunk.length != chunkSize) { throw new RuntimeException("Not the requested size of chunk retrieved. data_len=" + data_len + " i=" + i + " chunk.len=" + chunk.length); } System.arraycopy(chunk, 0, data, i, chunkSize); } else { // the last one System.arraycopy(chunk, 0, data, i, chunk.length); } } else { throw new RuntimeException("Cursor moveToNext returns false, does not make sense, since previous query has indicated that this cursor has rows."); } } finally { c.close(); } } } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); final SyncShadow res = new SyncShadow(); res.syncSetName = syncSetName; res.revno = revno; = data; return res; } finally { db.endTransaction(); } } public int getRevnoFromSyncShadowBySyncSetName(final String syncSetName) { final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getReadableDatabase(); final Cursor c = db.query(Table.SyncShadow.tableName(), Array( ), Table.SyncShadow.syncSetName + "=?", Array(syncSetName), null, null, null); try { if (c.moveToNext()) { return c.getInt(0); } } finally { c.close(); } return 0; } @NonNull private static ContentValues syncShadowToContentValues(@NonNull final SyncShadow ss) { final ContentValues res = new ContentValues(); res.put(, ss.syncSetName); res.put(, ss.revno); res.put(,; return res; } /** * Create or update a sync shadow, based on the sync set name. * @param ss if the {@link yuku.alkitab.base.model.SyncShadow#syncSetName} is already on the database, this method will replace it. Otherwise, this method will insert a new one. */ public void insertOrUpdateSyncShadowBySyncSetName(@NonNull final SyncShadow ss) { final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransactionNonExclusive(); try { final long count = DatabaseUtils.queryNumEntries(db, Table.SyncShadow.tableName(), Table.SyncShadow.syncSetName + "=?", Array(ss.syncSetName)); if (count > 0) { db.update(Table.SyncShadow.tableName(), syncShadowToContentValues(ss), Table.SyncShadow.syncSetName + "=?", Array(ss.syncSetName)); } else { db.insert(Table.SyncShadow.tableName(), null, syncShadowToContentValues(ss)); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } } public void deleteSyncShadowBySyncSetName(final String syncSetName) { final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); db.delete(Table.SyncShadow.tableName(), Table.SyncShadow.syncSetName + "=?", Array(syncSetName)); } /** * Makes the current database updated with patches (append delta) from server. * Also updates the shadow (both data and the revno). * @return {@link yuku.alkitab.base.sync.Sync.ApplyAppendDeltaResult#ok} if database and sync shadow are updated. Otherwise else. */ @NonNull public Sync.ApplyAppendDeltaResult applyMabelAppendDelta(final int final_revno, final List<Sync.Entity<Sync_Mabel.Content>> shadowEntities, final Sync.ClientState<Sync_Mabel.Content> clientState, @NonNull final Sync.Delta<Sync_Mabel.Content> append_delta, @NonNull final List<Sync.Entity<Sync_Mabel.Content>> entitiesBeforeSync, @NonNull final String simpleTokenBeforeSync) { final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransactionNonExclusive(); Sync.notifySyncUpdatesOngoing(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_MABEL, true); try { { // if the current entities are not the same as the ones had when contacting server, reject this append delta. final List<Sync.Entity<Sync_Mabel.Content>> currentEntities = Sync_Mabel.getEntitiesFromCurrent(); if (!Sync.entitiesEqual(currentEntities, entitiesBeforeSync)) { return Sync.ApplyAppendDeltaResult.dirty_entities; } } { // if the current simpleToken has changed (sync user logged off or changed), reject this append delta final String simpleToken = Preferences.getString(Prefkey.sync_simpleToken); if (!U.equals(simpleToken, simpleTokenBeforeSync)) { return Sync.ApplyAppendDeltaResult.dirty_sync_account; } } // apply changes, which is server