package yuku.alkitab.base.util; import; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.DatabaseUtils; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.os.AsyncTask; import; import; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Xml; import com.afollestad.materialdialogs.MaterialDialog; import gnu.trove.list.TIntList; import gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList; import; import; import; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.ext.DefaultHandler2; import yuku.alkitab.base.App; import yuku.alkitab.base.IsiActivity; import yuku.alkitab.base.S; import; import; import; import yuku.alkitab.debug.R; import yuku.alkitab.model.Label; import yuku.alkitab.model.Marker; import yuku.alkitab.model.Marker_Label; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static yuku.alkitab.base.util.Literals.ToStringArray; // Imported from v3. Used for once-only migration from v3 to v4. public class BookmarkImporter { static final String TAG = BookmarkImporter.class.getSimpleName(); // constants static class Bookmark2_Label { // DO NOT CHANGE CONSTANT VALUES! public static final String XMLTAG_Bookmark2_Label = "Bukmak2_Label"; public static final String XMLATTR_bookmark2_relId = "bukmak2_relId"; public static final String XMLATTR_label_relId = "label_relId"; } // constants static class BackupManager { public static final String XMLTAG_Bukmak2 = "Bukmak2"; private static final String XMLATTR_ari = "ari"; private static final String XMLATTR_kind = "jenis"; private static final String XMLATTR_caption = "tulisan"; private static final String XMLATTR_addTime = "waktuTambah"; private static final String XMLATTR_modifyTime = "waktuUbah"; private static final String XMLATTR_relId = "relId"; private static final String XMLVAL_bookmark = "bukmak"; private static final String XMLVAL_note = "catatan"; private static final String XMLVAL_highlight = "stabilo"; public static final String XMLTAG_Label = "Label"; private static final String XMLATTR_title = "judul"; private static final String XMLATTR_bgColor = "warnaLatar"; @Nullable public static Marker markerFromAttributes(Attributes attributes) { int ari = Integer.parseInt(attributes.getValue("", XMLATTR_ari)); String kind_s = attributes.getValue("", XMLATTR_kind); Marker.Kind kind = kind_s.equals(XMLVAL_bookmark) ? Marker.Kind.bookmark : kind_s.equals(XMLVAL_note) ? Marker.Kind.note : kind_s.equals(XMLVAL_highlight) ? Marker.Kind.highlight : null; String caption = unescapeHighUnicode(attributes.getValue("", XMLATTR_caption)); Date addTime = Sqlitil.toDate(Integer.parseInt(attributes.getValue("", XMLATTR_addTime))); Date modifyTime = Sqlitil.toDate(Integer.parseInt(attributes.getValue("", XMLATTR_modifyTime))); if (kind == null) { // invalid return null; } return Marker.createNewMarker(ari, kind, caption, 1, addTime, modifyTime); } public static int getRelId(Attributes attributes) { String s = attributes.getValue("", XMLATTR_relId); return s == null ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(s); } public static Label labelFromAttributes(Attributes attributes) { String title = unescapeHighUnicode(attributes.getValue("", XMLATTR_title)); String bgColor = attributes.getValue("", XMLATTR_bgColor); return Label.createNewLabel(title, 0, bgColor); } static ThreadLocal<Matcher> highUnicodeMatcher = new ThreadLocal<Matcher>() { @Override protected Matcher initialValue() { return Pattern.compile("\\[\\[~U([0-9A-Fa-f]{6})~\\]\\]").matcher(""); } }; public static String unescapeHighUnicode(String input) { if (input == null) return null; final Matcher m = highUnicodeMatcher.get(); m.reset(input); StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer(); while (m.find()) { String s =; final int cp = Integer.parseInt(s, 16); m.appendReplacement(res, new String(new int[]{cp}, 0, 1)); } m.appendTail(res); return res.toString(); } } public static void importBookmarks(final Activity activity, @NonNull final InputStream fis, final boolean finishActivityAfterwards, final Runnable runWhenDone) { final MaterialDialog pd = new MaterialDialog.Builder(activity) .content(R.string.mengimpor_titiktiga) .cancelable(false) .progress(true, 0) .show(); new AsyncTask<Boolean, Integer, Object>() { int count_bookmark = 0; int count_label = 0; @Override protected Object doInBackground(Boolean... params) { final List<Marker> markers = new ArrayList<>(); final TObjectIntHashMap<Marker> markerToRelIdMap = new TObjectIntHashMap<>(); final List<Label> labels = new ArrayList<>(); final TObjectIntHashMap<Label> labelToRelIdMap = new TObjectIntHashMap<>(); final TIntLongHashMap labelRelIdToAbsIdMap = new TIntLongHashMap(); final TIntObjectHashMap<TIntList> markerRelIdToLabelRelIdsMap = new TIntObjectHashMap<>(); try { Xml.parse(fis, Xml.Encoding.UTF_8, new DefaultHandler2() { @Override public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { switch (localName) { case BackupManager.XMLTAG_Bukmak2: final Marker marker = BackupManager.markerFromAttributes(attributes); if (marker != null) { markers.add(marker); final int bookmark2_relId = BackupManager.getRelId(attributes); markerToRelIdMap.put(marker, bookmark2_relId); count_bookmark++; } break; case BackupManager.XMLTAG_Label: { final Label label = BackupManager.labelFromAttributes(attributes); int label_relId = BackupManager.getRelId(attributes); labels.add(label); labelToRelIdMap.put(label, label_relId); count_label++; break; } case Bookmark2_Label.XMLTAG_Bookmark2_Label: { final int bookmark2_relId = Integer.parseInt(attributes.getValue("", Bookmark2_Label.XMLATTR_bookmark2_relId)); final int label_relId = Integer.parseInt(attributes.getValue("", Bookmark2_Label.XMLATTR_label_relId)); TIntList labelRelIds = markerRelIdToLabelRelIdsMap.get(bookmark2_relId); if (labelRelIds == null) { labelRelIds = new TIntArrayList(); markerRelIdToLabelRelIdsMap.put(bookmark2_relId, labelRelIds); } labelRelIds.add(label_relId); break; } } } }); fis.close(); } catch (Exception e) { return e; } { // bikin label-label yang diperlukan, juga map relId dengan id dari label. final HashMap<String, Label> judulMap = new HashMap<>(); final List<Label> xlabelLama = S.getDb().listAllLabels(); for (Label labelLama : xlabelLama) { judulMap.put(labelLama.title, labelLama); } for (Label label : labels) { // cari apakah label yang judulnya persis sama udah ada Label labelLama = judulMap.get(label.title); final int labelRelId = labelToRelIdMap.get(label); if (labelLama != null) { // removed from v3: update warna label lama labelRelIdToAbsIdMap.put(labelRelId, labelLama._id); Log.d(BaseActivity.TAG, "label (lama) r->a : " + labelRelId + "->" + labelLama._id); } else { // belum ada, harus bikin baru Label labelBaru = S.getDb().insertLabel(label.title, label.backgroundColor); labelRelIdToAbsIdMap.put(labelRelId, labelBaru._id); Log.d(BaseActivity.TAG, "label (baru) r->a : " + labelRelId + "->" + labelBaru._id); } } } importBookmarks(markers, markerToRelIdMap, labelRelIdToAbsIdMap, markerRelIdToLabelRelIdsMap); return null; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(@NonNull Object result) { pd.dismiss(); if (result instanceof Exception) { Log.e(TAG, "Error when importing markers", (Throwable) result); new MaterialDialog.Builder(activity) .content(activity.getString(R.string.terjadi_kesalahan_ketika_mengimpor_pesan, ((Exception) result).getMessage())) .positiveText(R.string.ok) .show(); } else { final Dialog dialog = new MaterialDialog.Builder(activity) .content(activity.getString(R.string.impor_berhasil_angka_diproses, count_bookmark, count_label)) .positiveText(R.string.ok) .show(); if (finishActivityAfterwards) { dialog.setOnDismissListener(dialog1 -> activity.finish()); } } if (runWhenDone != null); } }.execute(); } public static void importBookmarks(List<Marker> markers, TObjectIntHashMap<Marker> markerToRelIdMap, TIntLongHashMap labelRelIdToAbsIdMap, TIntObjectHashMap<TIntList> markerRelIdToLabelRelIdsMap) { SQLiteDatabase db = S.getDb().getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransaction(); try { final TIntObjectHashMap<Marker> markerRelIdToMarker = new TIntObjectHashMap<>(); { // write new markers (if not available yet) for (int i = 0; i < markers.size(); i++) { Marker marker = markers.get(i); final int marker_relId = markerToRelIdMap.get(marker); // migrate: look for existing marker with same kind, ari, and content try (Cursor cursor = db.query( Db.TABLE_Marker, null, Db.Marker.ari + "=? and " + Db.Marker.kind + "=? and " + Db.Marker.caption + "=?", ToStringArray(marker.ari, marker.kind.code, marker.caption), null, null, null )) { if (cursor.moveToNext()) { marker = InternalDb.markerFromCursor(cursor); markers.set(i, marker); } else { InternalDb.insertMarker(db, marker); } // map it markerRelIdToMarker.put(marker_relId, marker); } } } { // now is marker-label assignments for (final int marker_relId : markerRelIdToLabelRelIdsMap.keys()) { final TIntList label_relIds = markerRelIdToLabelRelIdsMap.get(marker_relId); final Marker marker = markerRelIdToMarker.get(marker_relId); if (marker != null) { // existing labels > 0: ignore // existing labels == 0: insert final int existing_label_count = (int) DatabaseUtils.queryNumEntries(db, Db.TABLE_Marker_Label, Db.Marker_Label.marker_gid + "=?", ToStringArray(marker.gid)); if (existing_label_count == 0) { for (int label_relId : label_relIds.toArray()) { final long label_id = labelRelIdToAbsIdMap.get(label_relId); if (label_id > 0) { final Label label = S.getDb().getLabelById(label_id); final Marker_Label marker_label = Marker_Label.createNewMarker_Label(marker.gid, label.gid); InternalDb.insertMarker_LabelIfNotExists(db, marker_label); } else { Log.w(TAG, "label_id is invalid!: " + label_id); } } } } else { Log.w(TAG, "wrong marker_relId: " + marker_relId); } } } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } App.getLbm().sendBroadcast(new Intent(IsiActivity.ACTION_ATTRIBUTE_MAP_CHANGED)); } }