package yuku.alkitab.base.pdbconvert; import android.content.Context; import android.util.Log; import; import com.compactbyte.bibleplus.reader.BiblePlusPDB; import com.compactbyte.bibleplus.reader.BookInfo; import; import yuku.alkitab.debug.R; import yuku.alkitab.util.Ari; import yuku.alkitab.yes2.Yes2Writer; import; import; import yuku.alkitab.yes2.model.PericopeData; import yuku.alkitab.yes2.model.VerseBytes; import yuku.alkitab.yes2.model.Yes2Book; import yuku.alkitab.yes2.section.BooksInfoSection; import yuku.alkitab.yes2.section.PericopesSection; import yuku.alkitab.yes2.section.VersionInfoSection; import yuku.alkitab.yes2.section.base.SectionContent; import yuku.bintex.BintexWriter; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; public class ConvertPdbToYes2 { public static final String TAG = ConvertPdbToYes2.class.getSimpleName(); BiblePlusPDB pdb_; TIntIntHashMap bookIdToPdbBookPosMap_; PericopeData pericopeData_; ConvertProgressListener convertProgressListener_; public interface ConvertProgressListener { void onProgress(int at, String message); void onFinish(); } public static class ConvertParams { public String inputEncoding; public boolean includeAddlTitle; } public static class ConvertResult { public Throwable exception; public List<String> wronglyConvertedBookNames; } public void setConvertProgressListener(ConvertProgressListener l) { this.convertProgressListener_ = l; } void progress(int at, String message) { if (convertProgressListener_ != null) { convertProgressListener_.onProgress(at, message); } } void finish() { if (convertProgressListener_ != null) { convertProgressListener_.onFinish(); } } public ConvertResult convert(final Context context, String filenamepdb, File yesFile, ConvertParams params) { ConvertResult res = new ConvertResult(); try { progress(0, context.getString(R.string.cp_opening_pdb_file)); pdb_ = new BiblePlusPDB(new PDBFileStream(filenamepdb), Tabs.hebrewTab, Tabs.greekTab); if (params.inputEncoding != null) pdb_.setEncoding(params.inputEncoding); Log.d(TAG, "Encoding used: " + params.inputEncoding); progress(10, context.getString(R.string.cp_loading_version_info)); pdb_.loadVersionInfo(); progress(20, context.getString(R.string.cp_loading_word_index)); pdb_.loadWordIndex(); Log.d(TAG, "============ done reading pdb version info"); Log.d(TAG, "pdb versionName: " + pdb_.getVersionName()); Log.d(TAG, "pdb encoding: " + pdb_.getEncoding()); int nbook = pdb_.getBookCount(); Log.d(TAG, "pdb getBookCount = " + nbook); progress(30, context.getString(R.string.cp_analyzing_available_books)); { for (int bookPos = 0; bookPos < nbook; bookPos++) { BookInfo pdbBookInfo = pdb_.getBook(bookPos); pdbBookInfo.openBook(); int bookNumber = pdbBookInfo.getBookNumber(); int bookId = PdbBookNumberToBookIdMapping.pdbBookNumberToBookId(bookNumber); if (bookId < 0) { Log.w(TAG, "bookNumber " + bookNumber + " GA DIKENAL"); if (res.wronglyConvertedBookNames == null) { res.wronglyConvertedBookNames = new ArrayList<>(); } res.wronglyConvertedBookNames.add(pdbBookInfo.getFullName() + " (" + bookNumber + ")"); } } bookIdToPdbBookPosMap_ = new TIntIntHashMap(); } progress(40, context.getString(R.string.cp_mapping_books)); for (int bookPos = 0; bookPos < nbook; bookPos++) { BookInfo pdbBookInfo = pdb_.getBook(bookPos); pdbBookInfo.openBook(); int pdbBookNumber = pdbBookInfo.getBookNumber(); int bookId = PdbBookNumberToBookIdMapping.pdbBookNumberToBookId(pdbBookNumber); if (bookId < 0) { Log.w(TAG, "pdbBookNumber " + pdbBookNumber + " NOT KNOWN"); } else { if (bookIdToPdbBookPosMap_.containsKey(bookId)) { // just a warning of duplicate if (res.wronglyConvertedBookNames == null) { res.wronglyConvertedBookNames = new ArrayList<>(); } res.wronglyConvertedBookNames.add(pdbBookInfo.getFullName() + " (" + pdbBookNumber + "): duplicate"); } bookIdToPdbBookPosMap_.put(bookId, bookPos); } } Log.d(TAG, "bookIdToPdbBookPosMap_ (size " + bookIdToPdbBookPosMap_.size() + ") = " + bookIdToPdbBookPosMap_.toString()); Log.d(TAG, "============ done reading list of books"); final int[] sortedBookIds = bookIdToPdbBookPosMap_.keys(); Arrays.sort(sortedBookIds); progress(100, context.getString(R.string.cp_constructing_book_info)); // this will also build the pericope blocks and indexes BooksInfoSection booksInfoSection = getBooksInfo(context, 100, params.includeAddlTitle, sortedBookIds); progress(200, context.getString(R.string.cp_constructing_version_info)); VersionInfoSection versionInfoSection = getVersionInfo(); Yes2Writer yesWriter = new Yes2Writer(); yesWriter.sections.add(versionInfoSection); yesWriter.sections.add(booksInfoSection); if (pericopeData_ != null) { progress(510, context.getString(R.string.cp_writing_num_section_pericope_titles, pericopeData_.entries.size())); PericopesSection pericopesSection = new PericopesSection(pericopeData_); yesWriter.sections.add(pericopesSection); } LazyText lazyText = new LazyText(context, 800, sortedBookIds); yesWriter.sections.add(lazyText); progress(700, context.getString(R.string.cp_writing_translated_file)); RandomOutputStream output = new RandomAccessFileRandomOutputStream(new RandomAccessFile(yesFile, "rw")); yesWriter.writeToFile(output); output.close(); pdb_.close(); } catch (Throwable e) { pdb_ = null; Log.e(TAG, "Error reading pdb: ", e); res.exception = e; } finish(); return res; } private VersionInfoSection getVersionInfo() { VersionInfoSection res = new VersionInfoSection(); res.book_count = bookIdToPdbBookPosMap_.size(); res.description = pdb_.getVersionInfo(); res.hasPericopes = pericopeData_ == null? 0: 1; res.locale = null; res.longName = pdb_.getVersionName(); res.shortName = null; res.textEncoding = 2; // utf-8 return res; } private BooksInfoSection getBooksInfo(final Context context, int baseProgress, boolean includeAddlTitle, int[] sortedBookIds) throws Exception { // no nulls allowed final List<Yes2Book> yes2books = new ArrayList<>(); // for the text offset from the beginning of text section int offsetTotal = 0; // for the text offset from the beginning of book int offsetPassed = 0; for (int bookId: sortedBookIds) { int pdbBookPos = bookIdToPdbBookPosMap_.get(bookId); BookInfo pdbBookInfo = pdb_.getBook(pdbBookPos); pdbBookInfo.openBook(); progress(baseProgress + 1 + bookId, context.getString(R.string.cp_reading_book_info, pdbBookInfo.getFullName())); Yes2Book b = new Yes2Book(); b.bookId = bookId; b.chapter_count = pdbBookInfo.getChapterCount(); b.chapter_offsets = new int[b.chapter_count + 1]; b.offset = offsetTotal; b.shortName = pdbBookInfo.getFullName(); b.verse_counts = new int[b.chapter_count]; b.chapter_offsets[0] = 0; for (int chapter_0 = 0; chapter_0 < b.chapter_count; chapter_0++) { b.verse_counts[chapter_0] = pdbBookInfo.getVerseCount(chapter_0 + 1); for (int verse_0 = 0; verse_0 < b.verse_counts[chapter_0]; verse_0++) { String[] complete = getCompleteVerseWithPreprocess(pdbBookInfo, chapter_0, verse_0); offsetPassed += VerseBytes.bytesForAVerse(complete[0]).length; // pericopes! if (includeAddlTitle) { if (complete[3].length() > 0) storePericope(3, complete[3], bookId, chapter_0, verse_0); if (complete[2].length() > 0) storePericope(2, complete[2], bookId, chapter_0, verse_0); } if (complete[1].length() > 0) storePericope(1, complete[1], bookId, chapter_0, verse_0); } b.chapter_offsets[chapter_0 + 1] = offsetPassed; } Log.d(TAG, "book " + b.shortName + " (pdbBookNumber=" + pdbBookInfo.getBookNumber() + ", bookId=" + bookId + ") chapter_offsets: " + Arrays.toString(b.chapter_offsets)); yes2books.add(b); //# reset offsetTotal += offsetPassed; offsetPassed = 0; } if (yes2books.size() != bookIdToPdbBookPosMap_.size()) { throw new RuntimeException("Some internal error, res size != bookIdToPdbBookPosMap_ size"); } BooksInfoSection res = new BooksInfoSection(); res.yes2Books = yes2books; return res; } /** * Replaces (0x0e 'b' 0x0e) with (at 9) to start, or (at 7) to end. * Replaces (0x0e 'n' 0x0e) with (at 8). * and will add (at at) on the beginning of such verses. */ String[] getCompleteVerseWithPreprocess(BookInfo pdbBookInfo, int chapter_0, int verse_0) { String[] ss = pdbBookInfo.getCompleteVerse(chapter_0 + 1, verse_0 + 1); for (int i = 0; i < ss.length; i++) { String s = ss[i]; if (s == null || s.length() == 0) { continue; } // search for 0x0e shortcut if (s.indexOf(0x0e) < 0) { continue; } boolean prependAtAt = false; // look for 0x0e 'n' 0x0e if (s.contains("\u000en\u000e")) { prependAtAt = true; s = s.replaceAll("\\s*\u000en\u000e\\s*", "@8"); } boolean startingItalic = true; while (true) { int pos = s.indexOf("\u000eb\u000e"); if (pos > 0) { prependAtAt = true; String tag = startingItalic ? "@9" : "@7"; s = s.substring(0, pos) + tag + s.substring(pos + 3); // TODO remove extraneous spaces startingItalic = !startingItalic; } else { break; } } if (prependAtAt) { s = "@@" + s; } ss[i] = s; } return ss; } private void storePericope(int type, String title, int bookId, int chapter_0, int verse_0) { int ari = Ari.encode(bookId, chapter_0 + 1, verse_0 + 1); if (pericopeData_ == null) { pericopeData_ = new PericopeData(); } PericopeData.Entry entry = new PericopeData.Entry(); entry.ari = ari; entry.block = new PericopeData.Block(); entry.block.title = title; pericopeData_.addEntry(entry); } /** * Each verse is written as follows: * * - varuint length_in_bytes * - byte[length_in_bytes] encoded_text */ public class LazyText extends SectionContent implements SectionContent.Writer { private final int baseProgress; private final Context context; private final int[] sortedBookIds; public LazyText(Context context, int baseProgress, int[] sortedBookIds) { super("text"); this.context = context; this.baseProgress = baseProgress; this.sortedBookIds = sortedBookIds; } @Override public void write(RandomOutputStream output) throws IOException { BintexWriter bw = new BintexWriter(output); for (int bookId: sortedBookIds) { int pdbBookPos = bookIdToPdbBookPosMap_.get(bookId); BookInfo pdbBookInfo = pdb_.getBook(pdbBookPos); pdbBookInfo.openBook(); int chapter_count = pdbBookInfo.getChapterCount(); progress(baseProgress + 1 + bookId, context.getString(R.string.cp_writing_text_of_book_chapters, pdbBookInfo.getFullName(), chapter_count)); for (int chapter_0 = 0; chapter_0 < chapter_count; chapter_0++) { int verse_count = pdbBookInfo.getVerseCount(chapter_0 + 1); for (int verse_0 = 0; verse_0 < verse_count; verse_0++) { String s = getCompleteVerseWithPreprocess(pdbBookInfo, chapter_0, verse_0)[0]; byte[] bytes = VerseBytes.bytesForAVerse(s); bw.writeRaw(bytes); } } } } } }