append delta, to current entities for (final Sync.Operation<Sync_Mabel.Content> o : append_delta.operations) { switch (o.opkind) { case del: switch (o.kind) { case Sync.Entity.KIND_MARKER: deleteMarkerByGid(o.gid); break; case Sync.Entity.KIND_LABEL: deleteLabelByGid(o.gid); break; case Sync.Entity.KIND_MARKER_LABEL: deleteMarker_LabelByGid(o.gid); break; default: return Sync.ApplyAppendDeltaResult.unknown_kind; } break; case add: case mod: switch (o.kind) { case Sync.Entity.KIND_MARKER: final Marker marker = getMarkerByGid(o.gid); final Marker newMarker = Sync_Mabel.updateMarkerWithEntityContent(marker, o.gid, o.content); insertOrUpdateMarker(newMarker); break; case Sync.Entity.KIND_LABEL: final Label label = getLabelByGid(o.gid); final Label newLabel = Sync_Mabel.updateLabelWithEntityContent(label, o.gid, o.content); insertOrUpdateLabel(newLabel); break; case Sync.Entity.KIND_MARKER_LABEL: final Marker_Label marker_label = getMarker_LabelByGid(o.gid); final Marker_Label newMarker_label = Sync_Mabel.updateMarker_LabelWithEntityContent(marker_label, o.gid, o.content); insertOrUpdateMarker_Label(newMarker_label); break; default: return Sync.ApplyAppendDeltaResult.unknown_kind; } break; } } // if we reach here, the current entities has been updated with the append delta. // apply changes, which are client delta, and server append delta, to shadow entities final List<Sync.Entity<Sync_Mabel.Content>> shadowEntitiesPatched1 = SyncAdapter.patchNoConflict(shadowEntities,; final List<Sync.Entity<Sync_Mabel.Content>> shadowEntitiesPatched2 = SyncAdapter.patchNoConflict(shadowEntitiesPatched1, append_delta.operations); final SyncShadow ss = Sync_Mabel.shadowFromEntities(shadowEntitiesPatched2, final_revno); insertOrUpdateSyncShadowBySyncSetName(ss); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); return Sync.ApplyAppendDeltaResult.ok; } finally { Sync.notifySyncUpdatesOngoing(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_MABEL, false); db.endTransaction(); } } /** * Makes the current database updated with patches (append delta) from server. * Also updates the shadow (both data and the revno). * @return {@link yuku.alkitab.base.sync.Sync.ApplyAppendDeltaResult#ok} if database and sync shadow are updated. Otherwise else. */ @NonNull public Sync.ApplyAppendDeltaResult applyPinsAppendDelta(final int final_revno, @NonNull final Sync.Delta<Sync_Pins.Content> append_delta, @NonNull final List<Sync.Entity<Sync_Pins.Content>> entitiesBeforeSync, @NonNull final String simpleTokenBeforeSync) { final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransactionNonExclusive(); Sync.notifySyncUpdatesOngoing(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_PINS, true); try { { // if the current entities are not the same as the ones had when contacting server, reject this append delta. final List<Sync.Entity<Sync_Pins.Content>> currentEntities = Sync_Pins.getEntitiesFromCurrent(); if (!Sync.entitiesEqual(currentEntities, entitiesBeforeSync)) { return Sync.ApplyAppendDeltaResult.dirty_entities; } } { // if the current simpleToken has changed (sync user logged off or changed), reject this append delta final String simpleToken = Preferences.getString(Prefkey.sync_simpleToken); if (!U.equals(simpleToken, simpleTokenBeforeSync)) { return Sync.ApplyAppendDeltaResult.dirty_sync_account; } } for (final Sync.Operation<Sync_Pins.Content> o : append_delta.operations) { switch (o.opkind) { case del: case add: return Sync.ApplyAppendDeltaResult.unsupported_operation; case mod: switch (o.kind) { case Sync.Entity.KIND_PINS: { // the whole logic to update all pins with the ones received from server (all pins in one entity) final Sync_Pins.Content content = o.content; final List<Sync_Pins.Content.Pin> pins = content.pins; for (final Sync_Pins.Content.Pin pin : pins) { final int preset_id = pin.preset_id; ProgressMark pm = getProgressMarkByPresetId(preset_id); if (pm == null) { pm = new ProgressMark(); pm.preset_id = pin.preset_id; } pm.ari = pin.ari; pm.caption = pin.caption; pm.modifyTime = Sqlitil.toDate(pin.modifyTime); insertOrUpdateProgressMark(pm); } } break; default: return Sync.ApplyAppendDeltaResult.unknown_kind; } break; } } // if we reach here, the local database has been updated with the append delta. final SyncShadow ss = Sync_Pins.shadowFromEntities(Sync_Pins.getEntitiesFromCurrent(), final_revno); insertOrUpdateSyncShadowBySyncSetName(ss); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); return Sync.ApplyAppendDeltaResult.ok; } finally { Sync.notifySyncUpdatesOngoing(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_PINS, false); db.endTransaction(); } } /** * Makes the current database updated with patches (append delta) from server. * Also updates the shadow (both data and the revno). * @return {@link yuku.alkitab.base.sync.Sync.ApplyAppendDeltaResult#ok} if database and sync shadow are updated. Otherwise else. */ @NonNull public Sync.ApplyAppendDeltaResult applyRpAppendDelta(final int final_revno, @NonNull final Sync.Delta<Sync_Rp.Content> append_delta, @NonNull final List<Sync.Entity<Sync_Rp.Content>> entitiesBeforeSync, @NonNull final String simpleTokenBeforeSync) { final SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransactionNonExclusive(); Sync.notifySyncUpdatesOngoing(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_RP, true); try { { // if the current entities are not the same as the ones had when contacting server, reject this append delta. final List<Sync.Entity<Sync_Rp.Content>> currentEntities = Sync_Rp.getEntitiesFromCurrent(); if (!Sync.entitiesEqual(currentEntities, entitiesBeforeSync)) { return Sync.ApplyAppendDeltaResult.dirty_entities; } } { // if the current simpleToken has changed (sync user logged off or changed), reject this append delta final String simpleToken = Preferences.getString(Prefkey.sync_simpleToken); if (!U.equals(simpleToken, simpleTokenBeforeSync)) { return Sync.ApplyAppendDeltaResult.dirty_sync_account; } } for (final Sync.Operation<Sync_Rp.Content> o : append_delta.operations) { if (!U.equals(o.kind, Sync.Entity.KIND_RP_PROGRESS)) { return Sync.ApplyAppendDeltaResult.unknown_kind; } switch (o.opkind) { case del: { db.delete(Db.TABLE_ReadingPlanProgress, Db.ReadingPlanProgress.reading_plan_progress_gid + "=?", Array(o.gid)); } break; case add: case mod: { // the whole logic to update all pins with the ones received from server (all pins in one entity) final Sync_Rp.Content content = o.content; final IntArrayList readingCodes = getAllReadingCodesByReadingPlanProgressGid(o.gid); final TIntHashSet src = new TIntHashSet(readingCodes.size()); // our source (the current 'done' list) for (int i = 0, len = readingCodes.size(); i < len; i++) { src.add(readingCodes.get(i)); } final TIntHashSet dst = new TIntHashSet(content.done); // our destination (want to be like this) { // deletions final TIntHashSet to_del = new TIntHashSet(src); to_del.removeAll(dst); to_del.forEach(value -> { db.delete(Db.TABLE_ReadingPlanProgress, Db.ReadingPlanProgress.reading_plan_progress_gid + "=? and " + Db.ReadingPlanProgress.reading_code + "=?", ToStringArray(o.gid, value)); return true; }); } { // additions final TIntHashSet to_add = new TIntHashSet(dst); to_add.removeAll(src); // unchanging properties final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(Db.ReadingPlanProgress.reading_plan_progress_gid, o.gid); cv.put(Db.ReadingPlanProgress.checkTime, System.currentTimeMillis()); to_add.forEach(value -> { cv.put(Db.ReadingPlanProgress.reading_code, value); helper.getWritableDatabase().insert(Db.TABLE_ReadingPlanProgress, null, cv); return true; }); } // update startTime if (content.startTime != null) { for (final ReadingPlan.ReadingPlanInfo info : listAllReadingPlanInfo()) { if (U.equals(ReadingPlan.gidFromName(, o.gid)) { if (info.startTime != content.startTime) { final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(Db.ReadingPlan.startTime, content.startTime); db.update(Db.TABLE_ReadingPlan, cv, "_id=?", ToStringArray(; } break; } } } } break; } } // if we reach here, the local database has been updated with the append delta. final SyncShadow ss = Sync_Rp.shadowFromEntities(Sync_Rp.getEntitiesFromCurrent(), final_revno); insertOrUpdateSyncShadowBySyncSetName(ss); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); return Sync.ApplyAppendDeltaResult.ok; } finally { Sync.notifySyncUpdatesOngoing(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_RP, false); db.endTransaction(); } } /** * Deletes a marker by gid. * @return true when deleted. */ public boolean deleteMarkerByGid(final String gid) { final boolean deleted = helper.getWritableDatabase().delete(Db.TABLE_Marker, Db.Marker.gid + "=?", Array(gid)) > 0; if (deleted) { Sync.notifySyncNeeded(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_MABEL); } return deleted; } /** * Deletes a label by gid. * @return true when deleted. */ public boolean deleteLabelByGid(final String gid) { final boolean deleted = helper.getWritableDatabase().delete(Db.TABLE_Label, Db.Label.gid + "=?", Array(gid)) > 0; if (deleted) { Sync.notifySyncNeeded(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_MABEL); } return deleted; } /** * Deletes a marker-label association by gid. * @return true when deleted. */ public boolean deleteMarker_LabelByGid(final String gid) { final boolean deleted = helper.getWritableDatabase().delete(Db.TABLE_Marker_Label, Db.Marker_Label.gid + "=?", Array(gid)) > 0; if (deleted) { Sync.notifySyncNeeded(SyncShadow.SYNC_SET_MABEL); } return deleted; } public void insertSyncLog(final int createTime, final SyncRecorder.EventKind kind, final String syncSetName, final String params) { final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(4); cv.put(, createTime); cv.put(, kind.code); cv.put(, syncSetName); cv.put(, params); helper.getWritableDatabase().insert(Table.SyncLog.tableName(), null, cv); } public List<SyncLog> listLatestSyncLog(final int maxrows) { final Cursor c = helper.getReadableDatabase().query(Table.SyncLog.tableName(), ToStringArray( Table.SyncLog.createTime, Table.SyncLog.kind, Table.SyncLog.syncSetName, Table.SyncLog.params ), null, null, null, null, Table.SyncLog.createTime + " desc", "" + maxrows); try { final List<SyncLog> res = new ArrayList<>(); while (c.moveToNext()) { final SyncLog row = new SyncLog(); row.createTime = Sqlitil.toDate(c.getInt(0)); row.kind_code = c.getInt(1); row.syncSetName = c.getString(2); final String params_s = c.getString(3); if (params_s == null) { row.params = null; } else { row.params = App.getDefaultGson().fromJson(params_s, new TypeToken<Map<String, Object>>() {}.getType()); } res.add(row); } return res; } finally { c.close(); } } @NonNull public PerVersionSettings getPerVersionSettings(@NonNull final String versionId) { try (Cursor c = helper.getReadableDatabase().query(Table.PerVersion.tableName(), ToStringArray(Table.PerVersion.settings), Table.PerVersion.versionId + "=?", Array(versionId), null, null, null)) { if (c.moveToNext()) { return App.getDefaultGson().fromJson(c.getString(0), PerVersionSettings.class); } else { return PerVersionSettings.createDefault(); } } } public void storePerVersionSettings(@NonNull final String versionId, @NonNull PerVersionSettings settings) { final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(, versionId); cv.put(, App.getDefaultGson().toJson(settings)); helper.getWritableDatabase().replace(Table.PerVersion.tableName(), null, cv); } // Do not use this except in rare circumstances public SQLiteDatabase getWritableDatabase() { return helper.getWritableDatabase(); } }